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This one had a lot of edits made throughout it's creation. Mostly to how events proceeded and where certain parts ended up. Hopefully that didn't mess with the flow too much but if the story feels choppy you'll know why! Still I like the overall idea and I think this is a fun standalone version of it.

In a place like Sunhaven few ideas stayed unique for more than a few months. It was how many travelers had come to call it the 'City of Mirrors': down any given street one could find a near identical copy to whichever successful storefront happened to spring up first. It's citizens were truly spoiled for choice in almost every aspect no matter where they went inside the Market District. And when a truly difficult to replicate shop did spring up it almost always resulted in an overnight success for whichever merchant had managed to beat the system, if only for a time. Eventually someone else could come along and topple the tidy little monopoly a person had on whatever they were selling. Yet in the time it took a competitor to rise up the original often made enough money to comfortably retire in a less cutthroat part of the world. That was how, despite her small shop and less than ideal location, Theska the Tinkerer had all but cornered the market on eccentric little bits and bobs for wealthy nobles or coin saving peasants alike.

Simply titled 'Theska's Gadgets and Gizmos' her little hole in the wall shop was the only place in Sunhaven or the surrounding countryside one could find mechanical trinkets. Windup clocks, toy soldiers that walked on their own, self paddling boats, and all manner of toys whistled, clanked, and bobbed on the shelves inside her store. For the older among her clientele she had intricate clocks, automated serving trays, self cleaning ovens, and dozens of other things to make home life just a little easier. Her inventions made her quite popular with both men and women, the former were always able to find something for their partners among her inventory while the latter were all too happy to lighten the workloads pressed upon them. But what really kept her customers returning, particularly those of a female persuasion, was a special show she hosted once a month for 'only the most discerning customers'. The doors were locked, the windows shuttered, and nobody came in or out during the presentation. Few outside of the handful of wealthy noblewomen allowed in knew what went on inside the store on such occasions. They could only be sure of one thing: whatever went on within put a smile on every emerging woman's face and a noticeable dent in their coffers.

“Gather close ladies!” Theska exclaimed, “You know how this works by now!”

Standing on a small stool in the center of her back room workshop she waved emphatically to the cluster of eager looking noble women. Even with her elevated position she was still a good few inches shorter than most of them. Dressed in an oil stained brown apron covering a sleeveless white tunic and equally mundane brown leggings she made for quite the contrast to her decidedly more regal companions. Though a shock of curly black hair resting around an angular but kind looking face with two bright green eyes certainly helped give her a sort of rough and tumble beauty. As did an unquestionable large bust only slightly reigned in by her clothes and a pair of similarly shapely hips blending into two long legs, for a Halfling. The adorable little dimples that formed in her face when she grinned gave her a more youthful look than the rest of her tanned, mature body might have normally conveyed. Few people in the town were aware she was only in her fifties; little more than a teenager by her own race's standards. Theska's full, plump lips curled into a smile as her customers clustered around her and she was able to hop off her stool and onto the table she liked to show off the merchandise on. Regardless of her stature or appearance everyone present listened to her without question, all of them excited for what they were going to see.

“This new collection might be my best yet!” She remarked, patting a large metal box resting beside the table. With a series of rapidfire clicks it opened wide and all the onlookers leaned in a little more, “But first . . . your special orders!”

“You're already finished?” A brown haired, olive skinned beauty in the front exclaimed.

“Of course Lady S'Tala!” Theska said with a bow, “You're my best customers. And I was a little inspired by our last showing.”

A round of excited giggles rippled through the women as Theska snatched up a small box and handed it to Lady S'Tala, “Thank you, my wife will love it!”

“Oh I know she will! I have your package as well Madame Lea!”

Taking her noticeably larger box Madame Lea's pale skin flushed in embarrassment and she hid behind her wavy blonde hair, “Thank you my dear.”

“I'm always happy to help. Miss Faye, I believe this one is yours!”

“Yes it is!” The only other Halfling of the group exclaimed, blowing her curly orange hair out of her face so she could snatch up her order, “Thanks again Thessie!”

“Any time darling! And last but not least is Lady Nella's order!”

Pulling out the biggest box yet she handed it to the always reserved elf woman watching from the back, her austere features and neatly trimmed black hair hiding the mind of a true deviant. “Thank you.” She said in a quiet voice, “When you're done with the demonstration I should like to place another order.”

“Of course,” Theska nodded, grinning a little at the prospect, “I'm always ready for more orders! Now . . . that's everyone right?”

All five of the women in attendance nodded and Lady T'Sala said, “We're golden dear. Now what have you got for us this time?!”

Grinning triumphantly at her customers Theska collected her first item of the day, an unassuming little rectangular jewelry box. Snapping it open and showing off to all the ladies in attendance she did her best not to laugh at how quickly their expressions turned from excitement to confusion. Inside the velvet lined container was a pair of small, adjustable metal rings about an inch in diameter. Their only noteworthy feature was a small crystal bulb protruding from the outermost band. Beside the rings was a square strip of metal with the same blue hued ore embedded in one side. It had two buttons pressed in it's center: one pointer directed upwards towards the crystal and another aimed away from it. Theska lifted all three out of it's container and held one of the rings out between her thumb and forefinger so everyone could see it more clearly.

“These little beauties,” She said with an eager tone, “Are for those of us who like a little more attention to our breasts. Especially the nipples!”

Confusion melded back into excitement as Theska pulled off her apron and along with it her tunic. Not a soul there was unfamiliar with every inch of her curvaceous body but even still it was always a little thrilling when she undressed before them. With the exception of Lady T'Sala and possibly Lady Nella none of the others had ever been with a woman before. With every demonstration they were considering the prospect a bit more. Theska herself had always been a bit of a show off both in and out of the bedroom. She probably would've ended up in the lascivious side of stage performances had her talent for engineering not developed so rapidly. Now she had the perfect justification for satisfying both sides. And to bask in the admiring looks her large, soft breasts always earned from the less abundantly endowed women in attendance.

She licked the fingers of her free hand and pinched one of her small, pink nipples, rolling it between her fingers until it was nice and stiff, “You don't have to be wet for it to work, but it does help things.” She said mysteriously.

With every eye in the workshop glued to her body she slid one of the metal rings around her nipple and gently pushed it closed. A rapid fire series of clicks accompanied the adjustment, their pace gradually slowing as it tightened. The moment it was good and secure Theska turned her attention to her other nipple. It was given the same treatment as the other one. Once both rings were nice and secure around her pert buds and all the ladies in attendance were waiting with bated breath she held the remote control aloft. By now it was ludicrous to think any of them would be surprised by what came next. Even so the anticipation on all their faces coupled with her own delight at finally showing off her invention properly was exquisite. She was just about to press the button to activate the device when a far more delightful and devious idea popped into her head.

“Miss Faye?” She said softly, “Would you like to do the honors?”

“I'd love to!” She gasped, “Give it here!”

The remote wasn't in her hand for more than a second before Miss Faye hammered the button pointed towards the crystal. Immediately glad she had the foresight to put an inhibitor on the rings Theska sank to her knees, moans spilling out of her mouth like water from a broken barrel. Her back arched violently at the explosion of pleasure as her voluminous breasts were pushed towards her delighted customers. A telling glow lit up all three crystals while the hum of pure energy filled the air. Powerful jolts of electricity and buzzed through her sensitive nipples to arc out through all of her extremities. At the pace that Miss Faye had set they were arriving so fast the effect was layered on top of itself in an ever expanding cycle. Soon her hips started bucking and juices trickled down her breeches in thick enough quantities to soak right through the fabric. She wanted to reach into her leggings and satisfy the growing need between her thighs but Theska knew it would detract from the sight of her bouncing, jiggling breasts. There'd be plenty of time to satisfy every need her body had soon enough.

“Does it go any higher?” Madame Lea gasped.

“I think so . . .” Miss Faye said.

“It does!” Theska panted, “Press the button twice more and see!”

Miss Faye did as she was bidden and Theska instantly felt the change. At the strongest setting the rings no longer released pulses but instead hummed constantly. The strength was a bit less than it had been before but since it was constant it more than made up the difference. Theska's entire body tightened like a drawn bow, her glazed eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling. The only part of her able to move amidst the barrage of pleasure was her breasts. Either from the sheer strength of the power being channeled through her swollen pink nipples or simply because of her own fondness for stimulation in that area her tits shook like her whole body was being wracked with invisible waves. Which in many ways it very much was. Eventually she started to adjust to the myriad of sensations, as much as it was possible to do so, her thoroughly soaked thighs spreading wider as her back slowly arched. Her fingers curled into fists that flattened against the wooden table she was poised upon. Quite unintentionally her barely covered slit was pushed towards the group of delighted women watching her and the slow gyrating movements made by her hips provided a tantalizing show along with her quivering chest. 

“I think that's enough.” Lady S'Tala remarked, “We don't want to wear her out before she shows off everything.”

“Right.” Miss Faye nodded and pushed the second button until the rings completely powered down.

Theska collapsed against the table in a heap, panting and grinning at the ceiling. Even without cumming that was still enough of a rush to make her dizzy, “Thank you. Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy my own products!”

“It's quite all right.” Madame Lea said, “We don't mind.”

“Of course not. “ Theska pressed  a small release on the side of the rings and they sprang back to their normal size, “Thank you Miss Faye.”

“Anytime love!”

“Next up . . .” Theska stated in a dazed voice, “I have something for anyone who might want to enjoy themselves without giving anything away!”

Still shaking from her exertions she fumbled around for the item in question, retrieving it after a few extra seconds of shivering. She held it out for everyone to get a good look and grinned at the blushing expressions her new invention elicited. Made of a simple riveted leather her second item for show would've looked like little more than an adjustable harness meant to fit around the groin were it not for the segmented, phallic piece of metal portruding from the middle. Several of the rivets along the belt actually served as buttons to control the prosthetic dick but it was doubtful any of the women noticed the purposefully discolored controls over the large, eye catching shaft. Of course the size of the fake cock was adjustable but for the sake of showmanship Theska chose something a bit more flashy. It was no secret plenty of the women there were size queens after all. 

Setting on the table for a moment she quickly unbuttoned her breeches and let them fall to her ankles. A noticeable ripple of excitement bounced through them as they were once more treated to the sight of her plump, pink sex. The lazily trimmed thicket of hair above her slit was matted with juices from her first showing and the outer lips were practically dripping with arousal. More than one of the women actually licked their lips upon seeing the Halfling's nubile little cunt in person. Knowing her audience Theska widened her stance a hair while pretending to wipe away some of the accumulated fluids clinging to her skin. In reality it was little more than a facade to brazenly rub her pussy with both hands. Her fingers pushed down either side of her sex, spreading her warm pink folds nice and wide for all to see. On the way back up they both managed to accidentally brush against the stiff little bud at the crest of her slit. She repeated the motion two more times before finally dropping the charade and collecting her little toy once more.

Theska smiled at her customers and stepped into the harness like it was perfectly normal. It slid up her thighs and towards her pussy, the metal prick drawing closer and closer with a purposefully teasing lack of urgency. She paused under the guise of adjusting the tightness just as the tip was brushing against her slit. Once everyone was nice and baited she pulled it the rest of the way up in one quick movement. The shaft disappeared into her cunt with ease and she moaned despite herself. Several of the women gasped, clearly impressed or at least jealous by what they just witnessed. Actually adjusting the straps the second time around Theska tightened them just enough to make her soft skin bulge around the confining leather. When she was done she put her hands on her hips and smiled at the assembled noblewomen. In addition to keeping the fake dick firmly embedded in her pussy the series of straps and rigging kept much of her cute little slit exposed to the naked eye. Best of all it left her clit pointedly bare in case one wanted to play with it as well. The backside also left her buttocks free to jiggle while simultaneously lifting and cradling them, ensuring both them and her asshole were still very much available for fun. She demonstrated this with a little spin to show how the whole ensemble looked.

“As you can see ladies, this one is perfect for wearing beneath normal clothing!”

“What else does it do?” Lady Nella quietly asked.

“It can vibrate, rotate, and extend. You just have to press these three buttons,” Theska explained, “Pressing them again shuts off the function.”

To demonstrate as best she was able Theska hit the first setting, pleasure instantly surging from her stuffed pussy. The metal cock buried inside her had begun to gyrate in a circular motion accompanying a mechanical whirr just barely audible over her labored breath. It moved with just enough force to push the edges of the harness outward with every pass. Though not really enough to completely show off it's capabilities the resulting effect was easy enough for the ladies watching to suss out on their own. Aided in no small part by Theska's bow legged position and constant trembling. A clear trickle of juices seeped out of her mostly naked pussy to drip onto the table with the rhythm of a metronome. She's purposefully designed her little toy with constant, steady pleasure in mind. Many of her other inventions veered more in the realm of uninhibited power and it was good to diversify. Particularly when that meant she was getting every inch of her inner walls stretched, massaged, and pleasured.

“T-that's the first setting!” She whimpered, “Here's the second!”

In rapid succession she hit the first two buttons, cancelling the gyration in favor of a regular old vibration function. While similar to what she'd undergone with the rings earlier the metal cock had considerably more power behind it as well as simply being able to cover more distance. The earlier whirring was replaced by a much louder hum along with an increase in juices. Suddenly it was a struggle for Theska to remain on her feet. She wanted to give a few little facts about the toy to try and spice things up a bit but it was increasingly difficult to form or even think of words. Every time she opened her mouth only the barest bones of a word slipped out before being buried beneath a fresh moan or whimper. As a consequence of the increased power what little liquid managed to seep past the leather and her own thighs was flung wildly around her body. More than a few flecks of arousal actually splashed across the faces of those closest to her. None of them bothered wiping away the juices. They were too enthralled with the show and eager to see what was next to come. Theska was no less eager to show them.

“N-number three!”

Though it was the most mundane of the options the final setting on her toy was just the thing she needed to round out her little show. Her enjoyment continued to rise as the faux cock slid methodically all the way up to the entrance of her womb before gliding back down until it was barely inside her. It couldn't completely retreat but it's 'exit' was still enough to leave most of her pussy quivering in anticipation of the return. One hand moved to grope her breasts while the other darted to her unattended clit for a frantic bit of rubbing. She was so, deliciously close to an orgasm Theska wasn't able to wait a moment longer. All the eyes glued to her pussy and the machine currently drilling it just made her ache that much more. She didn't need to go at it for more than a few seconds before pleasure was lancing through her body in sudden powerful streaks. It may not have been a climax to end all climaxes but the toe curling bliss assailing her senses certainly provided enough of a release to plaster a smile on her face. As always cumming in front of an audience proved more invigorating than debilitating, a sudden rush of energy flooding her body mere seconds after the ecstasy subsided. She started unfastening her contraption less than a minute after her own personal grand finale.

“And there you have it . . .” Theska panted. The harness slid down her bare flesh amidst a shower of fluids partially contained inside her pussy. It hit the table with a thud and everyone nodded approvingly.

“Can they all be turned on at once?” Lady Nella asked

“Of course. But that's a bit more than I can handle I'm afraid.”

Excitement, trepidation, surprise, and even a little fear darted across their faces, “Was that the last one you had to show?” Miss Faye wondered aloud.

“Sadly those were the only completely new inventions I had available for you!” Theska explained, “But I did make a few modifications to an old favorite . . .”

“Well let's see them!” Lady S'Tala cried. The others nodded and expressed a similar sentiment immediately after her.

Theska shrugged as if she hadn't always planned on doing that and said, “As you wish!”

While most of her efforts the last month had been dedicated to finalizing the two items she'd just shown off Theska's inability to ever leave a finished product alone all but ensured she continued to tweak at least one popular item a month. As luck would have it she'd been inspired to alter a best seller. It was popular Elvish creations heavily tweaked to suit all manner of needs: a string of vibrating balls connected with a silky length of rope. When Theska got her hands on one of them they'd been a fun, if simple, way to spice up things in the bedroom. Now they were one of her best selling items for both men and women alike. Yet that wasn't enough for her. After seeing how many different sizes people liked to buy she elected to make a special 'one size fits all' model that anyone could enjoy. While still keeping the vibrating aspect of course!

Her reveal of the anal beads was met with more confusion than eagerness. All the women there recognized the bronze spheres, their connecting string, and the small ring at the end that served as a means to pull them out. What they didn't understand was why the beads themselves were so small. Not a single one was larger than the end of Theska's thumb. Plus the ring at the end had been turned into a flat disc with a trio of small buttons. Happy by their uncertainty and knowing full way it wouldn't remain for long she pressed the button in the center. Immediately the balls started to hum with energy and vibrate. When she clicked the topmost control they suddenly expanded outwards. In the blink of an eye they'd almost doubled in size. Incredulous smiles spread across their faces and Theska nodded approvingly. 

“Lady Nella, would you like to do the honors?”


Handing the beads off Theska moved to her hands and knees, her ass and pussy pointed directly at the group. Moving forward as if she'd known all along such a thing would happen Lady Nella pushed the first ball against her companion's tight ass. The rest of the women shuffled to the side for a better view, watching with rapt attention as Theska's timid little hole slowly opened up to accept that initial bead. It popped inside with little fanfare, as true a sign as any that she tested her own merchandise well. She wasted no time gasping at the pleasant sensation of a rigid, vibrating orb pushing against the thin lining separating her two holes. Anal play might not have been her favorite but being under the thumb of an enigmatic, sex crazed Elf woman certain was. A soft smile lit up Lady Nella's face and she silently pressed the button to enhance their size once more. Straight away Theska's whimpers turned into moans as her inner walls were stretched a little wider. The ball's growth wasn't quite as big as the first time around but it was definitely enough to make her bit her lip and bury her face in her hands.

“They're huge!” Miss Faye remarked.

“That's going to break her!” Lady S'Tala commented.

“No it won't.” Lady Nella replied.

Allowing her finger to slide into Theska's ass as well Lady Nella pushed the first orb deeper inside until the second one was poised to enter as well. There really wasn't any need for her to be quite so hands on but neither one of them could complain. The next ball arrived at her hole and was met with even more resistance than before. Unfazed by the added pressure Theska merely grit her teeth and smiled as her partner continued sliding it in with the same gentle but firm insistence. Her ass gobbled up the second orb a little slower than the first and everyone was treated to the sight of her tight little hole gradually closing around the bead and the finger that had manipulated it. Lady Nella didn't increase the size for the next one and simply continued pushing the next two as she had with the others. Each time she let her digit linger within Theska just long enough for her inner walls to squeeze it. After the fourth bead was snugly tucked away inside it's creator's ass Lady Nella pulled out her finger and popped it into her own mouth. Several of the women watched with envy as she tasted the Halfling they'd all come to admire.

“The last one!” Theska whined, “Put in the last one!”

“Of course.”

With a the same care and affection as before Lady Nella slid the final bead into her lover's asshole, her wet finger pausing for a moment to writhe around within Theska's hole before retreating once more. It was clear to everyone present what would come next and a collective inhale followed. Lady Nella slowly picked up the control dangling between Theska's legs and pressed the button one last time. Even without seeing what was happening the resulting effect was as thrilling as it was remarkable. Every inch of Theska's body went rigid at the same time, her face a mask of pleasure and pain as her asshole was pushed to the breaking point. When she'd tested the toy out herself she'd only put in two of the beads at the max setting. Suddenly having all five burrowed so deep inside her the first felt like it was in her stomach proved to be a whole different beast. All along her stomach bulges the size of her fist had formed, each one spaced a few inches from the others. For some reason the last seemed less pronounced than the others. At least until focus returned to her ass. 

Because of their increased size their distance from her exit turned entrance had been rendered almost laughably small. Already a portion of the bead could be seen peeking out from between the partially gaping edges of her hole. Theska herself was caught between reveling in the sensation and pushing as hard as she could to give them all a nice show. It was enormously difficult and strangely taxing to try and overcome her body's natural tightness. Little by little her asshole stretched wider, whenever she paused to catch her breath or moan it would sink back between her plump buttocks before being forced outwards once more. A few drops of arousal dripped from her moist slit but most if not all of the pleasure she was feeling echoed out from her stuffed ass. Try as she might Theska simply couldn't get more than a few inches of the ball out of her hole. Any time she managed to make progress her muscles would give way and it would be sucked back into her body. She'd managed to get them out on her own during the testing phase but that was without all the other fun she'd just endured.

“Let me help you.” Lady Nella said, “Relax your body.”

Happy to surrender control Theska did as she was told. She felt a slow, constant pull a moment later and heard a murmur of excitement from her audience. The walls of her ass stretched and quiver to accommodate the suddenly moving beads, no part moving more than her ever quivering hole. For a brief moment her body attempted to rebel against Lady Nella and keep the orbs firmly inside her. But it failed for the same reasons it failed at pushing them out and the first ball started to emerge. More and more of the bronze colored bead appeared within her ever expanding asshole. Soon she was opened as wide as her body could possible go and the edge of her body were clamped down around the center of the orb. From there it was a simple matter to extract the rest, a fist sized ball popping out of her ass with a small squish. Theska's once beautifully tight ass was left gaping so wide everyone could see the next bead inside her with complete ease. And with the metaphorical damn broken by the first the rest slid out so easily it was a wonder there'd been any trouble at all. 

One by one they emerged from her butt while Theska moaned. Using one arm to keep herself up the other returned to her clit for some added stimulation. She was far too exhausted to do much more than paw at herself while Lady Nella pulled the anal beads free and yet it was still enough to bring on another climax. Just as strong as the first but feeling infinitely more powerful because of her frazzled nerves Theska only barely managed to remain lucid as she was wracked by pleasure once more. She barely paid attention to the final orb exiting her ass and landing with a splash against the soaked table below. But she was very much focused on the way her hole continued to wink and gape in the absence of her toys. It shrunk as her body continued to contract by at a pace slow enough to let all her customers savor not only the sight of her ruined body but also just what her toys could do when used to their full extent. Her hips slowly sank to the polished wood beneath her as the strongest of her contractions faded and she started to breath deeply again. It would be another minute before she managed to roll over and sit up. And another minute still before she'd recovered enough of her wits to begin the final part of her little show.

“All right ladies!” Theska exclaimed, “Who wants to place an order?”

One by one the ladies departed after giving Theska their various orders. Unsurprisingly most wanted at least one of the items she'd shown off. Eventually the young tinkerer was alone with Lady Nella. The still blushing elf woman slowly approached with a studious expression. She waited patiently for all the orders to be cataloged and stored. As soon as Theska had finished with the last one she turned towards her best customer with a fresh quill and parchment. 

“What'll you have my Lady?”

“Would it be possible to make changes to the items you demonstrated today?”

“Almost certainly! What changes were you looking for?”

Lady Nella looked over the merchandise still strewn across the table, “I'd like another rod for this,” She stated, lifting up the harness, “For extra stimulation.”

“I thought you might say that . . .” Theska grinned as she turned away and grabbed a second harness from beneath the table, “You can swap out and rotate the cocks if you want to have something angled differently.”

“This is perfect. Add it to my order please.”

“Will do! Anything else?”

“Yes, Would you be able to make a smaller ring like these but for a clitoris?”

“I should be able to do that. It might slip off though.”

“Understandable. What about one for a cock?”

Theska smiled a little wider and said, “That I can definitely do!”

Offering a small grin Lady Nella continued down the mental list of items she was ordering. True to form she requested more than everyone else combined and then some. As always Theska silently wondered just what on earth her apparently very proactive customer. Apparently the tales of elvish promiscuity and heightened sexuality were as real as the nose on her face. Towards the end of the laundry list Theska was even writing notes on her arm to make sure she had everything correct. Not a single one of Lady Nella's orders came without some sort of addition or alteration. Not that it mattered in the end. When that heavy pouch of coins that made up a down payment hit her palm Theska forgot all about the added work she was being given.

“Would you like to count it?” She asked.

“I trust you.”

“Thank you. Please inform me if you make any progress. I'd like to pick up each item as it's made.”

“Sure. You having a party?” Theska quipped.

“No, simply some visiting friends and nobles. I've told them about you and they want to see first hand what your work can do.”

“Oh . . . that's very flattering. Thank you!”

“Of course. I'll be looking forward to what you produce.” Lady Nella strolled towards the door, pausing just long enough to say, “And thank you for the show. It was delightful.”

“You're welcome Lady Nella. Have a pleasant day.”

After a small, formal bow and final nod Lady Nella vanished into the street beyond. Theska stood there holding her order and the sack of money, “What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall at that gathering!”


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