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While this was quite fun to write I should mention that fans of this sort of thing will have to be satisfied with this story for quite some time. I'm not one to do this often and Elastigirl provided a unique opportunity to do it in a less extreme/rapey context than usual. With that said I hope y'all enjoy this extra helping of milf, gangbang fun!

In many ways Metroville was the pinnacle of a modern metropolis. With the spectacular return of Supers not so long ago crime was down and tourism was booming. People came from all over to see the site of the battle with Syndrome and visit the newly erected museum based around super powered individuals. Though stifled the criminal element was far from gone and when issues did arise they were quickly dealt with by the resident heroine Elastigirl. Her latest 'case' was a seemingly simple investigation of a local street gang's sudden rise within the dwindling underworld. By all outward appearances it looked like a simple power struggle being won handily by the 23rd Street crew. But the level of violence employed and overall ruthlessness displayed stood out against their usual methods. A representative of the mayor's office had contacted Helen, personally asking her to look into the matter and report anything she might discover to the task force being assembled. If the opportunity to stop them presented itself she was free to act with the mayor's blessing.

The trail itself was easy enough to follow, none of the gang members tried very hard to cover their tracks in and out of their areas of operation. After twelve hours of observation Elastigirl knew where they were heading when they left the major downtown area. She had a good idea who they reported to and even knew one of the leader's names: Crisscross. Deciding not to report her findings until she had enough hard evidence to start a proper case Helen tailed one of their lowriders throughout the city. It meandered all over Metroville as the two thugs within visited what appeared to be every shady business or sketchy neighborhood left. The sun was starting to set on her midday operation when they finally pulled onto the highway and headed out of the city proper. At first she was concerned they might be leaving the area completely but a few miles out they turned onto an old dirt road leading towards some old factories. A quick look at her maps confirmed the place's isolation. She wrote down both the license plate of the car, the address of their meeting spot, and the general description of the two criminals and stashed it away in a secret compartment just in case. 

Elastigirl parked her car some ways down one of the many side roads that snaked across the countryside and donned her red and black super suit. Her hair was a bit out of sorts after spending so long in the car and the material of her suit had grown a bit too warm from the sun but it still felt good to slip into the custom made outfit nonethless. As she affixed the black mask to her face she couldn't help but pause to look at herself in the car mirror. Naturally her goal was to avoid being seen and do a little spying but if things did go south she couldn't afford to give any clues about her identity. She'd hoped doing field work again would've trimmed her figure down a touch but apparently her body shape was just a permanent look for her now. Elbow length black gloves and a red undersuit covered her equally lithe arms. Her waist was still model slender and her bust just big enough for the yellow 'I' emblazoned on her chest to not cover it all.  Everything below her similarly colored waistband was what really gave her pause. The black 'underpants' separating her thighs from the knee high boots on her legs did nothing to trim down or even remotely hide a pair of depressingly wide hips and large round bottom that only seemed to get wider after each child. With thighs of a matching thickness that gradually gave way to much more svelte calves she looked every bit like a costumed mother of three. At least none of her enemies were ever in much of a position to notice or comment on that fact.

Looking away from the mirror before she wasted any more time Helen set off towards the condemned buildings at the end of the main road. Though farther away than she thought the largest among them was in sight almost the entire trip. Under the cover of night she moved in close enough to spot not only the car she'd been tailing earlier but nearly a dozen others of similar make and model parked around the front. Bass heavy music echoed from inside loud enough for her to hear what little glass was left in the place rattle. Light poured from all the cracked, boarded up windows on the first floor but only a handful on the level above were lit up. The third seemed completely dark and it was through there that she would infiltrate the place. Elastigirl darted between the rocks and dense patches of shrubbery surrounding the area until she was on the opposite side of the building. A quick survey of the area confirmed it was as clear as it could ever be and she darted out of her hiding place as fast as she could. 

As she moved her arms extended dozens of feet up towards the closest smoke stack dotting the rooftop. They slid around the base several times and clasped onto one another like knots, lifting her off the ground with ease. She bounded up the side of the building like it was little more than a bit of rock climbing, reaching the top in fifteen seconds flat. Once she was perched on the roof Helen crawled along the side, checking every window she could find of a point of ingress. Eventually she found one left completely uncovered, all the glass gone from the pane and the boards nowhere to be found. She slipped into the entrance and made her way across the unoccupied third floor. No matter where she moved the boards beneath her creaked and groaned underfoot. Thankfully the loud gangster rap booming from below more than drowned out her steps. Confident none of them would think to check such a remote area Helen pressed herself into the small elevator shaft and snaked her way lower. She poked her head out upon the second floor to see thirty or so beds of varying quality strewn about and no gang members in sight. Once she was certain everyone present was located on the ground level she disappeared back into the shadowy duct. Sliding down several more feet she stopped just shy of the entrance and all the beam of light piercing the mostly shut doors. Stretching out her neck and weaving her head down like a snake Elastigirl peered through the smallest portion of the crack she possibly could. 

“This isn't just a gang hideout!” She muttered. “What on earth is going on here?!”

At first glance the sights late out before her were what she expected. Dozens of white, black, latino, and asian men dressed in baggy jeans and tank tops milling around watching television, playing video games, drinking, etc. Upon closer examination she noticed that most if not all of them had  syringes nearby. More than a few even had surgical tubing tied around their biceps and were injecting the needles into their veins. Whatever it was they were shooting up certainly wasn't any of the drugs she might have expected. None of the gang members acted high in the slightest. In fact they barely seemed to register the injections at all, save for the initial wince upon sliding the needle in. Helen could only assume the syringes were filled instead with some kind of steroid or muscle enhancement. It was the only thing that could account for the sheer amount of bulk each and every one of them had. Not just their arms but their entire bodies looked like each one was training for the world's strongest man competition. She'd simply assumed the two that had led her there were outliers, not the norm. And the more she examined them the more questions she had. Though the angle often wasn't great and she couldn't be sure if it was simply a trick of her imagination it looked for all the world like the serum had affected their cocks as well. Based on the limited examples she could spot all of them had one noticeably baggy pant leg and one that was considerably tighter.

After ogling one of them longer than she meant to Helen shook her head and chastised herself for getting distracted, “Not the time!” She thought, “It doesn't matter how long I've gone without. I need to stay focused. Otherwise—”

Her heart skipped a beat and she stifled a gasp as one of the metal beams she was latched onto suddenly shifted and a loud squeal reverberated through the elevator shaft. Like something out of a horror movie all the gang members looked at the cracked doors in unison. Helen disappeared from sight a split second too let and a chorus of wood screeching against metal filled the room as many of them leapt to their feet. She scrambled towards the exit while thundering footsteps echoed into the vacant tunnel.

“Someone's here!”

“I bet they're going to the second floor!”

“Well go up there and get em! I want bodies on the third floor too!”

Helen was confident she could reach the exit before they headed her off. She bounded her way past the second easily enough, the metal doors on that floor squealing loudly as they were pulled open. Several heads appeared in the entrance looking up at her. Upon reaching the already opened set at the top of the factory she suddenly found herself face to face with a towering gang member wearing only a pair of saggy black jeans. Numerous scars ran across his face, many intersecting around his misshapen nose and mouth. Elastigirl quickly and correctly guessed him to be the leader Crisscross. Grabbing her with a strength that would've made her husband buckle he ripped her out of the elevator shaft like it was nothing. She did her best to wriggle free but any purchase she might have found was immediately denied by one of the other gang members surrounding the leader. Like a sack of potatoes she was slung over his shoulder and carried down to the bottom floor where she was dropped in the middle of the room.

“Now what would fine ass lady like you want with us?” Crisscross wondered. The men around him visibly cracked their knuckles and glared at her.

Taken aback by their lack of open hostility Elastigirl responded with the first thing that came to mind, “I-I had to see for myself.”

“See what?” Their suspicion grew more palpable by the second.

“If it was really true. What the . . . what the . . . what the serum did to your bodies!”

She unintentionally glanced at their inhuman bulges and almost instantly all the gang members relaxed, smug grins spreading across their faces, “Yeah you ain't the first bitch to come around here for that!” Crisscross exclaimed, “Since you came all this way me and my boys are happy to show you just what we can do!”

“Oh I-I only wanted to see—”

“You'll get plenty of chance to see em!” A thug promised.

“Yeah when we're done you're gonna know better than we do!”

Certain an all out brawl wouldn't go in her favor Helen elected to play her part as the dumb bimbo they saw her as. Clearly the serum they'd stolen wasn't making them any smarter and if she could escape with her cover intact it might make all the difference. And there was a very very very small part of her that was actually a little curious how big they actually were. After all, the lighting was very poor and she wasn't exactly the most satisfied woman in the world. Fortunately for that shameful side of her the gang members were all too eager to prove just how accurate her initial readings had been. Whipping them out like one would reveal a grand prize on a gameshow every thug in the room freed his cock in the span of a few seconds. Elastigirl's jaw dropped at the sight suddenly laid out before her, genuine amazement lighting up her face. She couldn't have pretended to be that surprised if she tried. They were all well and truly enormous.

For her entire life up until that point Mr. Incredible's dick had been the largest she'd ever seen. Yet when compared against the tree trunks surrounding her he might as well have been a eunuch. It was absurd to think a normal human could survive such a thing, even with her powers Elastigirl was slightly intimidated by the prospect. Not a single one of them was under a foot long and they were all as thick around as her thighs. Their balls were no less impressive even if they didn't quite draw her eye. Helen instinctively tried to take a step back but the closing ring of gang members stopped her from making much  progress. At once a dozen different hands grabbed her body from every conceivable angle. She thought they might be trying to take off her suit and simply not succeeding in their haste. In actuality they had much simpler designs. Somehow, and to her continued dumbstruck awe, the many groping hands started to rip and tear her special fabric. Not even Edna Mode's famous designs could stand up to whatever they'd been taking. All the form fitting cloth around her chest and hips was torn away like paper towels being ripped from the roll. Almost instantly her soft, jiggling tits were being ogled by everyone in the room and her round ass was being groped by someone other than her husband. Fingers ran through the tuft of brown hair above her pussy and slid down to touch her slick folds.

Helen squirmed a little at their touch, both out a natural inclination to remain faithful to her husband and from a much more base pleasure at being touched in such an uncouth manner. Once again she was surprised at their restraint if not so much their intent. The fingers probing her ass and pussy were remarkably gentle in their efforts. They still pushed into both holes and wriggled in deep but in a manner that felt almost tender compared to what she might have expected. Elastigirl whimpered as her inner walls squeezed their large digits. It felt uncommonly good to have so many different hands roaming her body at the same time. Though not something she'd ever personally fantasized about after only a few moments she could understand why so many women did. There was something alluring about being naked and surrounded by men treating her body like it was the most amazing thing in the room. Barely an inch of her half naked from was left untouched but most of their attention was focused on the area between her legs or her noticeably heaving tits. They were all in such close proximity it was impossible for Helen not to feel their cocks brushing against her hands and legs. No matter how she tried to shift herself at least one was always pressing on some part of her. Between that and the natural musky smell wafting from their unwashed bodies she was having a hard time thinking. Without such a handicap she probably would have noticed the looks many of them exchanged moments before the tables were suddenly turned.

So fast her mind was left reeling from the abruptness Helen's feet were off the ground and her back was flat against a stretch of filthy but unoccupied floor. She was now staring up a forest of cocks all waiting eagerly for a chance to violate her. Sticky globs of precum dripped onto her prostrate body and she was torn between licking her lips in excitement or softly begging for mercy. It wouldn't have mattered either way and she never had a chance to do either. Two different gang members moved in to use her body so fast it was almost like they'd rehearsed the whole thing. Perhaps by coincidence they were both dark skinned despite the mixture surrounding her. One squatted over her face, grabbing her head with both hands as his dick pushed into her lips, while the other shoved open her legs and slapped his member against her pussy. She managed to release a small gasp before her mouth was stuffed with more cock than should have been possible. It, like the member gliding smoothly into her wet cunt, was only the beginning of her evening. The pair of them slid balls deep inside her holes and immediately started fucking her for all she was worth. There was no build up, or any sort of time given to adjust. As soon as they were inside they started thrusting like it was their first chance at sex after prison. Thanks in no small part to her powers Helen felt nothing but pleasure at the surprising frenzy. Even the rough treatment her throat was receiving felt better than she could have stated. Her body bulged and contorted from the sheer size of their dicks, each and every movement making her stomach inflate and her esophagus stretch almost comically.

Amazingly they didn't last nearly as long as she would have assumed. Barely a minute after they started and both men were already started to groan. Elastigirl was barely starting to enjoy herself when the guy stuffing her throat buried his shaft inside her and let loose. A wave of cum sprayed out of his dick like a firehose and flooded her mostly empty stomach. His spunk filled her up like a three course meal and kept going past that. Somehow his balls managed to produce a bucketful of semen before finishing and even that wasn't really the end of it. The entire way up her throat his prick continued to seep out a steady dribble of cum that for most men would've been a proper climax. By the time his dick was free of her mouth the other thug had reached the end of his rope as well. Thrusting into her so hard the head of his dick pushed against the edges of her normally smooth stomach like a fist sized tumor he exploded as well. The same amount of incredibly thick spunk sprayed into the deepest reaches of her vagina. It gushed into her eager womb as if she was actively trying to get knocked up. While her certainly pumped just as much as his companion into her slit it felt considerably smaller thanks to her natural familiarity with large dicks and heavy cumshots. He too left a long trail of seeping jizz as he retreated, though he pulled out much faster than the first. Apparently the super powers they'd been giving themselves applied to their dick size and the amount of cum they produced but not their stamina. For an all too brief moment she entertained the notion that servicing so many men might not be as much of a task as she thought. In the hours to come she would think back on that idea and laugh about how naive she'd been.

Less than five seconds after both men were finished she was rolled onto her side and Crisscross laid down behind her. Just as his underlings had he slid his cock into her body as though he'd done a dozen times before. But he elected to stuff it straight into her ass instead of the two holes already filled with spunk. He pushed it up the base and turned them both so she was suddenly sitting atop him. Another pair of thugs, this time a white guy and a latino fellow, moved in to take up the spots their friends had previously occupied. The first knelt down between her legs and entered her waiting pussy at the same time the other was turning her head to the side so his shaft could disappear down her throat. Being unfamiliar with threesomes Helen had no idea what to do as the center of a gangbang. Simply having three different dicks inside her at once felt good enough that she almost couldn't think about what would happen when they all started moving. Or how on earth she might move in such a way that would please all of them. All three criminals had their own ideas on how to accomplish the second part of her 'concerns' and wasted no time enacting them as violently and messily as possible. Any pleasured noises she might have made were lost in the frenzy of slurping, smacking, and groaning that followed her descent into sexual madness. None of them lasted any longer than the original pair and when they time came each one dumped another bucketful of breathtakingly hot spunk deep into her. Already her body was beginning to show the signs of their satisfaction, her belly distending from the loads pumped into it and her holes gaping a little more with each cock to exit them. All three were replaced by more faster than Elastigirl could blink and the cycle continued.

For more than twenty four hours Helen was passed around by the gang members as their personal cocksleeve. All semblance of free will or personal agency had been so thoroughly fucked out of her she was functionally their slave. Only the faintest memories of her husband and his now inferior dick remained in head. All the rest had been almost literally fucked out of her cock addled brain. Never had spending hours on her back felt so good or so appropriate. Thanks to her special powers the unending supply of cum they'd been dumping inside her holes remained, mostly, inside her slack, gaping orifices. Her belly was so bloated with jizz she looked like she was trying to smuggle beach balls underneath her suit. Most of it was swirling around inside her ravished womb but a few helpings had made their way inside her ass or down her throat. None of her new lovers had any real preference for where they unloaded their cum. Just so long as it was somewhere inside her writhing body. And with their ferocity only growing as time went on it was unlikely Helen would ever leave that place. At several different points some of the gang members left and returned, picking up where they'd left off as though marathon gangbang sessions were just a normal thing for them.

Perhaps as side effect of their modifications or simply because she was steadily turning into a brainwashed whore their cum was impossibly nourishing. Neither thirst nor hunger seemed to be a factor so long as she was given a steady supply of vitamin semen. In fact she'd never felt so full in her entire life! Obviously much of that was because of the literal bathtub of mixed jizz inside her body but when she did slurp down a load it was clear something about the gang's spunk just worked for her. Every time a new guy moved in to fuck her she was torn between three overwhelming desires. Her greedy ass wanted to be pounded like it had been in the first years of her marriage, er pussy wanted to be stretched so far even her superpowers couldn't compensate, and her mouth wanted to taste the salty aroma of their cum. Since there were more dicks than she could handle Elastigirl was often given all three at the same time. Over and over again. Which was about as close to heaven as she'd ever been in her adult life. The natural high of indulging her inner whore only increased after some of them got the bright idea to double stuff a single hole.

The first time it happened Helen was getting throatfucked so hard she didn't notice for quite a bit longer than she should've. It was hard to notice much of anything while her neck was being stretched to more than twice it's normal size and a pair of gigantic balls were smacking against her face hard enough to give a normal woman a concussion. The initial thrust of that second cock into her pussy had felt much like the first one to enter, up until it reached her worn and gaping cervix. As soon as she felt another swollen tip pierce that ring Elastigirl knew she was in for a truly insane ride. The gangbanger still fucking her ass continued unabated and the now two using her pussy started in as well. None of their rhythms matched up and all three, or four if she counted the one trying to make her choke to death on his prick, simply fucked like beasts during mating season. She might've found their lack of coordination disappointing if such thoughts had any place in her brain. Apparently all she really needed was brute force and sheer size to make her cum. It was a shame Bob hadn't picked up on that, he probably wouldn't be losing his wife a little more with every thrust. 

While she certainly never had much trouble climaxing it was amazing how many times she could orgasm in such quick succession. And without ever once touching her clit either. On occasion one of their muscular bodies might brush against her aching little nub but none of them paid it even the slightest bit of deliberate attention. Yet still she came harder and more often than she'd ever fantasized about. It, like their endurance, was more of a nonstop hurricane than a series of individual pleasures. A proper count probably would have numbered in the hundreds as time wore on. Of course nobody participating, Helen included, gave even a single shit about such things. Her thuggish partners wouldn't have noticed her reactions at all if each one didn't make her whole body seize up and suddenly tighten around their enormous pricks. When there were two dicks inside her ass, mouth, or pussy that added pressure was nothing short of a dream for everyone involved. Often accompanying such mind shattering paroxysms of pleasure was an impressive amount of juices. She couldn't begin to match the quantities her companions produced but Elastigirl still held her own in the area of messy ecstasy. Near constant jets of clear liquid squirted from her pussy, the gooey sprays often being literally fucked out of her by whichever man or men were inside her pussy. Since she was never wanting for food or water her body managed to produce an infinite supply of the stuff, the longer they went the more often she would soak them.

Their wild frenzy threatened to go on forever, there were always at least three or four dicks available to plug up her holes, but it was cut regrettably short when Crisscross returned to the hideout. Immediately all the thugs waiting for their fifteenth go at her body suddenly pulled up their pants and started grabbing their guns. The trio still using her started thrusting with a frenzied abandon. Helen squealed in both delight and sadness, trying her best to relish the last parts of her fun. She had no idea what she was going to do once they all left. Or how she could ever go back to a life without such bliss. As three dicks pounded her cum stained, overflowing holes all the men around her filtered out until it was only their little foursome and the leader. Before long all three gang members had emptied another toe curling flood of jizz into her holes and pulled out. They retreated faster than all the others before them, the speed of their exit leaving her ass and pussy gaping as though they were still filled with superhuman dicks. Somehow all the spunk within still remained inside despite having nothing to keep it there and no other shafts forthcoming. Helen drank down the jizz still floating around inside her mouth and stared blankly up at the ceiling until her vision was filled with Crisscross' scarred face.

“We gotta take care of some business. But we'll be back soon. You should stick around. I think my boys were just startin to get tired!”

“Okay . . .” She whimpered in a voice so soft it barely made it past her lips.

“Cool. When we get back we'll give you a little somethin to show you one of us. Don't want any other gangs tryin to take our pussy do we?”

“No . . .”

“Hell yeah. Sit tight super slut. Before I go let me help you get a little cleaned up!”

With a grin he planted his foot firmly on the side of Helen's cum stuffed belly and pushed. She let out a little gasp of surprise as she was forcefully rolled onto her stomach. Suddenly the pressure of the rest of her body forced all the jizz still inside her to come rushing out at once. Two massive jets of spunk erupted from her ass and pussy. They quickly merged into one stream that arced out from her trembling backside to splash all over the floor more than three feet away. So great was her swollen belly she was actually rocking back and forth atop completely independent of her mostly limp limbs. Elastigirl shuddered and moaned at the unusual but incredibly pleasurable sensation. She had no idea how much semen they'd actually put inside her until that point. Her growing realization only made everything she'd experienced better in every conceivable way. 

Slowly but surely another sensation crept up through the pleasure. It was hard to identify and it never quite overshadowed the bliss she felt and noisily evacuating both holes all over the floor. It reached it's peak when she pitched forward slightly during her sloppy expulsions. Suddenly Helen's mouth opened of it's own accord and she gagged harder than when she'd sucked down her first cock all those hours ago. Her eyes rolled so far back in her head they were nothing but white and another spout of cum poured from her contracting throat. Not nearly as thick as the join flood still pumping from her asshole and cunt it nonetheless made for quite a sight rocketing out of her body. Now with oxygen suddenly denied to her she managed to gain enough control of her arms to grab onto anything nearby and hold on for dear life. Too preoccupied to notice the added pressure Elastigirl only felt the effects of Crisscross' foot none too gently pushing down on her back. What had been a pair of steady streams transformed into gushing rivers as all the jizz she'd been storing was forced out faster than ever. Under such duress even the voluminous amount inside her couldn't last very long. Within ten seconds her stomach had almost returned to it's usual level of taut, smoothness while she floated in a pool of cum, spit, and pussy juice deep enough to drown in. Only the smallest of bumps remained as a sign of her unfaithfulness. In addition to her spread open holes and the unmistakable stench of cum lingering about her entire body. As well as they tattered super suit. Really she was nothing but a showcase of her infidelity but knowing that just made her love it even more.

“There ya go,” Crisscross stated, folding his arms and looking at his handiwork, “Now you're ready for another go. See ya soon babe!'

Some time later and all the way across the city Violet's final class was getting out and she was walking down the steps leading out of her high school. She stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing a familiar car parked outside and the casually smiling face of her mother looking at her from the driver's seat. Immediately rushing forward as a dozen different questions ran through her head Violet finally settled on the most obvious choice when she reached the vehicle.

“Mom?!” Violet exclaimed, “Where have you been? Dad's been worried sick about you! We all have!”

Helen grinned at her daughter with a very uncharacteristic gleam in her eyes, “Sorry honey, work took me away. I'm back now and I have even have a surprise for you!”

“Really? What is it?”

“We'll have to take a little trip before I can show you.”

“Oh, well shouldn't we stop by the house first and let Dad know?”

“I already called him,” She lied,

“All right, where are we going?” Violet asked as she climbed into the car.

“That's the surprise sweetheart. Trust me, you're gonna love it.”

As Helen shifted for a more comfortable position in her seat an audible squish filled the interior. She pulled her slightly damp pants up a little higher to try and mask the smell wafting from between her legs. Violet was busy waving goodbye to her friends and didn't notice either of the odd little quirks or the partially healed tramp stamp sitting above her plump ass. She didn't pay much heed to the direction they set off in either. At least not until they turned down a winding dirt road towards a cluster of mostly abandoned and condemned buildings on the outskirts of town . . .



Damn... that was intensely hot o_O


The story pretty much wrote itself lol. Helen is a tremendously easy character to make smut about.