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So this one ended up a little more extreme than my usual fare. Which in my opinion is a good thing. Some of you may not enjoy it but rest assured I'm only trying to mix stuff up. Soft stuff is great but definitely not enough to base a whole Patreon around. So every once in a while you're gonna get something like this. I hope y'all enjoy!

An omnipresent cloud of stale air hung over the ruined Virmire city Liara was studying. It was like a near constant weight resting on her shoulders no matter where she went. There was little point wondering why she remained the only researched interested in the plant even after it's rediscovery by her now incredibly famous Commander. But for an avid Prothean scientist like her it was a small price to pay for such a fantastic opportunity. And it was. At first She'd already cataloged more than two dozen different artifacts in three trips. The number would likely be higher if she didn't keep stopping for 'shore leave' with Shepard. In the aftermath of Sovereign's attack on the Citadel the entire crew of the Normandy was given what amounted to busy work hunting down remaining Geth. Since the Council had elected to use them as a scapegoat it made the most sense for keeping up the illusion. Of course with her Specter status still very much in tact the Commander was more or less free to do as she wanted. Thus Liara's expeditions to the decrepit Prothean base. And the many many stops to areas of Milky Way completely lacking in Geth. Barely a week ago the two of them had been 'tracking down a lead' near Thessia so Liara could visit some of her relatives and introduce her partner. Just thinking about their secret vacation put a smile on Liara's warm azure face.

“Oh by the Goddess!” She swore, squinting against the sweat that had suddenly dripped into her crystal blue eyes, “Where's my canteen?”

Wiping the sweat from her brow with one hand Liara rummaged through the collection of tools strewn across a military crate she was using as a desk. The rest of her field headquarters, which amounted to a tent, a chair, and two tables, were similarly messy in the wake of her most recent discovery. After some searching she managed to scrounge up some lukewarm water. Drinking most of it and pouring the rest over her face Liara leaned back in her sat and stared at the domed tarp above her. Really it was her fault for coming to a jungle planet and expecting the overgrown city to be anything but unbearable. Her first trip through the area had been so quick and hectic there was barely time to notice things like humidity or clouds of buzzing insects. The decision to wear her skin tight, full body suit probably didn't help either. Her sleek black body suit was perpetually coated in a layer of sweat on the inside and grime from her surroundings on the outside. With a green and white collared jacket pulled on over it only her head was left open in the stifling air. Out of habit she wiped some clinging droplets from her crest of 'hair' before talking to herself once more.

“A walk will clear my head.” She decided, “The sun will set soon and I can work when it gets cooler.”

The moment it finally vanished beyond the horizon she was out of her tent and walking towards the thickest parts of wilderness overtaking the area. As she walked Liara slipped as far out of her suit as she could manage. Since it wasn't designed to be partially removed this amount to nothing more than tugging on the collar and fanning the exposed skin for a moment. Once she was past the treeline and into the jungle proper things cooled down considerably. While still on the stifling side of unpleasant she could at least bear the heat under the cooling umbrella of vegetation. She stopped after finding a comfortable looking mossy log and deciding to rest there for a time. Nights on Virmire were noticeably longer than days at that time of the year so she could justify a little personal time. What little wildlife she'd come across didn't seem to be nocturnal either. Which meant she was most likely well and truly alone with her thoughts.

Naturally those thoughts turned almost instantly to memories of Shepard and their mad dash across the galaxy together. It was hard not to reminisce about the most eventful time in her young life. Especially when that time was the reason she'd found the lover of her life. Liara stretched comfortably across the log and smiled up at the stars twinkling through the canopy above. Her eyes slowly drifted shut and thoughts of her beloved commander overtook everything else. Perhaps it was because of her relative youthfulness compared to many of her race or simply because her Spectre lover really was simply that good but it never took long for her mind to delve into the erotic side of her recollections. From the first time they'd spent the night together before coming to Virmire or the many, many times that had been shared since. Liara would have never guessed that between the two of them she'd be the one with the insatiable sexual appetite. Before meeting Shepard she had only ever kissed another being. And even that was a momentary flight of fancy.

As her mind filled with more erotic notions and desires by the second a familiar ache started creeping into her body. The heat radiating out from her between her legs was wholly different from what permeated the air. No less annoying at times but certainly more welcome in that moment. Her hands, formerly clasped behind her head, moved to her stomach in a momentary instinct to relieve her sudden urges. She remembered where she was just as the tips of her gloves were sliding past her navel. Her eyes flew open and she sat up, heaving an irritated sigh. No matter how pent up she was she couldn't let her desires get the best of her in the middle of a potentially dangerous planet. Or anywhere that wasn't hers and Shepard's bedroom. Or their shower. Or that balcony on the Citadel . . .

Her entire body shivered with barely contained lust and she gripped the moldy wood beneath her hard enough to make it crack. A small aside back at her tent to take care of the more pressing aspects of her arousal wouldn't hurt. It certainly wasn't the first time she'd done such a thing on that planet. Maybe she could even contact Shepard for a little private time. While not as fun as the real thing it was a far sight better that lying alone beneath canvas frantically playing with herself. An approving tremor shot up her legs and through the rest of her body at the notion. She had to fight back another as something warm trickled into her suit from her now impossible to ignore womanhood. If she stayed any longer there was no telling what her mischievous hands would get up to. With or without her say. Liara pushed herself off the log with a determined exhale and turned in the direction of her camp. She took one step on the path cut through the undergrowth and immediately tripped on some sort of root or vine. Her foot was caught between the tendril and the earth, forcing her to one knee.

“That wasn't there before . . “ She muttered, looking back at the offending plant life.

The moment she tried to pull herself free she quickly realized why it had suddenly disappeared. The murky green appendage tightened around her ankle like a coiling snake. Not hard enough to hurt but certainly enough to keep her from moving anywhere. As she reacted in surprise to the first another tentacle slithered around her remaining foot. It was unceremoniously wrenched out from under her a split second later, forcing her into a kneeling position. The momentum of her unexpected movement sent Liara careening forward. Her palms landed hard against the ground and she winced at the painful vibrations surging up her arm. There was barely enough time to think about what to do next before two more tendrils emerged from the undergrowth. They darted towards her wrists almost too fast to keep track of. Had she not spent so much of her recent life in combat zones she almost certainly would have been ensnared by the unseen predator. Liara just barely managed to pull her hands away and straighten herself, the bright glow of her biotic energy lighting up her fingers. She blasted away the two unsuccessful tendrils with a flash of blue force and quickly turned her attention to the ones retraining her legs.

But the two she'd pushed back were far from finished, launching out of the vegetation even faster. They angled straight for her raised hands, one latching onto her left wrist while the other was rebuked yet again. Liara's arm was pulled away from her chest and her fingers disabled by the coiling tentacle sliding between them. She released a string of profanity that would make a Krogan proud, unleashing several biotic attacks at her assailant in rapid succession. The rest of her body struggled against her captor as best it could but it was impossible to overcome. In a moment of distraction her eyes darted to her arm as her entire body leaned hard away from the ensnaring tendril. In the millisecond it took her to look back the fourth appendage was already wrapping around her hand. Both of her arms were lifted parallel to her shoulders and locked in place. Liara swore once more and stared up at the heavens, unable to believe this was how she would die. She thought of Shepard and all her friends aboard the Normandy as the ground split apart between her knees and something emerged from below.

Unable to see what was happening she could only whimper uncontrollably while her mind conjured up a thousand different, horrifying images. In reality what slithered up from the ground was yet another tendril almost no different to the ones restraining her. A small, mouth like opening at the tip was the only difference. It slowly opened and closed as it neared her groin, almost as if it was smelling something. Whatever the creature was looking for it quickly found and the tendril's orifice instantly latched onto the sleek fabric covering her still aroused pussy. Liara tensed and gasped at the wholly unexpected stimulation. She tensed more than ever and tried to pull away but to no avail. A gradual pressure started to build, sending little tremors of pleasure through her body. She could feel it latching onto her like a suction cup and pulling against a considerable portion of her slit. The tentacle shifted higher after a few moments and she squealed even louder. Now firmly secured to her clit it was sucking with more strength than ever before. Despite her predicament and the wrongness of it all she couldn't stop a string of regretful moans from bubbling out of her mouth. Her hips started to rock ever so slightly against the creature and her chest heaved with labored breaths. Though glad she wasn't going to die, for the time being, the alternative was not one she had envisioned or desired. 

Eventually the pressure was so much that her skin tight suit was pulled from her pussy with a messy schlick. It peeled laboriously off her sopping out lips and for an all too brief moment her slit was free of the alien's stimulation. But it continued tugging at her clothes even after, stretching the elasticity further than it was ever intended. It managed to hold out far longer than she expected but the hidden assailant wasn't going to be denied. With a protracted rip that made her entire body erupt in goosebumps the rubbery cloth was torn away from her groin. The now shredded flaps that had one hidden her cunt dangled uselessly beside her thighs, all but inviting the tentacle towards her now totally exposed womanhood. Liara was able to gasp at the sudden draft brushing across her slit before the tendril surged forward to take it's prize. Another, even louder moan burst from her lips as the little mouth at the tip now wrapped around her clit proper. While eerily reminiscent of all the times Shepard had gone down on her the new sensation was just different enough to make it feel even better than she thought possible. An inordinate amount of force was being applied directly to her overly sensitive nub, coming in waves that ebbed and flowed in time with her own tremors almost perfectly. Gooey strands of arousal started leaking out of her pussy in quantities usually reserved for the height of passion experienced with her lover. The knowledge that she was being stimulated to that degree by some unknown monstrosity made her shame almost too much to bear.

Luckily for her the distraction was more than enough to keep her mind from dwelling too much on her own, unfaithful actions. She was rapidly approaching the climax she'd been seeking and Liara was almost too overwhelmed to even struggle. Her body was wracked with uncontrollable spasms that splattered the juices streaming from her pussy all over her legs and the appendage responsible. It almost seemed to thrive off of the liquid produced by her hormone crazed body. The more she released the harder it seemed to suckle her clit. There was no way she'd last more than a few seconds if things continued down that logical path. Perhaps knowing this the tentacle suddenly vanished from her pussy altogether an instant before she could climax. The sudden halting of her ecstasy shattered the rising tension within her body, leaving her with only the echoes and a profound sense of frustration that bordered on maddening. Liara wanted to scream for release, to beg for her attacker to continue. In the moment it didn't matter if her girlfriend wasn't the one driving her wild. She just needed something, anything, to push her over that edge. Or she really would go crazy with lust.

Liara had several tense, uncertain seconds to wonder what was in store for her as the tendril silently curled beneath her. It's tip closed tightly and took aim, coiling like a snake about to strike. Launching forward faster than she'd have been able to follow if she could have seen it the tentacle plunged into her asshole. Thanks to the liberal coating of pussy juice she'd given it the appendage slid almost effortlessly into her well trained hole. It climbed higher and deeper than anything had ever gone before with that initial burst. Liara let out a squeal that was equal parts pleasure, horror, and disbelief as her body was stuffed by the foreign creature. She was acutely aware of just where it was inside her body at all times, the sensation of it sliding along her inner walls and straining against her quivering ass never fading for even a moment. When she looked down at herself in a weak attempt to see what was happening she was instead greeted by the grotesque sight of her stomach bulging outwards from the sheer volume of tentacle slithering within her ass. It may not have grown much thicker in it's journey but it was already about as big as her middle and forefinger pressed together at the thinnest point. That size was more than enough to stretch her asshole wide and felt absolutely enormous within the bowels of her body. 

She strained even harder against her restraints and clamped down around what had already entered her, trying and failing to prevent anything else from slipping in. There was no telling what it was going to do or just how far it intended to go but she fought the pleasure with every ounce of her being. Too bad she was losing that fight at almost every turn. A powerful ripple lanced through the tendril and it's rigid yet fluid length pushed back even harder against her ass. It paused for a moment and shifted within her like it too was enjoying frantic quivering of her body. Liara panted and tried, despite there being nobody to see her, keeping herself under control. If she didn't give and show how much she was enjoying it then somehow that would make it better. That's what she told herself over and over again while the tentacle moved ever deeper into her ass. Before long a pressure started to build in her stomach. While not explicitly pleasurable it added a strange layer to the rest of her enjoyment. The more it grew the fainter she seemed to become. Her head was spinning and her mouth hung open, gasping up lungfuls of oxygen that never seemed to reach. After a few more seconds her eyes rolled back in her head and she started gagging like she was about to throw up. Every inch of her body tensed and she struggled so hard against the tentacles holding her down she nearly broke free. They retained their control at the last moment at the one buried within her asshole made it's final push out.

Exploding out of her mouth in a shower of spit and stomach fluids the tentacle writhed in the open air like some sea beast breaking the water's surface. Flecks of her own spittle rained down on her face as a fresh surge of pleasure arced out from her overstuffed backdoor. Liara stared in shock at the tendril before her, unable to reconcile it's presence in her throat with the continued stimulation to her ass. Her mind kept reeling well after her body caught up enough to resume gagging and choking harder than ever. The appendage was just small enough for her to grab scraps of air with each breath but not enough to get rid of her perpetual lightheadedness. She watched more and more emerge from her mouth like her body wasn't even there. The part sliding into her ass was finally growing larger at a now alarming rate, momentarily pulling her attention to the ever widening walls of her asshole. At first the feeling was nothing short of divine. Her body had been stretched many different ways by Shepard's experimental desires and her ass had been the focus of most of it. But it didn't take long for her to reach her breaking point. Once that threshold was hit the pleasure gave way to powerful spikes of pain laced with the kind of masochistic delight she'd only recently discovered in herself. It was a side she hadn't explored in any great detail and now was being revealed inch by slippery inch thanks to the tentacle seemingly trying to split in her half.

Letting out a choked moan and attempting to bite down on the considerable amount of tendril outside her mouth Liara succeeded only providing yet another source of stimulation for the unfathomable creature. Almost immediately it started trembling inside not unlike a phallus. The tip, still dripping with spit from it's messy reappearance, curled back towards her face. She leaned back from it as far as she could, fearing it was going to reenter her mouth and try double stuffing her barely functional body. It had no such intention but what it did desire was no less strange. It wriggled underneath her collar and wormed it's way across her soft blue skin. Sliding between her breasts and all the way back down to the tattered remains of her leggings the tendril stopped back at her bare, neglected pussy once more. A very small part of her hoped it was about to latch onto her clit again and pick up where it had left off. In her severely oxygen deprived state even the slightest bit of pleasure was amplified tenfold. The mere thought of having her clit sucked at that moment seemed like nothing short of heaven. Even while the corners of her vision started to fade and asshole ached more than it ever had in her life. Liara stifled another powerful gag and tried to look down at what was happening to her once again. Though her position was no less unfavorable the creature's intentions were more than visible despite her limited mobility. Without any indication of it's goals the tentacle lifted from her body and strained against her jumpsuit. The pairs holding her wrists and ankles pulled her back while the main one pulled lifted and warped the fabric like it had in the very beginning. 

Just like the first time her uniform held up amazingly well. For a time. Then with the same ripping that made her heart skip a beat the entire front of her suit was torn away and nearly all of Liara's supple, sapphire skinned form was laid bare. The tattered rags of her uniform hung from her shoulders, now serving as little more than a cap loosely attached to a pair of leggings. It was only after she found herself staring down at her own small, perky tits that Liara realized just how much she'd really been enjoying the whole affair. Two small, milky stains covered her dark blue areolas with little beads of clear white fluid forming on the tips of her nipples. Gasping, as much as she could, at the realization her attention was instantly pulled back to the reason for her unintended pleasure. With her body now free to be enjoyed the tendril made full use of that freedom by slithering around both of her breasts. It encircled her soft skin and pushed in just hard enough to send another ripple of satisfaction down her spine. The milk seeping from her nipples increased ever so slightly in response to the pressure, fresh drops running down her supple tits to streak across her belly. As if it enjoyed the sight it surely couldn't see the tendril squeezed a little harder. Liara whimpered and shifted as much as she could while more sweet tasting fluids were forced out of her breasts. What had been a dribble turned into a stream in the blink of an eye. Then, just as quickly as the flow had started it stopped once more. The tentacle paused after a few seconds and ever so slightly readjusted. When the pressure returned a moment later it did so in the midst of another full body spike in ecstasy that rendered her completely paralyzed in carnal bliss.

The appendage pushed even hard than before and for the first time in her life milk actually squirted out in a little jet from both breasts. Seeing her body behave so shamefully made her head spin and her mouth hang open in a silent moan. It was nearly impossible to ignore the cacophony of pleasure filling her every second. Now with her tits been played with she could refuse the rising tides no longer. A long awaited, much needed, and horribly regretful orgasm at long last washed over her like a tidal wave. Her body quivered uncontrollably as juices gushed out of her pussy and little spurts of milk sprayed out of her tits. The tendril continued it's movements both inside and out of her body, quickly lining up with her involuntary motions to accentuate and elevate the feelings. It squeezed and fondled her breasts for a few more moments until quietly slipping away while she was still distracted from the previous toe curling tremor. She continued to drip milk all across her chest and tummy even without the stimulation but the flow was considerably slowed. Her ass clamped down around the thickest parts of the appendage so hard it actually hurt a little and her eyes shut tightly to properly savor the explosions wracking her. She noticed the tendril's movements start to grow more erratic and unpredictable but she just couldn't bring herself to care. All she wanted was to savor the kind of climax she'd only ever experienced with the love of her life. Until the creature started to give it's final surprise of the night.

Seemingly reaching a climax of it's own the tentacle slowly retreated into her mouth while swelling significantly in every part of her body. She gagged and trembled from the unexpected stimulation and wondered what fresh surprise was going to overtake her now. Compared to everything else it was relatively mundane but no less unexpected to her barely conscious mind. A million little pores opened up all along the tentacle and from them sprayed a wet, runny liquid just a few degrees hotter than her own body. The strange substance flooded her hole so fast and so completely Liara couldn't have done a thing about it even if she'd been in a position to. It swelled within her ass, poured into her stomach, and backed up inside her throat at the same time. For that brief moment she was turned into little more than a cum balloon for whatever alien beast had elected to use her that evening. A fountain of the stuff squirted out of her ass, the pressure from her pulsing walls so intense that much of it was pushed out faster than the creature could produce it. What filled her mouth bubbled out with comparatively little fanfare, dribbling from the corners of her upturned and open lips like she was sloppily gargling very bizarre tasting water. It's climax for lack of a better word lasted no more than fifteen seconds but that short amount of time was more than enough for the trickle from her mouth to soak her naked tits and much of her stomach. And for the ground all around her quivering ass to be thoroughly soaked. Well before it had finished the tentacle had started it's long exit from her body. It was apparently satisfied with what she'd given it and was suddenly content to leaver her in the embarrassing aftermath.

As the tendril noisily slid out of her Liara collapsed to the ground a quivering, pleasure soaked mess of an Asari woman. Her legs trembled well after the mysterious creature had vanished while her ass continued to gape.  The sheer size of the tentacle that had been inside her made her ruined hole's feeble attempts to close that little more than a fantasy. A steady dribble of alien secretions oozed out of her ravished body to join the puddle already formed beneath her. She could taste the remnants of it in her mouth and the flavor was just strange enough to make her head spin a bit faster than it might have already. More grateful than ever she'd come back to Virmire alone Liara shuddered at the thought of her love seeing her in such a compromised state. Shepard would surely have enjoyed it in her own way but it would have come at the cost of the young Asari woman's modesty. Even as her fingers brushed against the stretched orifices left in the tendrils wake she couldn't quite believe what had been done to her body. Or just how amazing it had been when she really examined it.

“Perhaps I should tell Shepard . . .” She muttered, “The Commander may want to see this for herself . . .” Suddenly a low, oscillating drone filled the clearing. It was quite similar to the noise she'd heard before this all started, but much lower and more calming. “Apparently that idea was better than I thought!”

Slowly propping herself up on one arm Liara grabbed her discarded communicator and pressed the button reserved from her love, “Liara?” Shepard's voice quickly answered, “Are you injured?”

“No, I'm-I'm very well.”

“You sound exhausted! Why are you contacting me out of the blue? I thought you were going to bring your findings back in person?”

“I was . . . but I found something I can't take with me. I could use your help.”

“Really? Well I'll have Joker chart a course straight away. You're definitely not in trouble though?”

“Not at all.”

“Roger that. I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you!”

“I love you too Shepard.” Liara paused for a split second then added, “Bring Ashley with you.”


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