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Boy I sure do seem to write a lot of group sex stories don't I? It doesn't feel like that many but looking at the tags I've done at least 11 of them. Which is hardly a bad thing, just kinda funny when I stop to think about it. Any who, here's the last of the suggestions from two or so months ago for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Fall had finally arrived in California and with it came a break from the incessant heat waves that had been plaguing the state since spring. The residents of Litten City in particularly were enjoying the wonderfully cool weather in their, almost, nationally famous park. Cleverly named Litten City Park it was a massive swathe of land covered in tree, grass, playgrounds, and hiking trails across almost a hundred acres. During the day it was always swarming with families and people enjoying the beautiful weather as much as they could while at night it was normally packed with attendees of the many concerts, plays, and other events the local theater or tourist board held. The only time it was ever close to empty was during the earliest morning hours when the fog still hadn't dissipated and the sun was hidden behind the clouds. But even in such unfavorable conditions people were still at the park jogging or otherwise working out before the start of the work day.

Eloise Martin-Miller was one such person enjoying her early morning run, having never missed a day in nearly two years. Unlike many of her peers she was dressed considerably lighter despite the cool weather and omnipresent mist. After spending most of her early life in Canada the comparatively warm weather of the states didn't bother her one bit. Thin, form fitting grey yoga pants, a white tank top, sports bra, and comfy tennis shoes were all she needed to get by snow or shine. And of course a small iPhone strapped to her forearm. But even in such a nondescript outfit she still caught the eye of any en she happened to pass on the trail. Her naturally platinum blonde hair tied into a tight ponytail seemed to catch every scrap of light that pierced the clouds while her eyes seemed to shift between blue and green with her surroundings. Strong but feminine features gave her face an appealingly stern look that was betrayed by her full lips always a moment away from smiling. The rest of her pale body revealed the efforts of years spent working out mixed with a soft and comfortable lifestyle. Her large breasts and full, round ass still bore the weight she'd been working so hard to lose since her daughter was born and as a result both jiggled and bounced constantly with every step she took. Her shoulders were just a bit wider than the average and her long, shapely legs gave her a noticeable increase in height compared to many of the women around her. 

As she reached the end of the first leg of her trip and stopped to take a drink from the drinking fountain her music abruptly ended and loud rining filled her ears, “Hello?” She said in a lilting French accent, “This is Eloise.”

“Hello dear,” Her husband said in his typically gruff manner, “How's the run.”

“I'm making excellent time. Is something wrong?”

“Not at all. I just wanted to make sure you'd be home in time to take Amelia to school.”

“Sorry darling, I don't think I will be. Can you do it?”

A heavy sigh greeted her question and she could picture her husband pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, “Fine.”

“Thank you!”

“Sure. I'll talk to you later.”

“Okay, goodbye!”

The call ended and her music resumed while Eloise daintily sipped water from the fountain. In truth she could have easily finished up and been home in time to take their daughter to school. But in the eight years since Amelia had been born her husband hadn't spent more than a few hours with her in one sitting. No matter how busy he was, or claimed to be, he still needed to be a presence in his child's life and doing so shouldn't be such a hassle for him. Eloise was certain a good deal of the problem could be blamed on the noticeable age difference between herself and her husband. At just a few months past fifty he was almost fifteen years her senior and had next to no experience with children. That coupled with his job and immovable habits made him less than ideal as a parent. He tried his best but only ever in small doses and never quite enough to satisfy Amelia's need for a father. After a particularly disastrous attempt to go to Disneyland Eloise had started putting her foot down. She had no illusions that she was anything but a trophy wife to him and his colleagues but that only gave her more of an upper hand. Nobody was more prone to arrogance and hubris than a rich white man who thought he was the smartest person in his house.

Cupping the refreshingly cool water in her hands Eloise splashed it across her sweaty face with a relieved sigh. She glanced down at the time on her phone and nodded, “I should be able to finish before seven thirty if I keep up this pace.”

She set off down her usual trail with a bit more haste than before, eager to get to the little treat she'd set up for herself at the end of the path. It wasn't the first time she'd indulged in her own little bout of decadence but it had been long enough that she was starting to feel its absence. Her trip took her around the winding paths that ran along the borders of the park until it cut through the center to spit her out a hundred or so meters away from her car. On a normal day she'd walk the rest of the way to cool down and head home for a shower. But when her special arrangements were in place she instead veered in the opposite direction of her car and headed along the wooded path that made up the northernmost edge of the area. Following it until it split off into a hiking path Eloise continued down the dirt trail until she found the small restrooms half hidden among the trees. They were seldom used by anyone other than hikers and even then the facilities on the far side of the park were far bigger and located right at the end of the trail rather than the beginning. 

But what really kept it isolated and perfect for her  private escapades was the reputation it had garnered over the years. Even being seen going inside was enough to make a majority of the gossip mongering townsfolk assume the worst about one's character and proclivities. As a woman of prominent French descent most people already made such assumptions about Eloise to begin with so being seen near the bathroom never mattered much. Her husband still had no idea about her little excursions to the tawdry little place but considering his own extra marital dealings he didn't have much room to chastise her. If he knew what she was getting up to he'd probably be more surprised by her preferences than by the cheating itself. Despite his money and free time he was a remarkably vanilla man and Eloise had always leaned a little more towards more exotic, by American standards, hobbies and desires. And with his 'business trips' taking longer and longer each time it was only fair she got her satisfaction somewhere. Even if it was outside the usual channels.

“I wonder if they're already here?” She thought, “I hate being the first one to arrive. It makes me look too eager . . .”

An echoing squeal of rusted hinges heralded her approach as she stepped inside the admittedly filthy bathroom. Not so long ago she'd have been repulsed by the state of the place but after being a repeat customer for so long it was hard not to find it oddly charming in it's own way. But what really made her smile was the sight of two pairs of sneaker clad feet sitting on either side of the middle stall that made up the main features of the restroom. One set was bouncing nervously on the ground while the other seemed to be tapping in time with some sort of music. Eloise knew their owners were just as nervous as she'd been the first time she came here but unlike them she had long ago learned to embrace those nerves and savor the way they heightened her thrill. Confident her third partner would arrive soon enough she untied her hair and strolled towards the only unoccupied stall.

“Let's get started boys!” She moaned in a breathy whisper, “I've been waiting too long for this!”

Closing her eyes as she stepped inside Eloise opened them a few moments later and giggled like an overeager schoolgirl. At some point in the past an enterprising young woodworker had seen fit to carve two large holes into the walls on either side of the toilet. They were right at waist level and just big enough to fit the two impressive pairs of cock and balls currently protruding from the other stalls. The one on the left was beautifully dark skinned, as thick around as her forearm, and twitching gently in the open air. The one on the right was more of a yummy looking caramel color, pointing straight up into the air, and already dripping with precum. Together the two dicks made up the most welcome sight she'd seen in almost a month. Of course the fact that she knew the two young men they belonged to almost as well as her husband made it even better. Eloise pulled her top up, her ample breasts spilling out of the tight fabric, and rushed forward. She grabbed their members and started stroking without an ounce of hesitation.

“God I'm so wet!” She teased. Their dicks throbbed in response and she smiled a little wider.

She released them for a split second so she could sit between them and more comfortably enjoy her treats. Before she did that she made sure to pull her yoga pants and lacy panties down well past her knees. It wouldn't matter right away but having her ass and pussy already bare and ready to go would make things a tad easier when they really got into it. And she knew the smell of her sopping wet cunt would reach their noses in due time and make them want her even more. Looking at the pair of dicks in front of her with the same thoughtful stare one might give a sumptuous buffet Eloise decided to go against tradition and start with the messy shaft first. Furiously stroking Chris's thick black cock with her free hand she leaned forward, wrapped her lips around the pulsing head of Juan's member, and started sucking away. The taste of his cum caught her off guard for a moment, it was surprisingly sweet and flavorful, but she recovered quickly and started moving with even more excitement. Clearly he'd taken her recommendation to heart and started eating a little more fruit. She'd have to reward him for being so thoughtful. Well, reward him more than he was already being rewarded of course. 

With a practiced ease Eloise slid the full length of his dick into her throat in one smooth motion. He was just big enough to make her throat convulse around his member but just small enough to keep her unruly gag reflex from kicking in and making things a lot sloppier than they already were. She slurped down all the cum that'd been clinging to his member and any additional spurts that managed to escape his tip right afterwards. Her head bobbed up and down his pulsing length as her hand moved with matching speed across the other cock in her little stall. Soft groans from both men filled the bathroom, adding to the already delightful medley of sounds created by her sloppy blowjob. It was a good thing most people didn't use that bathroom because the three of them were beyond obvious. More than once Eloise had been aware of people listening in and one particularly delightful occasion she'd spotted something peeking in through one of the cracked windows that ran along the walls above them. That young girl had seen more than she bargained for and ever since that little bout of accidental exhibitionism Eloise had always quietly hoped more people would happen upon them. It was one, if not the main reasons, she made sure to be as loud as possible whenever she had the chance to enjoy her favorite place in Litten. 

Naturally her noisy additions had quite the effect on her two partners, both of their cocks throbbed harder than ever when she finally started sucking down Juan's shaft. She made sure to give him a nice long reminder why he should be available more often before finally pulling herself off with a breathy gasp. Spit and precum dripped from his dick in equal amounts and more than a little of the pungent mixture clung to Eloise face. The added lubrication made her hand slide effortlessly up and down his shaft and she made sure to take advantage of that the moment her lips left it. She licked what little she could off her thick lips and kissed his prick one more time before turning towards Chris' prick. Deepthroating him had always been the kind of challenge she relished in the most. For a long a time she hadn't been able to take him all but in the last few months they'd reached a sort of breakthrough and what had once been actually kind of intimidating was now just another fun little obstacle to overcome on her path to sexual gratification. As always she started off strong by shoving the first few inches of his dick into her throat in one fell swoop. But as his member started to grown thicker around the middle she was forced to slow down and take her time. He didn't seem to mind however as the soft moans from that side of the bathroom only increased in volume and intensity. 

He started thrusting as much as he possibly could and Eloise held still to let him roughly force his way deeper into her mouth. Each time he pulled back she would move  a little further forward. Bit by bit his cock reached further into her throat than before, her inner walls clamping down around the intruding in a weak attempt to stop him from pressing any further. Of course the stimulation of her warm, wet mouth just made him face fuck her that much harder. After a few seconds her forehead was pressed against the wall and her nose was flattened against the splintered wood just above the gloryhole. She let go of his constantly pumping dick in favor of playing with one of her neglected tits, her other hand still constantly sliding up and down Juan's member. Had she looked up she would have seen Chris' fingers appearing over the top of the stall as he grabbed onto the flimsy wooden barrier for added force. But Eloise was far too engrossed in the feel of his shaft plunging in and out of her mouth to think about moving. Though he didn't produce quite as much as Juan Chris still had plenty of precum to drink down and like his partner it was deliciously sweet compared to past encounters. Incredibly flattered by their thoughtfulness Eloise made a mental note to send them more naughty texts in the time between liaisons. She had to keep them thinking about her sexy body somehow and what better way than to constantly show them just how much she missed their dicks?

While the still rational part of her mind thought about the naughty things she was going to record herself doing for her lovely companions the rest of her was immersed wholly in the thrill of finally being able to play with them again. She sucked Chris off for about a minute before pulling back and stroking him once more. Her attention returned to Juan after a few seconds and she started blowing him with the same gusto she'd had before. He bathed her mouth in precum and she drank her fill until he was about ready to pop, whereupon she stopped and jumped back over to Chris. With that tried and true method she was able to keep both of them near or right at the edge of cumming for well over five minutes with ease. The effort left her pussy absolutely soaked with arousal and her entire body aching for more attention but she knew the anticipation would be paid off in full soon enough. The last member of her merry band of fuck buddies would be arriving soon, she had no doubt about that. None of them had ever missed a session and it was his turn for the main course this time around. As long as he got there before she had to take matters into her own hands and cum without him there wouldn't be any problems. Even if he didn't her punishment of making him eat her out until she came all over his face wasn't so much a penalty as it was a different kind of reward. 

A knock on the stall interrupted her concentration even as it filled her with a rush of excitement, “Come in Auggie!” Eloise cooed.

The door swung open and the tall, dark skinned form of her favorite boytoy appeared. His meaty cock was already out and ready to go and he was smiling just as widely as she was. It'd been ages since he was the one who got to fuck her without the gloryholes and he was clearly even more excited than she was. Which was quite the feat considering how much Eloise loved fucking him. His cock had just the right amount of girth and length to hit all her favorite spots and unlike the other two he knew how to be gentle while still giving her the kind of dicking that left her walking funny for a week. If Chris was great at wrecking her cunt, Juan was good at filling it with spunk, then Auggie was a master of making sure she walked away just as satisfied as the rest of them. She could barely contain her excitement at his arrival, her entire body quivering with delight. Lifting herself a little higher onto the seat Eloise pulled her legs into the air and offered her slick wet cunt to him without a second though. Her crumpled yoga pants blocked most of his approach but her ever considerate parter made sure she'd be able to see everything he was about to do.

Grabbing the middle of her stretched leggings with one hand and holding her ankles with the other Auggie yanked the fabric even higher until it was finally pulled free. With nothing keeping them closed any longer Eloise's legs immediately fell open as wide as the narrow stall would allow, her feet resting against the walls on either side of her. This had the added effect of pulling her puffy outer lips open to reveal the glistening pink flesh between  them. Auggie licked his lips at the sight and looked at her with a sly grin. She nodded at him and moaned, her hands wildly jerking off the two dicks still protruding from holes on either side of her. It was clear the arrival of their friend and leader was turning them on as well, all three boys having long ago learned to appreciate the sound of their milf companion getting fucked raw. But if they enjoyed the sounds what they really loved was the fresh burst of enthusiasm that always accompanied her getting fucked. Eloise was never more passionate than when she had a cock in her pussy and that eagerness was always focused on whichever two were using the gloryholes that particular session. More often than not they were the ones to cum first, even with the third fellow busily slamming away at her cunt. 

That trend was quickly put to the test once more as Auggie grabbed her waist and pulled her into a more comfortable position. He slapped his cock against her swollen clit a few times and Eloise moaned with barely contained frustration. All three of them loved to tease and play with her when it was their turn to fuck her pussy and she'd be lying if she pretended it wasn't one of the best parts of the whole thing. He made sure she was almost begging for his cock before finally slamming it into her slit in one practiced thrust. If she'd been too loud before the ensuing scream of ecstasy Eloise let out upon finally being penetrated was nothing short of ear shattering. For a moment her entire reality came down to the nine and a half inches of rock hard meat buried inside her cunt. All the build up and waiting of the past ten minutes or so came crashing down around her in a cacophony of pleasure and satisfaction. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her hips bucked wildly against him in a futile attempt to take even more of his amazing dick inside her. Never in her life had any man, especially her husband, made her cum the way these three could. With a single thrust he'd turned her into a barely conscious mess of jiggling flesh and cock hungry desperation. 

He needn't have moved a single muscle and she would still be moaning incoherent nonsense as a result. But that wasn't how Auggie like to do things and while she was busy squirming on his dick he reached down to start rubbing her clit. The added stimulation of his skillful touch made her back arch and sent her hands into a frenzy across the other two dicks. She stroked them so fast and so hard neither one had a chance to let out so much as a whisper before more pleasure overwhelmed them. Her body continued to shake from the seemingly endless waves of delight coursing through it, her convulsions sliding her even lower onto the seat until she was at eye level with Chris and Juan's shafts. It was around that time Auggie finally started thrusting, the incredible tightness of her pussy finally proving too much for his libido to handle. He started off slow and methodical but Eloise's body didn't let him keep that pace for very long. Within a few seconds he was slamming into her as hard and rough as he possibly could, each movement syncing up perfectly with her still contracting pussy. From her new position Eloise was just barely able to slide the tip of Chris or Juan's cock into her mouth to keep herself from making too much noise. It took her a couple of tries to actually get the former's prick between her lips thanks to Auggie's wild thrusting but she managed it after a while. Just as before she bounced between the two of them, providing a sloppy blowjob to whomever happened to moan the loudest, as the third used her pussy for the only thing it was good for anymore.

Eventually Chris and Juan succumbed to her skilled touch and only a few seconds apart from one another both men gasped. Their dicks swelled in her hands and Eloise smiled. She pointed their throbbing members squarely at her face, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. Cum splashed across her rosy cheeks from both sides, soaking her soft skin and drenching her in fresh loads in an instant. As both men had saved all their cum for her, per Eloise's instructions of course, they had more than enough to coat her grinning countenance in spunk in just a few seconds. Such was the force of their ejaculation that drops of seed were splattered all across her half naked body. She could feel it landing on her tits, stomach, arms, and even as low down as her hips. But the majority was rightfully located across her face and oozing into her hair. Tasty rivulets dripped into her waiting mouth where they were swallowed up faster than they could be produced as the rest cascaded over her features. Much of the excess fluids dripped onto the stone floor below but what did remain was more than enough to coat her soft skin in a fine layer of spunk. They'd just barely finished giving her the best kind of skin treatment available when Auggie let out a telling groan of his own. 

Eloise managed to squint up at him through the cum and grip his cock a little tighter just as he went into overdrive. He fucked her like it was the first time he'd ever had the pleasure in a flurry of bestial lust for several wonderful seconds, his dick swelling a little more with each thrust. She savored his sudden dominance as much as the spunk drying across her face and moaned barely understood words of encouragement. Auggie kept up the pace for nearly fifteen seconds, wet slaps and rough groans filling the bathroom, until he couldn't handle being inside her for one more second. Shoving every centimeter of his dick into her cunt with one final thrust he threw his head back and moaned at the ceiling. A flood of cum sprayed into Eloise's slit faster than she could react to it. In the blink of an eye her inner walls were drenched in semen and his balls were still pumping out more. It erupted out of her stuffed hole in gooey ropes that soaked both of them in a lurid mix of pussy juice and teenage jizz. He drained what felt like every last drop of seed from his balls into her waiting hole, finally pulling out after the last few spurts had been milked from him by her tight little slit. His dick emerged like a cork being pulled from an overflowing bottle as cum poured out of her in a messy torrent. Eloise shivered at the sensation and sat up a little straighter to watch the intoxicating sight and lightly play with her clit. If she had to pick one reason why she'd decided to fuck a group of eighteen year old boys instead of her husband it would have to be the cum.

Auggie, Chris, and Juan all left their respective stalls and moved into the main part of the bathroom while Eloise continued to savor the fruits of their efforts. After a time she finally slid off the toilet and emerged without doing a thing to clean herself up. All three boys looked her up and down with varying degrees of lust and approval on their faces. She loved their unspoken attraction to her almost as much as the very really and physical one they'd just expressed. It was nice being around men who looked at her like she was the only woman in the world who mattered. And who fucked her with that same energy.

“Are we all done here boys?” She asked in a seductive tone.

The three young men looked at one another, then her still naked body, then down at their flaccid cocks like they were enacting a three stooges routine, “I think so ma'am.” Auggie said.


Eloise grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him down low so she could give him a long, wet kiss straight on the lips. When she was satisfied she wiped her mouth and did the same with Juan and Chris, delighting in the way they all grinned afterwards. She pulled her stained clothes back on with just a little bit of tease in her movements while they watched. Sadly none of their dicks seemed to perk up, even at the sight of her plump ass jiggling back into very flattering yoga pants. More certain than ever they were well and truly spent she slipped back into her top and faced them with a grin. It was obvious they were still just a little uncomfortable with the entire thing but their loyalty to her and basic sexual desires ensured they kept coming back. In time they would get over their misgivings and learn to completely embrace these little meetings. Eloise could barely contain her excitement at the prospect.

“You're still coming to our game right Mrs. Martin?” Chris asked.

“Martin-Miller,” She corrected, “And of course dear. I wouldn't miss it for the world! My husband and I love to watch you boys play!”

The three of them nodded, looking equal parts happy and slightly uncomfortable, “Cool,” Auggie said with a slightly forced smile, “Looking forward to it.”

“Oh don't feel so bad boys. We're just having a little bit of fun. I'll see you again same time next week right?”

“Y-yeah!” They all agreed in near perfect unison.

“Good. Now go on. I'll leave after you.”

“All right. See you later Mrs. Martin-Miller!”

“See you soon!”

Eloise watched them leave and wondered how young men with such massive balls could still be so timid. After they all left she turned towards the scratched, filthy mirror to examine the mess they'd made of her face. Dried cum covered everything except her ears and any movement of her facial features made it crack and flake away. If she'd been wearing any makeup at all it would have been utterly ruined. Thankfully she'd though ahead enough to skip even a thin line of mascara. And to bring a handkerchief to wipe herself down with. She soaked under the only working faucet in the room and started wiping herself down. Every so often she'd catch a whiff of cum as it departed her skin and her smile would spread a little farther across her face. It only took a few minutes to clean off any noticeable traces of her infidelity and a quick shower would remove the rest. It was a good thing Auggie, Chris, and Juan were so concerned with not getting caught or they might have made a real mess.

“Come on! I hear there's a—Oh!” A flustered redheaded young woman was standing in the doorway holding hands with an equally embarrassed young Asian man, “S-Sorry! I didn't know anyone was in here! W-we were just—”

“You'll want the middle stall,” Eloise said with a knowing laugh, “Have fun.” She left the two lovebirds alone in the bathroom, her grin nearly reaching her ears. 



Awesome job! Nice plot twist at the end there hahaha


I'm glad you liked it enough to call it a twist lol. I honestly put it there to make her seem even more slutty than the usual gloryhole bimbos and it just kinda worked out!