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And here's the latest result of the Patreon Voted series. I won't lie, I let this one get a bit out of hand lol. I love high fantasy stuff and whenever I get a chance to write it I can't stop myself from going overboard. As a result this is probably one of the longest stories I've produced in months and definitely the longest one on Patreon.

Jovial music and raucous laughter filled the air as nobles and peasants alike celebrated at the peak of another successful Grand Tournament. Knights, swordsmen, and warriors from all across the kingdom had come to participate in the fighting, feats of strength, drinking, and celebration. By the end of the day a new champion would be decided and would have the honor of being Princess Yselda's personal guard. Both men and women had been fighting for hours for such a lofty title and all the while the people celebrated all around them. Only a handful were left in the large arena that made up the center of the feasting and they had already been paired off for matches that would last through the remainder of the morning and well into the afternoon. King Linear oversaw the duels personally alongside many of his nobles but the seat beside him was notably empty and had been since the tournament began.

Princess Yselda herself was busy perusing the many stalls and vendors that lined the winding paths of the fairgrounds, her usual flock of handmaidens and retainers in two. Even among the regal nobility of the realm she stood above the rest in both looks and bearing. Fiery and unruly orange hair hung around her face and down her shoulders like a waterfall above a pair of piercing green eyes. Freckles dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her slightly upturned nose, gradually fading into her pale skin before her full, crimson lips. She was dressed as a princess should, in a pale blue gown made of the finest silk money could buy and matching satin slippers. Though she was barely into womanhood she had the body and bearing of a woman twice her age with curvaceous hips giving way to a slender waist and modest but perky breasts. Not a soul that passed her didn't stop to admire her beauty or bow in recognition of her well known wit.

“My lady, don't you think we should be attending the tournament?” One of her handmaidens asked, “His Highness did request you be there today.”

“And I will be there Petrice,” Yselda replied, “When it's down to the last two. I see no reason why I should have to watch men bloody each other all day when there's so much to do out here. I'll take this one please.”

“Very good yer majesty!” The proprietor of the stall said with a bow, “I'll fetch sumthin to wrap it in!”

“Another music box my lady?”

“Yes. I've never heard this tune before. Isn't it lovely?” 

Yselda picked up the plain wooden box and opened it for her attendants, “Aye it's very pretty milady.” One of her retainers said.

“Thank you Insma! I can always rely on you to appreciate quality!”

The corners of the grizzled swordsman's mouth curled up ever so slightly while Yselda put her newest purchase into the bag offered by the trader and handed him several gold coins. She smiled down at her purchase and looked around the crowded marketplace for another vendor to shop at. As she turned Yselda noticed the apprehensive look on Petrice's face and by the time she'd surveyed the surrounding stalls it was too much to take. With a weary and amused sigh she handed the music box to Insma and looked at Petrice.

“Let's go then. With any luck the fighting will be done by the time we get there . . .”

After a short trip along the edge of the nearby forest Yselda and her companions reached the modest wooden arena and made their way to the box set aside for royalty and visiting dignitaries. She passed several delegates from neighboring kingdoms including  a po faced orc shaman and her considerably more cheerful son, several drunken elves, what looked like a cloud of multicolored pixies and fairies, and a single dwarf sitting contemplatively and smoking a pipe. Yselda did her duty and introduced herself to all of them before taking her place beside her father. Over a foot taller than his daughter and still built like a warrior despite the silver streaks in his hair King Linear made for quite the sight while wearing his full regalia. The instant Yselda sat down he turned towards her with a knowing gleam in his eyes.

“Did you find anything you like?” He asked.

“One or two items.” Yselda answered, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress, “But I didn't have a chance to check everywhere before coming here.”

“Then I have Petrice to thank for you company? I'll be sure to pay her a little extra this month!”

Yselda smiled and shook her head, despite her posturing she was fond of Petrice as well. “How many rounds are left?”

“Only three. You've arrived just in time for the semi finals. It's been quite the show so far.”

“I don't doubt it . . .”

Her general disinterest quickly started to disappear as two men walked into the center of arena and bowed to them. Her attention was instantly drawn to the man on her right. His skin was exceptionally pale and his hair a glossy black with a tinge of blue. Even from a distance Yselda could see the slight tapering of his ears and more pronounced, angular cheeks and jawline of a half elf. Icy blue eyes stared straight forward as though he was focused on something wholly unrelated to the tournament. He was dressed in plain but immaculate scale mail and holding a wooden two handed sword in his hands. The announcer standing between them revealed his name to be Sir Emrich and many of the spectators cheered as he waved and bowed to them.

“Where does he hail from?” Yselda asked.

“I'm not sure,” King Linear answered, “He's is a citizen of our kingdom but we only know who his father was. His mother remains a mystery.”

“I see.”

Watching the fight with considerably more interest than she would have expected Yselda was thrilled to see Sir Emrich emerge victorious after a surprisingly impressive display. What he seemed to lack in speed he more than made up for with an almost supernatural six sense. Not a single stroke of his opponent's swords touched him during the entire fight. But unlike so many others he seemed less concerned with attack that defense, only landing a handful of blows over the course of the fight. But when it was over the superior fighter was clear and with a triumphant bow he left the arena. The next two combatants appeared before the dust had even begun to settle and just as before Yselda found her cuiosity piqued.

“Two foreigners in one bout?” She asked.

“Of course! We invited warriors from all across the continent to join us! Many of our best were given the chance to fight but it seems they preferred the freedom of defending the realm.”

“Or more likely they didn't want to spend all their time following me around!” Yselda thought to herself, “And where is he from?”

Yselda nodded to the incredibly muscular orc standing to the right of the announcer. He was built like a mountain with deep green skin and wide, strong features. His auburn hair hung free around his head and face and numerous scars dotted his bare torso. A pair of glittering silver eyes watched the surrounding crowd with an aloof confidence Yselda rarely saw. He wore only a pair of leather breeches, vambraces, and boots and was conspicuously without a weapon. Like most orcs it was impossible to tell his age but from the way he carried himself and how he smiled Tavelle couldn't have been much older than her.

“Master Tavelle? He's a member of the mountain nomads to the east. I believe the Dromell tribe but I could be wrong.”

“And why does he fight with no weapons?”

“His fists are his weapons. Master Tavelle is an accomplished pugilist.”

Yselda nodded and watched him closely, not listening to a word her father said as he described the second man. The fight started soon after and within seconds it was clear Tavelle was going to win. He moved more skillfully than anyone she'd ever seen and only once did his opponent, a wispy elven woman, manage to strike him with her wooden axe. In a few minutes the fight was over and the victor was declared. Tavelle bowed to the two of them, a strangely alluring glimmer in his eyes as he looked at Yselda, and left the arena.

“That means Tavelle and Emrich will be facing each other . . .” Yselda said aloud.

“Master Tavelle and Sir Emrich,” King Linear corrected, “Don't forget their titles. They did a great deal to earn them! And yes, they'll be fighting for the honor of being your new champion.”

Yselda nodded and bit her lip, more than a little eager to see who would win. For the better part of a half hour they waited for the final two combatants to regain their stamina and take some much deserved rest. By the time everything was ready to go and the announcer returned to the center Yselda was practically on the edge of her seat. Master Tavelle and Sir Emrich emerged from their respective gates to the excited roar of the entire stadium. They walked to the center of the arena while their deeds and skills were embellished for everyone present. Eventually the announcer finished and the two men began to square off, moving in a slow circle the instant the fight began. Yselda watched them for a split second before an idea came to her.

“Stop!” Yselda's authoritative cry echoed across the arena and both combatants halted mid stride, looking up at her in confusion, “I've decided on which of you will be my champion!”

“But darling, neither of them have won yet.” King Linear remarked, “How can you decide between them?”

“By picking them both.”

A ripple of whispers and gasps echoed through the crowd and the two men looked at each other in surprise. “Are you sure?” The King asked.

“I am. I would like them both to be my champions. They've already proven themselves to me and I have no desire to make them fight any more.”

Linear stared at his daughter for several seconds before smiling and shrugging, “Then it's decided! Sir Emrich and Master Tavelle will be my daughter's personal guardians! Come forth and kneel!”

Still looking confused both men approached the box and knelt before the king. As her father read the rights and duties assigned to both of them Yselda took stock of her champions. They were even more impressive up close and she could already tell they were unlike any of the people she frequently dealt with. They took their oaths with an appropriate level of humility and sincerity but she could see the faintest glimmer of pride in both their eyes. With an approcing nod Yselda stepped forward just as King Linear was finishing his speech. A great cheer echoed throughout the crowd when he finally shouted their names and bid them to rise.

“Normally I would give you a symbol of your new status but I wasn't expecting to need two!” Linear chuckled, “For the time being these will have to do.”

He pulled two decorative clasps bearing the royal crest from his coat and handed them to Tavelle and Emrich. Both men immediately bowed their heads and said, “Thank you my liege.”

Yselda watched with some amusement as Emrich fastened the trinket to his left cufflink while Tavelle attached it to the waist of his breeches. Both of them bowed one more time before straightening and turning back to crowd. Yselda allowed them a moment to bask in their accomplishments before getting the attention of her father. Quickly motioning for the crowd to be silent King Linear stepped back and allowed his daughter to speak.

“Congratulations to the both of you,” She began, “You've both proven your considerable skill many times over today. Though I hope their never put to the test. I'll be glad to have both of you protecting me for many years to come.”

“Thank you Princess Yselda.” They said in unison.

“I'll send servants to your quarters to collect your things and bring them to the castle. In the meantime, I think I'd like to go out with my new champions.”

“If that is your wish my daughter,” King Linear replied, “I imagine their strength will be quite the advantage in the marketplace.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

With a characteristic lack of decorum Yselda stepped off the platform and landed with a soft thud in the arena beside her champions. She tapped their shoulders and waved to her father before walking towards the main exit of the arena. Neither King Linear nor the onlookers were the least bit surprised by her actions, though many found them immensely entertaining, but Tavelle and Emrich stared at one another in shock for several seconds. By the time they recovered and looked to Yselda she was standing twenty paces away with her arms folded beneath her perky breasts.

“Are you coming with?” She asked them.

“You'd best go,” Linear said with a grin, “My daughter doesn't like to be kept waiting.”

Giving one last bow to their king both men moved to Yselda's side as she strolled out of the arena. “Why don't we go for a walk?” She suggested.

She grinned at their taciturn nods and headed towards the expansive forest bordering the area. It was her favorite place to go when she was allowed a moment to herself and now that she had such strong, capable men looking after her there wasn't any risk whatsoever. They walked along the treeline until she finally found her favorite path inside. Yselda smiled to herself as Tavelle and Emrich moved closer to her the moment they passed through the undergrowth. The way was lit only by the amber shafts of light that could pierce the canopy while everything else was shrouded in dusky shadows. Though it looked like she was just wandering a hundred little markers she'd created over the years guided Yselda deep into the woods and towards her favorite clearing.

Both Tavelle and Emrich grew more tense the further they traveled, neither of them able to enjoy the scenery around them. Had she been paying attention to them their demeanor would have surely ruined Yselda's walk but thankfully for her she'd been around serious men since she could walk. At last they reached her favorite glade and Yselda stopped and took a deep breath. It was lit beautifully by the warm midday sun, the light reflecting of the surface of the small pond in the center and coating the trees in a warm golden glow. A variety of flowers, many planted by Yselda herself, swayed in the breeze that rippled through the clearing.

Heedless of her companions' continued tenseness Yselda walked into the middle of the glade and threw her arms out wide, “This is is perfect!”

Before either of them could even think about responding to her words Yselda kicked off her slippers and started removing her dress. Tavelle and Emrich watched in amazement as the silky blue fabric slid down her pale form to fall in a heap at her feet. Beneath her elegant dress was little more than a pure white corset and stockings that did nothing to hide her womanly curves and utter lack of undergarments. Turning to face them both with a wild smile Yselda clasped her hands behind her back and pushed her breasts towards them with a casual stretch. While both her puffy pink nipples were already stiffening with excitement only the left was pierced by a single golden ring. Her curly pubic hair was the same color orange as her hair though considerably more tamed. A smattering of freckles covered nearly every part of her body, growing thickest around her breasts and thighs.

Tavelle was the first to find his voice after both of them ogled her body for far longer than they intended, “Princess Yselda! What are you doing?!”

“I thought it was obvious.”

“If you meant to bathe in the pool we would have averted our gaze!” Emrich added, trying his best not to look at her naked form.

“Ah but you would have looked anyways. And why would I want to go in the pond when I have two far more interesting distractions right here?”

Though her tone and stance couldn't have made it more obvious Emrich still said, “I don't understand my lady.”

With a dramatic sigh Yselda sauntered towards them and smiled, “I want both of you to fuck me. Right here. Right now.”

Tavelle and Emrich swallowed, the desire clear on both of their faces. But their sense of duty and honor managed to prevail enough for Tavelle to say, “We're supposed to protect you Princess. I don't think this is what your father intended.”

“It's not our place to do . . . that with someone of your position.” Emrich remarked.

“And if I ordered you to?”

Tavelle and Emrich exchanged uncertain looks, “Then we'd have to obey.” Tavelle replied.

“Good. Now stop acting like I'm telling you to leap off a bridge. Let's enjoy ourselves shall we?”

Looking up at the two warriors that towered over her with a smile that had beguiled far stronger men and woman Yselda confidently slid her hand into their breeches without delay. Her face immediately lit up with delight as her fingers brushed against their mutually impressive cocks. Both were already hard and ready to go and just from the feel of them she could tell they were definitely gonna leave her sore for the next few days. The outer lips of her pussy had been glistening with arousal since the moment she took her dress off but now they were practically dripping with desire. Fluid ran down her thighs in rivulets and she wasted no time grabbing onto their dicks and giving them a playful squeeze. All it took was a single glance with her hand on their members for Emrich and Tavelle to pull their trousers down and properly reveal their shafts to her lusty gaze.

“Well well well . . .” Yselda cooed, “My champions indeed!”

She immediately sank to her knees, a lascivious moan escaping her lips as she drank in the sight of their bare cocks. Both were about as thick as her wrist and almost as long as her forearm. Tavelle's was a slightly darker shade of green than the rest of his body while Emrich's was noticeably lighter. She couldn't tell which was bigger, or if one was even bigger than the other but that didn't really matter very much. Yselda started stroking their long shafts with smooth, gentle strokes and staring up at the pair of them with a wild and lustful expression. Beads of precum quickly started to form on the pulsing heads of their members and she didn't let a single drop go to waste. She lifted their cocks up to her mouth and rested them against her outstretched tongue as her hands continued stroking them with a subtly increasing tempo. Even thicker globs of precum oozed onto her waiting tongue the moment their heads made contact and Yselda smiled up at them and softly laughed.

Though Tavelle and Emrich looked equal parts uncomfortable and aroused neither of them made any move to stop her as she jerked them off. It didn't take Yselda more than a few seconds of watching them to notice the way they both conspicuously avoided looking anywhere near one another. A mischievious gleam filled her eyes and she started rubbing their pricks faster. Closing her lips around both of their heads and moaning encouragingly at the fresh helping of bitter cum she stared up at them with her best innocent expression. Unsurprisingly both men shuddered at her look and their shafts noticeably swelled inside her mouth. Smiling as much as she could around their dicks Yselda sucked their sensitive tips for several more seconds before suddenly pulling back.  Without saying a word she bent their cocks inwards just enough to make the tips kiss, even going as far as to accompany it with a small kissing noise.

Her actions were greeted by identical “Agh!” from Tavelle and Emrich as they suddenly leapt away from each other and her.

“What're you doing?” Tavelle asked.

Barely able to speak through her giggling Yselda wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and said, “If you two . . . are gonna fuck me . . . you'd better get used to the idea . . . the idea of your cocks touching at some point. Otherwise . . . otherwise we're just gonna have to stop right here!”

Looking at each other in disbelief Emrich and Tavelle seemed about ready to pull up their trousers. But the instant Yselda rose to her feet and bit her lower lip their irritation melted into a pair of grudging nods. “Fine.” Emrich said.

“Whatever you say Princess.” Tavelle added.

“Good! Now don't keep me waiting!”

Seductively beckoning to them with one hand Yselda slid the index finger of her other into the ring piercing her nipple and tugged it just hard enough to send a shiver down her spine. Her partners gave each other one last look before rushing forward. She fell to her knees once again but instead of teasing them Yselda jumped right into the action. Her fingers closed around the base of their respective dicks while she slid Emrich's throbbing member halfway into her mouth in one practiced motion. Sucking and licking his cock for a few moments she quickly pulled back to envelope Tavelle's shaft. Though she went a little further down his than Emrich's Yselda only sucked his prick for a couple of seconds before sliding off it with a messy slurp. Each time her lips closed around one of their members she pushed herself a little closer to their plentiful sacks. There was no doubt in her mind that she could have deepthroated either one of them without too much trouble Yselda absolutely adored the power she had over them.

She could tell both of them wanted her full attention and the londer she refused to give it the more pent up they became. Little by little she could feel their cocks swelling inside her mouth and see the effects of her actions on their faces. In just over a minute her head was bobbing up and down the full length of their pricks fast enough to leave all three of them breathless. Yselda knew it still wasn't enough for her aroused champions and after a few more seconds of messily sucking their dicks she began stroking in time with her mouth. As her fingers slid up and down their glistening length and her tight throat strained against the sudden and powerful intruders filling Yselda couldn't help but moan louder and louder. Had anyone else been nearby they would have surely heard her echoing cries of pleasure and in the heat of the moment she would have almost certainly invited them to join in. Her pussy absolutely ached for attention and had she not loved oral as much as she did Yselda would have surely started teasing her swollen clit by now.

As it was the grass between her thighs was absolutely drenched with her fluids and every passing second saw more dripping out of her quivering hole. Soft whimpers and much louder moans emerged from her lips at a steady pace, always intercut with the messy and noisy slurps and gurgles that accompanied her blowjobs. While she wanted both men to climax before they got to the really fun parts, mostly so she could taste their cum together, eventually Yselda had to concede that neither of them were going to give her what she wanted. At least not that easily. She continued to suck and jerk off their cocks in an effort to tease herself a little as well as push them as close to the edge as possible.  But it didn't take long for the insatiable lust welling up inside her to finally overflow. Her body needed some satisfaction and with two perfect, meaty cocks on hand she was going to get it!

Too eager to even pause for a second and communicate what she wanted Yselda rose to her feet and slid every inch of Emrich's cock into her mouth. She groped and squeezed his balls with one hand while the other reached behind her to grab a handful of her plump ass and give it a sudden smack. Her eyes looked up at Tavelle expectantly and to his credit it only took him a second to realize what she wanted him to do with his throbbing dick. He quickly moved behind her and grabbed her waist, his eyes roaming her sopping pussy and tight, delicious asshole. Yselda kept herself spread invitingly wide and waited patiently for the cock she desperately needed. It didn't matter in the slightest which hole he decided to use and when she finally felt the head of his dick brush against her asshole that was enough to make a small climax surge through her body. As she trembled and moaned Tavelle coated her tight backdoor with precum before slowly but firmly pushing his dick into her ass.

The pleasure that had been slowly mounting inside her body since they started abruptly spiked as the walls of her asshole were stretched wide by Tavelle's dick. Though fond of it Yselda had never taken anything quite as big as him in her ass before and the sensations were as delicious as they were breathtaking. Every small twinge of pain was immediately drowned by a rush of pleasure as his prick throbbed and strained against her pulsing hole. She could already feel his shafte widening as the base neared her pert buttocks and with one last, forceful shove he slid the entirety of his manhood into her body. With a moan of pure delight Yselda pulled herself forward just far enough to suddenly slam back and enjoy the euphoria that filled her body. After savoriung the feeling of a stuffed asshole for a few seconds she promptly turned her attention back to Emrich's cock, only just becoming aware of the sheer volume of precum swirling around inside her mouth.

Yselda swallowed every last drop almost immediately and quickly locked eyes with her champion while her tongue swirled around his shaft. Slowly pulling back with just enough speed to leave him throbbing and hungry for more Yselda retreated until only the tip of his shaft remained between her grinning lips. She paused just long enough to make him squirm and sample a fresh helping of precum on her tongue. When neither of them could take it anymore she suddenly lunged forward, sliding the full length of his impressive dick into her mouth. Her naked, perky tits bounced jofully beneath her from the force of her impact while a bolt of pleasure arced down her spine. She snaked her hands around his waist and pulled him even deeper into her throat, her tongue gliding over every inch of cock it could reach. Behind her Tavelle was already sliding in and out of her ass with long, smooth strokes. The gentle but steady thrusts of his cock filled the clearing with soft, wet smacks and sent Yselda forward just a bit with every movement. 

It didn't take long for her two lovers to find a delightful rhythm that Yselda all but powerless in the wake of her rising pleasure. Though she continued to suck Emrich's prick and squeeze Tavelle's shaft all three of them knew she wasn't in control any longer. Unfortunately that didn't manifest in the wild fucking she'd been hoping for but little by little their thrusting did start to grow in speed and force. The feeling of their balls smacking against her chin and pussy while their cocks messily slid in and out of her holes was nothing short of perfect. By the time they were moving fast enough to send her bouncing back and forth between their dicks Yselda was on the edge of a climax and ready to fall. Unable to communicate her desires she could only look up at Emrich and moan pleadingly while tightening her ass around Tavelle's prick. Whether or not they noticed or cared about her signals both men started moving perceptibly faster and Yselda let out a slow, encouraging whimper. She managed to hang on for almost a full minute before the ecstasy finally overwhelmed her. 

All sense of time and space faded away as Yselda's eyes rolled back in her head and her mind went utterly, blissfully blank. Wave after crashing wave of ecstasy flooded her body. Both Tavelle and Emrich groaned in pleasure as she tightened and convulsed around their cocks. They continued their steady thrusting while Yselda writhed between them. Had it not been for their grip on her waist and head she surely would have collapsed to the ground in a fit of sheer bliss. Every new thrust made her quiver a little harder and prolonged her climax a bit more. A steady stream of spit and pussy juices gushed out of her stuffed holes, soaking all three of them and dripping on the grass with a regularity matched only by her spasms of pleasure.

While she was completely overwhelmed with ecstasy Yselda failed to notice Emrich and Tavelle look at each other. After a quick, silent exchange Emrich suddenly slid his cock free of her mouth and stepped back. Yselda had just enough time to let out an irritated and lusty moan before she was suddenly and effortlessly lifted into the air by Tavelle. Still in the waning throes of her climax she could only gasp and tighten even more around the dick buried in her ass. Tavelle's thick green arms slid beneath her knees and his hands interlocked behind her head as her sopping pussy was left fully exposed. Emrich stared at her cunt for several seconds with a slowly widening smile, his dick throbbing appreciatively at the sight of her glistening pink slit. By the time Yselda's fractured mind realized his intention he had already stepped forward and slid several inches of his prick into her waiting hole. Her back arched in pleasure and the orgasm that had been all but gone suddenly returned with a vengeance.

There were few things Yselda loved more during sex than the feel of a nice thick cock sliding into her pussy. The sensation alone was enough to make her entire body quiver with sheer delight. The way Emrich's dick scraped against her tight inner walls was absolutely breathaking and she could just barely feel both his and Tavelle's shafts rubbing against each other through the thin lining separating her tight little holes. By the time the base of his shaft was pressing against her womanhood Yselda was back at the height of pleasure and definitely not coming down any time soon. As Emrich's cock neared the entrance to her womb Yselda's entire body tensed in anticipation and pleasure. Nobody had ever managed to reach her cervix before and the thought of her elven lover finally accomplishing the feat made her more excited than almost anything else. When the tip of his prick collided with her tight entrance Yselda let out a piercing scream, a furious bolt of pleasure surging through her body.

Immediately picking up on her response and grinning widely at Tavelle Emrich pulled back just enough to thrust forward and send his dick slamming into Yselda's cervix. Another, louder cry erupted from her lips a milisecond later. With trembling hands she reached out and grabbed Emrich's shoulders, moaning incoherently at him and digging her fingers into his skin. With a synchonicity that bordered on practiced both men pulled out and thrusted back into her quivering body. Yselda barely had time to cry out before they repeated their action with even greater force. In an instant both men had found the perfect rhythm to keep their cock sliding in and out of her ass and pussy while ensuring she couldn't do a thing about it. She had no idea how long they fucked her as small and large orgasms alike washed over her body with varying degrees of force. Her voice failed her almost immediately and before long her strength followed suit. Slumping against Tavelle's muscular chest and panting like a bitch in heat Yselda's mind struggled to find some semblance of solid ground amidst a sea of pleasure. The seemingly endless fucking was finally punctuated by almost identical groans from her partners as they finally announced the limits of their endurance.

“I'm getting close!” Emrich exclaimed.

“As am I!” Tavelle added.

Suddenly realizing exactly where and how she wanted their cum Yselda snapped out of her haze just long enough to cry, “Let me taste your cum Tavelle!”

In an instant she felt his dick slide out of her asshole, leaving her tight backdoor gaping wide from the force, and all at once her position changed completely. Yselda found herself suddenly on her hands and knees with Tavelle's cock throbbing against her face and Emrich thrusting into her from behind. She didn't even question how she'd arrived in such a wonderful postion so quickly, she simply wrapped her lips around the pulsing green dick in front of her and started sucking with all her might. Though she'd fucked an orc before she'd never had the chance to taste their fresh cum. Once she was able to lick it out of the cunt of a beautiful elven servant girl but that was hardly straight from the source. With an enthusiasm and passion that would make a prostitute take note Yselda's head bobbed up and down on Tavelle's dick as fast as she possibly could. Her throat bulged from the sheer size of him and tears formed in the corners of her eyes but that didn't slow her down one bit.

The constant thrusting of Emrich's equally sumptuous cock added a wonderful element of chaos to her ministrations, every so often he would slam particularly hard into her cunt and Yselda would find herself unexpectedly deepthroating Tavelle. Wet slaps and lew gurgles filled the clearing as they lost themselves in the rhythm of their sex. In the heat of the moment she wanted nothing more than to drink down Tavelle's cum and feel Emrich's spunk filling up her waiting pussy. In an effort to hasten their climaxes and finally get the helping of jizz she wanted Yselda alternated between pushing back against Emrich's thrusting and sloppily sucking and fawning over every last inch of Tavelle's shaft with a wild enthusiasm. While Tavelle could only grab fisftuls of her hair and occasionally pull her down onto his dick Emrich was free to fuck her as hard as he could. Gratifyingly he took that opportunity and absolutely ran with it, thrusting into Yselda's pussy like a prisoner just released from jail while spanking her ass hard enough to leave near perfect hand prints across her freckled cheeks. The more passionate and animalistic he grew the more she enjoyed him and the harder she sucked off her orc paramour.

Pulling herself off Tavelle's wildly throbbing cock for just a moment Yselda moaned, “Yes! Right there! Oh Gods right there!”

Whether or not Emrich heard her was wholly irrelevant as he continued to slam into her pussy with a fury and power befitting the title of her champion. His balls smacked wetly against her clit with every thrust and pleasure filled her body so completely she could barely focus on the second dick in front of her. Thankfully Yselda's finely honed skills took over and she wrapped her lips around Tavelle's member only a moment later. Pushing her breasts as tightly as she could against his shaft she swirled her tongue around his pulsing tip as fast and as skillfully as she was able to. Both men were nearing climax and after how many times she'd cum already Yselda could barely form a thought aside from that realization. She squeezed Emrich as tightly as she could and moaned around Tavelle's prick while both men let out echoing groans of their own.

“I'm cumming!” Emrich gasped.

The walls of her pussy excitedly clamped down around his cock the moment the words left his lips and Yselda silently hoped he'd have the good sense to finish inside her. He continued to slam her pussy for several more, furious seconds before finally shoving the entirety of his shaft into her aching slit and letting out a long, low sigh. A moment later Yselda felt a fresh deluge of thick, creamy spunk erupt into her pussy. It was far more than she expected and in just one quick spurt her tight cunt was filled almost to the brim. The next load to follow sent thick globs of cum pouring out of her hole to trickle down her inner thighs or splatter over Emrich's waist. She could feel his sack tightening with every pulse and her cock hungry pussy milked him for every last drop he had.

While he steadily pumped her slit full of creamy half elf jizz Yselda turned her attention to Tavelle's shaft. She slid nearly half of his prick between her smiling lips, letting out slurps and moans with every centimeter. Her eyes closed just as he let out a feverish grunt and grabbed a fistful of her hair. A delighted whimper emerged from her stuffed lips as she was forced lower onto his shaft while a bitter torrent of cum exploded into the back of her throat. Slightly drunk on the pleasure at that point Yselda swirled his spunk around inside her mouth for several long seconds while Tavelle busily added more for her to enjoy. Eventually she could feel it threatening to emerge from anywhere it could and she happily drank every drop. It slid down into her belly without the slightest resistance while all three of them panted and moaned in delight. 

Emrich had just about finished filling her to the brim with his own jizz but thankfully he hadn't pulled out just yet. By the time both men had completely drained their balls Yselda's head was spinning and her body was quivering with euphoric bliss. They remained in that position for nearly a full minute until Emrich's shaft finally slid free of her slit with a wet squish. Cum instantly started bubbling out of her freshly fucked hole. After one last swirl of her tongue Yselda released Tavelle's dick with a humorous pop and rose shakily to her feet. A steady flow of cum seeped out of her pussy and her head was still spinning as she grinned down at her partners. Her mind was already filling with ideas for their next trip into the forest!

“What . . . what happens now?” Sir Emrich asked.

“We get dressed.” Yselda smiled. She rose to her feet and brushed the dirt from her naked form before collecting her discarded clothes and starting the laborious process of squeezing back into them, “Would you mind lending me a hand?” She asked.

“Of course Milady.” Tavelle replied, pushing himself up and slipping behind her to help tie up her corset, “And I think Emrich—”

“Sir Emrich!”

“. . . Sir Emrich was asking what happens with the three of us?”

Yselda looked at him over her pale shoulder as she brushed her hair behind her ear, “You continue to be my champions. In and out of the bedroom.” Tavelle and Emrich nodded, a hint of uncertainty in their eyes, “Is there a problem?”

“No . . .” Emrich answered a little too quickly, “We just . . . there are things to consider . . . you are a princess after all . . .”

“That didn't stop you earlier.”

Tavelle chuckled and Emrich blushed crimson, “That was a lapse in judgment Your Highness.”

“A fun one.”

“Maybe so but—”

“But nothing.” Yselda turned to face her champions, still naked save her dirty stockings and corset and with cum dripping down her inner thighs, “You are sworn to me yes?”

“Yes.” They said in unison.

“Then I order you both to guard me all the time and fuck me whenever I desire it. Does that make things easier?”

Emrich and Tavelle looked at each other before answering “Yes.” in slightly cowed tones.

“Good!” Yselda said with a smile, “Now that we have that out of the way let's go see my father!”

“Shouldn't you finish getting dressed first?”

Yselda looked down at herself and nodded, “Yes I suppose that would be sensible!”

“Yselda my child! Where have you been?!” King Linear boomed, “I was about to send men out to find you!”

“I was enjoying the woods father,” Yselda replied, bowing low to her father as he sat on his throne and smiling, “I thought it an easy way to test the mettle of my new champions.”

“You know I don't like you going into that dangerous forest.”

“I do but Sir Emrich and Master Tavelle kept me more than safe I assure you!” The two men looked at each other with slightly nervous smiles, “In fact I daresay they've already proven their worth!”

“Did you run into any trouble?”

“None they couldn't handle. They work quite well together, even better than I could have hoped! I'm glad I chose both of them.”

The worried look on her father's wizened face lessened and he leaned forward in his seat, “Very well. But from now on any time you even think about going into that forest I want Master Tavelle and Sir Emrich by your side the entire time. Do I make myself clear?”

“Of course father.” Yselda turned and smiled impishly at her champions, “I wouldn't have it any other way!”

“Good. Now onto more pressing business!” He gestured to the smaller seat beside him and Yselda moved forward and sat down while her champions took up positions behind her throne. “A new suitor arrived this morning!”

“Who is he?” Yselda asked wearily.

King Linear smiled at her and gestured to one of the guards standing beside his dais. The man nodded and walked towards one of the many doors leading from the throne room. Opening it and stepping inside he returned a few seconds later leading a small trio of people. Yselda barely looked at the newcomers as they approached and bowed before the throne, her thoughts already turning towards dinner and the prospect of a nice bath. It wasn't until she glanced at the strangers while surveying the crowd and noticed all three were women that she sat up and fixed her father with a confused stare. King Linear's grinned widened and he rose from his throne with an exaggerated flourish. 

“Ladies and gentlemen of the court, allow me to present Princess Avau from the Isles of Oesre and her companions Leta and Jaiva!”

Everyone of the surrounding nobles bowed or curtsied save Yselda who could only stare at Princess Avau in surprise. A head taller than nearly everyone in the room, including the men, she would have stood out anywhere outside Oesre. Her jet black hair was shaved on the right side and left long on the left to frame her intimidating features but still womanly. Silvery gray eyes shrewdly watched Yselda above a slightly flat nose that looked as though it'd been broken more than once. Wide, full lips spread into a knowing smile above a strong but still somehow delicate chin. She was dressed in little more than a few carefully placed strips of leather that did little to hide her tremendous breasts and shapely hips. Every inch of her exposed skin was a deep, tanned brown and inky black tattoos covered her shoulders and collar bone all the way up to the base of her neck. A diamond shaped shield was strapped to her back and a short, wide bladed sword hung at her side. While her two companions were dressed and outfitted in a similar fashion Princess Avau outshone them by leagues.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Yselda,” Avau greeted, bowing and smiling at her, “I'm glad to see the tales are true!”

“To what tales are you referring?” Yselda asked.

“The ones that say your beauty has no comparison.”

Blushing despite herself Yselda smiled at the compliment and looked at her father, “She's my suitor?”

“Of course,” King Linear chortled, “You turned away so many others I realized I was searching for the wrong kind of person!”

“I see . . .”

“And when word reached Oesre Queen Kwenthri sent her eldest daughter in an instant!”

“My mother has always desired trade with the mainland,” Avau added, “She hopes that with our marriage we might solidify a union between our nations.”

“It would please me greatly to have such a union!” King Linear announced, “But the final decision is still in my daughter's hands.”

They eyes of the court turned to Yselda at the King's proclamation and she swallowed several times while her mind raced. Staring Avau up and down for nearly a full minute of absolute silence her lips slowly curled into a smile. She rose from her throne and stepped off the dais towards her significantly taller suitor and bit her lower lip.

“Why don't we go for a walk?” She suggested.


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