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Despite how much I love the game I haven't written all that much about Fallout New Vegas over the years. Nowhere near as much as other properties. These three chapters all compiled together in a single place will help solve that particular issue, i hope y'all enjoy!

Cassius emerged from the Nellis array station covered head to toe in ant guts and smiling evenly more widely than than when he'd entered. He marched right past every dumbfounded Boomer across the base and proudly announced his victory to Raquel, “I cleared the station! Told ya I wouldn't need any bullets ta get the job done!”

Like everyone else Raquel simply stared at him with a mixture of surprise and amazement. But unlike the rest of the Boomers an impish smile slowly spread across her face, “Apparently not! Thanks for helping out!”

“You're welcome! Got anything else that needs smashing?”

Biting her tongue and ever so slightly biting her lower lip as she looked her massive companion up and down for a moment Raquel simply replied, “Not yet. Why don't you take a shower while I try to figure something out? You could certainly use one!”

Cassius looked down at the green ichor and bits of ant splattered all over his leather armor, idly brushing away some of it as he laughed and said, “I sure could!”

“You can use the one in the barracks. I'll come along after you're done and help you clean your armor too.”


He marched off without another word, cheerfully whistling a jaunty tune while Raquel watched him with an ever growing smile. After seeing him quite effortlessly sprint through their bombardment despite his near inhuman size she'd started to wonder what else a 'savage' like him could manage. Now that she'd had another taste of his apparent skills she was all too hungry for more. And she wasn't about to miss her chance to find out.

It took almost half an hour of nonstop scrubbing before Cassius was clean. But even after he was finished washing himself off he stuck around a little longer, basking in the comfort of a hot shower after a hard day's work. It was such a constant, beautiful comfort he didn't think about anyone or anything else as he just relaxed, endlessly basking in the soothing heat until most of his troubles were a distant memory. He didn't even heard the door to the showers creak open or the sound of approaching footsteps. Not even the thud of combat armor dropping to the floor could stir him out of his utter contentment.

“I think I found another task for you . . .” Raquel announced.

Turning towards her with a curious look only to blush and immediately avert his eyes Cassius blushed at the sight of Raquel's gorgeously toned, beautifully muscled body as she sauntered closer without shame or hesitation. His already enormous cock swelled all the more in spite of his manners and she let out a soft giggle as she watched it pulse between his legs.

“W-What is it?” He asked.

Raquel didn't answer him until she was close enough to feel the heat radiating from his face. To smell the musky scent of his cock clouding the steamy air as she slowly inhaled, “Show me how a savage outsider fucks.”

His whole body seemed to tight as Cassius slowly looked at her. Their eyes locked and he swallowed several times in quick succession, “Really?”

“Absolutely. I want to see what you're capable of. I want—”

The rest of coaxing ended in a sudden gasp and a whimper caught somewhere between delight and terror. As easily as she might've lifted a frag grenade Cassius swept her right off her feet. But instead of wrapping her up in some passionate kiss or even just slamming his massive cock inside her like some wild beast he flipped her ass over elbow like she didn't weigh anything at all. One moment she was on her feet and smiling up at him, the next she was face to face with his monstrously thick cock as he held her waist with one hand and cupped her pert, trembling buttocks with the other. In the time it took her to mindlessly grab onto his bulky thighs his tongue was gliding across her pussy and teasingly brushing against her clit in a long, deliciously skillful stroke.

Her voice echoed throughout the showers as she cried out in delight, her surprise melting into ecstasy by the time he was teasing her quivering entrance. Without so much as a thought she wrapped her legs around his head and arched her back even more fiercely, pushing herself against him as much as humanly possible. He responded with another feverish lick as he lifted her up even higher and slipped his tongue even deeper between her quivering folds. A little jet of warmth gushed from her aching pussy and he lapped up with a smile she could feel the moment he tenderly kissed her sex. One that instantly found it's way onto her face too as she cried out again.

Shudders tore through her entire body as her eyes threatened to disappear into the back of her head almost immediately. His tongue was absolutely massive and the way he moved it across every single inch of her pussy was incredible. Better than anything she'd ever felt with anyone else. He completely enveloped her entire sex with every stroke and managed to caress her swollen clit in the most deliciously overwhelming ways imaginable!

To say nothing of how he pushed between her outermost lips and even teased her quivering entrance just the tiniest bit with each pass. Just enough to make her want him to plunge inside of her pussy and lick as deeply as he could. Yet as soon as he returned to her clit, as soon as he kissed her impossibly sensitive bud, she forgot all about those desires in favor of that new pleasure. That new wave of heady bliss he sent cascading through her senses. And when he drifted across the rest of her sex soon after the another wave of desire surged throughout her body in a constant ebb and flow that kept her eternally craving more. She was endlessly guessing at what he might do next and waiting with breathless anticipation as he did it. Warmth erupted from her sex in little jets as weeks, if not months, of pent up desires finally boiled over just as she'd wanted. Little spasms and convulsive shudders spread to the very tips of her fingers and toes after only a few minutes and Raquel knew she'd be lucky if she lasted much longer than that.

Especially with Cassius sinking deeper between her folds. Holding her up against him even more tightly and squeezing her ass cheeks even more roughly he was nothing short of an absolute fiend as he licked and kissed and tormented her sex. She couldn't even fathom how he was moving so fast or where he might attack next. But that didn't matter in the slightest. Not when she was losing her mind and clinging to his cock in utter desperation.

Raquel didn't even know when she'd wrapped her arms around the massive pillar of meat hanging down between his legs. She couldn't even think clearly enough to remember it happening. She just held on for dear life, hugging his length between her perky little breasts and pressing her cheek against his turgid length as she moaned in utter bliss. She was far too busy bucking and grinding against him in fits of mindless desperation to think about anything else. And after nearly ten minutes of uninterrupted bliss she was much too busy succumbing to his ministrations to care about anything else.

A final, climactic scream marked her descent into madness as surely as the fountain of warmth erupting from her sex marked her ecstasy. Squirting all over his face and her own writhing, convulsively shuddering body she soaked them both in messy torrents of arousal with every manic twitch. Jet after powerful, sweet smelling jet exploded from her sex faster than Cassius could ever hope to match but somehow that didn't stop him from trying. Nor did it stop him from licking her sex and teasing her clit just like he had before. All the while somehow holding on to her as she completely lost her mind and very nearly wriggled right out of his grasp entirely. No matter what Raquel did or how messily she gushed all over him he held on tight. He kept sending whole new waves of pleasure flooding her senses as surely as she kept drenching them in whole new geysers of warmth as every last one of her nerves was utterly overwhelmed.

Her mania couldn't have lasted more than twenty or thirty seconds at the very most and yet by the time she was finished Raquel was completely exhausted. Her arms fell away from his cock as her body went completely limp in his arms. She hadn't even finished squirting all over him and her eyes were fluttering shut as little, fading tremors wracked her goosebump riddled figure. Cassius' movements slowed alongside her own and that sent a faint smile spreading across her face even as she nearly passed out in the wake of his efforts.

Though nothing could make her smile quite like him wrapping both hands around her waist and slowly moving her away from him. Slowly lifting her up until their eyes were level with one another as he asked, “Was that good enough? I can keep going if you want!”

“That . . . was a good . . . was a good start . . .” She moaned. “A really good start . . .”

Raquel couldn't quite remember what she said to Cassius after that. She couldn't really remember much of anything even as her feet touched the cool tiles. One moment she was dangling over the floor like a toy and the next she was bent over with her hands flattened against the wall. Blissfully warm water cascaded down her back as the man who'd just ruined her stepped in close to do it all over again. This time with something even more overwhelming than his tongue!

She felt the head of his monstrously inhuman prick rub against her pussy just as she was starting to find her wits again. And she looked back to see him looming over her with an eager grin, his fat tip gliding across her sex while she trembled and whimpered. But all the fear she probably should've felt at the prospect of taking his gigantic length was completely lost in a whole new wave of pleasure. One fueled by the afterglow still coursing through her as she stood there gasping for breath. Raquel couldn't say a single word or even form a coherent thought as she looked back at his dick and moaned. But she still had the wherewithal to reach out to his length and slowly guide the head of Cassius' cock a little bit higher. Just high enough to smear precum all over her asshole as her hand fell away and she braced herself against the wall once more.

“Are you sure?” He asked, “Most women can't—”

The rest of his comment was drowned out by a needy, almost desperate cry as she pushed herself against his dick as much as she could. Cassius chuckled at her and shrugged, one massive hand closing around her waist while the other held his prick aloft. Raquel sucked in a tense, ragged breath when he started pushing a few seconds later but all the air was sent rushing out of her lungs in an instant.

Her whole body shuddered like never before at the unbearable pressure of his dick and yet she still pushed back against him with everything she had. All at once trying to escape his cock and slam herself onto him she was a mess of contradictions and desires. And if it'd been entirely up to her she might've never actually fit him inside. But with Cassius holding her waist and guiding her onto his dick her tightly clenched little asshole couldn't possibly refuse him for long. She barely lasted ten seconds before her thoroughly experienced yet woefully unprepared ring was stretching open around him in the most agonizing burst of pleasure she'd ever known.

A long, frantic scream erupted from her lips as the tip of his shaft slipped into her ass with a wet little squelch. Stretched open beyond her wildest dreams and completely destroyed by barely a fraction of his length she just about collapsed then and there. Between the pressure of what little she'd already taken and the knowledge that she was nowhere near close to the base Raquel was just about losing her mind already. Only for Cassius to make things so much worse, as per her earlier and wholly forgotten request.

Both of his hands wrapped around her waist for a moment and she readied herself for the earth shattering thrust she assumed was coming next. Instead she was swept right off her feet all over again as he lifted her up to his chest without pulling out at all. His incredibly muscular arms slid under her legs a moment later, pinning her knees against her chest as his hands clasped behind her head. He slowly pushed her forward and sent her back curving more and more until she was so completely at his mercy she was little more than a toy. She stared down at her lower half and the massive cock poised to impale her ass in a state of utter disbelief and mindless exhilaration. Watching and feeling him pulse inside her ass, his precum erupting into her depths already, was heavenly. But feeling his muscles tighten and his prick swell even more as he finally started sliding her down onto his shaft was beyond compare. Only one thing felt better and she had an eternity to enjoy it as he pushed his cock into her inch by ungodly inch.

What little sanity she'd managed to claw back disappeared all over again as his cock sank deeper and deeper into her ass. Every centimeter sent her reeling further away from rationality and every twitch as he stretched her open more than words could describe utterly ruined her. She'd never felt so unimaginably full in her entire life. So completely and utterly filled.

Even staring at his prick slowly disappearing inside of her couldn't quite make sense of what she was feeling as he lowered her onto his length little by little. His pace was absolutely maddening but Raquel knew anything faster would split her in half. But it seemed like he'd do that anyways! After barely a third of his shaft was buried inside her asshole he'd already gone deeper and filled her up more than any of the many, many, many Boomers she'd slept with. To say nothing of the toys and other pleasures she'd used when she was sick of her romantic partners. Cassius effortlessly beat them and all she was wholly consumed by the pleasure of his dick already!

To say nothing of how hot his precum was and how much seemed to spray into her body with each and every pulse. If there'd ever been any doubt he wasn't entirely human feeling what must've been gallons of spunk gushing into her ass was all the proof she'd need! At least if she was capable of thinking clearly with what seemed like a meter's worth of madly twitching dick pushing into her ass. But as he kept pushing her further and further down his shaft Raquel was lucky she could even function at all!

It was impossible to breathe as he slipped deeper and deeper with every passing second. She watched her own belly distend from the sheer size of his cock and stared in open mouthed amazement while his shaft slowly moved higher along her stomach. Before long she wasn't even looking at the rest of his dick, at how much was still left. Really she wasn't looking at much of anything as her eyes slowly rolled back into her head. Throaty gurgles and breathless moans tumbled from her lips at nearly every pulse of his shaft and the unbearable heat of his arousal was reaching a breaking point. Much like what little remained of her sanity. He was more than three quarters of the way inside her and Raquel didn't have any earthly idea how he could fit the rest. It felt for all the world like his cock was nestled somewhere between her lungs as is! And yet she wanted nothing more than to feel every last inch of Cassius' impossibly thick shaft inside of her. Something she'd told him earlier and something he seemed determined to bring about. Much to her abject delight.

But before she could get everything she wanted and succumb to her ecstasy all over again Raquel had to bear just the tiniest bit more madness. A few heartbeats of unintentional teasing as Cassius finally came to a stop with only a few inches left outside her ass. Seeing how little was left and basking in how much she'd already taken drove her completely wild. Though she couldn't form a single coherent syllable Raquel still moaned and squirmed and writhed against him in fits of abject desire. Warmth still gushed from her sex and cascaded down the rest of his shaft. Down his madly tightening sack as he held on just a little bit tighter.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she felt him adjusting his grip. Felt his breath against her back as he let out a long, pent up groan. But something that subtle was completely lost amidst the sheer lewdness of his cock impaling her. Even if it pushed her closer to utter ruin like everything else what passed for conscious thought was entirely focused on him pushing those last few inches inside her asshole as fast as possible. She didn't want to cum until he did and with every moment he delayed it seemed like she might not get her wish.

Then his feet slid a little further apart. His muscles tightened once again. He sucked in another ragged breath and Raquel's whole body stiffened. She inhaled as much as she could with what felt like miles of throbbing dick buried in her ass. Cassius bent her down just a little bit more and she gurgled in mindless delight as he did. A spit second later his cock was swelling and a fresh jet of precum erupted into her deepest reaches. So deep it felt like she was on the verge of tasting him. But before Raquel could experience anything quite that lewd her lover slammed her down onto his shaft in a final burst of pure desire.

Those last tantalizing inches disappeared into her ass faster than she could comprehend. His massive balls slapped against her pussy and an echoing smack rang out across the showers. Cassius' groan followed a moment later. And she couldn't make so much as a peep. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head and her whole body convulsed without a sound.

For all of a second she was frozen in shock and completely paralyzed by the pleasure. A second later she was convulsing so feverishly against and around him he struggled to keep a hold of her. Jets of sweet smelling ecstasy gushed from her sex at the beginning of every spasm, splashing against the wall and raining down on them both as she erupted like a broken pipe. Torrents of ecstasy flooded her body as surely as they broke her mind and squirted from her trembling, wholly neglected pussy. More destroyed than every before as the unfathomable pressure of his dick and the impossible ecstasy of being so thoroughly impaled washed over her. Raquel didn't and couldn't make a sound throughout her ecstasy. She didn't have enough air to scream and her mouth just hung open in a silent cry as she was held on his dick. As she erupted again and again and again in another flurry of abject madness. One brought about less than five minutes after her first and one she couldn't even begin to comprehend as it assailed every part of her.

The man responsible wasn't even moving. He didn't even have to move. He just had to hold her close and keep her from falling away. That was all she wanted and everything she needed as she writhed and squirted for what must've been hours. Maybe even days. Time lost any shred of meaning the second his dick pushed into her ass and she couldn't have understood it even if her mind wasn't broken. She just spasmed and shook and erupted over and over until her muscles were so sore and her body so weakened she just sort of went limp.

Though still very much awake, or whatever passed for it in the state she'd been reduced to, Raquel collapsed against Cassius in a state of complete disarray. Like a puppet who's strings had been cut she simply crumpled into a twitching, utterly incoherent wreck. She might've sucked in a few breaths and let them out in a desperate whimper but that was about all she could do. At times that was more than she could do in the state she was in. And with his dick staying buried so deep in her ass as he just held her aloft she didn't have any hope of coming up. Warmth continued to trickle from her sex while her thoroughly devastated asshole tightened around his dick. All was right with the world and she could've sat there for the rest of her pleasure addled life. But fate seemed to have other plans.

“I'm gonna cum!” Cassius groaned, his frantic words arriving at the same moment the doors to the shower creaked open and Raquel heard the voices of other Boomers.

“Oh . . . God . . .”

“I definitely heard something funny!” One woman insisted.

“I heard it too!” Another agreed.

The third and fourth members of their little group scoffed as they all undressed together, “It's just your imagination!”

“I didn't hear anything strange, maybe it was the pipes.”

All five of them finished undressing and left the locker room area, still discussing what they may or may not have heard from the outside and stepping into the showers just in time to hear a man groaning “I'm gonna cum!” in the most strained and frantic voice any of them had ever heard.

And before any of them could say anything they heard Raquel groan, “Oh... God...” in a hoarse, almost throaty squeal.

Immediately looking at one another with a mixture of confusion, uncertainty, fear, and just the tiniest bit of inexplicable arousal the five women were left frozen in place. For a couple of seconds. Their curiosity swiftly overwhelmed everything else as they hurried around the corner without ever thinking about what could be waiting for them nearby. And none of them were least bit prepared for the reality of what was happening barely a few feet away!

Bent over and scrunched up with her knees pressed against her tits Raquel was impaled on what looked like a pillar of throbbing meat! Even with every last inch of it buried in her asshole all five women could tell the cock shoved so absurdly deep inside her was nothing short of massive. Just like the gigantic balls hanging down below it and madly tightening as the hulking outside holding her up like she didn't weigh anything at all groaned. Some of the women looked into Raquel's glassy eyed stare as they watched her convulse. Others looked up at the towering man baring his teeth and keeping her firmly stuck on his monstrous prick. The last stared directly at her overstuffed ass and watched with bated breath as the outsider's dick pulsed and swelled just a little bit more.

An instant later the others were staring at their fellow Boomer's ruined asshole too, all five women gasping and squirming as they watched the cock inside her rage. None of them could even fathom how that must've felt but all of them were flushed with jealousy almost immediately. Especially when Raquel started to pant and whimper and squeal right alongside the man emptying his enormous sack into her guts. Hearing her enjoying it was somehow even more exciting than watching someone they all knew and loved getting utterly wrecked. At least until they noticed something even better...

Already stretched and swollen from the sheer amount of cock shoved balls deep inside her ass, a detail that only made her fellow Boomers squirm that much harder, Raquel's once flat belly started to swell and distend like nothing they'd ever seen. Like nothing they could've imagined. After only a couple seconds of the outsider pumping her full of cum her skin slowly but surely stretched as her body inflated around the impossible flood of jizz he was unleashing inside her. And it took at least a few more seconds for the women staring in awe to actually realize that was happening! That his cum was the cause! They were too naive and inexperienced to believe something like that was possible but when it was happening right in front of their eyes there really wasn't any other explanation! Especially as her stomach just kept growing and growing and growing in almost direct proportion to how hard his dick throbbed! Even if they'd wanted to deny it the truth was staring them right in the face as Raquel groaned like a wild Brahmin and squirted like a broken faucet as her belly grew.

Every time his cock twitched her stomach bulged outward a little more. Her groans and grunts started turning into sloppy gurgles and gross little belches. None of the women watching could look away from the absolute madness even as their cheeks darkened and they covered their mouths. Creamy rivulets of warmth trickled down their inner thighs as they stared at their friend and wondered if they should even be seeing her in such a depraved position. It felt almost wrong and yet there was no averting their eyes or even trying to step back. If anything they only leaned in closer as the sounds tumbling from her lips grew even more grotesque.

A long, unbelievably sloppy noise burst from her trembling lips. Gooey strands of spit and stomach bile oozed from her mouth as Raquel shook more violently than ever before. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head and she started to writhe and squirm against the man holding her. Enough to make his already bulging muscles tighten even further as he gripped her harder and pulled her even lower onto his prick. His balls clenched immediately after and his cock twitched at the same time but Raquel was mysteriously silent.

Before any of her fellow Boomers could worry about what might've happened to her a loud retch filled the bathroom. She heaved and thrashed in his grasp as warmth exploded from her pussy in such a messy fountain she could rival the shower head spraying down on them both. The sounds coming out of her mouth were nothing short of absurd and yet they were instantly overtaken by what came out soon after.

Thick, milky white cum exploded from her throat and spewed out of her wide open mouth in a single, continuous stream. Erupting out of her body like a pressurized hose it sprayed all over the tiles beneath her with such an unbelievable force flecks of cum and stomach bile splattered across the five women before they could even flinch. And by the time they did the lower halves of their bodies were absolutely splattered in gooey droplets of cum. In the searing heat of his inhuman jizz as Raquel was turned into a fleshy sprinkler, jizz gushing out of her so fast and so hard it defied all comprehension. And it last so long the women staring in open mouthed disbelief had more than enough time to experience a wild range of emotions! Everything from disgust to excitement to jealousy to pure delight. Even a few things in between and beyond. They watched Raquel for what seemed like an hour straight, watching her squirt in undeniable ecstasy and shudder like she was being tortured as she continue to unleash that absurdly massive torrent of cum. It reality it couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds at the very most but that didn't matter to the five women watching and it probably didn't matter to the woman being used like cum hose.

How she didn't suffocate from the sheer flood of jizz was entirely beyond her friends but they honestly didn't even have the wherewithal to really care. Not when they were watching that fountain slowly diminish until it was cascading down her body in a sloppy waterfall. Only when her tits and stomach and the entire front of her convulsing figure was drenched in spunk and dripping with even more as it continued to pour out of her did the women see how much Raquel's stomach had diminished. And how much it was still inflated by the cum somehow left inside her even after that downright horrifically wonderful display. None of them even looked at the man responsible! Not until he was suddenly lifting her off his prick and they could watch his beastly cock slide out of their friend's utterly cavernous asshole.

Five identical gasps echoed throughout the showers as they watched his dick flop out of the gaping remains of her ass. None of them had ever seen anything so gorgeous in their lives and watching cum ooze out of the quivering wreck that was Raquel's sloppily distended ring sent shudders coursing through each and every woman watching her shake. Some were even sliding a hand between their legs or idly groping their breasts as they watched their friend evacuate her guts in one final show of utter sloppiness.

And all of them noticed how hard the outsider still was as he gently lowered their fellow Boomer onto the ground, laying her against the wall beneath the shower with a look of satisfaction. Raquel smiled back at him with a delirious expression but didn't say so much as a word. She didn't even seem particularly conscious!

But the moment the enormous stranger watching her stood up again the five women standing nearby rushed forward. They'd completely forgotten about Raquel in the time it took them to reach him and in an instant he was entirely surrounded by wild eyed, giggling women eager to share the same pleasure their companion had. Cassius barely had time to grin before one of them was pressing herself against his side with a breathy moan while another was guiding his hand down to her pussy. The other three didn't waste any time dropping to their knees to worship his balls and cock, each one taking a separate part as they gasped and whimpered.

The last thing Raquel saw before her vision went completely dark was her man surrounded by other Boomers hungry for his dick. And the last thing she felt was a strange mixture of jealousy and excitement as she was completely ignored by everyone except Cassius. A moment or two later her head drooped down and blackness completely overwhelmed her. She heard him say her name and the rest of the women moaning, then everything was quiet as exhaustion took over...


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