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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 2

Ash Trainer/Hybrid
Traits: Bug/Electric: Four Arms, Electric streaks in his hair
Pokemon on Hand (3/9): Pikachu, Oshawott, Joltik*

Pikachu: Static | Moves: Thunder Bolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle

Joltik (Off Color) Red and Dark Blue
Ability Volt Absorb | Moves: Stun Needle, Absorb, String Shot, Electro Web

Oshawott: Shell Armor | Moves: Water Gun, ???

Chapter 3 Danger Sense

Ash was getting used to his new form, with it came new senses. His senses were sharper then they were before, it was something he definitely had to get used to. ‘I wonder what I can fully do?’ Since he has pokemon abilities, he couldn’t help but wonder.

It was thanks to his new senses he detected some rustling in nearby grass. “A Pokemon?” He pulled out the Pokedex.

Dexter: Axew the Tusk Pokemon, A Dragon Type. Axew is the first stage of a three stage Pokemon Line. Axew marks its territory by making scratch marks on trees with it’s tusks. If they fall off they will regrow even stronger.

“A Unova Dragon Pokemon, let’s get ‘em!” He called for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt!

“On it!” Pikachu declared, his cheeks sparking. The attack was unleashed but the cry heard wasn’t a monster cry.

“Aaaaaiiiiieeeeee!” A purple haired girl screamed. “Ouch!”

“Ouch?!” Ash gasped.

The girl got up. “What’s the big idea attacking me like that?”

“Sorry, I thought you were a Pokemon.” In truth he hadn’t seen her, only heard her. ‘What was she doing in those bushes anyway?’

The girl got annoyed. “Huh? How is this pretty face the face of a Pokemon!” She huffed and crossed her arms. “How rude!” Her hair shifted and out came a Pokemon. “Right Axew?”


“Oh there’s the Axew, I guess that’s your pokemon?”

She flipped her hair. “Obviously.” Her Axew agreed with her. “Whoa!” The attitude changed once she saw Pikachu, a rare Pokemon to see in the Unova region. “Oh wow, I’ve never seen a Joltik of that color before!”

She gushed over the two rare sights. When she got to Oshawott he tried to sparkle and stand out. “What an average Oshawott.” Crack!

His ego petrified and he crumbled. “There there!” Ash patted his head.

“She’s mean!” Oshawott cried.

“Well!” Ash and his mons blinked. “Well?”

“Well what?” The girl crossed her arms again in a huff.

“Where is my apology?!”

‘I did apologize already.’ Ash sweat dropped. “Well...uh sorry again.”


The Team Rocket Trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth had arrived in Unova. Giovanni wanted them to act as agents for Team Rocket as well as sniff out any potential threats. “Beware of agents from Team Plasma, if you encounter them try to shadow them and see what they are up to, if you are forced to battle crush them without mercy.”

“Yes sir!”

In order to compete with them, Giovanni granted them the use of their Pokemon.

James: Mime Jr, Carnavine,

Jessie: Seviper, Yanmega, Wobbuffet,

Matori objected. “Won’t using other region Pokemon draw too much attention?”

“It can, which is why you’ll use these Pokemon as a last resort and against Team Plasma. I want you to catch Unova Pokemon as quickly as possible.” Along with some monster balls Giovanni sent them some new tech. “Use this technology to aide you going forward.”

“We won’t let you down.” This was the latest tech from the labs at Team Rocket Labs. Each gadget was designed to counter different types of Pokemon.

Matori didn’t like the support they were receiving especially after their precious failures. The call ended and Giovanni revealed his true intent. “I don’t care what happens to those fools, but if they can draw out Team Plasma, we can crush them ourselves with our elite forces. Then Unova will be ours.”

He had met Ghestis once, and in an instant he could tell that man was trouble. The way he talked and acted felt akin to that of a cultist. A dangerous opponent to be sure, and while Team Rocket had faced set backs they weren’t gonna lose to that man.

Jessie James and Meowth reported they had topple Team Galactic, and while they had stretched the truth here and there, it was true that Team had collapsed. He was willing to gamble on them as a wild card.

After the call Team Rocket set out to find Unova Pokemon, they were attacked by a swarm of Woobat. Jessie caught one, and James noticed one of a different color. ‘My instincts tell me that’s a rare find!’ He readies a ball and manages to catch the Shiny Woobat.

It reminded him of the “twerp’s” Shiny Noctowl. “Let’s go find that twerp!” Jessie said confidently.

Their intel said the boy was heading to Unova.


“I’m Iris a Dragon Master...in training…” She muttered the last part. “You should show me some respect!” Axew agreed with her.

Ash was already tired of this girl. “Since you are new to this region, I suppose I can show you around.”

“No thanks that’s not necessary.”

“But you’d be so lucky to have a Unova born and raised show you around.” Arceus: But you’ve been raised in a secluded Dragon Village all your life, this is your first time outside of your village.

“I’ll be fine!” Ash tried to walk off only for her to grab his hand.



“At least tell me where you got that cool looking Joltik!”

“Ehh…” Ash got nervous.

Oshawott had enough and got the girl off them by using Water Gun. “Hey!”

“Sorry again again!” Ash ran off.

Iris gave chase, going through the trees. “You can’t escape me!”

“Hang on tight guys!” His mons held on and Ash jumped and began to jump from tree to tree.

“Whoa, he’s not bad!” Iris kept chasing him.

Ash had hoped he had escaped her and focused on trying to catch a Pokemon. He spotted a Deerling, but before he could catch it. “Hold it!” Iris shouted making the Deerling bolt.

“Aww man…” The boy and the mons turned to glare at her.

“What it was just a Deerling!” It was bad form to interrupt a trainer when they trying to catch wild Pokemon.

“What are we gonna do?” Pikachu asked.

“Is she gonna keep following us?” Oshawott asked.

“Dunno…” Ash frowned.

“Want me to zap her?” Joltik asked.

“No, that’s not the answer.” He sighed. “Let’s just ignore her maybe she’ll go away.”

‘Is he talking to his Pokemon?’ She wondered. At the distance she was she couldn’t make out what Ash was saying. The mons could speak proper without her understanding but Ash kept his voice low.

Iris took a break to eat and Ash tried to catch a Patrat, he was having Oshawott battle it. She finished the apple and tossed the core, which got the attention of the Patrat and he ran off with it. “Hey!”

“What, it was just a Patrat!”

Oshawott got frustrated and slammed his shell down, only to quickly pick it back up.

Next up they found a Lilipup. “Okay this time for sure. Pikachu!”

Iris yawned. “What’s the big deal it’s just a Lilipup, what a kid.” She didn’t see the point of getting excited over such common Pokemon.

Ash was battling hard. “Alright, I’m gonna catch you.” Before Ash could throw the ball, he got the weirdest sense in his head. ‘What is this?’

“Round!” “Round!”

Pikachu and Ash were pelted by sound waves. “Ahhh!”

“What’s going on?” Iris gasped.

“Monster Ball Go!” James threw the ball at the exhausted normal type.

“No…” Ash groaned.

“Too late twerp, Lilipup is ours now!” It was true, a catch was a catch, there was nothing Ash could do about it now.

“What are you three doing in Unova?”

“Sucks to be you twerp, our boss wants us to capture this region for the glory of Team Rocket!” Jessie said. The Woobat pair flew back to them.

“So we’ll be taking your Pikachu!” Meowth said.

“That’s a Meowth...I didn’t know they talked?” Iris pondered.

“That’s not gonna happen!!” Ash snapped.

Pikachu explained quickly to his other monster friends. Team Rocket was a group of rotten Pokemon thieves. “They are a real pain in the ass.” Pikachu shared.

“Things aren’t the same as they were before, we are new and improved.” Jessie said.

James was busy gushing over his new catch. “You remind me of my sweet little Growlie.”

“Focus!” Jessie smacked him with her hair.

“Right!” They called on their Woobats. “Dazzle, use Gust!”

“Dazzle?” She blinked.

“Yes, I thought it fit him very well.” James explained.

“Whatever…” She sighed. “Woobat, Air Cutter!”

The two attacks boosted each other and Pikachu was pelted. “Pikachu!” Ash growled. “Use Thunderbolt!”

“With pleasure!”

“Haha!” Meowth whipped out a device and Zap. It not only countered Pikachu’s attack but zapped the electric mouse.

“Ash…” His body grew hot. He blushed from running a fever.

“Oh no!” Ash had seen this before, where Pikachu’s power had built up and he became overloaded. “No Pikachu!”

Meowth cackled. “See twerp we are new and improved. No more electric moves!” When an electric pokemon had an overload issue, they needed to safely discharge the energy or well...bad things could happen.

“Let me at ‘em!” Joltik came out.

“What is that tiny thing?” Jessie squinted to see it. Joltik was very tiny, if not for his unique coloring he’d have been easily missed.

“I believe it’s a Joltik according to the database, but it’s one of a different color.”

“Let’s catch it and bring it back to the boss!” Meowth cheered.

The Woobat were tasked with attacking. “Use Electroweb!” Joltik spun a web of electric energy and unleashed it.

“Gotcha!” He caught the two and zapped them good, causing their speed to drop.

“So it’s an electric type to, huh, try this on for size!” Meowth fired the new device at him.

“Look out Joltik!” He got zapped, but nothing happened.

“Ehh?” Meowth pushed the button again and again, but the device’s jolt didn’t seem to do anything.

“Hahaha, that tickles!” Joltik laughed.

‘Is it because of his Volt Absorb Ability?’ Ash wondered.

“It’s still just a bug, get ‘em!”

“Dazzle use Gust!”

“Woobat use Air Cutter!” It was another powerful combo.

“Dodge it Joltik!” He did, he was tiny but VERY fast, speeding around and dodging the attacks.

With Ash’s focus on the battle Meowth snuck around, and went to attack Ash.

Tingle! ‘That feeling again?’

“Gotcha!” Meowth shouted as his claws extended and he swiped at Ash.

The hybrid responded fast, quickly dodging. “Huh...how did he?” He continued to swipe at Ash, causing his strange sense to go off.

‘Am I sensing danger…’ Before the sense went off right before Team Rocket attacked him. It had caught him by surprise before, but now that he was rolling with it.

Meowth couldn’t keep up with his new hybrid agility and couldn’t land a single hit. “Leave our master alone!” Oshawott blasted Meowth with Water Gun and pushed him back.

Pikachu was feeling frustrated, there wasn’t anything he could do in his state. ‘I just...I just need to get rid of this excess power...but how...if I let it all out I could hurt everyone…’ Something sparked inside him. “That’s it…Joltik!”

“I got it!” He moved into position.

“Pikachu!” Team Rocket and Meowth heard as Pikachu unleashed a mighty Discharge. The move replacing his Volt Tackle. All his pent up Electricity was released hitting the Woobats, Jessie, James, and Meowth, it was double bad for him as he was wet.

As a bolt went towards Ash and Oshawott, Joltik took the charge easily absorbing the energy with his ability. “Ugh, we’ll call it a draw today, we stole a catch from you after all.” The trio dawned jet packs and swiftly blasted off.

“Are you okay Pikachu?”

“I’m good!” Pikachu said happily. He shook himself off, his fur crackling a bit with energy.

“Nom nom!” Joltik helped himself to the excess. They’d never have to worry about overload again with Joltik around.

“With a bit of training Discharge is gonna be an amazing move in battles!”

Iris eyed Ash suspiciously. ‘Is he really talking to his Pokemon...like…’ She had seen dragon masters communicate with their dragon pokemon, though it seemed a bit different. ‘There’s no way this kid has that kind of power.’

Ash was testing his new ability, having his Pokemon attack him, but for some reason it didn’t work and he just got splashed and zapped. ‘No...he’s just crazy...’

To be continued...True Danger

Ash gets a bit more familiar with his new Danger Sense ability, it wasn’t something he could force. He helps out some Sandile who are trying to prevent a natural disaster. When he makes it to Striaton Town he finds some weird people protesting something, Ash doesn’t know what they are about but Joltik is scared and his Danger Sense is going off.


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