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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Hazbin Hotel Episode 2!!



Zack Shumate

The entire cast is from Broadway

Jasmin Jakobsen

You saw Sir Pentious (the snake) alive in the after credit of the pilot ^^


this is awesome. i really hope he eventually does helluva boss


I love Hazbin Hotel! Each episode is amazing and almost all songs are absolute bangers. That being said, Luke, is there some technical reason why each time you pause, a couple seconds of the episode get skipped?

Toast Ghost

Hazbin Hotel is like South Park but good


It will get even more crazy from this point forward

Kohta Don

I noticed that too, hate we're missing out of the songs even on patreon.

_____ Rasse _____

There's a weird cut every time you pause

Big T

Radio > TV


Sinners can only permanently die from an exorcist's weapon. Alastor blew Sir Pentious up in the pilot but it didn't kill him (he was fine in the post credits scene). And even if a sinner is ripped apart or entirely obliterated, they will slowly regenerate in a very painful process.

Kaitlynn Brookings

Maybe the woman with covered eyes from an old cartoon you were thinking of is the secretary to the mayor in the Power Puff Girls? That's where my mind went, but maybe it was a common trope back then.


The show has a lot of more in depth meaning and tones beyond its silly and craziness. On the surface it is what it is, but upon rewatching some of the songs and scenes you can see how the show has a lot more to it then originally meets the eye


Disney in hell


related to your comments about the swearing, Helluva boss has a LOT of swearing and dick jokes, i dont want my own opinion to influence yours at all if you do end up watching it, but the excessive swearing annoyed me quite a bit

Villainbrine Lives

There was also one in Ed Edd & Eddy (Though he was probably thinking of the one from Power Puff Girls) one of the Kanker Sisters.


I enjoyed watching Luke slowly understand how this hell works. XD

Zero Shonen

I'm not sure what Luke's editor (or himself) did with the edition of this episode, but it feels bizarre hahaha maybe I am in the minority here, but it was really not so pleasant to watch with all those weird cuts hahaha. 5 minutes into the vid and I thought I was seeing a speedrun of the episode or something 😅😅

Villainbrine Lives

Overlords are usually presented in a refined way since they're like greedy businessman wanting to gain support (souls) and the best way is to present yourself. However, they're still humans who committed sins while alive, so it's easy to assume they may lose their cool from times...especially against another business rival (Alastor & Vox ... Not a ship, as rivals) There are some who are just harder to break than others. Alastor and the Vee's are attention seekers, just in different way because they focus on media outlet. Fashion, Radio, Nightly Entertainment, and Television. Their whole gimmick is about attention. I'm on team Alastor so my following claim may be bias, but I believe Alastor is strong enough to take them on one-on-one easily, maybe if all 3 Vee's join together they may be able to push him back.

Arcade'owy Łowca

I think she is powerful, but never used her powers, so doesn't know. She's daughter of two most powerful beings in hell. Her eyes changed when she became a proper hotel owner, so she'll probably grow in power. It may be insignificant change in art, but if watching anime teached me something, insignificance means that it will be important later.

Taylor Knapp

Why were there so many cuts? I thought patreon was supposed to be unedited?:(

Tykeha Williams

I love Alastor can't stand Valentino . I would rather be cannibalized or just killed than be forced into sexual violence or rape. Which is why women choose the bear than a guy I'm the woods .ps not saying their are not good men.


ngl thought this was a bit hard to watch with all these cuts :(

Matcha White

Sir pentious was alive in the pilot there was an end credit😆

Robert Cronin

Uh. Going forward if you do the cuts like this could you rewind about 10 seconds or so? Please and thanks.👍🏻

Villainbrine Lives

In terms of power houses, Charlie is stronger than most, if not... All sinners. However, she is an idealist and a dreamer who believes in good in all things. That causes her to restrain and become a doormat to others. Basically, she hates violence because it's mean... And she does not like being mean. But if for a purpose, she 'could' hold her grounds in a battle. But Vaggie does the most in terms of defending the hotel and defeating their enemies.

Villainbrine Lives

I'm excited to see how he reacts to Episode 6 (And Episode 5 with Alastor's "secret") when we get to 1 of the top 5 best HH songs. >=) It'll be an "Eye Opening" experience!

Tendo HD

Alistar gives me Diablo vibes i Love him already


If you mean huskar and his comment, then yeah ... It was terrifing ...

Melissa Aaron

You asked about Valentino’s little harlequin servant/robot Kitty! Over in its sister program, Helluva Boss, there’s an imp named Fizzarolli. He’s also a jester in a club, and also mostly a cyborg, for reasons that would be a spoiler. There are robotic versions of him on sale all over Hell, working at circuses, as personal assistants, and also, somewhat unpleasantly, as sexbots. Kitty is probably a custom made one from the manufacturer.


awesome reaction! Thank you for reacting to this show. Cant wait for your reaction to episode 4.


Technically, it was never mentioned that Alastor "almost beat" Vox in direct combat. I am inclined to think that it was more of a toxic rivalry between media, and if it came to throwing hands, Alastor would easily wipe the floor with all three Vees simultaneously. They just don't look all that menacing in this regard.

Alexander Fromm

About you asking about people beeing hired who cant sing, and on ep1s you saying something about broadway show, funfact if noone mentioned it before: compared to the pilot episode, the whole cast got shifted around to people working/doing broadway shows :) So i mean you basicly have a broadway show/musical in this show already :D

Villainbrine Lives

Not starting an argument, but where in my comment did I state they had fought? I did say Alastor could more than likely take them on one-on-one, but I didn't say that he did. It was an analysis theory at the bottom.

Daniel Lubo

Don't like the new voice cast, I'm not agains them, but the voices in the pilot were somewhat refrehing and "original"?


for the question on sinners wanting to go to the hotel for rehabilitation remember these guys are bad people who ended in hell for a reason, why would they want rehab when they are for the most part really really bad people. Also unless killed by an angel weapon or power sinners respawn after a while thus the wanton killing with little consequence.

Jack Godfrey

Just cause i dont think its ever explained, sinners cant permanently die unless they are killed by angel weapons, if they die some other way they essentially respawn/regenerate but its not pleasant


I love how they make you think they're gonna do a whole thing where Sir Pentious leads Charlie into thinking he's the good guy and Angel is the bad guy, but he just gets called out immediately and aborts without even trying to think of an excuse.

Taylor Knapp

Please post episode 3 to patreon even if you can’t get it on YouTube!