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"Shhh shh, its ok sweetie, look at me. Look at mommy."

"Yes, she is going to spank you. Also, she is going to spank you hard, this isn't just playful. Its a punishment. You are going to be left crying and balling, and there is nothing you can do about it, OK? Try your bonds, they aren't moving and you aren't going to get out of these stocks, so you're going to to get spanked, ok? We don't care if you whine and complain, that is the point. You have to accept it."

He whined and looked at her. She said it in the same soft, cooing tones she had called him a baby in, and the odd mix made him still want to follow.

"Do you know why we are spanking you?"

He shook his head.

"We are spanking you because what you just experienced so far is nothing compared to what is coming next. Tonight is going to be one of the worst nights of your life. More women are coming in an hour or so, for a party with you as the entertainment. We are all women you've stalked and creeped on, and most aren't happy about it." 

He blushed, hearing it said so plainly. He knew what he had done before was wrong, but part of him had hopped they really were flattered by it.

She continued, still in the same soft voice. "So, tonight, you will feel the worst humiliation you've ever experienced. Our little game with you crawling around in a diaper will be nothing. We are going to make you do stuff you never thought you'd do, torment you, tease you, and keep it all on camera. If you are lucky, you still may be allowed to cum, but I promise you doing so will be the most humiliating event of all. Ok?"

He whimpered, still looking at her. It pained her to hear her describe it all in the same sickly sweet tone. Though he knew everything she said was awful and filled with anger over his actions, her voice still made him want to accept it just so he could please her.

"And while there is nothing you can do to stop that, we don't want you even trying. So, Jordan is going to spank you until you are red and sore, and every thought of rebellion will be out of your head. That way, when we ask you to do things no self respecting man would ever, ever do, all she has to do is raise the paddle, and you will obey and humiliate yourself so we can laugh at you, ok? Is that ok babykins? Is it ok that its to make sure you are obedient to mommy?"

He felt tears already pouring down his cheek. She wiped them off. "Awww poor baby, crying already? You are so pathetic. Its fine though. It doesn't matter if you're ok with it, its happening. When I give the word, Jordan will send you into a world of pain, and then we will spend the rest of the night making you feel as pathetic as we all already think you are. So just be a good baby for mommy and take your spanking. Its not like you have a choice. Jordan?"

He words shook him. What could be more humiliating then what they had already made him do? Worse, hearing the soft tone he had interpreted as affection be used to berate and threaten him change so much of what he had heard earlier. 

And somehow, in the one saving grace, and the one most embarrassing condemnation, he knew he was still hard. It had gone past just the gorgeous women and their bodies pressed over him. The degradation, the control, the domination, all made him excited in ways he never thought...

SMACK! His train of thought, and the paddle, both crashed as he jolted into unimaginable pain. He felt it lift again, and come down again, then again, and again.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Within seconds he was full on bawling and crying. The spanking, however, lasted more then seconds, as Jordan took months of rage out mercilessly on his behind.

Sawyer, for her part, remained where she was. She knelt in front of him, pushed his head between her legs, and petted him. She shushed him, muttering "Good baby, good baby, take it for mommy," over and over as the spanks fell.

Adding to the comfort from her, the smell coming from her loins filled his nose. She was excited at first, but as each spank fell on his behind, he could tell she got wetter and wetter, until she was soaked and he was overcome by it. She was turned on by his pain, and that thought made him all the harder. He sobbed, buried his nose into her, and waited for it to be over.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! More blows came in rapid succession. He was sure at this point his bottom would be bleeding, or at least bruised red and blue. The pain was incredible, and he involuntarily struggled in his bonds, hoping for anything to end it.

When it finally did end, he was left as Sawyer had warned- broken and sobbing, and willing to do anything at all to avoid another punishment like that. Sawyer kept petting him. "Good boy," she cooed. "Good baby. Such a good baby taking your punishment for mommy. Mommy is so proud. Mommy loved watching you get spanked."

He sniffed and nodded. He knew she had, he could still tell. 

She lifted his tear soaked face to her. "Now little baby, its time to start the real humiliation. Once again there is nothing you can do to stop it, so let it happen, ok?"

"You noticed yet that we have the same clothes here as your doll, or are you too dumb or even that?"

"Mhmm," he nodded.

"Good boy. That doll was made for you, and we are going to make you look like her. YOU are going to be our little toy dolly for the night. So, your diaper is going back on, along with that dress and those shoes, and a pretty wig with pigtails" she pointed at them. "Ok?"

He nodded. The idea was horrifying, but he knew he had no way out, and the spanking had beaten any resistance out of him.

"We are also going to do your nails and make up, and finally, we have this..."

He would have gasped if he wasn't gagged. She was holding a needle in front of him.

"Don't worry, it won't harm you. What it will do is give you proper tits and a nice, round bum for the night, so we can all have fun with you."

"Uhhh..." he said.

She smiled at him. "Aww there there. Once again sweetie, there is nothing you can do or say to change it. It is happening whether you like it or not. You annoyed too many women, and now you're going to be one for tonight as we punish you for it. You honestly couldn't cut it as a real man, so honestly I don't see why not." She shrugged. "And you couldn't cut it as a women either, you are far too pathetic for that, so you'll be dressed as a baby girl instead."

He moaned and whined as the girls surrounded him. Sawyer handed off the shot, and he felt one go into each side of his chest, then each side of his still aching butt. He then felt them cover his body with cream and run metal over it, and he realized they were shaving him.

Meanwhile, Sawyer knelt in front of him, brushing his make up on. She applied lipstick, nail polish, and creams he didn't recognize all over his face. She then pushed the wig onto his head, and unlocked the stocks.

They raised him onto his knees. Taking turns holding his limbs in place and untying or retying them, they put the diaper back on, a bra, the dress, then the socks and platform shoes.  Finally, they turned him to face a mirror so he could see their handywork.

He almost sobbed just at the sight. Long, blond pigtails fell down an effeminate face. A form fitting dress, with a teddy bear pushed forward by his now ample breasts and showing off his newfound curves. The skirt was short, short enough to expose not just his plump, hairless thighs but his teddy bear covered diaper as well.

They giggled at him, snapping pictures with their phones. "This is going to be so much fun," Liz said, and the others agreed.

"Now, come on baby girl, lets go into the next room and wait for our guests," Sawyer said. She bent over and attached the leash to him again, and led him into a large room with a carpeted pit.

And that is where he remained. With his feet tied to his thighs, his hands tied behind his back, and the leash attached to the floor, he could do nothing but watch and whine as the room filled with women he had known. Each one was someone he had stared at, gawked at, or looked up online, and each one was there to see him now, humiliated and broken. Like the women before, they were all in their underwear, and his cock ached and pushed out the front of his diaper and skirt.

A worse ache, however, was in his stomach. The mix of the enema they had given him, and the earlier laxatives, turned his guts over and over. The plug kept everything in place, but he knew he would need to empty it out soon, and the diaper they put him in didn't bode well for how they intended that to happen.

Once the room filled up, Sawyer stood in front of him and clanged a spoon to a champagne glass. "Ok ladies, time to start tonight's festivities!"

They all cheered and clapped.

"As you can see, in front of you is the pathetic little loser formerly known as "Ryan", but who we've decided is best known as "Diaper Girl." 

They laughed, and applauded again.

"And since he has harassed each and every one of you, we will now do the same. Don't worry, aside from dressing him in more appropriate clothes, we have a mountain of blackmail videos of him, and have spanked him hard enough to ensure all motivation to fight is gone. So, he won't be resisting. Will you, Diaper Girl?"

Ryan shook his head.

"Good. Then first up, dinner for the baby."

They applauded again, and Sawyer turned back to him.

The women came forward with small jars. As he expected, it looked like Baby Food. However, he didn't expected what they showed him the jar up close.

"Extra hot Jalepeno," it read. He looked at it first in suprise, then in horror.

"That's right diaper girl, we have a real treat for you tonight," Sawyer said. "Be a good baby for mommy and eat it all, and we won't spank you, ok?"

He nodded. She untied the gag, and shoved a spoonful of mush into his mouth.

Instantly he gagged. His mouth burned, and he wanted to spit it out. However, Sawyer held a hand in front of his mouth, and he swallowed. "Open for the choo choo train!" She teased, and forced another spoonful in.

A dozen women surrounded him, each holding a jar. They forced in spoonful of disgusting, burning mush into his mouth until his stomach was bloated and aching. Already cramping before, he stomach was now almost in as much pain as his bottom and his mouth, and more kept coming.

"Please, no more," he whined.

Jordan raised her eye brows at him. "Oh no? Shall we discuss it over another spanking?"

He whined, and opened his mouth again.

After hundreds of spoons of burning mush, he was moaning and dripping with sweat.

"Awww, so pathetic. Mommy went all out of her way to get that custom made for you, and you don't like it? You know some real men eat stuff for fun, right?'

"Yes, mommy," he said. The girls giggled at him using the name.

"Good boy," she said, and gave the front of his diaper a squeeze. He gasped, then gasped again as she turned on the buzzer for a moment, then off again. "See? Good behavior gets you rewarded. Now, do you want something to wash that down?"

He nodded. "Yes, mommy, please."

"Would you drink ANYTHING to get that burning taste out, since you are too much of a pathetic wimp to handle it?"

"Yes mommy!" 

"Say it. Beg me diaper girl."

"Please mommy! I'm too much of a pathetic wimp to handle it! Please give me something to wash it down!"

"Ok," she said, and giggled. One of her friends passed her an oversized empty baby bottle, and she unscrewed the lid. She knelt pulled down her panties, knelt down in front of him, and...

"NO!" he shouted in panic.

She looked at him. "Would you rather nothing?" She asked.

He shook his head.

"That's what I thought." She began peeing into the bottle, not stopping until it was full. She then stood in front of him, holding the bottle between her legs and pushing it into his mouth. He couldn't help but noticed the image of him, kneeling in front of her in a dress, sucking something coming from her hips, made it look like she was the man and he was sucking her cock.

"Drink. Drink and finish it, or I'll give you a spanking that makes the last one seem like a fairy tale."

He whimpered, and sucked.

The taste was disgusting. However, it did soothe the pain. More importantly, the idea of what he was doing filled him with more of the excitement he had felt earlier. His cock, flaccid since being fed the burning mush, started to become hard again.

He chocked, gagged, and continued. His mouth filled with the disgusting yellow liquid, and he swallowed. The bottle was barely half empty, and he already felt sick. He made himself look up to Sawyer's face, and kept drinking. 

His cock got harder with each suck. He never thought something like this would make him horny, but knowing how much control Sawyer had over him was the biggest aphrodisiac he had ever felt. He decided to focus on that rather then the taste, and was soon finished.

"Good baby," she said, and patted his head. "Now lets have some fun." 

She, and two of her friends, picked him up and lay him on his back. His eyes went wide as she crawled up onto him, resting directly on the bump of his diaper. She began to rock back and forth, grinding on the plastic bunched over his erection. "You like that?" She asked.

"OH MY GOD! YES MOMMY!" he shouted.

"Good boy. Jordan, would you help me out a bit? He seemed to like watching you bend over when you picked up his widdle dipies, maybe he'd like a closer look? I'm sure you'll have a special surprise for him if you do too."

Jordan laughed. "You think? Would you like a closer look at my own underwear since we've all seen your special ones, little pervert?" She asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Yes Miss Jordan," she corrected, using her first name in place of her last.

"Yes Miss Jordan, please allow me a closer look at your underwear."

"Good boy," she responded. She crawled over him, and rested with her ass directly in his face. She began rocking her body over her face, and he could see her hand go into her underwear. They leaned toward each other, and from the sounds, he could tell they were making out over him.

Caught between the pressure of Sawyer rubbing her body on his diapered cock, Jordan pressing her bottom into his face, and the sound of their making out in his ears, Ryan could barely think. He lay back and moaned, then lifted his head and pushed it between her cheeks.

Now it was Jordan's turn to moan. "Good boy!" she said. "Just like that! Lick it! You have a tongue!"

Ryan obeyed, and pushed his tongue deep into her. He found the string of her thong, and began tracing it with his finger.

Meanwhile, Sawyer had also began to moan. She rocked herself over him, and he felt his cock push harder and harder until he was sure it would burst the tapes of his diaper. Though he hated to admit it, the material of the diaper added to the feeling, wrapping him with both pressure and softness that made him want more.

Jordan rotated her body so her front was over him. She was wet, and the smell overwhelmed him. He pushed his tongue into her, taseting her juices as they soaked her panties.

"Good girl! GOOD BOY!" she shouted, and the words made him more eager. She rotated again, and he licked her ass eagerly. His cock was pressing against his diaper and against Sawyer over it, and he knew he was about to cum.

He stopped. An awful smell filled his nose. "Keep licking, diaper girl," Jordan said, and he obeyed.

There was a buzzing sound, and an even worse smell. He then realized Jordan was farting on him. 

"EWWW!" he said, and lowered his head. He turned his head to the side and made a face. Sawyer had stopped rubbing on his diaper, and watched his reaction.

"NO!" Jordan said. "Keep licking." She grabbed his hair and pulled his face into her, then farted loudly again. He tried to back away, but with his hair in her hands, his hands behind his back, and all four holding him down, there was little he could do.

Jordan smacked his thighs, making him yelp. "Keep licking! Do it or I'll get the paddle again!"

"No!" he said.

She smacked his thighs again. "DO IT! I'LL SPANK YOU!"

"Ryan," Sawyer's soothing voice came again. "You said you'd be a good baby and obey mommy, right? That includes her friends. If you want to cum at all tonight, you'll keep licking." As she spoke, she lowered herself down hard on his erect penis, making him gasp.

He groaned. The thought was disgusting, but his eagerness to finish drove every other thought out of his mind. He opened his mouth, found the line of her thong, and began licking again. "Yes mommy. Yes Mistress Jordan."

"Good boy," Sawyer said. She began rubbing and moaning against his diapered cock again. She hit a button, and the plug began to vibrate again, sending a new wave of pleasure into him.

"Yes, good boy," Jordan said. She put her hand back into her underwear, and with her other, pulled on his hair until his face was deep between her cheeks. She farted loudly again, and Ryan gagged. Instead of stopping, he squeezed his nose, and kept licking.

His cock pressed up and up, and he felt it get ready to finish. Instead, just before he came in his diapers, the two women stopped. They stood up and waited a moment.

"Wha wha...?" he asked.

Sawyer smiled at him. "You aren't spunking up your dipies yet. We all want a turn," she said. They switched places, and he moaned louder as the game repeated.

He had no idea how long it went on for. Each girl took a rubbing herself into the lump of his cock in his diaper, and another pressing their bottom into his face. For each set he got just to the point of cumming before they stopped, leaving him hard, panting, and desperate.

The game went on as the night grew darker, the dozens of women each having him eat them out, grinding on him, and leaving him hard and desperate.

When they were finally done, Sawyer sat beside him pulled him onto her lap. She rubbed a warm, wet cloth over his face, and brushed his hair back. "Good diaper girl" she cooed. "Good baby. Did you have fun in the first part of our game, diaper girl?"

"Good," she lifted him and sat him back on his knees. She shoved the pacifier back in his mouth, and Liz brought another set of tubes from behind the couch. She stuck one in his diaper, and attached another to his pacifier, which he realized had an adjustable hole in the teat.

"You, my little diaper girl, are going to be our spare garbage disposal and toilet tonight. One of these pipes goes into your mouth, the other your diaper, pray we use the right one more then the wrong." She left the remote for his plug beside him.

"MMM MM!" he said. His mind filled with disgust at the thought. He looked around in panic as the women laughed and giggled at him. They began to pass around drinks and chugged in front of him.

A women he didn't recognize walked up to him. "Just to get this started," she said. She poured a bit of her drink into one tube, and he watched it flow down the pipe into his diaper. 

The cool, bubbling liquid settled on his cock, and he moaned. She laughed. "Good diaper girl. Now for the other end," She poured some into the other tube, and his mouth filled with sweet, strong alcohol. He swallowed it, preferring it to the tastes that had filled his mouth earlier.

She cupped his cheek. "Good diaper girl, drink up nicely. You'll be getting a lot of that tonight. In case you can't tell, this is an orgy, and one you aren't part of. You are going to sit there with your hard widdle cock in your widdle diapers, and get hornier and hornier as we have our fun. As we do, anything we don't want to finish will end up in your mouth or diaper, so be a good diaper girl and take it all, and you might have a chance after, ok?" She rewarded him with a moment of vibration.

He nodded at her. She turned, and, as if just to rub it in, pushed her bottom into his face for a second, then walked away.

Ryan watched as the events proved her right. The women began drinking more and more, and as they got drunk, began making out around him. Panties and bras came off, some discarded, some packed neatly, and some others still thrown at him or wrapped over his face.

He felt himself panting. He stared at the naked, gorgeous woman around him, trying to take in as much as he could. Soon he was gasping for breath. His cock was twitching inside his diaper, and he wanted more then anything to cum.

A woman came up to him. He stared up at her naked form as she reached down and ran a finger nail across his face. He gasped again, and felt his body convulse. She took her drink, and like the other woman before, poured a bit into his mouth and diaper. He swallowed, and felt the fluid soak the padding around his cock. She then shoved his nose deep inside her, and he inhaled. She smiled at him, then turned and did the same for her behind, and he inhaled again. She turned on the plug and held his face into her, letting him moan and scream in pleasure into her, then turned it off.

She took her panties, pull them over his face, and hooked the bottom under his nose. Every time he breathed, her smell filled his nose, and made his cock switch again. He could even hear the plastic tapes straining, and he moaned for release. Instead, she patted his cheek, and walked away. She climbed on top of one of the others, and began kissing her.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. Another women stood beside him. She wrapped her thong around him, then poured her own drink directly into his diaper.

The pattern repeated itself. He swore he took on liters of alcohol, both in his mouth and diaper. He felt himself get drunker and drunker, and the padding around his cocked got soaked and pressed against his loins as his desperation grew. The vibrator inside him turned on and off, each time bring him to the edge of cumming before he turned it off. More panties were tied and wrapped around him, blocking out other sensations but the smell, the taste, and the feeling of his cock in the soaked padding. 

Another women came up, this time not holding a drink. He looked up at her curiously. She bent over, picked his chin up, and kissed his forehead, then his pacifier. He convulsed again.

"I don't have a drink, but I think I have something else for your pampers. Don't want them to go to waste, do we?" 

She stood over the funnel. Ryan watched, mouth agape, as a stream of yellow fluid poured from her and into the tube. 

"Ahhhh," he moaned as the fluid came down and poured into his diaper. It hit his cock, and he almost shouted in restrained pleasure. His mind told him he should be disgusted, but every part of his body craved more, and his cock pushed up into the warm liquid. He felt the diaper expand and heard the tapes strain, and she left.

Another women came up, poured champagne into his mouth, then stood over the funnel herself. 

"Aaa aaa' he whined as his diaper expanded further. He wanted more then anything to cum, and every thing around him made the craving worse and worse. However, while before the humiliation and taunting was the sole factor, making him hard with not contact, the soaked padding now made a constant, warm pressure on him that made him want to finish even more. 

She kissed him, and left.

He realized if the process continued, he would eventually cum without anyone touching his cock. The thought of finishing just because of humiliation,  anal simulation and soaked padding around his cock was itself humiliating, but he daydreamed of it anyway.

Jordan walked up to him. She bent down to him. "You know, I can see how much you are loving it, but I still think this should be a punishment. So lets try something else, shall we?"

She stood over the second funnel. Ryan shook his head and moaned, but could do nothing to stop as the yellow stream went down into the tube, then into his mouth.

"MMMM!" he whined, gasping in disgust.

"Drink," she said. "Drink it, or I'll spank you again."

He swallowed. The disgusting yellow fluid filled his mouth again, and he swallowed again and again. Jordan moaned in delight as she relieved herself into him, and he moaned in both disgust and pleasure as the punishment aroused him even more. When she was done, she didn't give him the customary pat or kiss. Instead, she poured the rest of her Champaign into his diaper. "Too bad I won't let you rinse that down," she said, and left.

Another woman came up, stood in the same place, and did the same. "What a good little toilet you make," she said as he drank. "Good toilet. Its so cute to see that tiny cock of yours press against your diaper. You just love this, don't you?"

He nodded, and she rewarded him with sweet alcohol poured into his mouth. His relief only lasted a second before another woman came up, then another, then another.

Ryan was bloated, sick, and harder then he ever had been before. His stomach was in knots, begging for relief from the mountain of material inside of him. He was sure if it continued he would burst.

Luckily, the hours passed, and it was soon almost midnight. Sawyer approached him again.

"Hello little baby girl, did you have fun?"

He nodded.

She laughed. "God your pathetic. You actually enjoyed that? You enjoyed being humiliated, paraded around in skirts and diapers, used as a toilet, and treated like our little bitch?"

He paused, blushed, but still nodded.

"Figures. A loser like you would, and your rock hard cock proves it. Looks like you're going to tear your diaper takes, you pervert."

He looked down at the white, printed material jutting out from under his skirt. He was sure it was the hardest he'd ever been, and it had become painful.

"I really hope you are still learning your lesson. I hope when we are done, you never even think of stalking one of my friends again, ok? And if you do, all the videos from tonight will go online on our favorite porn sites, and you will have your own herd of perverts coming after you, understood? You want horny men coming hoping to spank you in a skirt and diaper or tie you down and fuck your ass?"

He nodded. Even that last, horrifying threat served as pleasure in his mindset. He felt his cock twitch.

She looked down at it and shook her head, a bemused smile on her face. "Wow, literally too horny to punish. You are such a pervert, Diaper Girl. Maybe I'll just keep you around like this after and we can do it each week?

"MMM!" he said eagerly, nodding. She laughed, then continued.

"We have one more game for you, then you can finish and rest, ok? You see, its almost midnight. Normally, we'd watch a ball drop and hear fireworks, wouldn't we?"

He nodded, curious.

"We don't have one, but we will see SOMETHING drop, and hear SOMETHING go off." She held up the remote. "You see this? When I hit this button, that little plug inside you will open up, and we will all get a nice view of you filling your diapers to the brim. With all the laxatives enemas in you, you're going to make a nice, big, stinky mess for mommy. Then, we are going to take turns passing you around on our laps, bouncing you up and down, where ALL the spicy mush we give you is going to burn your spanked bottom again and again. And that's how you'll finally cum- not with anyone riding you, not with anyone on your cock, but bouncing up in your dirty, poopy diapers, spanked bum aching the entire time, while we all laugh at you. Sound fun?"

For once, he shook his head. "MMM MM!" he begged, though she only laughed and walked away to get everyone's attention.

Part of him knew it was coming. They had fed him laxatives, they had even given him an enema, and they put him in diapers. Logically, there was only one way for that to go. Still, even after all he experienced, the idea of messing his diaper shook him to his very core.

"MMM MMM! MMM MMM!" he complained as three of the women untied his leash and lifted him up by his legs and arms. He struggled helplessly, the ropes on his feet and hands keeping him in place as the carried him to the top of a shelf. They set him down, bottom to the audience, and almost eye level with everyone there. They lifted his skirt and tied it tightly around his waist, exposing the full back of his diaper.

Sawyer just patted his diapered bottom. "Its so cute to hear you complain, as if you get a say. We know you love it, pervert, so just accept it."

His plug started vibrating. He lifted his head back, feeling his tears mix with the drool from his mouth. They all laughed as he moaned in pleasure from it, but nothing he could to could stop his reaction.

The countdown started.

"10!" they chanted.

He moaned louder.


He whined, not wanting them to see what he knew what was coming.


He cried and screamed as loud as his pacifier gag would allow, desperately hoping someone else would hear and come to his aid.


He pulled and struggled at the chains, but nothing budged. His diapered behind remained where it was, and there was no way to change it.

"6! 5! 4! 3!"

"MMMM!!" He cried. 

"2! 1!"

He hung his head in shame. He felt the plug expand.

"BLARRRR!" the sound coming from his diaper was deafening to his ears. 

The combination of of enema, laxatives, and force feeding had left his stomach jam packed, and every inch of it poured out of him. He struggled helplessly, nothing he could do would stop the effect of the expanded plug.

He moaned, groaned, and rocked. His diaper expanded further, and blew up behind his back as the audience cheered and laughed. He gasped and bent over, more and more pouring out.

After what seemed like an eternity, he was left gasping, panting, and sweating, for a very different reason then before. The smell hit his nose, and gagged.

Arms grabbed him and picked him up into the air. He shook his head and whined, trying to beg them not to, but no words came out from the pacifier gag. He knew what was coming, but tied as he was, there was no way to stop it.

He didn't know the owner of the first lap he was sat on. The woman smiled at him, made an exaggerated waving motion with his hand to make fun of his smell, and pushed him down.

"EEEE!" he screamed as his bottom settled into the disgusting mess in his diaper. The ooze was pushed into him and caked him, making every inch it covered burned. When he was finally in it, the smell filled his nose and he gagged.

"Gagging on your own smell, stinky?" the woman teased. "That's ok. Someone want to give little poopy pants his doll so he stops whining?" 

The doll was shoved in his lap, completing the look of being cradled on her. He felt her lift her leg slowly, then begin bouncing. 

"EEEP!" he shrieked as the much was repeatedly jammed into him. The mix of humiliation, disgust, and pain filled him, and he cried loudly as he bounced. Each loud "Squelch" made him cry harder, and made them laugh louder.

Worse, the plug still vibrated. As awful as it was, the humiliation and domination still had its aphrodisiac affect on him, and it was getting impossible to ignore. Each bounce rubbed his cock into the padding and mess of his diaper, and the rubbing and warmth was horribly amazing.

He was passed to another lap, then another. Each woman took the time to tease and mock him, and reveled in his reaction.

Thoughts ran through his head. He was in a dress and a poopy diaper, smelling so bad that he gagged on his own smell, with all the women he had longed after laughing at him. And yet, he had never been hornier. He knew his cock would explode soon, and in the worse possible way.

It was on Jordan's lap it finally happened. The woman who had reveled most in his pain, humiliated and punished him the worse, and it was her who finally made him cum.

"Hey there poopy pants. Hey there stinky little boy. Having fun bouncing up and down in your sad, pathetic diapers?"

He nodded, tears in his eyes. His cock ached, rubbing against the diaper. The mush wrapped him, moving with each bounce, and teased and ached him as the vibrator kept him even closer.

"I think that is what I'm going to call you, poopy pants. I've never seen a grown man so pathetic that he filled his diapers in front of a room full of women. You like your new name poopy pants?"

He nodded. He hated the name, but the more he hated it, the hornier it made him.

"Really? Ok poopy pants, I'll just call you that forever. Should I go to your roommate and tell him too? Your work? Should I make you call yourself that online? Should I..."

He didn't hear the rest. After hours of teasing, his cock finally erupted, bringing him to a massive, screaming orgasm. His body convulsed, his eyes rolled back, and made shrieking sounds behind his pacifier. 

Ryan's lay backward in his bully's arms, panting and drooling. His vision went black for a moment, and he rocked forward.

When he finally became cognizant again, he looked up to see everyone staring and laughing.

"Enjoy that poopy pants?" Jordan said.

"Mhmm," he nodded sadly.

"Good little poopy pants. Now go with your mommy so we don't have to smell you anymore."

She lifted him up and settled him in Sawyer's lap, and she untied him and removed his gag. As soon as he could move again, he curled in close to her, and hugged her, causing more awws and laughter from the women.

Sawyer rubbed his back. "Good baby. You have fun diaper girl?"

"Yes mommy," he said.

"Did you learn your lesson?"

"Yes mommy."

"Good baby. Now, I think its bedtime for you so mommy can have fun with her friends, ok?"

"Yes mommy," he said.

"Say goodnight diaper girl, and thank them for helping you learn your lesson."

"Goodnight!" he said. "Thanks for helping me learn my lesson and cum."

"Goodnight diaper girl!" they all responded, except for Jordan, who still referred to him as "poopy pants."

Sawyer attached his leash to him, and led him, crawling, into another room. There, she sat on a chair, and patted her knee.

Still obedient, he got up and settled down. She giggled. "Jeeze, you still stink there diaper girl," she said, and waved her hand in front of her nose.

"I know mommy."

She reached beside the chair and took out a bottle of clear fluid. He stared at it nervously. She noticed, and said. "It's water. You can relax now sweetie. We are done humiliating you for the day. You will need water after everything you went through." She put the teat in his mouth, and he began drinking, happy to see it really was water.

"So, are you going to do anything like that again?"

He shook his head.

"Good boy. Now, you have a choice."

"You might be tempted to try to rat us out or report us to someone. However, first of all, we will respond with the evidence you've been stalking us, and charge you. Since I can DEFINITLY afford a better lawyer then you, and we will win."

He nodded. The thought of trying to prosecute them had come to his mind, but he figured something like this would happen.

"Next, if you try anything, we have countless videos of you crawling in diapers, wearing dresses, and begging to be humiliated. That will find its way online, and we will make sure you end up looking bad in each video."

"So, for now, I'm going to put you in perfect adorable baby girl pajamas, and send you to bed. Tomorrow, you will have a choice. Either, you can get up, shower, go home in your regular clothes, and we will forget this happened. Or..."

He listened attentively while drinking his bottle.

"Tomorrow, if you wake up, call me mommy, ask nicely, and promise to behave, we can have more fun. I will send you home in your stinky diaper. Then, you will film yourself cutting up each pair of naughty big boy boxers in your shelf and replacing them with more diapers. Then, you will pledge to me. If you do that, I will pay to have your stuff moved in here, and you will live as my permanent submissive. You will obey me, do my chores, and please me whenever I want, and I will punish you at will. In return, I will keep you in diapers and skirts tease you constantly since you clearly love them, and I will help you spunk up your diapers whenever I think you've been a good baby."

"Ummm..." he said.

"Don't answer now," She said, and kissed his forehead. "Go to bed, we have a nice comfy cage for you to sleep in, and you will respond in the morning. Ok?"

"Ok. Mommy, can I get changed now, orrr..."

She laughed. "No, you're sleeping in that." She pressed a hand against the front of his diaper, and he moaned, shocked to find he was hard again. "You are still being punished. You are going to sleep in your poopy diaper, laying all night in it as you get a rash, and wake up smelling worse then ever. I want you to be reminded of tonight every time you sit down and feel the painful diaper rash and spanking we gave you, and remember you are the only grown man who still has to worry about having a diaper rash on public." His cock grew, and she pressed harder. "Plus that way, if you do decide to go home in it, you'll will have to wonder if anyone can smell your dirty, disgusting diapers, and know what a tiny, pathetic baby you are, and you can...

He gasped. To his shock, he orgasmed again in his diaper.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Well, that was surprising. I guess I kind of know what you'll decide."


Three months had passed. 

Ryan looked out the window at the rising towers beyond. He breathed in fresh air, and sighed, smiling.

He turned back into the massive condo. His pink skirts swirled as he walked through the house, making sure every inch of it was clean before Mommy got home. She would be there soon, probably with a friend, and he wanted to make sure it was perfect. He checked the curried meat in the slow cooker. He had become a much better cook since he had moved in- the state of his butt often depended on if his Mommy liked what he cooked.

An alarm went off, marking the end of his free day. He grabbed his paddle and leash from where he kept them in the living room, walked to the front door, and knelt. As he had done dozens of times, he attached the leash to the collar he now permanently wore, and held the handle, along with his collar, in his upturned hands. He bent over.

He checked his outfit. As a rule, his diaper should always be exposed. Today he was wearing triple layered bunny hops, covered by locking plastic pants he never held the key to. He had already filled them several times that day, and hoped that would make his Mommy happy.

He waited. From that point on, it could be minutes, or hours, until she was home. His job was to remain perfectly still regardless, and a monitoring camera ensured he obeyed. As long as he never heard otherwise, this is how he spent the time from four PM until whenever she got home.

Fortunately, it wasn't long until he heard footsteps. There were two of them, and from the weight he guessed the other was male. That told him Mommy had taken home one of her boyfriends. Depending on how the night went, he may be asked to join, perhaps finish the man off in his mouth, or he might be left locked up in his cage, merely witnessing it as he struggled, helplessly hard, with no relief. He hoped for the first- it gave him the best chance of cumming.

The door opened, and his Mommy walked in. She bent and took the leash and paddle from his hand.

She put a foot under his mouth, and he kissed it. She moved aside, and another larger foot came under, which he kissed too.

"Knees," she commanded.

He snapped up into position. This position, also called "position 2", was normally what came next. It had him kneeling regularly, back straight, and hands on his lap.

She walked up to him. Knowing the routine, he leaned forward and kissed the front of her pants. She moved away, and the man did the same. He pressed his lips against the front of his pants. He could feel the man's cock get hard under neath them, and wondered what role he'd play in relieving it.

Mommy walked round to his back, and lifted his skirt. She tsked. "That is one poopy pamper, Diaper Girl," she said the name that now came to him as if capitalized, the name printed on his collar, the name he was most willing to respond to. "Pathetic. A 25 year old man in a dirty diaper. Lets decide if you've earned a change."

"Yes mommy," he said.

"Look at me," she commanded.

He looked up. This was the first time since she came in that he saw her face, as well as the man beside her. He had seen him a few times, though he didn't know his name. The man in question liked proving he was dominant over Ryan, and Ryan had no issues accepting that role. However, the ways he did it could get rough, and Ryan gulped, thinking about what kind of night he was in for.

Mommy reached down and cupped his face. "Alright then Diaper Girl. We are going to look around the house, and see if you made any mistakes or left any chores undone. Then, we will see the dinner you cooked us, and decide if we like it, or if its going in your pampers too. What we decide will determine if we punish you, and if we change you."

"Then tonight, we will have some fun. You will eat early in your high chair, then take your normal place under the table as we eat. After that, Mommy's boyfriend has some things he wants you to do to help him get ready to please Mommy, and you will watch from your cage as we go about it. If, and I mean IF, you do everything perfectly, we might let you cum tonight. Alright?

Ryan nodded eagerly. Already, his cock was hard and twitching against the soaked material of his diaper, and he ached for release.

"Good boy. Position 1."

He put his head down, prone and bowing.

"Position 2." 

He knelt back up as he was. She laughed.

"Position 3."

He lay back ward and lifted his legs in the air, then grabbed at his ankles. This was something his Mommy had shown him, and he had learned from yoga. It was called "baby pose." Aside from being a stretch, it left him particularly venerable, and always made him blush. When Mommy sometimes tied his wrists to his ankles in it, he became as helpless as he looked.

"Hmmm," she said. "Diaper position."

He switched his hands to his knees and held his knees to his chest. This was used for spankings, changes, or sometimes for him to be fucked, either by one of Mommy's strap ons or her male friends.

She shook her head. "No, position 3."

He switched back, and she nodded. "Good boy. That will do." She knelt down in front of him, and put a hand on his now exposed diaper. She rubbed the mess into him, and he moaned as her hand went back and forth. She took the pacifier from the string on his chest and put it in his mouth, then returned to rubbing his diaper.

"Now, you will stay like this until we return, understand?" she said, and pressed hard on his diaper. She returned to her teasing, cooing voice, the same tone that had driven him mad on the first night.

He moaned and nodded.

"Good boy. I hope for your sake you did your chores and can have fun tonight, or your little cock will have to stay hard in your dirty diapers allll night," she said.

He nodded again.

She stood up. "Good boy. Just stay like that stinky pants, Mommy doesn't want your smell following us around."

His cock again twitched at the feeling, and he watched them leave.

No matter what the result from their inspection was, he couldn't wait. If they came back to spank him, keep him in his dirty diapers, and lock him up for the night, he knew he'd spend it rock hard, panting and loving every sensation. If they came back to praise him, change him, let him join in, and finish, then it was even better.

He lay back and sighed. He didn't know if there was a more perfect life for him.


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