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It was basically decided that I was going to the Norse Realm with the hopes of conquering it or at least forming a kingdom within it that would exclude Skadi's own castle. Similar to my claim on the Gumiho realm as the rest of the Gumiho were in such short numbers that their race literally couldn't hold claim to the realm besides their Gumiho Queens which wasn't really going to be an issue.

So besides Skadi herself. I wasn't too worried about anything in the Norse realm honestly... Especially with how Yuki, Arianna, and Kiyohime were coming with me.

As I was well aware Kiyohime herself was on the lower end of things in the Ultimate Class of power scaling. 'I told my kitsune that I would be busy doing this realm invasion so they wouldn't worry about me. Is there anything else I need.' I thought as I checked things over before shrugging as a thought did strike me so I looked over at Arianna.

"Will you be alright if you are gone from the library? I mean don't you have responsibilities or something?" I asked with some concern.

Arianna's soft red eyes blinked before she smiled smugly and said. "I am a daughter of Athena and a fallen angel. I have long since automated the library's sorting system with magic so I can take a break for a couple of weeks at most without any issues!"

I nodded and then looked at Kiyohime who had her eyes closed as she snuggled up with me while holding the Dragon Pearl in her hands as she rocked slightly back and forth as she slowly absorbed the energy within the pearl. "Kiyohime, do you have any issues in joining me for an adventure/conquest"

The dragon chuckled as she said dryly. "I am the Shinto's favored butcher with a pretty face... I can do whatever I want Jake."

'Well, that's pleasant.' I thought blandly before I made a noise as I attempted to sit up from the lap pillow I was getting from Yuki. But instead, her hand that was on my head moved to my chest to prevent me from rising. While Kiyohime actually whined petulantly with her draconic eyes snapping to mine with an unspoken message of severe condemnation for daring to make her lose her comfortable position.

But I was undaunted as Kusanagi muttered to me mentally. 'As an emperor, you cannot allow the harem to bind you to your bed. Lest you waste away in pleasure and wine my lord.'

I took her advice more seriously as I spoke kindly but firmly to the two. "Alright, then let's get going. I have other goals other than just dealing with this Norse realm as I will need to conquer several realms in their entirety to fully reach my potential."

Yuki and Kiyohime hearing my words all got up with a grumble but they understood I was being firm so they allowed me up and afterwards, I looked to Arianna and asked. "Can you open a portal to the Norse realm if I give you the coordinates?"

That was my biggest issue right now actually... My kitsune were either, mage fighters, assassins, mentally broken, or tacticians. They weren't at all remotely a mage who could do more esoteric magic.

At my question, Arianna nodded with a smug smile as she said quickly. "Yes! Although I can only transport the four of us due to my... Not that great stores of mana, but I can do it without issue."

She stood up with magical glyphs forming in her hands to begin crafting the glyphs to send us to the Norse realm of Nifldum. And as she worked, with her mana working at its peak I realized what she meant previously as her wings expanded from her back.

'Oohhh... Thats trouble alright.' I thought as her wings were multicolored with the typical jet-black wings a Fallen would have. But there were also pure white feathers in her wings that were clearly from her heritage as the daughter of Athena. Athena whose spirit animal was literally an owl.

'Should any fallen angels see her... Yeah, that wouldn't go well.' I thought blankly but besides that, I realized that she only had four wings which explained why she was weak. And seeing that I wondered if I should invest in trying to make some potions to make her stronger.

Yuki and Kiyohime stood beside me as Arianna began visibly sweating a bit as she powered to create a portal between realms and finally the glyph on the ground stabilized with Arianna taking a breath to recenter herself. "Are you ready Jake?" She asked and I nodded with the other two following me as we stepped onto the glyph.

Another Glyph formed as Arianna also stepped onto the primary magical glyph system below our feet and with a mutter under her breath Arianna ignited the glyph with a small grunt of effort and my vision was filled with a rainbow of light as I felt Kiyohime, Yuki, and then lastly Arianna grabbing my arms or jacket as we were shunted across reality towards the realm of Nifldum.

In a couple moments, I heard a mental ping from my system as a quest was auto accepted and I closed my eyes to read it as the shrieking of dimensional energies along with the infinite and otherworldly view hurt to look at. As Arianna's impromptu teleportation was nowhere near as smooth as the stable portal that the large group made when the Gumiho culling occurred.

[Nifldum the land of Ever Winter and Eternal Spring.] [Nifldum the land in which the broken-hearted goddess Skadi calls home is home to devlish Ice Spirits and strong Norse monsters filled with the vitality of eternal spring and forged in the cruel constant winter that washes over them.] [Two kingdoms of humans call Nifldum home with the humans within those kingdoms practicing Norse Rune magic to augment themselves to hunt the powerful Norse land and sea monsters that surround the realm single land mass with Skadi's castle lying in the exact middle of the realm which also divide the two kingdoms.]

The information on the realm would be useful as the information Yukikaze and Arianna had on the realm was literally centuries old at this point so god knows what was currently actually happening. But after absorbing the introduction I continued to read what my actual objectives were in the realm of Nifldum.

[To conquer the realms of Nifldum you must bring the two kingdoms to heel under yourself. Each kingdom believes that might makes right so you must challenge their kings on their terms to earn yourself the right to properly call yourself king.] [True ownership of the realm will require you to conquer, seduce, or kill the goddess Skadi as she owns the core of the realm by divine writ of her divinity being tied to the realm itself.]

Once I finished reading the challenges I felt relief as the dimensional shifting calmed down and with a thrum of lightning in a crackle of power, we dropped a good couple of feet as we landed inside a clearing with my eyes snapping open and dismissing my system stuff as I took in our surroundings.

I quickly took in the Boreal forests surrounding us and in the far distances, as we flew into the air past the thickly wooded forests surrounding us, we all saw endless large snow-capped mountains in all directions.

'Hmm, the realm is split in half by Skadi's castle being the centerpiece. If we find Skadi's supposedly huge ice castle everything will sort itself out.' I thought as I spoke past the howling icy wind that scrapped at our forms trying to steal the little warmth we had after we left the protection of the thick tree cover.

"Let's fly to find some of the natives. Kiyohime, Arianna will you be ok with the cold?" I asked with some concern as being out of the tree cover I could feel the icy winds ripping at us with like negative fifty-degree Fahrenheit winds. But thankfully I was all but immune to such a level of coldness due to my marriage to Yuki being blessed with such resistance.

Arianna shivering nodded as a red glowing barrier formed around her body in a ward of warmth while Kiyohime called out confidently. "I may prefer the heat, my love. But as a dragon, I am well used to the biting chill of the deep waters and of the darkest of places."

Well ok then... With everyone here having ways to keep themselves from freezing to death, we flew up into the air higher and higher with the winds and cold getting worse and worse.

But besides Arianna's ward glowing with power as to keep her warm, there wasn't any issue as she said she could hold up the ward for a good twenty more minutes so we quickly flew in a random direction to see if we could find anything of note.

I say random direction because the huge moon wasn't that great of a direction indicator and the stars themselves were weird so there was no easy way of picking out a direction.


An unknown of time later Kiyohime called out as she created a small flare of fire to get our attention. "I can see some stronger heat signatures from fire. So it should be a village or town." She spoke and I remember that Kiyohime was technically a 'serpent' dragon so it wasn't out of the norm for her to have the ability to have some kind of thermal vision.

So we quickly flew towards the location Kiyohime pointed out at and as we came closer... The light of the fires peaked out of the blindingly thick tree cover and then as we came closer, the sounds hit us. The sounds of cheering and screams ringing out.

We swiftly dropped down with myself drawing Kusanagi to slice a hole into the tree cover so we could more easily fall down to the ground as we withdrew our wings or in Kiyohime's case just levitated down to the ground.

And as we took in the village I grimaced at the realization of what it was. 'Fuck... It's a norse realm, of course, there is Vikings which equals raiding.' As the small village that Kiyohime actually picked up was partly ablaze as large men clade in furs that had glowing runes across their fur armor were taking likewise rune-covered weapons to the native dwellers of the village.

But the men of this village were clearly outnumbered and ill-prepared with them not having put on their rune armor which would heavily boost their natural abilities to a superhuman level... So combined with being weaker, and ill-prepared for an invasion. We were just in time to seeing the last of the men of the village being slaughtered as the village's women were being dragged out to be...

'Can I even rule this place without needing to kill all the men?' I thought with an eye twitching as I stomped forward with Kusanagi drawn. I wasn't a saint, as I would kill people without batting an eye to further my goals and become a greater Emperor... But I firmly drew the line with mind control, and non-consent shit.

"Kiyohime, make sure they cannot leave." I said simply and Arianna who was clearly exhausted after using up much of her mana in the teleport and keeping herself warm, stayed back while Yuki as per normal followed behind me with her ice bow drawn with a large ice arrow nocked. "I will go after the leader."

I said simply as I waved my hand and out of my legion of one thousand Terra Cotta Warriors, I summoned the fifty of them that I actually had managed to give arms and armor so they actually had some strength.

Taking in my ki, I performed Senjutsu with my form glowing with my Touki as I roared out. "You whores son! I challenge you all!" I roared with my voice sending a tidal wave of snow that smashed into them and the women to separate them as all the four-inch snow in the two hundred or so meters separating us smashed into the raiders.

The leader was a massive bear of a man honestly. I was just over six feet tall yet he towered over me at seven and a half feet tall with his chest bare of any armor while he had metal pauldrons and a helmet that was a bear head with metal horns atop the bear's head... Though he was wearing an armored cloth and leg armor so it was obvious that he did care about about getting hurt in some way.

Or maybe he just didn't want his dick getting cold who knows.

I met the older man's eyes and he tossed aside the red-haired woman he was holding up in the air by her neck via a single hand and he roared happily. "Haha! You hear that boys. The beardless whelp has come to play the hero to wet his cock upon the widowed bitches of this village!"

I wordlessly slashed Kusanagi at him and my eyes tightened seeing the glowing runes on his bear pelt covering his back glowed brightly with Kusanagi's divine wind blade only smashing into him and pushing back. Rather than cutting him half.

"Damned Runes! They are Primordial Runes carrying divinity and reality manipulation Jake, be careful!" Kusanagi shouted into my mind making me mentally tsk but I just glowed with more silver Touki as I flashed towards him in a Flash Step towards him as I brought the sword down onto him.

But he roared and my eyes widened as a glowing green silhouette of a massive bear formed behind him as a sort of Idol overlaying his form with his bear cloak all but glowing like a sun as it whipped around as his massive great sword met Kusanagi's edge.

His strength, boosted by that aspect of the bear's own strength from that pelt was great... So great that I was sent skidding back as the leader's physical strength was beyond my own. But as I rolled across the ground to bleed off the momentum and I heard the man laugh out. "You have the strength of a raiding chief even without the divine words! I will honor your death with a cup of wine and name my next bastard after you so what is your name laddie!?" He asked full of joy as he stomped over towards me as I stood up unharmed from being pushed back.

"Jake Bariss... Your future emperor but I don't give a shit about your name as I will give you an unmarked grave." I stated flatly as I dashed forward and this time my Touki burned red hot turning from the mortal lifeforce burning to an incandescant red as I switched to using my Emperor Lifeforce.

My next swing smashed into his great sword and I took joy seeing his eyes under his bear helmet widen as I now overpowered him and then I shouted as I stomped forward and my free hand moved from my sword as I pushed his sword aside and slammed into his chest in a corkscrewing motion that was covered in my burning touki.

The Viking raiding leader's eyes widened and blood poured out from his nose and mouth as my Octane Punch sent my ki into his chest and then exploded within tearing apart his inner organs... As it turned out, that not being a legendary monster, eldritch demi-god, or otherwise some other bullshit monster.

Meant that his very human nature with no supernatural bullshit bloodline meant that me making his ribs turn into a frag grenade inside his own chest made him fall down in but a few moments. But as he stumbled and halfway managed to swing his sword again, I held up Kusanagi and with the point, pointing straight in front of my face with one hand on the back pommel of the sword I pushed the sword forward to slam through his eye socket and through his brain before I used my hand to rip it out swiftly in one swift motion.

The divine winds covering Kusanagi had erupted as was the norm when it pierced and sliced through flesh so the man with a brain that was basically put through a blender could only fall silently with no other grand words as I took in the other raiders and called out. "Kill the rest, leave the women alone." I ordered and the silently standing Terracotta Warriors dashed forward towards the screaming Raiders who charged at the empowered golem warriors.

With Kiyohime flying in the air with a bored face as I would give these bastards this... Not a single one of them ran away or begged for their lives, no they ran screaming praises for Odin and Thor as they committed suicide by trying to kill a golem of all things with martial valor.

Arianna now regaining her strength walked over with Yuki as the ice woman and the fallen angel got the women set aside and treated their lesser wounds.

After all the raiders were dead and I had the rune equipment taken so I could inspect it and maybe distribute it to my Terracotta Warriors I heard Yuki calling out to me with annoyance in her voice.

"Jake come over here please." She asked with her pale skin having a flush of either embarrassment or anger on her face making me raise an eyebrow as I looked at who she was talking to.

The woman who Arianna quickly told me was the daughter of the previous chief was a rather beautiful Norse beauty with ruddy red hair and piercing blue eyes that stared at me with intensity in her eyes. "What's going on?" I asked with Yuki sighing and waving her hand at the young woman who squared her shoulders and spoke with no shame in her voice.

"You killed all the raiders and with these ladies and those... Warriors? You must be a strong chieftain if you don't even bother to use your runic equipment so I want you to seed me and the remaining women of this tribe with all our men being dead now." She stated bluntly making me blink and stare at her for a long second as I processed that information.

And it didn't end as she continued with no shame. "In turn for us bearing your strong seed in our wombs without fail. I ask that you leave some of that runic weapons and armor so that the men we bear can become hunters and warriors. While the women can have a bridal gift to buy the love of the man who may steal that daughter."

My eyebrow twitched at the thought of some scum bag little raider trying to 'steal' my child away like they were some wilding from Game of Thrones... But this may literally be the culture here but with the three ladies of mine looking at her with zero 'Amusement' in the slightest I said bluntly. "That won't happen... I won't leave any kids of mine to this kind of life."

No seriously. No matter what kind of person I become, no matter how powerful I become. I will never... Never ever, have my children suffer a life without air conditioning and working plumbing.

And she answered flatly. "If you don't bear our children... How will we keep you here as the winter cycle hits us for the next week tomorrow and the world is blanketed by deadly freezing snow even for those under the trees and even wearing runic armor?"

Arianna grunted as she spoke with clear frustration in her voice. "Jake, they are not lying. This realm works on week-long cycles of terrible winter, and overflowing with vitality spring with a week grace period between each one... We are basically stuck here for a week, but they have maps and I imagine you need to actually take time to work on your new runes with Primordial Runes and arming your Terracotta Army.

'Well, fuck... I needed a super hell-mode winter to stop me in my tracks. Wait did I fucking decide to raid a winter wonderland at the beginning of winter?' I thought with some humor before speaking out. "Alright, we will settle down here for a week or something. We can learn where the kingdoms are, I will work on these runes as well." I said as I hefted the large greatsword and bear cloak that the native women were looking at me... And these armaments with great desire.

The red-haired chieftain's daughter even asked once again with a more natural smile. "Good news then, you all my spend the days in the chief's hut as it is the best at keeping out the cold with its enchanted pelts."

Before I could say anything Arianna nodded and said hurriedly as she rubbed her pink fingers together. "Good, now come on I am freezing!"


Rauko the varment

Darn hehe, this seems like it'll be a 'draining' trip for moar power~

Daniel Foley

So does Nifldum, have one week of Winter, then one week of Spring, then back to winter again, or did I misunderstand?


At this point he needs some dual cultivation in his life.