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I stood outside the first colosseum with the three ladies around me as people who streamed out to see me cheered at seeing me. But were also looking at my party with barely restrained bloodlust. 

[Bloodstone] [A crude imitation of a philosopher stone made from human souls. This which harnesses pure lifeforce instead of souls energy is used to enhance the body of people who absorb the vitality within it along with slightly extending the user's lifespan based on the lifeforce of the bloodstone they absorb.]

Looking at the bloodstone a lot of things were making sense... The champions and people here were using Bloodstones that drove them insane due to mental contamination as the life force was tainted after coming from another being who was all but ritually sacrificed as that was what this entire damned city was for!

Those rivers were channels to carry the blood to the central palace and then from there the life force and souls being carried by the rivers would be engrained into some ritual that's assuredly happening inside the castle. 

For a moment I considered just heading straight for the castle and slaughtering them all as I wasn't going to accept mass sacrifices in my kingdom but for one I remembered the quests I had to kill the champions and do things in order... Not just have Kiyohime break the wards surrounding the central castle hall and just kill everyone there. 

With a sigh, I spoke out. "This city is damn near irredeemable honestly... These people are almost all tainted by the insanity of absorbing foreign life force and souls." I took a breath and remembering the clans and groups outside the kingdom I realized that I may just might need to purge this entire city.

As I was well-taught by history. When a conqueror came from a different land and culture, it was just human nature to buck against the foreign force, especially with casual murder and violence being the norm with how bloodstones would push human development to age to adult forms quicker.

So with the context of assimilation possibly not being possible I had a few options in just subjecting the people harshly to break their spirits, trying to destroy the use of Bloodstones, or I just purge the entire population with fire and blades.

I swallowed down any thoughts and said. "Alright lets head to the next colosseum. I already have that one's boots and we can decipher its Primordial Rune after we take over the kingdom." I spoke.

Arianna who was the one interested in also learning all the Primordial Runes she could as such a study was lost on Earth as Odin kept all knowledge of the true Primordial Runes under lock and key. Gave me a good pout at me putting off and not just like renting a room or something to begin studying it.

But as we headed over to the next colosseum Kiyohime spoke up. "These people have weak souls even if their bodies are strong... Is that the insanity you are referring to?" 

I nodded and then with the glowing red stone in my hand as we walked to the other colosseum I explained to the three about what Bloodstones were. Honestly, they were a powerful auxiliary ingredient but to use them as pure fuel to enhance your body was a stupid idea with how it would taint your body and mind.

I almost sighed as a man dashed at me but before he could meet his end by Kusanagi his head snapped back as an arrow of slammed home into his forehead with Yuki saying coldly. "Let's move, this city is worse than the Gumiho realm if what Jake says is the truly the case."

Arianna and Kiyohime nodded with our forms flying into the air as we took to the air to fly over the murderous assholes we began trailing us as though knowing we were going to commit even more violence.

We flew to the next colosseum and knowing how utterly fucked this city was I didn't even bother bribing the guard standing in front of the signup area and just backhanded him through the wooden door leading into the colosseum.

Going into the colosseum proper after killing a couple of mercenaries that didn't have any runic equipment and of no particular strength I met the next champion upon the sands of this colosseum. 

This one instead of being a speed-focused torturer like the last one was actually a woman who was using a pair of two matching wine-red whips that had thorns crossing over the whips. I threw an observe at the woman and then grimaced at seeing it.

[Gwenievere Carmillia- Bloodstone Cracked Addict- Vampire Lvl 52] 

'Oh... Fuck I never imagined how the mind and soul-warping shit from Bloodstones would actually affect vampires.' I thought before stowing the thought as the champion snapped her whips in front of my feet as she cheered with a mad smile.

"Oh you darling pretty boy, I am going to chop off your limbs, and ride you like a pogo stick after I sell those disgusting wretches behind you to the first prince!" She gushed estastically and I couldn't help a sigh of exasperation at how utterly fucking insane these champions seemed to be.

Which was another point at the bloodstone effects on them.

The whip snapped towards me as she stepped forward but thankfully even though Kiyohime behind growled at what the vampire threatened she allowed me to flash step past the wave and then duck under another whip and then I decided to use my own whip with my hand snapping outwards at her.

I used my water elemental familiar and snapped outwards in a tentacle of water that the vampire hurriedly dodged as the water whip slammed into the ground where they were previously. 

'She is pretty damned fast with her being a vampire... The runic equipment is obviously the whips but she is actually a vampire of decent strength.' I thought as I spun and dashed sideways to dodge a retaliatory swipe of her high-speed whips.

'Kusa, can you block the whip with a wind barrier?' I mentally asked as I sent a wind blade at her that she blurred out of the way of and then she resumed trying to cut off my limbs with her whips that would likely rip off my limbs with those thorns digging through my flesh.

Kusanagi bluntly replied. "I can block a few. But items blessed by primordial runes carry lesser forms of reality manipulation."

Her whip caught a bit of my jacket and I mentally cursed as she ripped through part of my jacket. Knowing that using lesser magic even Kusanagi's divine winds wasn't a good idea to block Primordial Runes I dashed forward and with a mental warning to Kusanagi I threw her at the vampire who flinched at seeing my throw my katana at her but as she ducked below the sword to continue swinging her fast as hell whips at me.

She got one hell of a surprise as Kusanagi zipped backward towards me and the sword slammed through her back and pierced her chest and as she staggered forward in surprise at having several feet of divine steel burning within her unholy flesh I arrived at her and her eyes widened as her head flopped off as I used one of my spare Celestial Bronze axes to cut her head off.

The moment I took off her head a loud scream rang out and her body began breaking down into ashes and with my feet I picked up my drops as per usual at killing an actual supernatural creature. "He killed another champion. Is he going to challenge the royal family!?" The crowd seeming roared after several people who followed me learned that I had already killed another champion and in turn I yelled out.

"Aye! I am going directly to the next champion! The king dies tonight!" I roared with the crowd cheering with thunderous stomping rang out as they stomped on the thick wood of the stands.

With that, I picked up the whips and inspected them for a moment. [Crimson Tears.] [Matching whips with the core of the whips being the alchemically treated spines of a dozen female twins with the leather outside being the girl's skin. The thorns are the rose thorns that the alchemist carefully used to stab into the girls to bleed them out creating a masterwork that then had the Primordial Rune of {B̶̟͔̺͍̦̌̆̂ļ̵̞̥̳̝̊̋̃̄̀̄o̸͚̿̓̾̀͊͝ͅơ̵̥̞̣̗̺͊̔̐̈ḓ̷̦͖́́} enlaid within the whips.]

Although I couldn't tell what Primordial Rune was in here without more research and study as to actually use a rune I needed enlightenment and comprehension of its effect to actually engrave it... I knew that the moment I got the rune off these whips I was going to throw these into a flame and pray for Artemis to take and destroy these terrible things.

I left the colosseum sandy ground with Yuki asking quickly. "You still alright to continue?" 

I nodded and answered easily. "They are decently strong... But their mad bloodlust makes them an easy target honestly. And I don't feel bad about killing these psychopaths."

My face twitched as a thought occurred to me. 'Was the reason no other factions besides the utterly shitty weather, the complete psycho's in this realm the reason why no other Pantheon or faction tried to take over this place?' Like this place, although having an ultra harsh super winter was bad but you could build a bunker or just use more magic to seal in an area to keep out the winter's bite.

But now I was getting more worried about how fucked up the mageocracy was across the realm in the other kingdom that relied on magical power and cutthroat politics that measured people's value.

As it was far less might make right here... And more, 'I don't like that dude... I am going to kill him and then fuck his wife on his corpse.' That's the level of competitive insanity that was the norm here in this realm.

We flew to the last champion's colosseum and as a tide of people followed along and as we reached the colosseum the guard held up a hand that was actually a gauntlet that had jagged claws on the fingertips. "Champion, please wait. The king-" I snaped a kick forward and my kick slammed home into the chest plate of the guard with his eyes widening as he blasted off backward through the large gate as I thought.

'I don't give a shit what the king wants or says. I am literally going to kill him when I see him.' I thought flatly as we walked over the guard who I broke several ribs of but he just threw a bloody grin at me without any malice as he watched us pass by through the colosseum that matched the previous two colosseum's in its design.

Once I got to the fighting pits itself after a couple of minutes of walking around the colosseum's weaving tunnels we could already hear the people streaming into the colosseum as they caught up to our flying forms and it seemed we were lucky as they were already cheering the previous champs name while stomping their feet a matching thudding noises that shook the whole colosseum.

"The newcomer is here for blood! To take my own head, now who are you a foreigner to this world!?" A voice spoke loudly and I raised an eyebrow as I looked away from the champion to the side at a highly decorated sitting box where a large man and two younger men were sitting behind him.

'The king and the two princes.' I thought as I took in the medieval-looking king of the Heior Kingdom who had a thick long beard with his eyes glowing with red bloody light as he hefted a large halberd that had red lightning sparking off it. [Alfridus Scion of Blood Lvl 76] 

Looking at the princes I noticed they were weaker than the king being only around lvl 50 like the previous champions but either way I nodded my head and spoke out with my touki filling my voice with power. "Aye, my name is Jake Barris King of the Kitsune realm, Slayer of Fallen Angels, and the Neverborn!" 

The king's eyes rose in interest and he chuckled loudly before calling. "Alright you arrogant whelp, kill my last champion and then you will get the chance you want against me and my boys. You win and its all yours but seeing as you are a little shite that didn't let me get any new champions ready for my colosseum's after you killed the old ones haha."

I looked back towards the... Disturbingly calm champion of this colosseum and I saw that it was another woman but this one instead of being a goth beauty like the previous vampire. Was a nun? 

No, it was a DXD battle nun or exorcist as I recognized the leather jumpsuit she was wearing that clung to her voluptuous frame like a second skin and then as I walked over to her with her relaxing for the upcoming battle I threw an observe at her. [Alicia Clemice- The lost daughter of Heaven Lvl 58-94 'Nephilim-sealed']

I stood there stock still as I read the information and title as I realized this girl was... For one extremely dangerous and also extremely valuable as I knew that Nephilim were very powerful entities as pure angels obviously very rarely gave birth to children.

"Why are you fighting here?" I asked suddenly and Alice froze as she drew a sword that had the primordial rune on it, but I didn't focus on the sword and only met Alica's blank eyes as she looked into mine and with only a hint of something in her eyes I saw only tiredness in her eyes as she replied flaty.

"I don't have a choice... I was thrown into this realm when a devil tried to snatch me from the church I lived at. Its either this or the king and his sons kill me and then humiliate my body if I am lucky in that order." She said with no emotion in her voice.

I grimaced at that and looked at my quest to 'kill' all three champions and then the next part about having their weapons to confirm the kills and then I decided then and there that I wasn't going to kill her. If she truly was innocent and had no other way other than to kill her way to the top and wasn't tainted by the Bloodstones then I had no reason to kill her.

Taking a breath I sheathed Kusanagi making her groan mentally as she knew I was going to do something stupid probably. "My name is Jake as you heard... And I am going to kill that King take over this realm and then I will take you back to Earth if you promise to help me take over this realm."

When she went to say something I raised a hand with a smile crossing my face as I said. "No, don't answer. Come at me with the intent to kill me, exorcist. I am going to defeat you barehanded to prove my strength of purpose."

Her eyes flashed with a light of hope before she ruthlessly smothered it and she looked at me with the cold eyes of a warrior who had readied herself for death.

And then in her other hand, a large shield formed out of nothing that glowed brightly with holy golden energy with a lion embossed upon it that had rubies in its eyes and a fist-sized ruby inside its roaring mouth. [Sacred Gear- Lions Roaring Shield] [Using the voice box from the Nemean Lion, Yahweh created this divine tier shield. Blocks 90 percent of demonic and pagan-based magic along with having sonic-based attacks.]

My face twitched seeing that information and I knew that her sword was likely going to be dangerous as well so I decided to do the smartest thing as she came up to me with the longsword.

I set myself up in a boxing position and then as she came forward with the sword coming down towards my head but as she came forward I switched styles as my right hand was coated in red energy as I began using the Raging Dragon Martial Art.

A loud clanging noise rang out as her sword hit the small red scales of my fist and I felt my physical might grow as I drew upon the essence of Ddriag and as she swung the shield to block my other hand that came in as fist I mentally called out 'Divide.'

And her eyes widened as she clearly felt my Touki grab onto her own lifeforce and then rip out a part of hers making her shiver at the feeling.

She stepped back to avoid me stealing more of her life force but in turn, I dashed forward and her soul-bound Sacred Gear shield became her bane as she couldn't block my physical blows with how much stronger than her I was.

'A sacred gear, and a runic enhanced sword... She is decently well trained but she doesn't have Touki and runes enhancing her base stats so she is all offense.' I thought as I dodged the sword that radiated danger to my sense. 

[Fenrir's Fang] [Sword made from a great Nordic Direwolves's fang. Has the Primordial Rune of P̵̫͈̓̀i̸͉̯͑̈́͝͠ė̵̬͎̬̜̬̈͝r̴̡̗̭̠̈̽͂̏͜c̴̹͈̻̳͗ȉ̵͇̦n̵̤̜͆g̶̢͔̦̥̹̔̔̃̏͐ within it]

I didn't know what rune was within the sword so I didn't dare to let hit my own shielded parts of my body that wasn't covered in the conjured scales of Ddraig and Albion as I burned away my lifeforce to use the special martial art as I still didn't have a foundation with dragon blood being used in it.

But with her physical bodies abilities being shaved in half and my own physical form that was already stronger than her being boosted and having her own life force added to my own to act as the fuel for the martial art. I was much stronger and faster than her.

Even as I prepared to give her a good gut punch to put her out of commission, her golden Sacred Gear shield glowed with power making me mentally groan as I remembered the last bit of its description. 

"Roarrrr!" A powerful shockwave like a bomb slammed into my form as I raised up my arms in an X and I could feel my braced legs carving a thick ditch beneath my form as my touki protected my innards from the sonic sound wave attack.

Though... My ears were ringing now a good bit. 'Alright, I can take another hit from her shield with my Touki but I need to put her down so I can fight the king.' I thought as I flared with light as I drew on my Touki hard and then I dashed forward and did a slide past her side with my hands grabbing her right leg as she turned to smash me in the head with her shield. 

Before she could manage to brain me in the head with the Sacred Gear shield I picked her up by the leg and then slammed her into the ground, once twice, and then three times as I swung her by her long leg from where I had grabbed her by the ankle. Then as I flipped her up, she tried to kick me so I slapped her in the jaw with a touch-enhanced palm that made her eyes go dull as her mind finally got scrambled too much and she fell unconscious.

I looked over at Yuki who was standing with the other two and called out. "Yuki, watch over her for me." I said as her Sacred Gear shield faded away as I snatched the sword from the ground and put it in my inventory with my system dinging that I had collected all the champion's weapons.

But I wasn't focused on that. I was staring at the king climbed out of his throne with his two sons standing behind him who were looking at me with glee at being able to use my life to probably make high quality Bloodstones or something to that effect.



Battle nun acquired? Well at least a buddy after getting her away from there