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Good evening (or good morning, for my friends across the pond) to you all!  Here's my update:

My job job was hellish this week.  Notwithstanding, I finished work on the bar scene and after a month spent on just that scene I was glad to be done.  I am also very happy with the way it turned out.  

If you recall, at the end of the demo Rockford and Aghavni made plans to visit a person of interest in the cold case.  That's the scene I'm working on now.  A small preview from that scene is attached.  Total post-worked renders for the entire update so far equal 417.

I've also been working on implementing a bonus scene gallery.  Starting after Part One is released, I'm planning to give voting power to my higher tier supporters to choose a non-main Love Interest to get her own non-canonical lewd bonus scene.  One bonus scene will be included with each Part/update, and will be unlocked once the player has finished that update.

I emphasize these scenes will be non-canonical and will not be a part of the story.  They will be mere fantasies--an opportunity to have a fun scene with a woman who may not get as much screen time as some players would like.  And the awesome thing about having non-canonical scenes is that I can pretty much do whatever I want with them.  These will be actual scenarios with a full script, not just ten seconds of back and forth intercourse.  Maybe my supporters take a liking to one of the law clerks at the DA's Office and would like to see her on Mount Olympus as a sexy servant of Zeus (played by Rockford, of course).  Or maybe they'd like to see her as Queen Hera with Rockford as the servant.  Maybe they want to replay the gym scene with Gina the Adulterer and make a less moral decision.  We can make that happen without sacrificing the integrity of the story.  And while the scenes will be involved enough to make them worth playing, they won't be so large that they significantly delay production on the next game update.

Speaking of higher tiers, there are now $10 and $20 tiers available with added benefits for anyone who is interested.

Thank you for your support!  I really appreciate all of you.




Having a job job and a side-job or intense hobby can be a pain in the ass, particularly as a time sink... but there can be some upsides. Sometimes you can have a horrible week on the job, and feel uplifted or buoyed by your side-project... or vise-versa. I hope working on the game gives you that sort of balance and uplift!