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Finally! First prompt of the month out! Sorry that this took so long. Hope the length makes up for it. Next prompt should be out in a couple days.

“Hey, Tenten, let’s go for a walk!” Naruto said, entering the weapon’s shop rather brazenly. The sun was sinking behind him, causing his brightly colored evening wear to blaze with fiery color. His business done for the day, Naruto had exchanged the uniform of his office for a more casual look. He wore a bright orange shirt with stylized white clouds on it and light brown pants to complement it. He laughed a little as he saw Tenten’s face sour into a frown and a groan escape her lips. It was exactly the sort of outfit that Tenten hated to see Naruto in. Once again, the young man was on the prowl. Every woman in the village knew to stay away when the blonde haired man came visiting in his casual clothes. “New noodle shop opened up. I thought we could go break it in together.” Naruto was pleased at the emphasis he put on break. Tenten, however, was not.

“As if I would. . .uuuggh. . .be going. . .anywhere. . .with you.” Tenten tried to move away from Naruto. Tenten had what could be graciously described as a waddle. In truth, it was more like a series of desperate heaves and flings of her monumental buttcheeks. At no less than 700 lbs, Tenten had outgrown her clothes and was moving onto dominating her shop. Breasts nearly the size of watermelons were wrapped in the stretches fabric the seamstresses of Konoha could manage. Tenten’s top was a vague and tortured reproduction of her usual white shirt. Arm fat exploded portions of the sleeves. Like dough exploding from cardboard tubes, Tenten's soft blubber leaked out into the open air. The flabby offerings glided against shelves upon shelves of love handles. Those love handles gracefully poured into a slab of gut. Yet, all of Tenten's upper body fat combined still fell behind her bountiful butt. Covered only by the barest shred of her maroon pants, Tenten’s butt was several trash bags worth of partially melted butter. There was little to know control as she took heavy, exhausted steps around the shop. Spears and sword points were dulled and bent as Tenten’s butt made accidental contact. She ignored the damage to her merchandise with the same practice she ignored Naruto with. “I. . .haf. . .to close. . .up.” 

Naruto watched Tenten move, feeling a stirring in his loins. Her ass alone would have been enough to bury him. Any more weight and the former ninja would need a cane or walker to remain mobile. The blonde pervert floated forward, unable to let his quarry go. Tenten was on the cusp of a remarkable lifestyle change. One that he wanted to be the director of. “Come on, Tenten, that’s not what you said last week. Or the months before.” Naruto walked through the shop like a shark through ocean tides. There was an energy in the room, a point of balance that was slowly tipping in one direction. “What’s changed?” 

“Naruto. . .I wasn’t. . .900 pounds. . .months. . .ago!” Tenten slapped her butt to make a point. The Hokage watched as ripples spread from where Tenten’s hand landed. Fingers so plump they were beginning to lose dexterity made undulations that spread across her entire body. Her small waddle alone had ended with her buttcrack and blue thong showing. Each ponderous step pulled her pants down more. It mattered little the intelligence and engineering that went into Tenten’s pants, the sheer volume of booty blubber overpowered it. It was only a fraction of what she was capable of though. Naruto knew it was his job to bring her full potential out. 

“We’re all a little older, just some metabolism issues.” Naruto didn’t bother to correct Tenten on her actual weight. He liked that she was thinking bigger. “I’m sure this place has vegetarian options.” He threw the suggestion out as if Tenten wasn’t the kind of woman that took her meals in troughs rather than plates. “You’ve worked all day. You could use a little fun.” He could not keep the mischievous grin from his mouth as he got close to Tenten. Naruto could practically feel the heat radiating off of her body. The air moved with the constant jiggling of her corpulent mass. The crazed, unstoppable tidal waves of fat from her waddle had slowed and dissipated into easy swells. Tenten braced herself, hands on the table in front of her; she knew Naruto would only bring the wild jiggling back. Contact between the two always led to sparks of one kind of another. “I’ll pay.” Naruto said, pulling out his overstuffed frog wallet. He dropped the cash stuffed animal onto the very apex of Tenten’s buttcrack. Much like the realworld counterpart on a lilypad, the wallet rocked back and forth. Naruto then pressed his thin, strong body in. 

“Nooooo. . .Narrruuuutooo.” Tenten sucked in air, shrugging her shoulders up. Naruto waded through the swamp of her booty blubber. Her butt folded around Naruto, embracing the more than familiar shape of his musculature. Tenten made a noise that was between a grumble and a lusty moan. She put her stomach and breasts to the table, thumping her booty out behind her. “Come on. . .let me. . .close up.” The vestiges of her rational mind pleaded that she stop and turn the Hokage out. There was only one road that his words were going to lead to. It would start at the ramen shop, then the burger shack, afterwards the ice cream parlor, and it would finally end with her the size of a house. She was hardly the first to fall under his sway. 

The little shop was quiet besides the creaking floorboards under the voluminous owner. Tenten moved in time with Naruto’s gyrations. The pair danced, for lack of a better term, each enjoying the feeling of the other. The silence was broken only when Naruto felt that Tenten was sufficiently warm to his suggestion. Though, he appealed in a different manner than before. “Tenten, I think I hear your stomach growling.”

“Shut up. . .” She spoke just before a loud gurgle shook the shop.


“Mmmmgghp. . .oooh. . .thatsscch. . .too good.” Tenten shoved a burger into her face. She lurched back and forth, body more out of control than ever before. With food in either hand, Tenten could only think about satisfying her cravings. Right hand held a fat burger, left hand held a dripping and greasy sandwich, Naruto walked beside with a tub of ice cream at the ready. It was not hard to see how Tenten had blown up in size. She ate with a deep determination, an unrelenting zeal. “Mmmoogghp. . .BBBBOOORRUP. . .maybe. . .more toppings.” She said after gulping down the remaining eight inches of her sandwich. Her face was slathered in condiments which dripped down onto her bloated stomach. Behind her, a much depleted frog wallet still rested between her asscheeks. The little green plushie would wait there until grabbed by its owner. Tenten was incapable of reaching past her own stomach, much less the deepest part of her bootyshelf. The middle aged woman cared little. She just wanted to gorge. Nights with Naruto were hedonistic affairs. The kind that were fun, but held steep consequences. This night in particular would carry the steepest of consequences. 

“You should really consider joining us.” Naruto cut through the messy sounds of his date eating. “You’d enjoy it.” He handed over the tub of ice cream. Tenten said nothing, smashing her open mouth into the tub. It was a testament to the couple’s many dates that Naruto could tell indecisive gorging from simple hunger. Teten was stalling for time. Naruto allowed it, enjoying the sight of her eating. Tenten ate with no compunction about manners or the concerns of other people. She took up more space on the small sidewalk as she feasted. Her steps grew wider apart, bracing for her lack of sight. Her enormous ass swung in a wide arc, begging to destroy the infrastructure of Konoha. Much of her ass was showing now, bright blue thong stretched to the breaking point. Naruto wanted to see it snap. He wanted to see every last article of clothing that Tenten owned in shreds by her own doing. As with earlier in the shop, he knew the balance was tipping. She just needed to agree to a tour. 

“Mmmgghp. . .BBBLLEEERRUUP. . .what. . .wasssch that. . .again?” Tenten feigned ignorance. A mouth smeared in brightly colored mochi, sprinkles, and melted cream appeared around the tub. The only part of the weapons expert that wasn’t covered in food was her hair. Somehow, she always managed to have immaculately clean hair. Tenten dripped ice cream back into the tub by way of her flabby chins. She did not bother to wipe them off, knowing they would only be doused again. 

“The tour. You were just about to agree to it.” Naruto put a hand around one of his date’s buttocks. He started to tug her over, indicating the upcoming turn. 

“Not. . .BBBLLUUURRUP. . .thissch.” Tenten huffed. “This is. . .why we. . .can’t date.” Tenten returned to the ice cream. Buried within were entire candy bars and cookies. Obnoxious slurping became chomping and lip smacking instead. For all Tenten’s obstinacy, she obeyed the tugging of Naruto’s hand. The big woman turned like a barge, reeling through the sidewalks. The shop was far away, her apartment even further. Tenten was heading towards the lounge that Naruto had built. Konoha’s most exclusive series of warehouses. “HEEELLRRUUUP. . .pushy boy.” Tenten said, letting Naruto know that she at least knew what his agenda was. This was not just a free food and fun sex night. This was a lifestyle change night. At least, Naruto would have her believe that. Whatever her willpower looked like at this point, Tenten knew she could hold out against certain advances with more success. She was not totally at his beck and call. 

“Just come in for a little bit. Say hello, then I’ll walk you home.” Both Naruto and Tenten had doubts about her being able to waddle home. She was reaching a breaking point. The moment she stopped walking or sat would be the end of her locomotion for several hours. She would be a willing prisoner of her own lust for food. The worst part was that it would hardly be shocking. Tenten’s dates with the Hokage always ended the same. Naked and on a floor of some kind, with food coating her body.

Tenten snorted. “Yeah. . .walk me. . .home. . .after.” Too tired to argue, she let Naruto guide her towards the far end of town. He squeezed and massaged her exposed ass, guiding her with wordless signals. Tenten knew the way, the entire village did. It was his personal district. Used only for Naruto’s specific whims, it was a mixture of a redlight district and vacation spot. Invitation only, but the invitees rarely were seen again. The legion of food vendors which funneled in and out of the district were sworn to secrecy about what they saw. However, whispers still abounded. They talked of a garden, a place where women inclined to his tastes were brought to flourish. Even the most sickly, unhealthy flower took root within the district. Someone such as Tenten, full and flourishing as she was, would do very well there. “Just. . .don’t get. . .your hopes. . .up. . .loverboy.” Tenten wheezed, trying to keep her guard up. Naruto put his hands behind his head and walked confidently. He wanted to see Tenten try to finish the journey without assistance. 

--- Blob District ---

“There’s. . .no way. . .this spending is. . .appropriate.” Tenten wheezed as she passed under the archway which led to Naruto’s sequestered district. They made their way down an empty street. Naruto walked easily and Tenten gasped and pleaded internally for a break. The only thing that kept her from stopping was the rumors about the district: a lady that lingered rarely left. Tenten took the words to heart. She wanted Naruto’s fun, the status that came with dating a Hokage, and being showered in gifts from him, but not what came after. The blonde man’s libido and gifts came with heavy strings. Those strings had already found their way onto her body. They were the wheezes between each step, the slap of her dangling belly against her knees, and the clap of her buttcheeks. Tenten was increasingly constricted by Naruto’s aims and ambitions for her. She had gambled so much already. Now was the final game. 

“It’s not.” Naruto trotted forward and walked backwards, almost taunting Tenten with his agility. A man grown, he had only just reached his physical peak. Tenten had experienced that in many ways. Likewise, he had also found a sort of charisma tucked away in the office of the hokage. “But every politician has to have their side projects.” His smile was broad and bright. He had yet to totally lose his mischievous streak.

“Well. . .I won’t. . .be a. . .side. . .BBBLLURRRUUP. . .project.” Tenten sniffed. Her thick fingers found a wall. It belonged to a towering warehouse, bigger than several apartment complexes put together. Tenten leaned against it. The building was curiously warm, even before Tenten’s sweaty fat made contact with it. She leaned against it further, resting the twin moons she lugged behind her. The building had a pulse that matched Tenten’s breathing. She doubled over, further spreading her butt across the metal wall. It was the first building that did not threaten to collapse with her full weight against it. In fact, it seemed as if it pushed back against her weight. Tenten fidgeted with her hair, making sure the little bun dumplings on either side of her head were in order. As tired as she was, it was still a date. She wouldn’t have it said that she looked poor while out with the hokage. She looked up at Naruto, hands struggling to find her knees past her mess of stomach fat. Her asscheeks wiped and glided across the building behind her. She tried to sound tough, even through the exhaustion. “No matter. . .how much. . .you beg.”

“I’m just a tour guide.” Naruto said. “I was only going to beg you to come visit. I’ve put a lot of work in around here!” He clapped his hands. Medical ninjas, both women, appeared from around the side of the building. They brought with them something resembling a mobility scooter. It was wheeled and deposited before Tenten. She looked at it and huffed. Naruto offered a hand. “It seemed only fair since I’m torturing you with more walking.”

“Fine.” Tenten said, too tired for full sentences. She took Naruto’s hand, putting her full weight on him. He was coated in damp bulk once again. As always, he did not struggle to control her. Tenten was helped into her seat. Though the chair was triple-wide, made for women of exactly her size, Tenten’s ass still swallowed it whole. Her thighs and ass hung out far to either side, drooping because of gravity’s cruel hold. Tenten fanned her face, making her flabby arms smack against her large chest. The medical ninjas pushed from behind, allowing the tour to continue. “You also. . .owe me. . .lunch tomorrow.” 

“Now who’s wasting Konoha’s money?” Naurto pulled open the very depleted frog wallet. The two shared a laugh as they entered the warehouse. The entrance was simple with only a small waiting room that led to either a set of stairs or a freight elevator. Naruto walked and pushed the button for the elevator. The doors opened and he motioned for Tenten, as if she was not going to be pushed by her escorts. “The stairs seemed out of the question.” The comment earned Naruto an elbow in the ribs. He took it with love, simply enjoying the feeling of heavy fat upon his midriff. Tenten was his most mobile and active date in a long time. He would make use of that for as long as he could. Tenten slowly rolled into the elevator, feeling the suspension below her being tested. Free from having to worry about keeping her bulk in motion, Tenten felt the world around her in much greater detail. She absorbed the feelings of the flexing of the seat beneath her ass, the rub and chafe of her thighs, as well as the elevators lurch into motion. 

“I’m such a whale.” Tenten’s voice was quiet. The true extent of her obesity was revealed to her in that small elevator ride. Her stomach folded between her swampy thighs, coming close to her feet. Naruto was pushed against the very edge of the elevator, his body was practically crushed into the wire mesh on the sides. Tenten felt the meal within her sitting heavily. A lifestyle of excess, near to outright corruption was written upon her flab. She wallowed in self-pity to such an extent that she almost did not feel the doors opening up. A wave of hot, humid air hit the group. It blew against them, bringing with it the smell of fried food. Tenten shook her head, saliva rolling out of the corners of her mouth. For as despondent as she had been moments before, some instincts could not be shut off. She was rolled out of the elevator and into the pungent air. Food smell only grew more intense as it was joined by the sound of bubbling friers. Tenten gasped as she was led to a railing which overlooked the warehouse proper. “I’m tiny.” She said, mouth hanging open. 

Fat filled the warehouse below Tenten. A building which could house several apartment’s worth of people was filled to the brim with fat. Jiggling, undulating waves of blubber stretched from one end to the other. Tenten squeezed her hand, remembering the warmth she had felt outside. That was the heat of a person or people pushed far beyond the limits of natural humanity. Tenten looked at Naruto and then back at the sea of flab. The bounteous offering of blubber started indistinct, but features emerged slowly. Tenten slowly understood that she was looking at several people housed together. A breast here, a series of chins there; distorted and exaggerated human features slowly were revealed to Tenten. She was looking at the women of Naruto’s life. Some were classmates, others were authority figures. All were blown up to the size of goddesses. Kettles of boiling oil rested above their faces, ready to dump the latest load of fried food to them. 

“Pretty wonderful, huh?” Naruto could not contain his excitement. He took over for the nurses, waving them away. Naruto pushed his date down the walkway, bringing her closer and closer to the oozing piles of fat. Belches and wheezes were the ambiance of the room, along with the metallic groaning sounds of the building shifting. “Hinata, Sakura, and Ino were excited to see you!” Tenten looked out, trying to place her friends amongst the undulations. Looking where the kettles of fried food were helped. Below them were little depressions of fat where faces rested. Tenten first saw Sakura’s red hair. “Kind of like a reunion!” Naruto was giddy as he spoke. He and Tenten rolled out onto a walkway overlooking Sakura. The blobby redhead spread beneath them. Her folds and bulges all lead up to a face that was livid with frustration. “Hey! Sakura, look who I brought!” 

BBBBLLOOOORRRRUUUPP!” Sakura opened plump lips and let loose an cataclysmic belch. Tenten felt the rumbling in her chest, whilst her blubber shook uncontrollably. She looked over the side, seeing a greedy and disapproving face. “Bring. . .food. . .knucklehead!” Sakura wheezed, not even addressing Tenten. “Oooohh. . .OOOORRRUUUUP. . .I’m. . .sccchtarving.” The lardy mass rumbled the words out slowly. Her bulk shook under the force of her speech and burps. They were small eruptions, each one shaking the ground around them. Sympathy belches were shaken loose from the other gigantic women, sometimes with such volume that Naruto and Tenten had to cover their ears. “Wheressccch. . .dinner?” Sakura’s voice had a deep undercurrent to it, her blubber making it echo. Her tongue licked out, slurping at lips big enough to be couches. A series of chins built from her face, draining down sweat, drool, and food scraps. Tenten’s eyes widened as she traced the lines of Sakura’s body with her eyes. Her forehead did not look so big with the copious amounts of fat around her. To boot, Sakura had finally grown the breasts she had always wanted. 

“Just a moment, you cow!” Naruto yelled back, his flirting undeniable. “I wanted to show Tenten around.” The hokage put a hand out. It was greeted with a tray of dumplings from one of the medical ninjas. “It wouldn’t kill you to be nice to our guest!” Flashes of Naruto’s youth came out when he talked to his old teammate. Neither had fully matured. If anything, becoming and endless mound of fat had made Sakura less mature. She was about to snipe back at her lover, but Naruto was quicker. He took one of the dumplings and tossed it at Sakura. Though smooshed between cheeks bigger than most cars, Sakura’s eyes were able to quickly hone in on the speeding food morsel. She tried to move, lurching her flabby face over. Thunderous claps and slaps echoed off the walls as a chain reaction started. The dumpling landed true, the small pocket of meat and sauce bursting open between Sakura’s lips. She slurped and ate, obsessively seeking out the food. Naruto started to walk, taking Tenten with him. “I promise the other girls will be more fun.”

“Seems like you all have quite the time.” Tenten said, rested enough to speak normally. “I can see you’ve been busy.” She huffed, a little impertinent. The warehouse was an unfortunate reminder that she was far from the only woman in Naruto’s life. 

“They say the same things about our dates.” The hokage pushed his face into Tenten’s soft neck. Rolls were beginning to form there, promises of pillows encircling her neck. He gave a quick kiss. Tenten did not turn away from it, but did not reciprocate either. “And the town elders say the same thing about anything that’s not work.” Naruto continued to kiss Tenten. His face pushed blubber around, nudging through succulent pockets of fat. 

“However do you manage?” Tenten rolled her eyes, but leaned over. She donated some of her weight to her boyfriend, letting him feel more of her heaviness. 

“Well, sometimes I have to file meetings here as seeking advice from an elder colleague.” Naruto gently stopped the cart and looked out over the next section of blubber. Pale fat was streaked with a blonde run of hair. The hair was flaxen, fitted into a ponytail that seemed to drag on for miles. It trailed down between a canyon of fat, formed out of breasts bigger than houses. Tsunade had let herself go in more ways than one. Though fat was the most notable, she had also stopped having her hair cut. Glorious, sunbright strands of hair drained down her immensity. They flowed like flowers sitting atop a lake. Much of it fell between her breasts, helping point the way towards her pink nipples. “Heeeey! Granny!” Naruto interrupted The peaceful slumber of his mentor. “Foods almost ready. . .and I brought a friend!” Naruto called, waving to the stirring blob. 

“Ssssccchhut. . .BBBBOOOORRRUUUUP. . .up. . .brat!” Tsunade belched the words back at Naruto. Tsunade struggled awake. Her many chins shook back and forth, the jiggles traveling down to her breasts. The soft milk wagons rolled back and forth, looking like smaller blobs. Tenten’s hands traveled up to her own chest. Tsunade’s bosom had always been impressive, but they had grown to unimaginable proportions. All of Tenten could have been swallowed by one of the oblong dollops. They dangled and ran towards the floor, only prevented from reaching their goal by the other fat around the former hokage. “At leeeasscccht. . .HOOORRRUUP. . .bring me. . .ssccchake.” Tsunade mewled, aching after the drink which sustained her. No matter how stocked the kettle of food above her was, she would always lust after her alcohol more. She turned to Naruto and Tenten. Tsunade was piled high enough that her mass shoved slightly above the walkway. Thus, it was easy for her lazy and heavy lidded eyes to find the pair. “Doessccch scchee. . .uuurrrllp. . .know how. . .friisscchky. . .it makesscch. . .me?” 

“Sheeesssh, you are drunk!” Naruto called, hands fondling a plump dumpling. “You need some food and to sleep this off.” Naruto threw the dumpling in his hand. The effect was the same. Tsunade was consumed with trying to get all of the dumpling’s sweet goodness. Her body lurched as she strained for the food. Her breasts slowly trailed over in the direction of her leaning. They clashed like ships at a harbor, unable to free themselves. It would take hours and the intervention of cranes to right Tsuande. However, for the moment she was content trying to get her food. Naruto, meanwhile, pushed Tenten on. There was a final stop that had to be made. He pushed the bewildered woman towards the back of the warehouse. 

Tenten studied the landscape of fat below her. It started to rise, forming a noticeable incline. The constant shifting mass rolled upwards, with rolls hanging down by the pull of gravity. Tenten saw streams of fat in the blubbery landscape, moving through the valleys between rolls. She marveled at the tonnage on display, realizing again that they had moved onto another woman. She was so taken by the hypnotic dancing of the flab that she did not notice being loaded into another elevator until it began to move. This elevator ran to the very top of the warehouse, connecting to the highest lattice work of platforms and walkways. It was a dizzying height, with the world spinning below them. Tenten gripped the sides of the scooter she rested on. There was little chance that she could control her weight or hope to stabilize herself. She was forced to trust in Naruto and the medical ninjas he employed. 

“Just relax. Best for last!” Naruto said, sensing Tenten’s worry. He pushed her along, bringing her to the very back of the warehouse. Tenten now saw the rise of blubber for what it truly was: the body of the biggest woman within the harem. Her fat ran like a series of waterfalls, threatening to cover the women below her. Likely, Tenten thought, her fat also covered the floor underneath the other women. The metal siding warped outward, struggling to hold her soft and nubile body. She looked down on a kingdom she had meant to rule. Everything within the warehouse was touched by her bulk. Tenten followed the fat upwards, already knowing who was at the epicenter of the madness. Hinata Hyuga, Naruto’s first love.

Hinata rested comfortably, caught between a light doze and wakefulness. Unlike Sakura she could wait patiently for her food, though her appetite outmatched any of the other women. Hinata had remained mostly well kept, not letting her personal appearance become as messy as Tsunade’s. She wore her hair in a large bun. Tenten, through her shock and awe, wondered if the hairstyle had been chosen to evoke sumo wrestlers. She rested like an incarnation of Buddha, her flabby back pressing into three of the four walls of her enclosure. She breathed heavily, but peacefully. Breasts as large as Sakura and Tsunade trailed down, running along either wall. There was no part of the warehouse that Hinata did not touch. Even her chins sunk down onto the walkway, providing a soft yet stable pathway up to her face. 

“Last stop!” Naruto said proudly. “Hinata is always happy to get guests.” He stepped around the cart and offered his hand. Tenten took it, her own hand and arm shaking. The usual struggle of standing and moving was taken away by pure delirium. She could look only at Hinata, her face glowing thanks to a layer of fine sweat. Tenten waddled towards the chin-bridge, afraid that it might not hold them. She was equally afraid that the walkway underneath it might snap. There were obvious bends in the middle of the platform. Hinata’s chins were growing under and over it, attacking the metal from all sides. Yet, Naruto had no fear as she stepped onto Hianta’s drooping fat. He helped Tenten up as if he was guiding her away from a puddle on the street. The morbidly obese woman’s pudgy foot sunk far into the fat. A ticklish feeling spread through Tenten. She was giddy upon seeing a girl that had once been far smaller than her. Now, after years of indulging in Naruto’s brand of kink, she had grown mountainous. 

“Ooooh. . .BLLLLRRRUUUUP. . .hi Naruto.” Hinata said, voice dreamy. Her pale eyes fluttered open. They were scrunched and half lidded from the press of her cheeks. “And. . .oooh. . .hello Tenten!” Hinata brightened upon seeing an old friend. “Issccch. . .BBBBOOOORRRUUP. . .good to sscchee you!” 

“Hello. . .Hinata.” Tenten said, once again struggling because of having to move. She waddled up the bridge of chins, coming ever closer to the plump lips and sleepy eyes. 

“You’ve. . .gotten. . .big.” Hinata wheezed. “Too many. . .datesccch. . .with Naruto?” 

“You’re one. . .to talk!” Tenten squatted down to pat a section of Hianta’s flabby face. “You’re a. . .building. . .now.” The utterance made Tenten shiver. Days at the ninja academy flashed through the back of her mind. Hinata training with Kurenai. Hinata quietly watching Naruto. Hinata fighting Neji. She had been so small once. Tenten understood the same could be said about her, but only when she wasn’t in the presence of Naruto’s other ladies. They were a group unto themselves, without compare. Hinata stood out even from them, attaining such mass to even put them to shame. It was hard to rectify what the passage of time and excesses of food had done to the shy woman. 

“I sccchuppoesche. . .uurrruuup. . .thasscch true.” Hinata said with a smile. “Naruto. . .isccch. . .quite tha. . .cook!” Unable to contain her love, she blew a kiss to her boyfriend. The entire building shook as her lips pursed and released. Jiggles became quakes as her fat defied gravity and physics. More were added as Naruto walked up and grabbed a body’s worth of cheek fat. 

“Just making sure to take care of everyone!” He hugged Hinata, his body almost hidden in the fat. Hinata blushed and giggled, happy to once again be receiving attention from him. Naruto let the fat go. It slumped back into place, possibly a little grumpy at having been moved. He then pulled Tenten up closer to Hianta. Tenten was a large, rotund woman, but even her mass could not compare to one of Hianta’s cheeks. The bulging pockets of facial flab flowed outward, rushing to cover her chins. Tenten rested her own voluminous ass against one, making use of the supple folds. “I wanted to give Tenten a quick tour. . .and she wanted to feed you!” Naruto couldn’t help pushing the envelope. 

“I did. . .” Tenten was about to disagree, but saw the excitement growing on Hianta’s face. “. . .but only. . .if you are. . .ok with it.” Tenten huffed. 

“Of courssscche!” Hinata cried before opening her mouth. 

Naruto and Tenten had to steady themselves as Hianta’s body shifted. Fat bulged and fought with itself for space. Tenten was only steadied by Naruto’s strong hands. He pushed into her voluminous rear, once again claiming the space between her ass as his own. The hokage reached around Tenten, presenting her with the remaining dumplings. They had been deposited in a light sack. She took them, but not before lightly squeezing his hand. She had been fed by Naruto many times. She knew the pain of being filled up and the pleasure of him massaging her belly. This, however, promised to be even more electric. Hinata waited with her mouth open, ready to accept the fat dumplings. Tenten took one in her hand and shakily held it out. Hinata closed her mouth around Tenten’s hand. Both women laughed nervously. Tenten was tickled by Hinata’s searching tongue. The dumpling was sucked away, leaving only the desire to bequeath another. Tenten retracted her hand, grabbing another dumpling. She continued the small feeding. Each dumpling built a desire in Tenten’s heart. The desire to be huge.  



Cute! Honestly a real fun premise, giving what is essentially a tour to a 5 star permanent getaway for those who just wanna enjoy the pleasures of unrestrained gluttony.


Naruto, man of culture!