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After standing up and fighting back against F4, and more specifically, Thyme, Gorya seems to be getting some online support. The sudden support must have Thyma shooketh too, since he kidnaps her and tries to bribe her to change her tune and pledge support to F4. Our girl is a tough cookie, though, and even after some more bullying, she seems to be holding her ground well, especially with Ren supporting her so openly. But the bullies don't give up as they invite Gorya to a party welcoming back her idol Mira, where EVERYTHING seems to go out of wack...and ends in the most hilarious and bizarre way that has us giggling our heads off along with Thyme. Ps. Thanks chat so much for helping us understand the language and honorifics better. It was a HUGE help!


f4 thailand 2 final


Khaira Swanwing

Again, this version does a better version of explaining things. Thyme does not understand the word 'no' nor does he handle rejection at all. He kidnapped Gorya and did the forced makeover because he did feel guilty and had zero clue how to handle it because he wasn't ever taught empathy. Mom stunted him so emotionally. She is grooming him to be a ruthless businessmen so that is what he did. He was negotiating with her by offering her what she doesn't have as long as she admitted she was wrong and apologized. Since Gorya isn't fawning all over him, stands up to him and makes him re-evaluate everything, he is fascinated with her. When he saw the trio of trouble dump the plate on Gorya through the window he did move like he was going to come out but Ren stepped in. However, knowing Thyme, he likely was going to pull the "She doesn't have the red card anymore" line. He was pissed at Ren because Gorya rejected him and his dressing her up but accepted Mira (and by proxy Ren's) dressing her up. He doesn't get the difference. But, did you catch the little smile behind his hand after the oops kiss? I got why the friend backing away when the red card first showed up on Gorya. For exactly the reason that happened. Hana was friends with Gorya and Thyme got mad, he red carded her for no reason other than that. That was exactly what she was terrified of. There is something special about Ren (and in every version) that is the reason why Thyme listens to him.


For sure picked up on the Thyme was upset because Gorya rejected his gift but accepted Ren and Mira's. We love the back and forth. For sure caught the smirk we even gushed about it at the end of the episode.