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00:00 Intro

03:03 Reaction to Show

17:30 Discussion




love this series!! + the protagonist has my name so it’s even better 😌

Tunnel Rat

A cool, albeit f**ked detail on the memorial grave is Lena’s father’s name being the last to be engraved. Essentially making him the known ‘last’ casualty of the war. Also, I don’t know if you noticed but you’ll see slight changes in the intro if you were to compare it the first episode which is a nice little detail A1 put through.

Rocío Sotelo

Thank you for the update guys, and I hope Ben continues to get better! I was so intrigued by your discussion on how each one of you interpreted the speech from Lena’s Uncle. I read the room just like Ben’s. If I was in the situation, it would have definitely felt as if he was shutting me down to stop me from making choices I could regret because of my own ideals. Honestly, watching you guys react to Eighty Six is so worth it. There’s so much to discuss in terms of themes and characters within a war setting. I believe you guys will definitely enjoy this, especially cour 2. Sending you all lots of love! Thank you again for the reaction.

Rocío Sotelo

Also, a little fun fact. In the light novels, The Republic does pass a law that forbids the Eighty Six to make graves for their deceased ones, and also it is prohibited to grief their death. Which not only the Republic controls what they can and can’t do, but also how they are supposed to feel when it comes to death and loss.


86- Voices of the chord OST - "I could read the bible to drown out the hum" always makes me think Shin is reading the Bible in this series to drown out his thoughts and worries. I know this is random but I couldn't help but think about it.


Such an incredible episode! Ep 4 is what sold me on the fact that this would be something SPECIAL. I'm here for more of your journey!

smth positive_

27:35 I see what you did there

Aaron Griffin

Man, 86s pacing is so good.

Alexiel Knight

Same and for me personally, it only got better after that. Some feel different about 86 so I dont wanna hype it up too much, but personally, Im looking forward to every single reaction.


I'm sure someone's already talked about this in the comments for those reactions, but the 3 episode rule was created because of Madoka, and it seems a lot of people have veeery different opinions on whether it's a good idea or not. On the extremes some people say you need to watch the whole show or you won't REALLY know, others say if you don't like it by the end of the first episode or even the first 5 minutes just stop watching and don't waste any more time. I would never have even touched Madoka without recommendations from friends, so I see a lot of value in this rule for various shows. Some stories spend the prologue (or even the entire first half, or first entry in the series!) disguised as something they're not, and a twist ends up changing the context so much that the story ends up as a different genre. This doesn't necessarily happen within 3 episodes all the time, but expecting someone to watch a whole show they're not really enjoying for a twist at the end is a little unreasonable. In the end, it's less a rule and more a guideline.


Theo was displacing all the pain he’s felt onto Lena, someone he really doesn’t know at all, someone who shares a classification with the people he hates. The reason he lost it to such a degree is because she was actually willing to listen. She didn’t hang up, didn’t yell back, nothing like that. She took it and that allowed it to keep building up more and more and ended with Theo just blaming her personally for every single death that ever happened to them. That was a lot of pain he kept bottled up. Now all that said… to say she “didn’t consider them human” is a bit of an oversimplification. If she didn’t tie so much of her identity to her ideals, she wouldn’t have been so rattled and so sure that she was in fact, as bad as Theo said. Lena is, at this point, someone who follows protocol in order to help others. Referring to them using their callsigns is part of that. She didn’t think to question why because it wasn’t blatantly wrong. That’s why by the end of the episode, the 86 walked it back and said they went too far in the moment. But Lena being the person she is saw that this was something harmful that she could control, however small, and so she wanted it resolved. I love the nuance of the writing. All the characters think for themselves and you can understand where they’re all coming from, agree or otherwise. Even Annette… oh boy, we’ll get to Annette 😂


one of the books he reads is “All Along the Western Front”… bit of an Easter egg lol


Regarding white-haired people in Shin's memories. It's not made clear what's going on with the discrimination exactly, but the war only started nine years ago. Usually it's bad times (like wars) that bring out the worst in people. Shin's memories may have been older than nine years, so there's a chance Albas and 86ers lived together then.


The three episode test was more applicable back in the mid 2000s. Stories were constructed with different pacing back then. People still use it but it's not as formulaic anymore