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A Random Event 1 - Dont Knock Over Magical Items (MTF Genderswap)


There was once a young boy named Jack who was down on his luck and loved to explore the town he lived in. One day while wandering around, he stumbled upon an old-looking shop that had a sign above the door reading "Magic Shop". Being curious by nature, Jack decided to step inside. As soon as he did, his eyes widened in amazement at all of the strange and exotic items on display.

As he was browsing through the store, Jack accidentally knocked over a bottle of magic dust that had been left unattended on a shelf. Immediately after doing so, he felt something strange happening to his body. Within seconds, he found himself transforming before his very own eyes into a beautiful young woman with long flowing hair and big breasts.

Shocked and bewildered by what had just happened to him, Jack looked down at his new body and couldn't believe how different he now appeared. He quickly realized that he was no longer male but rather female instead. As he continued to gaze in disbelief at his reflection in a nearby mirror, he noticed that not only had his physical appearance changed drastically but also his personality seemed to have undergone a transformation as well.

Feeling somewhat nervous yet excited at the same time, Jack decided to embrace her new identity as a female college student with big breasts. She made her way out of the Magic Shop feeling empowered and confident like never before. With her newfound sense of freedom and adventure, she knew that this was going to be one incredible journey for her to embark on.

As soon as Jack walked outside the Magic Shop, she immediately realized that everything around her had completely changed. Instead of being in the middle of town, she suddenly found herself standing in front of a large university campus. 

As she continued to walk towards the main building, she noticed that everyone was staring at her with both curiosity and admiration. Some even started whispering among themselves as they tried to figure out who she was. But Jack didn't feel self-conscious or embarrassed by their attention. In fact, she felt quite empowered and confident knowing that people were taking notice of her beauty and charm.

Eventually, she arrived at the entrance of the college classroom where she had previously been before turning into a female college student with big breasts. However, when she walked inside, she realized that things had once again shifted dramatically. The room was filled with other students who were all sitting quietly listening to their professor's lecture. And yet, despite the sudden change in scenery, Jack felt oddly comfortable and at ease within this new environment.

She took a seat near the back of the classroom and listened intently as the professor droned on about various academic topics. As she sat there, she couldn't help but marvel at how different everything seemed compared to before. She felt grateful for having been given this opportunity to experience life from a whole new perspective and vowed to make the most of it.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs and Follows  💖



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