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This was commissioned by me and created by DAMA with the purpose of being background music for my world and game! This is one of the BGM's that will have 4 different versions depending on what sub region you're in!

(Dangerous region divided into 4 sub regions.) This is located in the center of Auroraetia, and is almost always exclusively avoided when traveling, though naive adventurers or devoted students may attempt to train or explore the areas. Most do not come back. The sub regions are divided into the four major natural elements, Storm, Molten, Seed, and Chill, where the regions meet is where the ruler of the region is located, and where the small population lives. Each subregion is controlled and empowered by their own (self proclaimed) deity who constantly fight with each other, though all answer to the ruler. While the creators may seem to have godlike powers, nothing points towards them actually being gods, more like beings so consumed by their element, they become of force of their element themselves.


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