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A few notes before started the story: this short story is sectioned by dates written in the diary the dates go Phase (day) Moon (month) and Hue (Year) in the magical continent, people track time by the sky changing hue, and track days and months by moon cycles, so the amount of months that are in a month are determined by how many full moon cycles pass before the sky changes its color!
This is also kind of a long read, and in the future it will be voiced by either Yuki or if I'm lucky I'll be able to grab a voice actor for reading! If you want to read it from the google doc rather than the Patreon page here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3siJ6sosxQphL34lXjHkEte8LNC_TUc0TcjESE01ms/edit?usp=sharing
That's all! Hopefully you enjoy this read, unmei is a precious character and I finally wrote a happy story rather then drowning you in depression! This also gives a ton of lore!

Unmei’s Diary - 5th Phase, 24th Moon, 1508th Hue (05/24/08)

Hi! I’m still not entirely sure what I’m supposed to do with this, but papa gave me this thingie, and when I think really hard, the words pop up here in front of me! Any. Word. Mushroom! Diafroom! Unmee! This is so cool! I think papa called it a Diary? It was made out of a really big word that I can’t really remember, but he told me to think every night in it! That way many hues in the future, I’ll be able to always have a reminder of my thoughts! I wonder what future Unmei thinks about. Do you still think this thingie is cool! I hope we can be great friends! I wanna make lots and lots of friends! I don’t really have too many right now, so I’d be really happy if me and you could be one. I know you won’t really be able to answer right now, being future me and stuff, but.. It would make me really happy! And it’s my bornday too! That’s why papa decided to give me this gift, I just turned 8! So much fun stuff happened today too! It was so exciting!! Papa picked me up on his shoulders and showed me his secret spot.. It lets us see a tiny ray of sunlight! It almost looked like a straight jelly! I hope one day you’ll take us there! I wanna see a bunch of jellies! It was so pretty. Ah! Sorry future me, I need to go, if papa catches me up he won’t give me my good morning kiss! I’ll make sure to think to you lots and lots though!

-Countless entries later-


Hi again me! I’m sorry I haven’t been thinking to you as much as I’d like too, I’ve been completely soaked up with time! I’ve been so excited I haven’t even gotten to tell you about it! A few days ago I finally understood my magic! It looks like my specialty is motivation! Or maybe it’s joy? It’s the happy feeling that helps people do the stuff they need to do! Ever since dad found out about my breakthrough he’s been helping me so much! Everyday we go outside to train, we end up training until I’m so exhausted that I can’t even think to you! He’s been teaching me all about mana, and that all this time thinking to you has been a form of training! You see, thinking to you and forming the words onto this thingie is actually using up my mana! I bet you didn’t know that future me! Wait.. If you’re me from the future that means you would know that.. Because I know that.. Wait, does that mean you can tell me things that I don’t know now but I know in the future?! Ooh I’m all excited again! I’ll have to train even harder so I can learn lots and lots. Right now my magic only works on me, but I want it to work on lots and lots of people! If I can make people happy that means I can make lots of friends right? I can make the people I care about happy too! I wanna see daddy with a smile on his face, and maybe I can even finally get mommy to smile too! She always seems so sad. But I’ll be able to change that! I’ll have lots of friends, and make everyone smile, and then we’ll all go outside the walls! I can’t wait to see how many sun rays are outside, I bet there’s a whole lot! Ah! I already trained a bunch today so it’s getting a lot harder to think, I don’t think I can do much more, but I’ll think to you a lot more! Bye bye future me!

-A LOT of entries later-


Training every single day really pays off! I can do so much now compared to when I first started actually realized my specialty. I don’t even know if I can really call my previous efforts even magic, is it even magic if I’m making myself smile, or giving myself motivation? How do I really know that was my mana doing that? Sometimes it’s really confusing, but now that I have a better grasp, I know it really is my mana, and I can do so many different things with it. I know I think about it a lot, but it’s always nice to keep track of everything I’ve accomplished, almost like reciting a list of spells every day to help memorize them! So here’s the list so far: If I focus really hard I can make whatever I touch happy, or motivated, it works especially well if I give it a little order. So like today, I picked up a rock, and told it to go really far, so when I threw it, it went so far that I couldn’t even see it! Or when I touched dad while he was tired, all of a sudden he was ready to train all over again! I can even do it to myself, I can keep going, keep working, keep moving, no matter how tired I get, I can grow stronger! I hope one day, if I keep working as hard as I can, my dream will come true. And I’ll use that hope and turn it into reality! I still don’t have too many friends, but that’s just because I haven’t met them yet! I know I’ll make tons of friends outside the walls, they’re all just waiting for me, and we’ll get to look at all the sunrays together. It already seemed a lot happier inside, I have really brightened up mom’s views! She can finally get out of bed, at first it may have been my mana, but now she really does has hope! It’s almost like she finally found a reason to get up when she wakes up, and I finally get to feel the warmth of her arms hugging me back. Obviously this made dad really happy too, he couldn’t thank me enough, and put a whole new spark in training me. Everything seems to be looking up, almost like a ray of sunlight shined through our home. I just have to keep going! Despite the heights of the wall seeming endless, every day I look up, they seem all the more reachable!

-Many entries later-


Today I made such a big breakthrough! I can’t believe I’d been so closed-minded before, despite just thinking and having my thoughts appear right in front of my eyes, I never even thought about applying that to my training situations! I always thought that my mana could only have one affinity, which dad called spiritual, long story short means working with emotions. There are three other affinities, that being elemental, stuff like mushrooms, or jelly’s, or the darkness, you know, stuff in the normal world. Inevitable, stuff that always happens like how if you trip you’ll fall, or if you stub your toe you’ll yell, I guess it’s almost like cause and effect, laws of the world. Then there’s theoretical.. Making your thoughts reality.. That’s what I’ve been doing this whole time with this diary, I’ve been thinking the words and making them reality! It doesn’t make sense right? How am I able to just think and make words appear, let alone stay in this diary forever! This whole time I thought I was limited to just spiritual, my emotions, of course focusing on my positive ones like joy. I never once even considered thinking into this diary as a form of theoretical training, but it hit me during training today. I thought about how putting my mana into an object is almost like thinking my emotions into existence. So I tried that, I thought that it would make a lot more sense to put my own emotions into something I created myself. 

You should have seen dad’s face when I manifested a huge hammer like it was nothing. I don’t think I’ve seen his jaw drop farther than at that moment. I thought it was just manifesting my emotions into an object, but I actually had created something from nothing, just my imagination, it wasn’t a hammer made from joy, it was a hammer made from my thoughts, which I can still fill with my emotions, fill it with joy and give it commands! Despite it being light as a feather, I was able to make a huuge crater in the ground! And I’m not even strong, I still have to ask dad to open up some of our jars! There’s so many possibilities now too! Now that I know I’m not just limited to my emotions, that I have my thoughts as well, there’s so much I can do! What’s stopping me there too? If I can do theoretical, maybe I can try elemental, or inevitable as well! The walls of Dementous seem to grow ever shorter, while the walls of my home grow bigger and bigger! There’s so much hope, so much potential! It was many hues ago, I remember thinking something along the lines of turning my dreams into reality, and while it may have just seemed like something really cool to think at the time, I really do believe it to be true. All my friends are waiting, not even knowing of the joy that’s coming for them, hammer in hand!

-A few entries later-


So many things are happening, I really need to put all my thoughts in one place. I haven’t been thinking in my diary as much as I used to, though sometimes when time’s get a little stressful, I can’t help but to read some of the earlier thoughts I had like 8 hues ago. I don’t know if it’s kinda narcissistic, but I was so cute back then! It always puts a smile on my face when my thoughts are so full. When I say so many things are happening, I don’t necessarily mean bad! It’s just a lot! Apparently I’m going to be having a sibling! I don’t know if I should be excited or scared! I’ve never had a sibling before.. I wonder what it’ll be like to have a little sister. Maybe I can help them train! Teach them everything I know! But would that get too overwhelming? I don’t want to be an annoying older sister.. I want them to like me! It’s just so much to worry about and think about, but at the end of the day, all that matters is making a big smile grow on her face. And the best kinds of smiles are the ones that aren’t made from mana! I will be a ray of sunshine, I will be their hope, and I won’t even need to use an ounce of mana! I promise I will be the best role model, I’ll work my hardest, and all with a huge smile on my face! That settles it! 

Of course that’s not the only big thing that’s been happening, just kinda at the forefront of my mind, right next to that would be my training of course, and after it’s almost been whole hue after I’ve learned about being able to use theoretical, thinking in this diary is actually such a breeze, I feel like my thoughts practically flow out, emptying my mind and bringing me more at peace, almost like it was like breathing. Of course I’ve gotten more and more used to it, but I’ve also tried the other affinities! Which might I add, took a much longer time getting a grasp on, it was not like a simple click like theoretical or spiritual, but I got there! Sure it’s not exactly perfect, but now I can create these hands to hold my hammer! I’m sure in the future I can make hands of different elements, but I’m kinda stuck with using what I like to call jelly hands! They’re kinda mocking our jellyfish wisps that we have all over, at least where I live. Almost looks like a light blue fire, hard to describe with just words, I can see it clearly though! I really really really wanna make those hands be of sunlight, but I’m not exactly there yet, I still only have that one secret spot for sunlight, so maybe it's hard to materialize something I’m not familiar with. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for my jelly hands, since we have these little jellies everywhere! Once I got those hands around the hammers that’s when the inevitable finally clicked with me, I mean, it makes sense right? The more hands holding a hammer, the harder it’ll swing! So if I hold the hammer with 2 jelly hands, and 2 of my own hands, despite the hammer being weightless, it’ll hit like a ton of boulders! Oooh and the jelly hands mean I can bonk from afar, which really helps when sparring with dad, I mean the second he gets close I’m basically a goner, one touch and I’m knocked out. Either way, now that I have got my grasp on my ideas, my training focuses more on honing them, working on endurance, and eventually I’m sure they’ll evolve even more! Just gotta have that mental click. 

That wasn’t the only thing that happened either though, like I was saying in the beginning, everything seems to be happening all at once. Dad and mom finally let me go outside into something called a town? It’s not really how I thought a town would look, especially with how dreary everything seemed, it was so polarizing, people were either eager to see me, or hiding in the shadows. I guess it was very odd to see someone as bright and happy as me, maybe they were scared? Especially since those that were eager to see me had a similar smile, but I could feel their joy came from a darker place, almost like they were drooling at the thought of a new snack, new fresh prey, a new feast to be had. Of course I wasn’t scared, I didn’t back down from anything for a second, I heard every word and listened to every sweet offer people asked. At that point it wasn’t even my dad leading the way, I was the one leading him. I completely destroyed any kind of fraud that came in my view, most of the time it was just pulling a part any kind of twisted yarn they were trying to bring my way, mixing truths through technicality, and tiny lies to make everything seem so much sweeter, trying to extort boons from me. Most of them dropped their fake smiles the second they saw me unraveling their webs, and the few that resorted to intimidation, quickly apologized when a shadow enveloped them.

I think I see why my dad had tried so desperately to keep me away from other people, he wanted to keep me hopeful, and didn't want my impressions to be defined by the despair and corruption of what was so typical of people here. Maybe he didn’t want me to be like how my mother was, or maybe how he saw himself. Mother used to be bedridden with a hopeless gaze in her eyes, and while father didn’t exactly show it around me, I could feel the poison hidden beneath his surface, but with me, they were able to change, both having genuine smiles, genuine hope, and now they’re even bringing life into a world that hues earlier they would have never had the heart to do something so cruel. They believe in me, and I’m not tossing that away.

That’s when something completely unexpected happened. I’ve never felt my dad panic before in the way he had, or how fast he brought his knee to the ground. What’s weird is he didn’t keep it there for long, panic growing as a new smile graced my dad. It wasn’t his own smile, it wasn’t my smile, but a smile of someone who wasn’t in front of us a second ago, someone who was now standing directly in front of my looming hammer. Their face with a smile that could rival my own, they were dressed so oddly, I think it was the most clothes I’ve seen a person wear, granted I haven’t seen too many people. They were the only one that felt different from all the other people we’ve met, their smile didn’t feel fake, though it wasn’t entirely pleasant either. Soon enough his hand was outstretched toward me, and I was asked something I never thought I’d be asked. “Hiya~! My name’s Chu~ care to be friends?” Came from his mouth, it was a confusing aura, almost like a bittersweet voice, something so happy it was almost suspicious, it felt dangerous to take his hand, but this is what I wanted wasn’t it? I always wanted to have friends, and this would be my first one! But it felt weird.. Is this how people normally make friends? I shook his hand and the next question he asked me is still reeling in my mind, I’m scared, excited, and just, bewildered. I still can’t believe it.. “Do you want to go outside? Past the walls?” He said it, like it was nothing, like it took no effort, something that to everyone’s knowledge was impossible. Yet he asked it, offering to allow me to go above, without any strings attached, no boons on my end, completely for free, the only thing he told me I would have to do is find a place called kemonomimi or something like that.

This is why I NEEDED to think into my diary tonight, too much happened today, I don’t know why I was chosen, I don’t know how I was found, he seemed to appear from thin air, all I know is he invited me over to his place in a hue’s time and that I was free to visit any time in the meantime. We are friends after all.. But I guess in the back of my mind, I worry if it was just a cruel joke. So many questions, so many thoughts. Why was dad so scared of him, why did he drop to one knee, why me? Well, I think I rambled my jumbled thoughts enough, I just need to work fast, hard, and look forward to the future. Finally the edge of those walls are right on my fingertips, I’ll be able to count the sun rays in no time!


It’s finally the phase! God after so many moons finally the baby’s here! I can’t believe I used to be that tiny.. Even mom and dad were that tiny way back when! Here I thought it was going to be a little sister, it turns out instead of having the cutest little sister ever, I’ll be having the cutest little brother ever! Ah I can’t wait to do so much stuff with him! I’m gonna teach him all about magic, show him so much cool stuff, I can’t wait to show him the sun rays, not to mention I’ll be able to tell so many stories of what’s past the walls! He also has, like, a little bit of hair! It’s the cutest thing ever, you can see the little pink cowlick shine through, I can already tell he’ll be the bright light that’ll be my beacon when I’ve lost my smile, all I’ll need to do is think of my little brother! I couldn’t help but think about this.. I needed to note this down in my diary! To solidify my thoughts and feelings into here so I never forget! Though I doubt I’d ever forget this moment. 

I’ve been so focused on the baby coming soon and my training that I don’t think I’ve used my diary in awhile, I’m sorry for that! I guess I do have a few updates! I’ve been over Chu’s house a few times, though I don’t even know if I’d call it a house, it feels too big to be a house. He must be really popular because he always seems to have more of his friends over, there’s even been a few times I feel like I saw some things I wasn’t supposed to be. I thought only a mom and a dad are supposed to do that stuff together? I guess he’s married lots of friends! He’s always wearing something different too, always something very unique! Anyways, we’ve been able to chat a little about going outside, apparently he’s been told to bring someone to represent Dementous for all the other regions. It looks like people don’t really know too much about us, and seeing my smile, hope, and desires, Chu thought I would be a great pick. He hasn’t really told me how I’ll get past the walls, or where he got this request from someone, but I haven’t once detected dishonesty from him, and he’s helping my dream come true, so I have no reason to say no! 

But aside from training, that's really all the updates I have.. I don’t think I’ll be using the diary much unless I really need to jot down my thoughts, or really big events happen, so I hope you won’t be lonely without me. And to answer a question I thought so many years ago, yes, of course I’ll be your friend past me! And don’t worry, you’ve already made one friend so far, it’s only a matter of time until you’re surrounded by friends. And to my diary, this isn’t goodbye or anything, I’m still going to use you, but I wanted to thank you for everything. You’ve given me a place to be able to organize my thoughts, given me an avenue to dream, and have been with me through all my moments, always listening to my thoughts! So I know you aren’t exactly real, but thank you! Now I need to get some rest, I wanna get up super early to play with my new brother!


It’s just one more phase before the big journey, I can’t really sleep because of how excited I am, so I thought it would be a good idea to try and calm myself by thinking my thoughts down in my diary! I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last put my thoughts in here, god I remember doing it practically every day since I got it, I guess as I got older, what used to be a daily routine, became something that happened less and less, more of only using my diary on special occasions. At least that means I have a lot to think about, a lot to catch my diary up on! 

First of which is the fact that it’s been 17 moons since little Destiny was born! God he’s growing up so fast! At first he was so tiny, only a tiny little pink cowlick for hair, and now he’s actually on two feet, full head of adorably pink hair, and already blinding everyone in this house with his adorably bright smile! I’m so glad he’s such an affectionate brother, but maybe that’s because of how much time I spend doting and cuddling him. I can’t help it though, he is just the most adorable little bean ever! I swear he’s so smart too! Already starting sentences! I mean it’s nothing groundbreaking, but he’s got ma, pa, and “oonmee” down perfectly! I’m so proud of him, it actually makes me a little sad that I’ll be gone for who knows how long, and end up missing out on spending time with him, but I’ll make sure to bring back souvenirs, and tons of stories! And hey, guess what! I’m bringing you with me too! You as in this diary, you’ll be the little bit of familiarity that I have while I adventure this new world. I’m glad I decided to think into you, it really puts a lot of stress off my shoulders. I think I’m ready to actually get some sleep! Thank you diary! 


Oh my god I have so much to think about! This world is NOTHING like I thought it was, everything is so different! There’s so many people! So much green stuff around, and the atmosphere is almost.. Alien! Like, the temperature outside is so weird! It’s.. kind of uncomfortable, it’s too cold at times, and sometimes it feels like I’m burning up. And the amount of weird looks I got. There’s so much to learn here, so many new sights to see! One of the most daunting things though was those sun rays. So.. remember how our special spot had one ray of light? Guess how many rays of light the outside has.. IT'S ALL LIGHT! I can’t see a THING! I thought Destiny’s smile was bright.. That doesn’t hold a candle to my pupils feeling like they’re being roasted alive! I’m so glad the houses here have things to block light.. I don’t know how I’m going to get used to this new light, and new environment, but I’m trying my best!

Some things I’ve noted so far, only on my first day: People wear.. SO MUCH clothing.. And all of it looks NOTHING like what we have at home. I thought Chu was wearing a lot of clothing, but the clothing here shows pretty much only the arms and legs! Is that even comfortable..? Not to mention how much material they’re wasting, and where did they even get all of the materials from.. It’s something I’ll definitely have to ask a bunch!

Another thing I’ve noted is that.. boons don’t seem to exist outside! It looks like people make deals with these.. shiny metals? I’ll have to ask what those are, maybe they’re physical boons?

There’s also the sky! I didn’t realize the sky was such a pretty red! Not to mention all the things in the sky itself! It’s a little hard to see because of all the blinding light, but there are little blotches of different colors, almost like cotton candy in the sky! I always thought the sky was just black, apparently that’s just the shadow of the floating city! That’s actually where they got the term hue from, because after a certain amount of moons, the sky will change it’s hue to a different color, some people even have superstitions about babies that were born on a certain color.. Hue 1500, which was the Hue I was born on, was supposedly purple, so I’m a purple Hue baby! Makes me curious what kind of Hue baby Destiny is, since it was whatever the last Hue was!

From everyone I’ve talked to so far, they have all seemed so nice, I believe they called this place Auroria! I’ll be spending a few more days here, asking around, learning a few things, then make my journey to Kemimiru! I’ll definitely be thinking lots and lots in this Diary, but I need to get to sleep, the faster I go to bed, the faster I’ll get to see more of this new world!


So it’s been about three phases since I’ve last picked you up Diary.. You know at this point maybe I should give you a name, that way I don’t have to keep calling you diary! You should be called something special, make it more clear that you’re mine! Hmm.. What about Fate? I think that’s a cool name, especially because we were fated to be best friends! After all, you listen to every thought I give you, no matter how silly or crazy, and you’re still my friend, no matter how much you have to put up with! 

Anyways, I got a lot of info to dump into you Fate, especially because I’ll probably need to come back to this information since it’s important, and things are different in this world, and there’s no telling I’m going to remember all of this. 

So! As for the weird looks I was getting, apparently it’s only going to get worse when I leave Auroria. There’s two major reasons I was getting judgemental gazes! One, I’ve learned that people are embarrassed of their bodies, or something of the sorts. Clothes aren’t just meant for comfort or style here, they’re used to hide parts of their body that are immodest, as well as to protect themselves from their environment. In Dementous, we don’t really get hot or cold from the environment, it’s always perfect temperature, and with the fact that no one wants to waste a boon on something as unnecessary as clothing, we have to work with the limited materials we have, AND have to make it ourselves, but people here can just buy clothes without worrying about having a life debt! I’ll get more into their currency later, but long story short, my clothes, or lack thereof, is considered very immodest.

The other reason for the stare’s is the fact that I am from Dementous. Everything about me is different to the average person, my pupils aren’t the same as theirs, the yellows of my eyes don’t match the white of theirs, even my skin color is different from most all, with how much whiter I am than everyone they must think I’m a ghost or a wisp or something! Apparently there are some VERY heavy superstitions about Dementous, especially because no one from the outside sees the inside. They assume we’re all evil, that we steal and murder young, drink the blood of innocents, take everything we please. That people that are born in Dementous are either mistakes, or those doomed to die, thinking that people there are just slums and criminals.

This way of thinking couldn’t be farther from the truth! People are too scared to rob a petal of a flower, let alone have the guts to murder! Some of the people I met from town are absolutely kind souls, even if they can’t get themselves to trust others, and the few rotten eggs that exist with us take up the small minority! It’s very frustrating to hear such things about the place I grew up in, the home I was born and raised in, and it makes me want to show others the light.. And I won’t rest until this prejudice against us dissipates. I don’t care how many journeys it takes, I will show the reputation of Dementous through my actions and deeds, whether it be using my hammer for good, or bringing a smile to someone’s face who needed it, I will show that we are not bad.

On the other hand, seeing and hearing from Auroria has taught me something important, they’ve taught me something called a government, which sets rules and regulations so that their people can live in peace, without having to worry or fear, giving punishment to the rotten eggs while making the feeble deer able to live their life without fearing the headlights. This of course got me thinking.. Where is our government? Is this why our people feel so scared, so untrustworthy? Is it because we lack the safety that a government provides? While I journey around I’ll definitely make sure to learn about all the different regions' governments and see if I can maybe start one at home. That way people can finally feel safe!

The last thing I need to make note of are those shiny little circle thingies! Apparently they’re the currency of every place here! It doesn’t matter what region, as long as it’s not Dementous I guess, but that’s why it’s so easy to get stuff here, you can just buy it without having to sell boons! That’s definitely something I would wanna add if I start a government, then people would be able to profit off their skills more often, and people would be less scared to ask for things! It’s so cool! I was given about 100 of these gold thingies, which apparently is a good chunk! Most people keep these coins in a pouch, or a slot in their clothes designed for holding, but I’m still wearing something considered.. Immodest, so I don’t have these pocket things.. Maybe I’ll be able to buy some clothes with this gold so I’ll get less weird looks! I hope I can get something that kind of blocks the bright light outside, it’s been a few phases and I’m still nowhere close to getting used to it. 

Anyways! It’s my last day in Auroria and I’m apparently going to be dropped off in the capital city of a region called Mountrypt, and supposedly it’s the largest region of them all! I’m so excited to see all these new sights and have new experiences. I’ve met a bunch of new kind people, but I don’t think I’ve met any new friends yet.. Maybe Mountrypt will have my first one! But I need to make sure to get lots of sleep to prepare for tomorrow, thanks for listening to me Fate!


It’s been a few days since I’ve landed on Mountrypt and most of the people here are so tiny!! They’re like miniature little elves, but with more rounded ears! Most of the people here were very welcoming to me as well, way too involved in whatever task they were doing to even care much about my appearance. It’s a lot less bright now that I’m not high up in the sky, but it’s still very hard to see more than a few feet in front of me.

When I first arrived here, a cute little girl came to greet me! All the people around her seemed to call her king, which apparently means ruler of this region! She was extremely nice to me, and very mature. See only seemed to get pouty when I doted over her, maybe she doesn’t like getting coddled in front of her council. Her eyes were so pretty too, and they seemed to see right through me, I wonder what she saw. For a king she was very trusting to a stranger! She showed me around, told me the basics of her people’s culture, and even taught me about their government! There’s a single ruler here, with a bunch of little council people to help make decisions, they even have this cool meeting room too! I’ve been able to spend a lot of time with the king, and they even said they’d be my friend! That’s 3 friends now, Chu, Aurite, and you! Aurite is the king’s name by the way!

Today is my last day staying here though, everyone in the council seemed super nice, they even gave me some clothes that should be comfortable in the coming climates, and are considered modest! Though some of them seemed to snicker at the word modest, I guess this outfit was still a bit revealing, but it’s modest enough! Probably. I wouldn’t be the best judge of that. Of course before I left Aurie I made sure to give a biiiig hug! I swear I could see her blushing afterwards which made me want to squeeze her cheeks too before leaving. She over the course of the days had given me a map, and even pointed me over to the right direction!

It wasn’t until I was looking down at the edge of a city, that I truly realized the scale of the world I now had access to. Even through the blinding rays, the land just seemed endless, completely vast, nothing compared to the shadows I was binded to in the place I called home. From the top of this mountain, it really showcased just how tiny I was, and how much I still had to explore. If I’m completely honest, the thought just excited me more! There were so many new faces to see, so many new sights to witness, so many new cultures to experience! It seemed like all the possibilities were endless, and it made me all the more determined to come back home with stories to tell, and more passion than ever to burn. I will make a difference, here in this new world, and back home. I won’t stop until everyone is protected, and there’s a smile on every person’s face!

Now it’s time to sleep for me, I have a new journey to start tomorrow, so I gotta get my rest! Thanks for listening Fate.


It’s been practically a moon since I’ve been able to actually sit down and think to you. I know I was talking about how endless and vast this world seemed to be, but I seriously think I underestimated it. On this map Kemimiru seemed so close.. But what seems really close on a map is tons of phases of travel, I had no idea it would take this long. I’ve also never had to sleep on the ground before, or at least I always had the choice of sleeping on a bed.. But when you’re traveling the vast areas between the regions, it's very rare to find a village or a town, or any kind of civilization really. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve come across a few of them while I made my way, but you definitely won't find one by the end of every phase, which means sleeping on the ground half of the time. Luckily for me, I could sink my mana into the grass and motivate them to be comfy, so it really did feel like a bed of grass, but I know not everyone would be as lucky as me. Especially from the few civilizations I came across, I really felt the full brunt of how different I seemed from everyone else. I even had a few think I was some kind of monster and attacked me out of fear! I was able to pacify them with a little bit of magic, but that’s when I learned that most people only have one affinity, and one specialty. That got me wondering if I was special, or if it had to do with Dementous being located where it is.

During my journey I also skidded past the elemental region.. I think Aurie called it her land or something? I’m pretty sure she was the ruler of Mountrypt though, not this place, so it was a little confusing, but I didn’t ask too many questions. She told me to avoid traveling through it at all costs, which while a tad inconvenient, I do think was the right choice. Even just being close to the place gave me some really bad vibes, it was very unnatural, and I could feel the lack of joy in the land itself. It felt more angry if anything. 

But! After almost a moon of travel, I finally made it to my next destination! And well, possibly my final destination too. I made it to Kemimiru! Once again I was stopped with those that lived here thinking I was a monster, and good thing the ruler stepped in, because these folk seem strong, and I don’t think I could pacify them with words and magic alone. Luckily for me Aurie and those for Auroria had my bad, and let the ruler of Kemimiru know ahead of time that I was making my way over!

If I thought the little people from Mountrypt were cute.. My heart almost exploded from cuteness at the sight of walking animal people! I mean granted they were furless, and definitely not any kinds of animals I’ve ever seen before, but those ears and tails didn’t lie! They were certified super fluffy! And the ruler was no different, and it wasn’t just their appearance that was adorable, but their heart as well! I could feel the strength of their motivation and hope from their aura alone, and a wide smile to match! Though is there something with ruler’s being short in this world? I could tell he wasn’t young when up close, but from far away I don’t know if I’d have the same luck.

He introduced himself as Sky and it wasn’t long until I was invited inside his chambers, which was a welcoming sight. Despite spending a full moon out in the light, the brightness is still something overwhelming for me. I don’t know if my eyes will ever get used to this blinding light. Though now that my eyes could focus and actually see what was in front of me could I get a good look at this tiny ruler. He was probably no taller than a 12 year old boy, though you can tell from his eyes and mannerisms that he’s been around, and has seen his fair share of sights, not to mention the scar across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose would be really hard for a child to get and have faded. This brought my eyes to focus on the two most exciting features about Sky.. those two, round, gigantic ears! I think he could see me staring, or maybe it was the fact that I was practically drooling, he actually let me pet his ears! Aaah I was so happy! They were so smooth, and soft, they were nothing like any animal I’ve seen so far. The last thing of note I have to put, while not exactly important, is extremely important. Throughout the entirety of the conversation we had, at random points he would do, this adorable, high pitch, little squeak. I could practically feel the warmth coming from his cheeks every time it happened, I didn’t know it was possible for him to get cuter, but it happened. I mean this cuteness rivaled even Aurie, though none could compare to my precious Destiny.

But onto the important topics, it looked like Sky was the reason Chu was trying to send me off here. Sky was trying to make a change, just like I wanted to do, and he was giving me the perfect opportunity to make one! Sky was setting up the very first adventurer’s guild to house a representative from each region.. Aside from Kurai Mori which is apparently taboo. I hope people aren’t hating that region based on superstition like they seem to hate us.. And we’re able to chat with other representatives, and also give missions to adventurers, talk about our culture, problems within our places, and maybe the adventurers can even help us out! Of course right now it’s just a concept, but he’s hoping in about 7 hues, he’d be able to get everyone together, and hear from every region. Sky was honestly surprised that Dementous of all places was the first one to find and send a representative, and not to brag or anything, but he definitely likes me! I was the shining example of the change he wanted to bring to this world and I was happy to be the start of the change to bring smiles and hope to everyone’s doorsteps!

Of course I was able to sit down and chat with Sky as well, making another new friend! We had some kind of.. Fermented fruit drink? It made my head feel a little fuzzy and made me a little giggly, but it was nothing compared to how it made Sky feel. He went from a strict, happy, and passionate persona, to an absolute wobbly, giggly, hiccuping, squeaky mess! Swaying back and forth mug in hand as he fully tilted his head back for another swig. I couldn’t blame him though, the longer I drank this fermented fruit the better it tasted, until even my mug was empty and I was swaying along with him. The memory is still a little bit hazy and my head hurts a little bit from last night, but if I recall correctly, he was telling me all about the culture of his people, and that he had to go through a ritual to become leader, which is what all the past leaders had to do as well, apparently it’s very secretive, and even while swaying, giggling, and obviously not fully of his mind, his lips seemed sealed on this topic, even his intoxicated mind seeming to understand it’s forbidden knowledge to share. Either way, that night was a ton of fun, and when I get back home I really want to try making that fermented drink at home and sharing it with everyone as a surprise gift!

But it seems like my task here is done, and Sky is gonna be contacting Chu once he’s ready to start up his project, so I’ll have my down time to spend time with Destiny, dad, and mom before I head back up. Though I’m not entirely sure how I’m supposed to get back home.. I guess I’ll have to head back towards mount WOAH- sorry fate, Chu just appeared behind me, I’ll think to you later!


Well I’m back home now. Wasn’t really expecting to be home so soon, I don’t know if I should be happy or disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be able to see my adorable Destiny again, but it almost seemed.. Like my journey just ended abruptly, I feel like I still haven’t seen everyone and everything yet. Not to mention I didn’t even get to finish thinking into you before Chu came, was he following me the entire time? He just.. Wasn’t behind me, then he was? It was so odd. I was told to close my eyes when I was going to go to Auroria, it felt like we were sinking, and then blindness from the dark turned to blindness from the light, and Chu was gone again. When he took me back home, it was the same sinking feeling, and then I was home, and once again Chu was gone. I plan on visiting him again and see if I can visit Aurie and Sky more often, it hasn’t been long at all but I already miss my friends.

But I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, after all I’m sure I’ll see them again, and now this means I get to share my experiences with mom and dad, and also with my precious baby brother! Not to mention it also means I get to watch him grow up, I can’t believe I missed an entire moon already.. 

I do want to focus more on my family, so it might be a bit until you hear from me Fate, but as always, thanks for listening to my thoughts!


I can’t believe it’s been about 3 hue’s since I’ve thought to you Fate, I’m sorry!! I’ve just been so busy with everything, Destiny has taken up most of my life, and the time I’m not spending with my precious little brotherberry I’m either training or I’m heading over to Chu to see when I can head back up!

I’ve had a quite a few chats with Chu over the hues, he’s normally really good company, though it’s hard to ever get him to actually be serious, which can be a little frustrating when I’m trying to talk about how nice it would be to actually start a government, I think the only time I actually got him to be serious was when he gave me a warning. He told me to give up on a government, which is the most blunt he’s ever been with me. Any normal person would have caved, but I still want to help people feel protected, so I’m not gonna give up!

We did get to set up a nice deal too, that once a moon for a few phases he would let me drop me off at my region of choice! For the first few moon’s I focused more on spending time with Aurie and Sky, getting to see how both of them work, but after a while I tried visiting the other regions, I got to meet the head of the flower or whatever it’s called in Auroria! I believe his name was Jarred, he was wearing all white and showed me around the city, making sure to tell me about Areteism while he was at it, which is a religion! So I got to learn what a religion was as well. I didn’t like Jarred too much, even though he smiled the entire time, I just.. Got a bad feeling from him, I don’t know if the smile was fake, but it wasn’t exactly happy.. It felt more controlling if anything. After that I didn’t visit Auroria again.

I did try out Elyutian though! That was really fun! Nowadays, if I’m in the training mood when the moon comes along, I take my visit to Elyutian and spar with the elves there, and it’s really fun! They’re all so strong, and they have so many tricks up their sleeves, so much learning happens there, not to mention their government system is so interesting! They switch rulers bimoonly, so there’s a contest about every 15 phases that determines who the ruler is.. Maybe that’s why everyone seems so strong, they have to constantly train to not only have a chance to become the leader, but also just to survive. I don’t know if this is the type of government I’d go with for Dementous, but it’s still always fun to learn! 

For one moon I was sent to the border of Kurai Mori. I decided not to step foot in there. I can tell there’s no joy that lives in that forest, so I just turned around and headed for Kemimiru, which is very close by!

And if I feel like training not by sparring, but by journeying, sometimes I let Chu send me to the elemental region, I pick one of the four subregions, and try my best to stay alive! I would have to say my least favorite zone would have to be the storm one.. It’s wet.. Hard to move in.. and just not comfortable, especially how it makes my clothes stick to my skin, it's gotten to the point where if I ever venture into the stormy region, I let my Dementous routes shine and just go full nude, which while not very awkward for me, in the rare chances that there’s an adventurer training in there, becomes very awkward for them.. I’m pretty sure I almost got one person killed from their attention being moved away from the threat in front of them, to me. But I did save them! Not exactly from their fluster, but at least I saved them from impending doom, then went on my merry way.

Of course if I’m not in the mood for training and just want to relax my defaults still stick with Sky and Aurie, they’re who I feel most comfy with, plus after spending time with my little brother I know all the best coddling tactics to get both those little rulers under my spell! All it takes is one ear rub from behind Sky’s ears and he’s at the mercy of my doting, and still to this day, despite me now knowing that Aurie is around 500 hues old, I can still get her in my lap! No matter how many times I treat her like a kid, her fluster always remains the same, the only thing brighter than the blinding light outside, is her cheeks when I call her a good little girl. Though, not even Aurie can rival the cuteness of my little Destiny.

Chu has finally let me bring him with me on my visits too! Of course I would never take him to the dangerous regions, but I was so happy to bring my little brotherberry to Aurie and Sky, I could tell Destiny was on his best behavior.. He’s so mature for his age, I’m so proud of him.. And maybe when he’s old enough to start manifesting his magic, Sky or Aurie can help him understand it! At least he knows I wasn’t just saying fairy tails when I talked about my adventures, I’m sure they sounded absolutely unbelievable. I even got him to see the brightness and color of the sky, even if I didn’t let him look for long. I know it must REALLY hurt him if it still hurts me despite how much time I’ve spent here. 

I’m just so happy, I get to watch my little brother grow, I get to have great friends, a great opportunity to change people’s perceptions, and especially with bringing my brother here, who in their right mind could think those of Dementous are all evil thugs! Just one look at my little brotherberry and they’ll know the innocence and hopefulness that Dementous holds! Everything has just been going so well! But I gotta go kiss Destiny goodnight, and read him a bedtime story, which is just going to be one of my adventures again, so that’s all the thoughts I’ll be giving you today Fate! As always, thanks for listening to my rambles, hopefully I’ll think again soon!

A few uneventful entries later


It’s finally time! I can’t believe I’m getting the announcement that the adventurers guild is finally ready to have all the representatives! This time I’m probably gonna be gone for a good while, and Chu, Sky, and Aurie all gave me the go ahead to bring Destiny! He’s only seven right now, but he’ll be eight in about four moons! He’s already started learning his magic as well too! It almost seems to be mimicking? Maybe reflecting! He’s able to make everyone feel what he’s feeling, which really helps when he’s an absolute bowl of sunshine and happiness! So starting tomorrow, I’ll be in Kemimiru. The adventurer’s guild called The Winds of Change will be my new home for who knows how many hues! All I know is I’ll be doing my best to make a difference in this world, no matter who you are, you deserve to feel safe, to be protected. You shouldn’t be judged without even being known yet, or based on how you look, or where you come from. I want to make change in this world, and with brotherberry, and all my friends at my side, I know we’ll really be the winds of change!


Melody Rose

These entries are amazing to read!! I love Unmei!! ❤️