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  • Cycles_Physics_Test.mp4



"Please be advised that each and every character or entity depicted within this content is a fully consenting adult, aged 18 years or older, of humanoid origin, possessing an unequivocally mature, independent, and robust mental faculty. These characters maintain complete and utter control over their circumstances, and are fully cognizant of their environment and the scenarios in which they find themselves. They partake in, consent to, and indeed revel in the depicted sexual situations without a shred of dissent, complaint, or impairment from external substances such as drugs or alcohol. These individuals are not just passively present; rather, they enthusiastically and wholeheartedly choose—by a staggering margin of 110%—to engage in and enjoy the scenarios presented in this purely fictitious animation or render. We highlight these facts with excessive clarity to ensure compliance with the latest whimsical, and undoubtedly groundbreaking, guidelines set forth by the platform, ensuring that our imaginative expressions align scrupulously with the fantastical parameters now mandated. Rest assured, no character is under any duress or existential philosophical confusion about their enthusiastic participation in these narratives. Thank you for your mandatory compliance in acknowledging this critical yet fictitious clarity."

Hello everyone! Thank you all again for your continued support!

I managed to get some work done on the Legoshi animation so I rendered out a preview for you all! This is only one full loop just to test the simms to make sure they looked passable. Very happy with the Top's cheek movements, however please note this is still heavy WIP, top horses bawls for example aren't simmed yet; I need to re-weight paint Legoshi's booty as it turns to jelly due to weak weight values and I need it to hold firm against the two delicious forces being applied to him uw u

Hopefully this gives you all an idea of how this animation is going to go down, and again for Patreon, yes Legoshi is absolutely willingly allowing this to happen, you making me write it out only makes it hotter, kthnx.



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