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I will be continuing the Breaking Bad series however... I think it's time to add another series to the mix.   What series reaction is worth upgrading your account.  Comment with suggestions, then we'll do a poll for winner.

BTW, I've already read Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) twice.  So I already know everything that happens for the most part.


Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Battlestar Galactica is a really great one my personal favourite live action show of all time. You can always check out the miniseries which acts as the shows pilot and see if it's something you'd enjoy. From you're love of ships and cool military stuff I can see you loving it combined with the amazing drama from characters to lore and events. And of course Mandalorian is a great return to A Galaxy Far Far Away same with Andor as well which for me is just the best Star Wars show followed by Mandalorian.


Not a recent series but very popular and very good: The West Wing