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Alright, everyone, time for a progress report! Not that there's all that much to say, to be honest. Really, since I'm only doing the Poll Short Story this month (see the Story Poll if you don't know why) the only things to cover are the Wallpapers and Left Hand Magic. Anything else will have to wait until the polls finish at midnight on the 10th!

The short bit first. As always, the wallpapers got knocked out first thing. At least the rendering part. Also as always, I will likely procrastinate doing the post-processing and typesetting for a few more days, then release them around mid-month. I still honestly can't tell you why I hate that part of the process so much, particularly when setting up the actual renders is the hard part and I don't mind that at all. But, explanation available or not, it is what it is.

As for Left Hand Magic, that's going reasonably well. A tiny touch slower than I'd hoped, but not by much. I'm on course to have Trix's event done by the time to poll is done, at least. With that as a guideline for how long the events will take, I'm fairly confident that at least 3 of the events will be in the build. I might manage a fourth. Maybe. But that would be dicey on account of Threesome Route renders and animations always taking more time/effort. In the event I don't manage to get a fourth Event in, I'll likely still have a bit of extra render time (just not enough for an entire event and I don't want to do partials with these).

In that case, I'll likely spend the extra render time redoing a couple of old animations that I'm not happy with. I've literally got a list of those. Some are easy fixes, some will basically need completely redone. But one way or another I really need to get on top of fixing some of them. Otherwise I'm going to find myself near the end of the game production needing a full build (or more) just to correct stuff. That's not something I want to happen. I'd much rather handle most of it as i go so that there aren't any releases which are mostly fixing stuff. So, either way, something beyond three events will happen. Either a fourth event, or some fixes for some of the more clunky/bad animations. Assuming nothing explodes in my face like happened last month, at least.

Anyway! That's it for now. The next post will likely be on the 11th, when I can tabulate the polls and announce the winners! Oh, and if you're wondering why the samples are a bit unfinished looking...it's because I don't want to Spoil the surprise from Trix's Route! So I had to pick verrrryyy carefully from the renders I've done so far...




Take your time! I always look forward to releases but you always are on top of updates and are very honest when things take more time than you initially thought, so make sure you're taking care of yourself since you obviously are always working very hard on everything here!


Thanks! I try to be as honest as possible about how things are going, and as on-time and on-target with updates as I can be. Since I know a lot of Patreon creators are...not that. Sadly. I'm happy that people appreciate it :-).