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Bram sat in the palm of Anna's hand as he watched Sarah go for her second win against Jessica. The competition had been underway for the last twenty minutes, and the girls had been waging war for dominance and control. Anna was eliminated first, but she wasn't surprised or upset. Her exact words had been that she already had to babysit him half the day anyways. Jessica was putting up a decent fight, and she was tied with Sarah for the win. Jessica played as Milena, and Sarah had chosen to stick with Frost to continue her winning streak. Bram would have been impressed if it weren't for the looming fear of what Sarah might do should she win the tournament.

He'd been sitting with Peyton until Anna lost, and then he'd been handed over to his stepsister. Peyton hadn't said that he'd been a bother but that she wanted to study her competition. It had been a bit of a shame for Bram when he'd been passed off. He'd been enjoying being close to the giantess he was crushing on. While Peyton hadn't mentioned anything about his demeanor verbally, she'd spent most of her time holding him lightly, rubbing his back. She was surprisingly gentle for someone with fingers more than three times his size. It had been incredibly soothing for his otherwise shot nerves. However, if it meant that Peyton could gain an advantage, he was perfectly fine waiting with Anna. Bram kept looking between the screen and Peyton, amazed to see the titan watching so closely and intently.

"Are you alright?" Anna asked, speaking quietly so the others couldn't hear, "You're shaking like a leaf on a tree."

He hadn't realized that he'd been trembling, but it wasn't surprising. Lying to Anna was a bad idea, but Sarah's threatening promise still echoed in the back of his mind. "Y-yeah, I'm just a little chilly," he replied, terrified of risking Sarah's wrath, "Sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you."

Anna frowned as she studied her stepbrother, "Why are you apologizing? You're always annoying."

"Sorry," he repeated, despite her lighter-than-usual tone.

Anna started to say something, but she stopped herself. Something was off, but she couldn't quite place it. Maybe Bram was anxious about being alone with Peyton or Sarah. She knew that he had a crush on Peyton, and perhaps his nerves were getting the better of him. "Stop apologizing, dork," she finally said, ruffling his hair with her index finger, "You're not bothering me. You'd tell me if something was wrong, though, right?"

He wanted to, he really did, but Bram couldn't bring himself to do it. The lying only made him feel worse, but maybe he was worrying about nothing. He'd come clean later if things took a turn for the worse, but for now, he did his best to assure Anna that he was fine, "I wouldn't lie to you, Anna."

Anna couldn't help but notice that he'd avoided her question, but she decided not to push further. She was trying to be better after everything that had happened between her and Chad. That meant having to learn to take the boys at their word. "Alright," she said, "Try to relax a little, will you?"

Bram nodded and watched as Sarah executed a brutality on Jessica to solidify her place in the final match. "Yes!" Sarah cheered, jumping up in excitement, "That was a close one, Jess. I really thought you had me there for a minute."

"Whatever, you kicked my ass," Jessica laughed, "I think you let me win that first match."

"No, I wouldn't do that," Sarah said with a knowing grin.

"You totally did, didn't you?!" Jessica exclaimed and laughed, "You cocky bitch. Alright, time for the real show. Peyton, kick her smug ass for Anna and me, will you?"

"I don't know," Peyton said as she stood up and took the controller from Jessica, "She's pretty good. This one is going to be close. I can already tell that."

"Quit being modest and give her a good beating," Jessica smiled as she sat back beside Anna and looked down at Bram, "Remember what's on the line. The winner gets some alone time with the micro-dude."

"Neither of you better hurt him," Anna chimed in, sounding more aggressive than she meant to.

"Woah," Jessica said, "Chill, Anna, I doubt either of them will do anything bad to the little guy."

Bram looked up at Anna. It always surprised him when she took up for him or his father, but he appreciated it now more than ever. "Yeah, relax," Sarah said as she settled in, "He'll be in good hands when I win my turn with him."

"Don't count your dumplings before they're cooked," Peyton said, her competitive side starting to show, "You've got two matches to win before he's yours."

Bram swallowed as Sarah and Peyton locked in their characters. This was it, the showdown that the tournament had been building to. It should have been a great moment, but his nerves overshadowed it. The first fight started, and Peyton launched into a fierce offensive with Sub-Zero against Sarah's Frost. At first, the round seemed one-sided, but Sarah executed an escape that gave her the opening she needed to pummel Peyton. Their health was low when both girls found themselves evenly matched—blocking, countering, and dodging incoming attacks. The timer ticked down as their battle raged on, but Peyton managed to land a surprise uppercut that won her the round. Bram released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. This was going to be a closer match than he'd hoped for.

Peyton won the first match with a fatality shortly after the first round. Both girls were happy with their character selections and immediately launched into a rematch. Another ferocious fight ensued; Peyton won the first round, but Sarah came from behind in the second. Their back and forth was wordless and intense. Neither girl trash-talked the other, and Anna and Jessica looked on from the edge of their seats. Bram monitored the health bars closely as the match unfolded. To his dismay, Sarah was able to land the deciding blow and secure her first victory with a brutality. Sarah glanced over her shoulder at him and winked at him. He felt his blood run cold, but one match was still left. He prayed that Peyton could pull off the victory for his sake.

Sarah surprised everyone when she asked to swap characters. She'd been playing as Frost since the tournament began but switched to Mileena for the final match. Peyton was happy to oblige and changed to Jade. Sarah smirked as the game started, and she launched into a vicious offensive that caught Peyton off guard. Bram's eyes widened as he watched Peyton's health dwindle to a quarter, but she didn't give up. She was on the verge of a comeback when Sarah surprised her with a teleport and managed to finish to take the first round.

When the second round began, Peyton was much more aggressive in her approach. A full-on assault kept Sarah from being able to move, and Bram couldn't remember the last time he'd seen a fight end so quickly. "Damn," Jessica said, "This is getting intense."

"Never thought I'd be so into watching a video game," Anna added.

As the final round got underway, Sarah and Peyton didn't say a word. Both girls were evenly matched this time, and neither gave the other an inch. The blows that landed were few far and few between this time. Counters and escapes were frequent, and Bram marveled at the sheer skill of both competitors. He forgot about the stakes for a brief moment and lost himself in the intense battle. He had to give them credit; they were phenomenal fighters. The ninety-second timer ticked down further, with both girls barely making a dent in the other's health. Bram bit his lip as he tried to see who was lower. It was almost too close to tell, but the clock hit zero, and he watched as Peyton's character suddenly fell. Sarah was declared the winner, and Bram felt his heart sink as she jumped up and cheered.

"Yes!" Sarah exclaimed, jumping up and down, "Man, I didn't think I'd be able to pull that off. Good game, Peyton. You're probably the toughest opponent I've ever faced."

Peyton sighed and set her controller down. She shook her head as she stood up and shook Sarah's hand, "It was a hard fight, but I guess you earned it by technicality."

"I'll take a win any way I can get it," Sarah beamed as she turned to Anna, "And, to the victor, go the spoils."

Anna looked down at Bram one last time before extending her hand to Sarah. "Just be careful with him," she said as she handed him to Sarah, "He comes back here in one piece, or I'm kicking your ass."

"Relax, babe," Jessica said, putting a hand on Anna's shoulder, "Sarah's not going to do anything to hurt him, right?"

"Of course not!" Sarah said sweetly, trying to hide her excitement as she took Bram and cradled him in her hand, "He's in good hands. Huh? What's that little guy?"

Sarah cupped her hand to make it seem like Bram was speaking as she held him up to her ear. Peyton looked on with skepticism but didn't say a word. "What's up?" Anna asked.

"I guess he wants to show me something in his room," Sarah lied, allowing herself to be alone with her prize, "Is that alright with you, Anna?"

Bram's heart was pounding in his chest as his anxiety skyrocketed. He desperately hoped that Anna would say no, but luck hadn't been on his side today. "I guess it's okay, as long as that's what he wants," Anna said after a moment, "But I need to hear it from him. No offense, Sarah, but I'd feel better if he spoke for himself."

"Of course," Sarah said, holding her hand out so Bram could speak to Anna.

Anna looked down at him expectantly in Sarah's hand and asked, "Is she telling the truth?"

This was his last chance to blow Sarah's cover, but her threat of making him disappear was still fresh in his mind. As often as he'd fantasized about something like this happening, the reality and gravity of this situation were too frightening. The idea of him being stripped of his rights, taken from his home, and becoming a permanent toy was too much for him to bear. Scared as he was, it was better to suffer a short stint with her than risk her following through with her promise. He just hoped that it didn't hurt his chances with Peyton. Surely, he could talk to Anna about it later.

"Uhm, yeah," he said, unable to keep his voice from shaking and sounding uncertain, "Unless that's not okay, of course. I don't want to get you in trouble with dad and Pam."

"I'm not worried about Chad," Anna said, smiling despite watching Bram closely, "Alright, if that's what you want. A half hour and I expect you both back here. Don't even think about trying anything, little brother."

"I'm sure he'll be a perfect gentleman," Sarah assured Anna as she cupped her hand again and turned to leave, "We'll be back, guys!"

Within seconds, Bram was whisked out of the safety of Anna's room. Truthfully, Bram had hoped that Sarah wouldn't be able to be alone with him, but he wasn't entirely surprised that she'd found a way. He was stuck with a girl he'd only just met and one who didn't seem interested in his well-being. Sarah was careful as she walked with him to his room, but he knew it wouldn't last. Bram confirmed they were heading the right way, even against his better judgment. Sarah opened the door to his old room, stepped in, and closed the door behind them before locking it. This was it; Bram was officially alone in the face of the unknown. No hope, no savior, only time slowly creeping by and entirely at the whims of an unknown titan.

Sarah dropped her innocent smile as she walked over to Bram's bed. She curled her fingers around him as she looked around, "Quite a lovely little place. A little big for such a little guy, and it certainly needs a good cleaning. Lucky for you, this girl doesn't judge. I've only got one thing on my mind. Wanna take a guess what I'm thinking, tiny? Speak, little guy."

Sarah's grip was tight, but she wasn't trying to crush him. It was a show of dominance, but that didn't make it any less terrifying. "I-I don't know," he said, shaking as Sarah brought him closer to her face, "I don't know!"

"Boo, that's no fun," Sarah mock pouted, "I guess your brain power must have shrunk with you, huh? Oh well, I'll spell it out for you, pipsqueak. There's a lot going through my mind looking at you, but the top of the current list is what you taste like."

The color drained from Bram's face at what Sarah was implying. She licked her lips as she stared down at him with a menacing grin. "Y-you're not serious, are you?!" Bram shouted up at her.

"Oh, calm down," Sarah giggled, "As long as you don't squirm around too much, you'll be fine! Now, let's see if you taste as good as you look."

He'd never considered this one thing out of everything Bram had imagined and envisioned. His hopes that Sarah was teasing him were quickly crushed as she opened her mouth and popped him inside her maw. Never before had he experienced such brazen behavior from someone, nor terror on such a level as this. His world became darkness in the moist confines of her mouth, and the last thing he saw before she shut her mouth were her pearly white teeth. The dangers of being in such a place were evident, and while he knew struggling would only further his problems, he couldn't stop himself. Laying face down on the tongue of a giantess was equally harrowing and horrifying. Sarah rolled him around her mouth, and his body was slammed against her cheek without warning.

Sarah bounced him from one end of her mouth to the other with glee, but Bram felt like he was trapped in a nightmare. Each time he came close to her teeth, his heart would stop for a second. The thought of being reduced to a stain on her teeth brought a scream from his lips. It bubbled up and echoed in the confines of his disgusting prison. Revolted and terrified, Bram could do nothing to stop Sarah from having her fun. His body was coated in a layer of her saliva, and there was nothing he could do to block out this repulsive thought. His screaming only seemed to further her delight as well. Did she really not care about his terror?

While Bram lived through a nightmare, Sarah lived out her sick dream. This was something she'd fantasized about for years before the pandemic hit. It had been a dream come true when she saw that men were actually shrinking, but she hadn't been able to act on her fantasies until today. There was so much she wanted to do with her little playmate, but time was a commodity she, unfortunately, didn't have. The rush of power from utterly dominating someone so small was better than she could have ever hoped for, and she intended to make good use of the time she had with her new toy. With her dreams so close at hand, Sarah unbuttoned her pants in preparation for the next leg of her fun.

Bram wasn't sure if she'd spit him out, but he was convinced that his heart was close to stopping any second now. Finally, Sarah spit him into the palm of her hand, and he lay there shaking in the wake of such an eye-opening experience. "Awe, poor widdle guy," Sarah mocked from above, "Did you not like being inside my mouth? That's too bad because it turns out you're kind of tasty. You're almost like a squirmy little candy."

Bram closed his eyes, hoping to wake from whatever horrendous nightmare this was, but he could still hear Sarah chuckling above him. This was real, and there was nothing he could do to stop her. "Please," he begged, trying not to sob as his emotions got the better of him, "Please, don't put me back in there. I'll do anything."

"What's that, little man?" Sarah asked, raising her hand to her ear, "You're gonna have to speak up if you want to be heard. Did you say you want to go back in my mouth?"

"No!" Bram screamed, scrambling to the edge of Sarah's hand, "Please, God, no! I'll do anything you want! Just don't do that again, please!"

Sarah smirked and giggled, making Bram's hair stand up, "You are absolutely pathetic. Oh, it's almost cute in a loser sort of way. You'll do whatever I want because there's nothing you can do to stop me, tiny. We've still got twenty-six minutes before your annoying sister comes banging on the door. Still, I guess it's good you know your place. Hmm, all wet and slippery0-n, whatever am I going to do with you now? Hmph, I think I might have an idea."

Bram was almost too afraid to ask what she had in mind, but his world shifted as Sarah laid back on his bed. Sarah clenched her fist as she lay on her back and bent her knees. She raised her head and grinned down at Bram. She bit her lip as she unfurled her fingers and let Bram fall from her hand. He landed on the surface of his bed with a bounce, and he looked up to see Sarah pulling her shoes, socks, and jeans off. What was she planning? Bram's little mind was running wild with frightful ideas and scenarios, but then he caught a glimpse of her powerful legs. As terrifying a sight as it was, it was also breathtaking. It was like something out of one of his many dreams, but he hadn't forgotten the reality he'd faced moments ago. Sarah looked almost like a Goddess but was more akin to a devil in disguise.

Bram wasn't entirely sure just what Sarah wanted him to do. He knew he couldn't run, but beyond, he was lost. Sarah would surely catch him if he tried, and where would he even go? The drop-off from the edge of his bed would surely spell his demise. His tormentor answered his silent query by surprising him with her feet. Sarah's soles closed in around him, and Bram yelped at the sudden closure. Sarah grinned at him as she hoisted him in the air. "You are so stinking cute!" she squealed, "Before we move on to the main event, let's see how you do at massaging my feet, little guy."

Sarah rolled him between her feet with ease, and Bram felt waves of humiliation and pain wash over him. Sarah deftly rolled him along her feet with sadistic glee. She giggled as his body tickled her soles. She held him tightly between her feet, and the pressure was much more than Bram expected. He didn't feel like anything would break, but breathing was difficult. The smell of Sarah's feet also tainted whatever air he could get. This was a new form of torment for him, and even when he'd been trapped inside a shoe, he hadn't experienced anything like this. The reality of his situation sank deeper in with every passing second. It was becoming obvious that he was little more than a toy to this giantess.

"Let's get you really in there, little man," Sarah said, grabbing his tiny body and mashing his face against her foot.

He'd thought that rolling him was bad, but now she was pressing and dragging him mercilessly along her foot. Sarah giggled as he struggled and squirmed in her grip the entire time. Regrettably, Bram's mouth was open when she moved him to her foot. He'd been pleading with her to stop, screaming for mercy, but his cries fell on deaf ears. His cries were simply amusing squeaks to Sarah. They may as well have been music to her twisted ears. She used him as a living scrubber for her foot, and Bram was faced with the sheer depravity of what someone his size could endure. Warnings from Chad in the form of his own experiences echoed in his mind, but until now, he'd taken them with a grain of salt.

Sarah was rough and vigorous with her treatment of his little body. She took her time and scrapped him along her barefoot without a second thought or care for his well-being. She knew he'd be alright if he were breathing and squirming. His only real purpose at this size was to amuse women like herself. At least, that was how she saw it.

On the other hand, Bram had only wanted a chance to spend time with a titan. He'd fantasized about similar scenarios, but he'd neglected to consider the pain and indifference of such a woman. Suffering was absent in his dreams, and the stark reality he faced now was harrowing, to say the least. The foul taste of Sarah's feet, the pungent and thick odor pervading his senses, and the sound of her mockery and laughter were crushing his tiny spirit. There was no way of knowing what she'd do next, nor was there a way for him to know how much he could take.

Inch by inch, minute by minute, Sarah made sure Bram was well acquainted with her feet. Bram's little world was made worse when his tormentor decided to move to her toes. Until then, Bram wasn't sure how things could get worse. He felt disgusting, his body coated in a layer of grime that made him sick. Sarah let out another sadistic giggle as she used him to floss out between her toes. The initial stab between them was unexpected and sickening. The lint from her socks clung to his body as she threaded him to and fro without a word. Try as he might, Bram still filled his mouth with more sweat and filth that turned his stomach. He wasn't sure he'd ever forget the smell and feelings that came from this horrendous experience.

Sarah was just as methodical with her toes as she had been with her soles. Degrading and humiliating were the two words that came to mind about his current predicament. He just wanted it to end, but Sarah still had more time than he liked. Her index finger pressed down along his back and neck to hold him in place. The simple action prevented him from avoiding Sarah's twisted whims. Bram could only suffer and wait for her to finish her fun. He was already feeling spent and sore, and he didn't have a clue how much time had passed. He knew that Sarah still had another foot and that his time as a foot scrubber was only beginning. That thought alone was nearly enough to make him cry, but he refused to give Sarah the satisfaction of seeing him like that.

Sarah spent nearly ten minutes between both of her feet. She'd relished feeling Bram squirm and struggle in her grip and against her feet. He was a spectacular little toy, but he wasn't hers to keep. Her time with him was limited, and she'd gotten a little carried away with her playtime. There was still so much she wanted to do, but she had just over fifteen minutes left to play with Bram. Unsure of when she'd get another chance like this, Sarah decided to enact one of her deepest fantasies. She had so many fun ideas buzzing around her head, but one thing stood out above all others. She'd heard him trying to stifle his cries, but they were merely amusing squeaks to her ears. Adorable and arousing, she felt like a Goddess with her own personal slave. What she wouldn't give to make this little arrangement a permanent fixture in her life. Alas, all good things had to end, but not before she finished having her fun.

Sarah pulled Bram away from her feet and smirked at him, "Alright, little worm; I think we're all warmed up and ready for the main event. Lucky you, I'm going to give you something most guys would kill for. I won't spoil anything, but make sure you keep that squirmy little attitude going for me."

Bram struggled in Sarah's grip, but it was useless against her power and strength. He wondered what new terror she was going to put him through, but he didn't have to wait long. Sarah moved him closer to the front of her panties. Bram was inching closer to the object of so many dreams at an incredibly rapid rate. He'd wanted this moment for so long, come so close to it many times, but had never fully experienced it. It was undoubtedly an evening of firsts for him, but they'd been disastrous and terrifying so far. While some distant part of himself was still excited to be so close, he doubted this would be pleasant. Reality had already slapped him in the face, and Sarah's callous attitude toward him proved that he wasn't safe.

Sarah deftly slipped her hand into her panties, and Bram was immediately overwhelmed with the scent of her womanhood. The heat was instantly unbearable, and even in the dim lighting of his panty prison, he could make out those hungry lips. He shuddered and shook as Sarah began rubbing him along her clit. The moist and soft folds of her pussy enveloped him in a thick layer of arousal. This wasn't how he expected, let alone wanted, his first time to be. Sarah was slow and careful at first with him. She was taking her time to work herself up and tease herself. Bram's little face was treated to her scent and taste. It was bittersweet in many ways. His first time tasting a woman, he was already learning that oxygen was a commodity he couldn't quite afford.

She began moving her hand and him in a slight circular motion. As the friction started to ramp up, Bram felt himself getting lost in a mixture of excitement and fear. He'd dreamt of this moment for so long, but now that he was here, he realized just how terrifying this truly was. He could barely breathe, and the pressure was beginning to ramp up. Each attempt at a breath filled his lungs with the smell of Sarah's womanhood and her juices starting to flow. Then, the final push came. Sarah plunged him into herself without warning, and Bram felt the walls of her folds envelop him in a tight embrace. The pressure he'd felt seconds ago paled in comparison to this. It was as though his entire body was trapped in a brutal stranglehold.

Sarah pulled him out for a brief millisecond before ramming him in again. Any curiosity or desire was washed away as she began pumping him in and out. Little air pockets were all he could find, and they were far and few between. Immersed and buried inside the hungry maw of a stranger's pussy, Bram could do nothing but ride out the storm. And what a storm it was. It was unlike anything he'd experienced before. As his air supply started to dwindle, Bram felt his panic levels skyrocket. Fears of suffocation crept in on the fringes of his mind, and thoughts of being crushed weren't far off. Surrounded by the muscles of Sarah's womanhood, Bram swore he could see his life flashing before his eyes. No nightmare he'd had came close to touching this situation, and Bram couldn't even scream his terrors out.

Every time he opened his mouth, it was filled with Sarah's juices. A taste that should have been sweet threatened to drown him if left unchecked for too long. He pleaded for her to stop every time she pulled him out, but his pleas continued to fall on deaf ears. Time seemed to slow down to an eternity as she used him for her pleasure. The stress on his body was immense, but his mind also began to waver. He could feel himself approaching a breakdown as his terror became more frantic and overpowering. Was this how he died? Was this what his life had been leading up to? Becoming a sex toy for a depraved classmate hellbent on using him for her own sadistic machinations had once seemed like a dream, but it was easily a true nightmare and fresh hell.

As Sarah's speed and fervor increased, Bram could feel himself slipping away. Those fleeting seconds of fresh air were gone, and his only reprieve came from the rare pocket of air within Sarah. His world began to fade to darkness, and his last thoughts were of family and friends. Regrets about truths left unspoken, feelings neglected, and taking Anna's and his father's advice for granted. There was no peace, no hope, only fear and darkness closing in around him. Then, Bram was forced out of the confines of his prison as Sarah gushed a proverbial tidal wave from her pussy. He was free, but he was in pain. His body and mind felt shattered and spent. Even as Sarah removed her hand from her panties, Bram could only lay there panting and nearly broken.

Sarah laid back and basked in the afterglow of a mindblowing orgasm. Never before had she felt such an incredible rush of power and endorphins. The feeling was almost addictive, and she wished she could have it again. If only she could keep Bram as her little pet and plaything. Alas, her time was limited and fast approaching its end. She curled her fingers around Bram, but she was careful not to put too much pressure on him. She'd already had her fun and didn't need Anna asking unnecessary questions. She'd have to clean him up and compose herself before heading back, but she also needed to speak with her little boy-toy. He needed to know that there would be consequences if he talked about anything that happened between them. With her mind made up, Sarah reluctantly got up and did her best to get dressed.

Bram lay in Sarah's hand lifeless and drained. He'd lost the will to fight back or plead. It hadn't done him any good; the only thing keeping him sane was knowing that time would eventually pass. Sarah would have to relinquish him back to Anna and the others sooner or later, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to muster the courage to act like nothing had happened. His entire world had been rocked in half an hour, and he wasn't even sure how long it had actually been. Bram was so out of it that he barely noticed that he and Sarah were moving again. Honestly, he could have cared less by this point.

It wasn't until the cold splash from the faucet in the bathroom hit him that he realized they'd left his room. Sarah scrubbed him roughly and harshly to clean him off. Her uncaring demeanor continued to permeate her actions, and Bram desperately wished to be far away from this psycho once and for all. "Alright, pipsqueak," Sarah said, her tone cold and menacing as she brought him to her face, "This was fun, but I'm afraid our time is up. Now, you're going to keep your little mouth shut about what happened. We went to your room, you showed me some nerdy stuff, and we talked. That's it. I catch word that you said anything, and I'll be back to make you disappear forever. I don't care what it takes, you'll come home with me and be my personal plaything for the rest of your life. Would you like that, little man?"

Bram swallowed at her threat. He couldn't see how she could possibly pull it off, but he was too afraid to argue. The mere thought of belonging to someone like Sarah was enough to scare him into compliance. "N-no," he said, his voice quivering much more than he would have liked.

"Don't act like you didn't love it," Sarah teased, "You got to experience the ride of a lifetime, runt. I'm sure you'd be begging me to use you after a few months, but clearly, that's not what you want. So, we're going to go back to the others, and you will do your best to act normal. If anyone asks, you're just tired. Say a word about our fun, and I'll make it out that you begged me for everything we just did. How do you think Anna would feel about that, or even Peyton, for that matter?"

"Anna wouldn't believe you," Bram said, finding a sliver of courage despite the monster before him.

"Oh, you wanna bet on that?" Sarah asked, "Go ahead, call my bluff, little guy. So, what's it gonna be?"

Bram swallowed and hung his head. He couldn't afford to risk it. Sarah had been unbelievably convincing until they were alone. He wanted to believe that Anna wouldn't trust her word against his, but he simply couldn't be sure. "You win," he said softly.

"What was that?" Sarah asked, wanting to hear him clearly.

"I said you win!" Bram shouted, tears tugging at the corners of his eyes, "I won't say a damn word, okay?!"

"Good boy," Sarah chuckled, "Now, dry it up and pull yourself together, Bram. We've got a party to go to, and you're really bringing me down."

Sarah laughed at herself as she checked her reflection in the mirror. Everything Bram had dreamt of had become a reality, and it had been a nightmare incarnate. He'd been at the mercy of a giantess, but he now understood the true dangers of his size. He sat in the palm of Sarah's hand as she carried him out of the bathroom. Her bubbly facade returned once again, and it was all he could do to try to hold himself together. He could panic later but now wasn't the time. Her severe threat and troubling promise rang out repeatedly in the back of his mind. He couldn't stop her, couldn't save himself. All he could do was play along until she was gone. It was going to be a long evening, and Bram just prayed that he could be convincing in front of the others.


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