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We've been live with 1.0 for a couple of weeks now so I thought it would be nice to have a quick update on what we're working on for 1.1: reviews! We're seen this feature request on Discord a couple of times and we've also seen your alternative solutions, like posting reviews on the feed or in the progress description of your collection games, so we decided it was time to give it its own spot on the site!

Write a review

Each review will need to contain at least some text and a rating, which is shared with the normal star-ratings. Additionally, there’s some optional fields for a title, positive & negative points and ratings for some specific aspects of the game like story, gameplay and visuals. It’ll also include some information from your collection game like platform and hours played so readers know what your review is based on.

View a review

Reviews will be accessible from many places across the site: your (public) collection game, a new reviews page on your profile as well as the game page. The social feed sidebar will also show a list of new reviews with a link to a page containing all reviews ordered by date.

You'll be able to mark a review als (un)helpful to weed out spammy, useless reviews and make sure the good ones are at the top of the list ready to help users decide on their next game.

[Design WIP]

Game page

After some reviews with specific ratings have been added to a game the game page will also sport a new radar chart showing off the strong/weak points of the game, which can help you decide if a game is for you. I'm very much into story-driven games so I'll be able to dismiss games that have a low "story" rating and save myself the money on a bad purchase.

We're making good progress with this new feature but as we kept adding new ideas to it it's become a lot bigger than the initial simple review feature we had in mind, so it'll be another couple of weeks before it'll be ready for release. It's gonna be awesome though, we're really looking forward to see your reviews soon! Oh, and we'll also be adding a few new badges for you to collect!



Paul van der Linden

This is more then we asked for. Awesomeness! Can't wait to post my first review! 😎