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HERE SHE IS...!!! 🔥😍🔥

Finally Dark Magician Girl makes her appearance...!

Acting all tough and angry but in reality she just doesn't want to be left out of the fun...lol

I have to admit that I feel like I'm jumping all over the place without making proper transitions between each girl, but to fit all the characters I wanted to draw into a very compact story some sacrifices had to be made... ┐( ´ д ` )┌

This is page 10 of 16 and there are still 8 more girls to appear... 😲💦

Will I be able to pack so much juice into so few pages...???

I'm not even sure myself, but I'll give it my best shot.

Hope you are enjoying things as far as they are going... ✌




So good! Glad you are doing this...comics are so dynamic!! 😍🔥🍑


I think it's fine this way. The gaps of "ok, and now I remove this card from the machine and change it with this other one" can perfectly be filled in with imagination(to get to the better parts faster)


I love drawing manga, but it is so time-consuming and exhausting that I prefer to leave it only for special occasions... 😅💦 But right now I think I'm already reaching the minimum speed and quality necessary to carry out some of my ideas satisfactorily. If I continue to improve we will begin to see projects like this more and more often... 😉👍 Thanks for the support...!


I really have confidence in the intelligence of the reader, I know that you all are very capable of filling in the holes and figuring things out for yourselves... 🧠✨ I just don't trust myself to leave the right clues and the timing of situations... 😅 This is one of those things that only gets better with experience in the field. Tutorials and observation can only take you so far...!