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Hey, gang... (・∀・)ノ

I just couldn't contain my urge to draw Hestia-sama again... 😅💦

I have to admit that the DanMachi doujinshi was the project I was looking forward the most to draw. But don't take this comment as me complaining about the results of the poll.

I am beyond excited to draw the dirtiest, spiciest book about Yu Gi Oh that I possibly can...!

It's just that of all the projects suggested you immediately jumped on the most unwieldy scenario of them all...lol

Quite on brand for all of you... 😏🍷

BTW, the storyboard work is progressing really well...!

The only serious problem I'm facing is trying to keep the story under 16 pages. (Too many sexy girls to draw and not enough time to do it)... 😩💕

I managed to slim it down from 20 pages to 16 pages with a lot of effort, but I don't think I can manage to trim the content any further.

At this point I'm almost completely sure I'll go with 16 pages, and in the end if it's necessary to sacrifice a little quality I'll take a simpler approach to my inking and tone work.

I hope you are also looking forward to seeing the first pages arrive...!

Remember that you got me into this, so now it's time to take responsibility...lol




Can't go wrong w/ Hestia...Keep going w/ the spicy book!😍🍑❤️


Ah good anime , I like thier entire system of " leveling up " and references to Greek Mitology , and Hestia tits are one of the best . But we have almost dense guy as main character who set his eyes on one of the flattest girl ,except elf ranger . If he just ask he could suck on those god level boobies of Hestia eevery single day . But she also had crush on Office lady elf , and I think she also was smoking hot !


Hey, thanks...(・∀・)ノ The doujinshi project will be quite a challenge, but it will also be a lot of fun. I will try to do my best...!


Yeah, Bell is a little slow, but he's as slow as any other anime protagonist. We can't have the plot moving too fast, otherwise they wouldn't sell as many books... 💰✨ I think Bell just doesn't make the move because Hestia-sama is, you know, a real goddess incarnate. So that can be a little intimidating... ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌