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More of the Kat and Raven Gravity Rush TG story ^_^

James tried to keep focused though the panic and terror as more of Cameron’s body became altered by the minute, their hair fluttering down as if they were standing on the ceiling, which they may as well have been by this point. The blonde spread further and further, until most of their hair was dyed it. Suddenly, the same began happening to their skin! Tan splotches covered Cameron’s pal complexion, spreading rapidly like some kind of infection. Despite his desperation, James couldn’t pull their friend down, their grip slipping as the force grew stronger, a force that was... coming from inside them?

He hadn't made the connection of who Cameron was becoming, his brain too frightened to even consider it, His attention was elsewhere as he saw his friend’s trembling body make a sudden buck, sent tumbling out of his grip.

"Cam no!" James cried as they slammed into the ceiling, bucking and thrashing in violent bliss, a sight that reminded him of some horror movies he had been unwillingly exposed too. It was like their body was being torn apart from the inside, breaking and bending to the whims of gravity.

SNAP went Cameron’s hips, breaking outwards into wide, enchanting forms.

CRUNCH went their spine, bending painfully into a curved, feminine arch that forcibly pushed out their ass and chest.

BUBBLE went their muscles, continuing to decay and melt as they moaned and squealed.

"I-I'll get you down! M-Maybe if I hop on the bed I can reach you? Stay strong!"

James offered his best reinsurance while trying to help, growing very concerned he watched their friend’s frightened features occasional flexing, only now noticing the shifts that were coming with it. Their face was split down the middle between Cameron’s and... Kat!?

Cameron continued to bounce off the ceiling as if being fucked from behind. Every inch of their being was shifting into something else, their mind trembling with the trickling thoughts of another. Familiar visions of scenes they had experienced in the game of Gravity Rush itself poured in, the memories of its protagonist crystal clear. Perhaps that familiarity, that love for the game made it easier for this persona of Kat to wrangle hold of their every thought. They were becoming a witness to another's life they’d dreamed of having, it slowly shoving their boring one out of the way. Well, not so much shove as welcome their memories and sense of self into a larger, more dominate fold.

Despite the elation, they still knew this was wrong, and Cameron tried arguing with her, but how could they possibly fight a ghost inside their head? Also worrisome, was their words were now falling into the rhythms of her language, something they were sure sounded like absolute gibberish to James. Forced protests poured from their shaky lips, their tone unable to portray wholly pleasure or fright.

"Please stop, DFIUJSDKS! AAAHN~! Why is AKVCSYKWK? I can't think! UIEWRF, So GOOOOD~!"

It was impossible to fight, they realized that now. Cameron’s pleasure ridden smile was becoming more genuine a match to hers, the two halves becoming whole. They were both enjoying it now. She wanted this and Cameron wanted this, to keep feeling this pleasure, this power, this awakening!

Following their resignation to fate's plans, they felt their growing gravity powers explode for a brief moment, hurling their friend to the ground, separating the two for good. Cameron figured James was frightened but... oh, if he only knew how it felt!


Cameron’s body thrashed within the most violent and satisfying orgasm yet, they and Kat's thoughts phasing back and forth through each other as their face and voice were devoured by hers. There was nothing left to do but enjoy it. They was becoming a part of someone more spectacular than they could ever hope to be--the magnificent, heroic Kat!

James cried out in terror slamming onto the ground, unhurt but currently immobilized from trying to reach their friend, gravity weighing him down as Cameron screamed and bucked in a wild frenzy. He couldn’t understand what they were screaming anymore. It sounded an odd mix of French and Japanese, any trace of English next to non-existent. He could nothing but watch now, observing in silent terror as his friend put Kat's womanly soprano to good use, their red eyes rolling into their head as their face fell into Kat's, almost every inch of their body overtaken by her eager tan. Each buck only seemed to bring rise to something else, widening hips, thickening thighs, they were even growing breasts!

What was also clear was how much Cameron was enjoying it. They were cumming what felt like every second, messy stains on the ceiling and walls as they groped their expanding mounds in delight, drooling as they lurched into a wall. It seemed to be mind breaking, every movement they made harsh, slamming between walls and the ceiling as the gravity crushed their balls back inside of them, feminine screams only growing more eager as the pleasure was joined with a sudden explosion of fat in the rear. Cameron kept cumming and crying out in delight until, after minutes of unrivalled bliss, their cock finally popped and burst.


They lurched into a fettle position, hands gripping at their nub of a cock as it cut through the skin between their legs, opening a pathway to a hollow chamber of even greater pleasure with a loud squelch. The new opening spread open into a wet, salivating slit. There it was, Kat’s pussy finally free to have her fingers dig into, to claw at the unbearable heat buried within. She got to work, her entire body spasming as a wonderful orgasm came forth. It felt fresh to her even though she had experimented with such things before within the quiet of her home. She figured it was the other her, the one buried within her thoughts and memories. Though, that was a whole other life that mattered little to her now. Still, it made the experience all the better as she pissed out cum into the air.

Kat saw her friend back up and onto his feet in horror, seeing fluids rain down from her hovering form to create a puddle below. She was so caught up in the aftershock of her release that her gravity powers had waned, letting not only her sex drip back to the ground, but her body to slowly return as well. While fingering every last ounce of pleasure she could she began to calm, her powers and the heat in her body settling as both feet gently touched once more the wooden floorboards of her humble dwellings.

"OIUFSRK. SDOUIEJKALUH." (Goodness. I made such a mess.)

She looked at her hopelessly scared friend and tried sporting a comforting smile. However, James seemed too far removed from her perspective to understand, and there was no way her words would reach him at this point. Despite still possessing inklings of the person she once was, it felt more like long lost memories from being a young child and she had no recollection on how to speak the language of that other self.

Suddenly, Kat felt a heat collect in her chest again, and out of nowhere the cat Dusty, the one who had changed her and who was the conduit to her powers, leaped out of her and to the floor. She gave a happy little hop and petted his back, yelling DUSTY out with glee. The name had a nostalgic ring to the language she had lost. Funny.

"C-Cameron?" James asked, the sound causing Kat to look at him curiously, "Kat? I... fuck what do I even call you! What just happened?"

Kat answered in a series of sounds that came across like speech but was once more alien to James.

"Do you... um... are you still Cam? Can you undo this? Can you find a way back home!?" he asked in slowly increasing alarm, getting worse at hiding his panic.

It was then he noticed something was off, the way Kat was looking at him softening. A small smile crossed her face as she took dainty steps towards him, with a suitable sway of her hips. Despite knowing it was Cameron moments before, James couldn't help but blush from the way a cute girl was acting before him.

Kat was excited, her heart racing. Not only was it excited after what she had become, but it was racing for her friend. So many thoughts of how dear he was to her were swirling through her head, enough to make any girl swoon. However, there was something else there... a need for another, a craving you might say.

Just then, a Raven that looked very much the same as Dusty in its appearance, flew into the dwelling. There it clicked for Kat. The other, stronger half of her mind's cravings were towards--

"Raven! SIUFWREUHIWDIOAWD?" (Are you here to fix my friend up as well?)

She excitedly watched the bird make its way towards James, the throbbing in her chest making her hot with desire. Her good friend, her lovely Raven would be returning soon!

However, James dodged the bird darting for his chest. He dodged again and again in a scramble around the room. Agile he was, just like Raven! Eventually, James came stumbling into Kat’s arms and she held him within her grip. He had a look of fear on his face and pleaded to her, but Kat could only sport a savory smile. She then quickly embraced him within a hug, and watched over his shoulder as the bird started its path towards him. She then felt a seductive surge take over and whispered into her friend’s ear.

"SDUIFMDKIOSDAL~." (Don't struggle now... Trust me, it'll feel good~.)


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