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Salma's Blueberry Cocktail!

Release Date : May 4, 2024.




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Salma's Blueberry Cocktail!

Featuring celebrity : Salma Hayek!


"Interesting taste, hmmm..."

Salma responded after her first sip, her face a weird mixture of swallowing discomfort and her effort to sound polite when it was obvious that this blueberry flavor was not what she was used to regarding cocktails, the sexy actress rubbing the back of her head in awkwardness as she kept facing you, before resuming....

"That is a very cool color though, hun... Never tasted blueberry before!"

She added before raising up her tall glass, the cocktail dangling inside the glass as indeed its deep purplish blue iridescent color kept sparkling in the afternoon light that kept washing in the beach bar's interior from the outside. Salma Hayek, besides being one of Hollywood's top hits and your very own personal friend, was one hell of a sexy gal too, the outfit she had chosen to wear on that hot afternoon on the beach all too revealing in all the right spots as her curvy Mexican bod was wrapped in a greyish one-strap dress that accentuated her bust and butts perfectly, making all eyes turn as she swayed her curves in the bar by walking on her high heel sandals all the way from the back to get her drink, a stylish cut under her boobs revealing her upper sexy torso as well as she kept trying to find more words to justify her intention of NOT drinking anymore of that - at least according to her - hideous cocktail, despite her being awkwardly positive about its taste....

"I think i need to use the restroom.... Do you know where it i- SSSSPPPPLLLLOOOORRRGH!!! - HHHNNNGGG?!?"

Salma started urgently saying before a deep wet groan cut her phrase in half, making her moan out loud as the sexy woman felt a sudden rush over her whole form and her eyes turned wide as she looked down to be met with an unexpected surprise....

"What the.... Are m- Did my b- What the hell happened to my boobs?!?"

She shouted in shock looking back at you, as indeed her already big boobs to begin with, were now each the size of a volley ball, and on top of that her belly had surged forward into a puffy orb like she had swallowed a pillow. Yet what was the most peculiar about her sudden expansion, was that her skin had started to change color... And more specifically, it had started to turn into a deep purplish blue, just like the color of the awful blueberry cocktail she had just tasted... She then caught of glimpse of you looking in awe, once at her boobs changing color, once at her drink, and it did not take long for her to make the connection....

"Is this... Is this because of that stupid blueberry cocktail?!? I am turning blue!! And i am blowing up like a blimp!!! What the hell is wrong with this thing....?!? Am i allergic or som-- Holy shit! I am allergic to blueberry!!! Aren't i?!?"

Salma screamed as she discovered one of her allergies in the weirdest of ways possible, her body already widening and fattening up as she kept filling up with the juice that her allergy kept internally producing from within her curves, the woman's boobs and belly now having grown even bigger and wider, the Mexican woman failing to notice that a second discoloration had stared to take place at th4e same time, one starting from her nose and spreading all across her terrified face as she kept staring back at you in absolute shock, the cocktail now being spilled from her glass as she kept dangling her arms up and down in panic, not knowing how to stop this expansive parody that was turning her blue and more massive by each passing second....

"Help me!!! Plea-Please!!! Do something!!! I am getting huge! I am filling up like a balloon.... Dunno how much more i can tak- MPHMHH?!? MPRGGLLRPGH?!?"

The rapidly expanding actress started yelling before her phrase was cut short by an excess of juice that filled her mouth, her cheeks puffing out as she pursed her lips to contain it, he eyes now wide in shock as she kept getting bigger and bigger by the second, her continuous discoloration now rapidly progressing as her main torso and face had been turned almost fully blue and the color kept advancing to her arms and legs, the size of her curves now getting huge as her boobs and butts had been swollen with juice to the size of basket balls, her belly now resembling an actual beach ball and her legs had been thickened up ridiculously.....


Salma moaned through her swollen face as she dropped the cocktail from her hand, her belly now having reached the size of an exercise ball, her boobs now a pair of blue beach balls as her poor grey dress kept struggling to contain all that juice-swollen mass, the woman still looking back at you in absolute fear and helplessness before her glass shuttered to the floor with a loud...


And Salma kept moaning and protesting through her swollen face as juice was now leaking out from her lips, her yoga-ball sized boobs had been pushed up to her face by a gut that resembled a blue weather blimp and her butts and legs had been so impossibly expanded that she was soon about to block the whole bar's entrance, the woman leaking and dripping juice from every opening and hole of her body, her nipples a pair of shooting fountains as tons and tons of sticky juice kept accumulating in the floor beneath her and as you started to take a few steps backwards from how humongous she was getting, her expansion and not showing any sings of stopping anytime soon...






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