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Howdy howdy!! I hope everyone's January's going alright!

I have a bit of an unfortunate update at the time I'm writing this (literally the night before my scheduled posting time), but I'll save that for the end! Onto my thoughts concerning each drawing for this month's Muffin Tier :]

#1- I was in a vc with some people and we were all talking about helium n such. Suffice to say, I felt inspired. So here's a Poff bumping against the ceiling! This was also an excuse to use softer colors in a simplistic way. All in all, relaxing to draw

#2- Oh hey its this guy again, and by this guy I mean Prince Blimp Fruit. This was intended to be a sequential image but I ran out of juice by the time I got to the second one. I think it looks cute tho! Kinda leaves things up for interpretation lol

#3-5: This year is the year of PoffEvan (bc i get emotional and they are my comfort lads). This was also intended to be a sequence! But I think that part is more evident. It had been awhile since I last drew Poff as a microberry/blimp, I think my last official work was from a longggg time ago and my artstyle has since changed and their dynamic has changed a bit more. Nevertheless, I hope to pick this sequence up in the future and flesh it out (maybe for next month but we shall see). There is a secret fourth panel to this little comic thing but I omitted it since it wasn't inflation-centric.

#6: This is a sketch I did for a buddy! Round elf lad supremacy...

#7: And finallyyyyyy, Eve. It doesn't look like it but oh dear god I struggled with that layout. I literally was gnawing at one of my fingers from how frustrated I was getting. BUT NEVERTHELESS I HAVE PERSISITED HAHAH. Let it be known that no matter how polished a work of mine may look, I can assure you, with my entire heart, there is a 55% chance I was mumbling profanities at my screen tablet.

Thank you for reading my art descriptions! I appreciate it a lot :) Now comes my life update so if you're just here for inflation porn feel free to skedaddle and have a good day/night!

So, starting yesterday (1/18), my mom had suddenly gotten intense pain in her spine. I'm talking to the point she's unable to get up and screams in pain whenever she's on her legs for more than a minute. It's not a good sign, especially because since this month's Pie Tier update I reported that she was able to walk around by herself and we saw that as a big point of progress. It just feels like everything that's been going on has suddenly went back to point zero.

It's been rough seeing someone I hold dearly to me experience so much pain, even more so seeing how emotionally and physically drained its made my father. I'm trying a lot to be there for both of them but when it comes down, I think the events of everything since October leading up to November 2023 have worn me down so much that I feel as though I've lost a lot of compassion(?). I'm not sure if that's the word I'm thinking of but I've just been feeling devoid of a lot of emotions in the real world. I think a big part of it has to do with being perceived visually because I find myself able to express emotions a bit more easier when I'm in a voice call or wearing a face mask.

I appreciate my friends who have been emotionally supporting me since the beginning and I appreciate the folks on twitter and discord who continue to check up on me even now. I really do appreciate it. 

I don't really believe in New Years Resolutions but I do have a goal in mind for this year: to regain what compassion I lost. Despite everything, I'm trying my best. I hope to pick up the commissions I've neglected since my life's downward spiral and I hope to pick up the abilities I thought I've lost. I'm working to regain my motivation for everything.




Wishing you and your family well <3