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Evening all, just wanted to swing by with an update for you all! First up as you can see above is a preview shot of some of our latest Specialist NPC art, the Schen Scientist Double D! While I'm not always one for the exaggerated physical characteristics myself, Double D isn't one to agree, as you'll be able to see in our next release.

Speaking of the next release, I'd also like to confirm our schedule for the rest of the month. v0.20.1 will be going up this Friday, with a free release update either the same day or the next. In addition to the Double D artwork, you can also expect to see some more Grunt scenes where we stretch the definition of the term 'flirt', and we start moving into Piledriver content. Our Random Encounter poll for Overseers has also been posted and will run until Friday. Back to work for me, see you at the end of the week!



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