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Hey all, hope you enjoyed your long weekend, for those of you that had one! Wanted to pop in with an update, and a preview! Development-wise, things are on track for the release of v0.17.1 this Thursday, with the completion of the Roth content. The public release of v0.16.1 will be on the 1st, and then we'll be starting on Phase 2 development - starting with an overhaul of the game's introduction, which I'll talk about more later.

For tonight, I also wanted to give you guys a taste of the next Specialist design to be added, the Lencist Piledriver, as done by our newest artist, Vin4ART. This Specialist is a bit of a 2-for-1 deal, as his mission 'outfit' is really more of a semi-autonomous power armor and all that. Hope you're looking forward to seeing him in the game!



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