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Or the bogeywoman will eat you

jeje the translation of this in Spanish is el coco, I just love watch this scene I think it conveys a bit of claustrophobia and a sense of inevitability that I love.



Toma 22-6.mp4

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I love that sense of what's ahead and yet he doesn't know. When he does, it's already too late.

Rasiku Campbell

Now this was nice. I like Brigitte's realization that she has to move fast to eat him. On another note, there's an error on the waist line of Ryan's pants. Now I'm curious to know if he's supposed to be naked 😍


I think anyone would be in shock in such a situation, By the time he reacts, he may already be too deep.


Mmmm thanks for telling me Ryan I didn't notice that detail, that's a complicated model to work with sometimes.