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Jess hits us with a question:

"You know what, my language journey has kinda stalled. Not just because of COVID-19 but just sputtered out since leaving Japan. It’s sad because I was doing well enough to work in an all Japanese environment but since moving back to the UK, Japanese has taken a back seat in my life and I’m not sure how to welcome it back." 

The gist of me answer:

* An ocean wave is not the water but the energy carried in that water.

* Japanese is not a thing, or a place. It's a way of life, a way of being. It is Japanese energy; Japanese lifestyle. Definitely, not point (0D), not even a line (1D), not even a plane (2D), not a solid (3D), maybe not even a tesseract (4D). Whatever it is, it is multidimensional, its existence spread out across space, time and mind(set). As are all languages. Your is not to grasp the language — it’s too big and slippery for that — but to live it, love it, ride it, surf it, become it.

* Your Japanese plant is drying out.

* Regret will not water it.

* Only more water -- immersion, SRS — will.


The Golden Boyo Adrian

It's really weird how regret can sometimes drive us to ruin. I lived a good 7 years regretting and self loathing and this year at 25 I'm changing my life and trying to improve in every way that makes me happy and moving forward. Thanks for the advise as always Khatsumoto-Sama!