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* First some, definitions: Lazy Kanji = Writing and Recognition. Old School Heisig  = Production.

* You don't have to choose! Have that cake and eat it, too, son! DO BOTH!

* For 30 days (maybe longer but not shorter), create and do reps on both a Lazy Kanji deck and an Old School Heisig Deck

* At the end of the testing period, see which deck you're doing better on.

* Then, delete or ignore the other deck and keep the one that's working best for you.


The Golden Boyo Adrian

My BOI Khatsumoto-sama thank you so much! I will take your advice and find my own path! I'm so used to blindly following rules like I did in school! But AJATT is so different to me and it's such a big change and challenge for me as a person on how to acquire my dream of language! Very grateful for your answer and your thickness! (/^▽^)/

Hitomi Oh

Thank you Adrian for your question and thank you Khatz for your answer! I wanted to ask a question that follows yours: I did lazy kanji the last 2 months and learned to recognize ~1250 kanji. But the „problem“ for me is the following: Recognition is no problem when I see the kanji. Production is the part I struggle with. Because I only learned to recognize them I wonder if I should do vanilla Heisig now because I really want to be able to write them. I know you said that it is a pain to begin with lazy kanji and then to vanilla anyway. But I‘m so disappointed that I can only recognize them (when seeing the kanji) but not write them out when having a key word. Do you have any further suggestions for me? Thanks in advance~ And keep washing as always.