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Some thinks I am working on ^^

1. Loona and Blitz: First Day (single comic illustation that is going to turn into a minicomic)

2. How to love an owl in 10 dates (kiss scene) minicomic

3. Smolitz adventures (probably single illustrations and comic pages)

4. Dom Stolas: 2 paged minicomic

5. With me: Stolas coming out to his butler (10 pageish minicomic)

7. Loona vs. Stolas: minicomic

8. Other stuff: single illustrations

As you can see,we're not going to run out of content here, but I am only able to work through minicomics it seems. So please, give me ideas for single illustrations ToT, Otherwise I'll ran out of things to post, minicomics take a lot of time to finish.




❤❤❤ I'm excited for all of these!  Dom Stolas gives me shivers 😅, the Smolitz adventures with Stella had me laughing 🤣 and that sketch of Stolas holding Via had me in tears 😭 she was his whole world at that point... As for ideas: (Apologies if it just leads to more minicomics 🤣) Stolas weilding a sword and/or fencing. Earth Road Trip Photos: Dorky dads with their daughters, visiting various landmarks and snapshots of in between. (This could just be individual pictures, like one was flipping through a photo album.) The Princess Bride: Feat. Stolas as Buttercup, Blitz as Westley, Moxxie as Inigo, Millie as Fezzik,  Chaz as Vizzini, Stella as Prince Humperdinck and Striker as Count Rugen, Asmodeus as Miracle Max. Hypothosis: Blitz looks great in any outfit. How does Stolas and or everyone else react? Hurt Comfort Themes: Blitz being hurt and Stolas taking care of him/Stolas being ill and Blitz fussing over. (This one I'd imagine would probably end up better as a minicomic.) Romantic Evenings: Blitz and Stolas on dates together. Fancy Restaurant, Movie Theater, Horse Sanctuary 😉 I know you did some wedding stuff a while back, I'd love to see more wedding scenes.  Maybe a Blitz proposal to Stolas, What did they do for a honeymoon? I'd love to see some more Pirate AU,  What kind of pirate does Stolas become after being swept off by Blitz.


OMG the princess bride is a good one XD. And the taking care of each other is at the back of my mind as well ^^ (that one was going to be a minicomic)


Single image ideas? How about one of Via and Blitz hanging out? I don't see many of those.