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Mary Hagan

A wand is more than a tool to transmit magic. It’s a near-sentient companion to a witch or wizard. They learn and grow together. The magic done by the wizard affects the wand and vise versa. Also, wands have somewhat of a memory/feelings. Their “feelings” of loyalty can grow and change depending on events.


I'm sure you know that these movies are from seven books by now, but just wanted to remind you because most of us read the books first. Imagine year to year, just waiting for the next book lol! I think I was 29 or 30 years old and ending a very bad marriage, when I read the first Harry Potter book. I was lucky because they were already four written. And then even while the movies were coming out, the last of the books were coming out as well. It was quite exciting. The books were my only escape. And I read them over and over again, because they were so good!