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Work on our second Megastructure continues! The Sentry Array has been a learning experience in many ways but I think the most interesting thing about it is the modularity inherent in the stage-based construction process. Up to this point, our ships and stations were designed as complete, self-contained meshes, not really meant to be expanded or added on.

However, the Utopia Megastructures are different. They are monumental projects that are meant to take decades to complete, but each stage by itself still constitutes a functional structure that provides partial benefits.

The Asari Sentry Array is no different. The way we designed its construction stages, each upgrade adds a different set of visually distinct and increasingly more advanced sensors, portraying its evolution from a small listening post to an all-seeing eye nothing can hide from.

Shown here are the first three stages of the Sentry Array. The fourth and final one is still being worked on. We haven't fully settled on the specifics yet but one thing's for sure: it's going to be glowy and pretty! n_~




That looks amazing!