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          You arrive home to find your girlfriend waiting for you. It is raining heavily outside, and it is clear that she has been out walking without an umbrella. She is dressed in a long tan trenchcoat tied at the waist, and her usually well-tended hair is wet and disheveled. Her eyes look frightened, and it's clear she has been crying. Nonetheless, she speaks in a serious, even tone.

"Honey, please, come sit down. We need to talk about our relationship."

You've been expecting something like this for some time. Despite all the good times the two of you have had together, it's been too long since you've seen her really happy. Your body feels heavy as you seat yourself across from her. Only the feeling of unreality that pervades the room prevents you from bursting into tears yourself.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm really not breaking up with you. In fact, I think we should be talking about bringing our relationship to another level. Not marriage. We've both made it pretty clear that isn't a step that appeals to either of us, although, until fairly recently, I wasn't sure why that was. Just listen for a bit, and I promise it will start to make sense."

"We've been dating for almost three years. For a while. It was amazing. I feel things when I'm around you that nothing and no one else on Earth makes me feel. When I'm in your arms, I know that I'm safe. I know that you're willing to go to any lengths to make me happy. It's been wonderful, and I don't want this to ever end."

"But lately, it feels like all we do is argue. It always starts over something small and not really all that impactful, but I have my opinions and you have yours, and it doesn't seem like either one of us was raised to back down from a fight. So, it always just escalates until we're yelling at each other and saying hurtful things just because we need to win. And it really seems like that's been getting worse over time instead of better. I hate to say it, but it feels like we've slowly gone from being lovers to being rivals, and it's heartbreaking. I want to be able to just talk with you and live with you, for both of us to just enjoy each other, without it turning into some kind of bullshit power struggle over and over."

"I have a confession to make. During a lot of our arguments, you've pointed out that I'm arguing from a privileged position. Sometimes, you've even accused me of talking like a "spoiled, little rich girl". I really resented being characterized that way. I've always thought of myself as very independently-minded, a self-starter. But as I've rolled the idea over and over...I've come to realize that you were sensing something about me that I hadn't yet picked up on. You see...I actually am, when you get down to it, more than a little spoiled. I've inherited a small fortune, and although I've invested it prudently and prospered as a result, I did that while living in the house my parents left me. I struggled a lot when I was starting out. I started three different businesses before I found one that I could actually get off the ground. Of course, most people don't get that many chances to try and try again until they learn how to succeed. So...yes, I've come to realize that I really have had quite an extreme set of advantages in life, so much so I was able to fool myself into thinking it was all by my own hand. It's made me realize that you actually are coming from a more...grounded perspective on life, and that I should take your viewpoint a lot more seriously in the future."

"...and then...I realized that I found that idea...unexpectedly appealing. The idea that...you were right and I was wrong. It feels strange to even say that out loud. I don't think I've ever tried just...yielding to someone else's thoughts like this before. I've come to realize that I have a set of...desires...that my current lifestyle, as frankly opulent as it is, just doesn't satisfy. I think I've finally realized why I've never really felt secure or satisfied, despite all the luxuries I have access to. It hasn't been easy, and I don't pretend that the way forward will be easy either, but I think if we work together, we can find a way to be truly happy together. I see now where we need to be as a couple, and I've worked out a plan to get us there. A lot of the things I'm going to tell you might seem...a little unorthodox, perhaps even shocking. I know that this is a lot to spring on you all at once, but I want to make it clear that I have thought through all this very carefully, and it is truly what I want. This...isn't easy for me to say out loud, and it might not be easy for you to hear, but please, I want you to listen and really consider what I have to say." 

"I want to completely re-think the way we treat each other, from the ground up. I have certain...needs, that I have recently come to grips with, and I'm finally ready to share them with you. Here's what I think needs to happen. I'll buy you out of your lease, and you will move in with me. There's more than enough room, trust me. There's even a small housekeeping staff. Once we're living together, I'll sign a contract that will give you full control of all my assets and my power of attorney. I know that sounds like a big step, but I've thought about this carefully, and it's really what I want. There's no one else in the world I would ever trust in that kind of position, but I know you, and I trust you completely. I know you'll be very careful and very responsible in how you manage our finances, not that they even require much oversight at this point. From here on out, I guess they'll basically just be your finances. That's the thing I really want to go over with you, you see. The most important part of this transition...will involve my lifestyle, in particular."

"I've come to the realization that... I just don't want to be in an equal partnership with you. I want to shift to a...oh, this is really tough, I'm sorry...to a...more...dependent kind of existence, if that makes sense. I don't want to have a job, or any control over money, or any of the normal trappings of being a mature adult. I want to be living under your roof, with you in full control of all the money. I'll instruct my staff to treat you as their new employer. Then, I'm going to start...obeying you. I know that probably sounds odd, maybe even wrong, but please, hear me out. I'd like you to take over most, if not all, of the decision-making aspect of our lives. I want to be able to take a back seat in our relationship, and start accepting your control over me. I don't think this will happen instantly, I know it will take time and effort on both of our parts to make this transition happen. But I'll do my best to start seeing you as...more than me. More...powerful, more intelligent, more responsible, wiser, stronger. And I'd like for you to look at me as...well, the opposite. Weak, silly, foolish. Maybe even a little...dumb? Like, not able to be relied to make decisions on my own behalf. In need of...your guidance, your protection. Your control. I want to be your sweet, happy, obedient little plaything. I want to wake up every morning and smile, knowing that I'll get to spend whole day pleasing you and following your orders and doing exactly as I'm told." 

"Now, when I say these things, I can tell that your nobler instincts are coming to the front of your mind, trying to stop you from really indulging in this idea. You worry that if I gave you that kind of power over me, you'd really have to fight the temptation to misuse it for selfish reasons. I know that you have that basic urge inside of you, but I also know that that isn't really how you would normally act if given the opportunity. I think that if I put you in the driver's seat of our lives, and said nothing else, you really would fight your darker impulses with everything you had for me. You'd try your hardest to use that power very responsibly, giving me lots of freedom and respect, listening carefully to my opinions and my perspectives before making decisions, putting my needs first like a benevolent ruler. I know the kind of person you are, and I love you for that."

"But, you see honey, that's not the kind of relationship I want at all. I know you'll handle the management of my assets very responsibly, but when it comes to your management of me, my life, my whole existence, I want you to...well, go wild with it. I want you to not only dominate and control me, but to really be free to be as arrogant and condescending and selfish as you want. Maybe even, a bit more than you'd be comfortable with at first? I don't just want to be your meek little housewife who defers to you on important decisions. I don't want some boring, traditional relationship. I want to be your possession. I want to be...more like a toy, or perhaps a housepet. I want you to make it obvious that I am wholly in your power. I want to be...humiliated. I want you to be able to just pat me on my head and tell me that I'm your Good Girl. I want all my power and dignity and status and self-respect to be squeezed out of me. Here, let me explain it this way:"

"How would you feel if you got to pick out my clothing for me? And I mean, you will go on the internet and order some outfits for me, and I will exclusively dress in whatever, and I do mean whatever,  you choose. I don't mean just something that you would  enjoy seeing me in. I mean, I want you to compel me to wear things that I would never, in a million years, choose for myself. Really let your imagination run wild. I want to really feel humiliated and vulnerable, something that makes it obvious that you're the one who controls me and that I have absolutely no say. I could, say, wear some little cat ears on my head, or maybe dress like a playboy bunny, or just walk around the house with my breast hanging out. I could wear those little fleece pajamas with feet, or the ones with a flap over the butt. You could even get me clothes with embarrassing things written on them, like "Bimbo" or "Dumb-Dumb" or "Silly Little Kitten", just anything that degrades me and makes it clear that I'm inferior to you. I'm serious about this. I really want to feel completely helpless, like all my power and status has gone down the drain, never to return."

"I want to learn to be obedient. No more arguments or fights or petty bickering. When you speak, no matter what you say, even if it doesn't make sense to me, I want to be able to simply smile and nod my head and accept that you are always right. I want you to own me. I want to be your little dolly. I want you to play with me. Grab my ass, jiggle my breasts, make me crawl around on hands and knees. Tickle me until I'm rolling around on the ground. Toss a tennis ball across the room and make me bring it back to you in my mouth. Bounce me on your knee. I want you to make me a total embarrassment, so that my whole life is just a string of reminders of how pathetic I am. Give me embarrassing little hobbies and force me to indulge in them while you laugh at me. You could make me take up ballet, or finger painting, or balancing things on my nose. You could make me collect stuffed animals, and then I'd have to beg you to buy me a new one every so often, like a spoiled little brat. Put my hair in pigtails. Make me watch dumb, jevenile shows like The Big Comfy Couch or Teletubbies."

"You don't need to show me respect or treat me with dignity anymore. Go ahead and order me around. Give me little chores to do. Just simple, menial little chores, to really put me in my place, like cleaning my room or washing the dishes. I don't want to be an equal partner, doing my part to keep the household running smoothly. You will have servqants to handle that for you. I want tasks that I've been ordered to complete, and there should be consequences when I forget or don't do things to your satisfaction. I want you to lay down the law. Set rules for me. Give me a schedule to live by. Set arbitrary boundaries that I must never cross. Forbid me to say certain words, or force me to replace one word with another. I'd really like having to ask you for permission, all the time. Like, what if I wasn't allowed to open the refrigerator unless I asked first? What if I needed your permission to get up from my seat at the table? Or even just to sit on the couch? It would be so fun to have to ask permission all the time, just to do things that I used to take for granted. And don't ever feel like you can't simply say "No." Sometimes, being denied in that situation is most satisfying thing of all."

"There'll be days when I just meekly bow to all your whims and happily obey every command you give me immediately and without question. But you know me, I can be willful sometimes, and I know they'll be times when I'm more stubborn and reluctant. You need to understand, that is in no way a signal to you to back off or go easier on me. When you see me start getting slower about following your orders or talking back to you, or even actually telling you "No" sometimes, that's my way of letting you know that I need a punishment."

"Now, punishments should be a major focus of our relationship going forward, and they can take a lot of different forms. You'll obviously have complete power to exact whatever punishments you think are appropriate, but I'd prefer that you focused on really humiliating ones. If you could put me in the corner, with my nose against the wall, and order me to stand there until you release me, that would be a dream come true! If I start annoying you or getting on your nerves, you could order me to suck my thumb for a while, just to shut me up! If I get whiny or pouty or just seem like I'm having a hard day, you could order me to take a little nap! Just point at the bedroom door and say "Naptime.", and I'll just meekly bow my head and go beddy-bye right then and there, no matter what I'm doing. If you decide that I need to eat nothing but canned spinach and mushy peas for a week, then that's what happens. And of course, I'd love it if you could, every so often, take me by the wrist and pull me over your knee for a good old spanking."

"I really would like you to start spanking me on a very regular basis. Whenever I've displeased you in any way, of course, but also just a few good swats whenever, just when the mood strikes you. It doesn't have to be any sort of punishment. It has nothing to do with any pain or...pleasure on my part. It's all about ownership. This butt, this butt that used to be mine, is yours now. You have rights to it. If you decide it ought to be spanked, then that's what needs to happen. If you decide to paint it green with purple stripes, I have absolutely no say in the matter. If you want me to wave it around while I dance for your amusement, then I have absolutely zero right to complain or object. If you decide that my butt should be bare and naked when I go for a walk in the park or off to buy groceries, there is nothing to be done but to meekly abide by your judgement. It is entirely up to you whether or not I wear underwear, and what kind of underwear, and what, if anything at all, I should be permitted to wear over my underwear. Why, if you decided that I should start wearing big disposable diapers like a big baby, then who am I to refuse?"

She looks down nervously, blushing intensely before continuing.

  "Yeah, I guess I did give away the game a little there, didn't I? Yes, it's true. I have fantasized about being put back in diapers. About being reduced to a silly little Diaper Girl, who has to do whatever she's told. But hey, as I've explained, it's absolutely not my decision to make. I want to make that perfectly clear. If I should have to waddle around the house in my big, thick, bulky, plastic-backed disposable pampers, then it definitely wasn't because of any wish or desire on my part. If I have to go back to wearing diapers, it's entirely because you made that decision for me, and I must abide by it whether I like it or not. I have no control whatsoever of what sort of clothing I must wear, and I shall accept whatever decisions you make, no matter how humiliating, no matter how degrading, no matter how...absorbent. You choose what I wear, and you also choose the conditions under which I wear it. So what I do in my diapers, and how much, and when I get changed, and who is responsible for changing me, is all for you to dictate. If you want them to stay crisp and crinkly, then I shall respect your decision and continue using the restroom for my necessities. If you want me to piddle in them and come running to you, begging to be dragged over to the changing table, I shall do so. If you want me to just ignore them completely while they get squishier and saggier over the course of the day, and only change them when you decide it's time to check me, that's up to you. If you want me to announce, loudly and proudly, that I have filled my diaper and that I am in desperate need of changie-poos, then it is not my place to argue.

And of course, there are a hundred ways to incorporate my need to ask for permission into my new diaper-wearing lifestyle. Even if you decide that I ought to be allowed to change myself, I reaaaallly want to have to ask permission first. Or...what if I needed your permission to poop in them? Can you imagine me running up to you, clasping my hands together, and asking you oh-so-sweetly if I might have your kind permission to make stinkies in my pampers? You could even make me say pretty-please if you wanted to. You could make me get down on my knees and beg. I could even throw myself on the floor and pound the carpet with my fists, soooo desperate to make a stinky present in my pants. It would be so mortifying! But just talking about it makes my whole body feel warm!

But of course, I think you've guessed by now that I really prefer...to be changed by you. To have you sniff the air, take me by the hand, and lay me across the changing table. It's okay if you feel like making fun of me as you do it. I don't know if it would be more fun to be called a pathetic loser who can't even manage to the go to the toilet like a big girl and needs to have her stupid butt wiped for her, or to be told how absolutely adorable I am, and how great it is that I've filled up my diapers like a good girl! But I'd really like to find out. Are you willing to do this with me? To reduce me to your helpless little toy? Could you...help me out of these wet clothes? Could you...slap me on the butt and tell me that I'll be yours from now on? Please?


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