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Fitness 4 Building Muscle

The skinny on how to build muscle.



For your injury, have you heard of tens units or DMSO? They worked wonders for my shoulder injury...I'm supposed to have rotator cuff tear..I do as I please today, after going months in paralyzing pain. I was all fixed up in a few weeks & just 2 sessions of therapy just to see what the dr. wanted me to do in his office. I was supposed to be there for a long time, but I didn't need him after that..I did it myself, and got the tens unit that does the same as his professional one does. We CAN be our own doctors to a large degree once we see the real problem and know what options are out there, that often they won't tell us, since they don't get paid for giving you a real lasting, and often CHEAP & SUPERIOR, remedy.

Chase K

Pastor, it's great to see someone showing the simple truth of health, and not get caught up in these ridiculous trends and routines. Shalom