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Power is such helpful fiend! People need to appreciate her more lol



Densetsu Meru

Friend or fiend? Because fiend seems accidentally on purpose. lol


Okay, you’re making me feel bad for Kobeni. The pain of not being able to reach like that is too real. 🥲 Btw, you wanted to know what I thought of the Spy Family movie when I see it (from the comments of the last Yor art post) and I saw it last night! Really good movie! Plot wasn’t that complex, but it was still really enjoyable. Animation was so pretty. After that, I could really go for more Spy Family art from you, especially of Yor. Yor’s last fight scene was incredible. A lot of people missed out on the after credit scene. Overall, I came out of the theater super happy. I hope you enjoyed it too. 🙃


I'm glad you got to see it!! I thought it was really good as well and loved the Anya-poop plot points lol. And I was really excited to see Loid and Yor's relationship take a baby step in the right direction. I ship them so hard lol. And I have a few Yor ideas so I will definitely be drawing her in the near future!