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Gage could not even believe how this lady was still able to resist his coaxing. He had been kissing her lips for a while now and yet… and yet she was still not opening up. She was still and unmoving in his arms from the moment he had initiated their kiss. And he had gone ahead and applied the slow burn and smouldering kind of kiss that was sure to melt any lady that was trapped in his arms. Well, he had been absolutely sure until today. Until this little lady. Dear hell… he had always thought that Eva was different. He knew that she was different. He knew that she was not someone who would fall for his charms so easily. But he had not expected she was this steady.

He also knew that she always had her guard up all the time. As if it would literally kill her if let herself relax a little.

But this still came out incredibly unexpected. He could not quite believe that she had resisted him to this extent. No one had ever managed to resist him this long. It usually would not even take a few seconds before every female that he had kissed previously would already have their arms desperately wound around his neck and pressing their bodies against his as they opened up for him. Many even immediately kissed him back wildly with abandon. And yet… dear him… how many seconds had already passed? Was it already a minute? More than a minute?

This little tiger… how did she even manage to resist him? Was his charm not working on her the least? But still… this was unbelievable!

A part of him wanted to do something bad but he knew he could not. Not with her. And definitely not now. This little tiger was different. It never was in his intention to want to scare her.

So he finally pulled away and took his mouth off hers that was surprisingly sweet and addictive.

A protest almost escaped from Eva when his soft lips left hers. Her hands that were tightly gripping the material of her pyjamas to keep them from touching him tightened even more in her effort to stop them from reaching out and stopping him from pulling away. Oh my god… she had not been expecting this at all!

She thought that this kiss would be a piece of cake for her. She had been kissed before and she was quite certain that she did not find Julian’s kisses bad or anything of the sort. In fact, from all the times they had kissed, she remembered that it was quite pleasant. It was just that this man’s kiss was so very different. A shock. She could not quite remember a moment where she had felt like this before. Never! This feeling that was as if the kiss just was not enough and she wanted more. She even seemed to be craving for more!

Not just that. His kiss was doing something strange to her body that Julian’s kisses had never made her feel before!

“Let me in Eva,” came his whisper. His voice was suddenly so… so bewitching. It was as if her whole mind was trapped in an alluring fog of his making. She could imagine that voice belonging to a beautiful devil tempting her into sin.

“H-huh?” she managed to step back in a daze, but Gage however took a step forward, negating her earlier action of trying to put some distance between them. He was holding her gaze as if he had no plan whatsoever in releasing her from his bewitchment yet. There was a sudden smile that flashed across his face, one that was somehow seductively evil. But it was gone so fast that Eva was unsure if she had truly seen it or it was just an illusion that was cooked up by her own worked up imagination from the suddenly raging hormones she was experiencing right now.

Eva found herself stepping backwards because he did not stop narrowing the distance that she was trying to put between them. They continued in that manner – her taking one step back followed by him taking one step towards her – until her back finally hit the solid wall behind her. It was then that she found herself effectively jailed between his two powerful arms that were put up on either side of her and against the wall. Her beautiful eyes widened when she realised that there was no place for her to retreat now.

“W-what… are you doing, Mr. Acheron?” she attempted to use his last name in calling him, hoping it would somehow give that effect of trying to distance herself from him. She hoped that it would somehow sound more professional and would snap him out of that mood that he seemed to be in. “It’s done, right? You’ve already… kissed me. I’m now allowed to leave.” She tried her hardest to gather her wits about her. This situation was too new to her. No man had ever managed to corner her like this before! However, she noticed that her attempt in calling him using his last name did not seem to get her the effect that she hoped it would.

He tilted his head slightly. “Nope, it’s not done yet, Eva. It is far from being done. We had just barely started… so you can’t go yet.” He chuckled deeply and it evoked a shiver to spread across her skin.

“What? Look here, Gage. You’ve already kissed me –” Eva retorted but was quickly cut off.

“Consequence if condition 1.1 is not met. Party B will be the one to initiate the kiss. Party B will be allowed to kiss party A however long or whatever way party B wants. Party A has no rights to deny Party B in this punishment.” He recited that entire paragraph from the contract and even particularly emphasized the parts ‘however long or whatever way’.

Eva swallowed hard after listening to that. She felt like she was now a pitiful and succulent prey that was now caught in this devil’s trap. This… this sly devil!

“Also. Just like you, I have my own definition of a kiss, Eva. Yours is a punch-kiss, right? Mine is… I don’t consider it a kiss if it is just the lips involved, darling. That’s just a peck for me, not a kiss. So, if you want this to be over soon…” his fingertip dragged along slowly over her already slightly swollen lips, stroking at first before parting them apart. “Open this pretty mouth of yours and let me in, Eva.”


Tiffanyyyyy B

Woahhhhh! That was hot 🔥 🥵


Girl, you best let him!