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Have you ever been half-asleep and realized that you’re in a lucid dream, where the happy-place you’re in feels totally real? Have you ever imagined the perfect man and brought him to life in that world? He’s so real that in your dream you completely fall in love with him, and you know he’s totally in love with you too…

I’m going to take you into a lucid mind-state like that now and we’re going to make sexy in a way that releases real passion and emotion, and brings you into a state of calm bliss…




Lord of the Rings music in the background … okay I‘m officially in love with you!


And the „Schlafend oder wach“ - I CAN‘T! Your German makes me crazy! 😭🤍


You (that perfect person that doesn’t exist) are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires 🖤🖤🖤🐇 (lose🖤🖤 for making me happy cry)