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Quentin Tarantino makes a WWII movie? How is this simultaneously more and less Tarantino than what I expected? Possibly his best so far in terms of story telling.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/lqsbRCJmKS0 



Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Christoph Waltz is absolutely superb as Hans Landa (one of the most well-deserved Oscar wins ever). Truly a character like no other.


Speaking for myself personally, this movie is my absolute favorite among Tarantino's films and personally I think it is his ultimate masterpiece. Even though some of his other movies come really close, this one for me takes the cake. Some scenes from this movie, especially the opening scene at the farmhouse and the scene in the bar are now taught in many film and screenwriting classes. And it cannot be overstated just how much Christoph Waltz blew people away with his performance in this movie. He was a relatively unknown actor in America prior to this movie, and after this movie he was practically a household name. My mother has never been one to get so emotionally invested in the winners of academy awards that she would ever cheer or clap for them when their names are called... But I saw for the first time my mother actually stand on her feet and cheer and clap when Christoff Waltz won the academy award for his role here. Tarantino also kind of introduced the public in a major way to the idea that you don't necessarily have to stick to historical events even when dealing with very well-known historical events. I remember director Kevin Smith talking about this film, and saying something along the lines of (referring to the fact that the movie actually killed Hitler in the end) "...critics and audiences were like 'Wait, you can actually do that?! Man, we should have been killing this guy for years!'" 😆


Not at all surprised some of these scenes are taught, that's amazing! I definitely never would have thought to make an alternate history movie, very cool!