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By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

Next Part

Part 1: Delia’s Plan

Though she could easily pass as someone slightly younger, Ivy Hartridge was in fact a student at university, nearly finished with her first year. With her short and slim build, flame-red hair, and a face and overall body shape that could be described as ‘cute’ rather than beautiful, cute looks, she had never had much trouble getting boys’ attention, even though she had a flat chest and did not possess a curvaceous body.

So it came as no surprise when her fellow student Daniel started to invent excuses to hang out with her more and more. He was good-looking; tall, strong, with kind eyes and a cheeky grin that made her knees bend a little, so she was happy to let him continue to vye for her affection, even knowing he was meant to be already dating Delia Anward.

Unfortunately for her, she was unaware that Delia had already seen the two of them together. Delia Anward had gone to high school with Daniel, and had always hoped to get together with him. The moment he asked her out earlier that year was one of the happiest in her life. While she was not a model, she was proud of her prominent C-cup breasts and silky black hair, and became incensed when she saw Daniel talking to Ivy with a dreamy look on his face, completely taken with the person she had sometimes mocked with her friends as a ‘flat block of wood.’ Worse, Ivy knew Delia was dating Daniel, and didn’t seem to care. She had led Delia’s boyfriend astray and was trying to tempt him.

She decided Ivy had to pay.

Delia. while not book smart, was an excellent manipulator, and spent more than a week after seeing Daniel lean in to kiss Ivy getting her claws into a labtech student named Theo across the campus, making him think she was interested in his work, and in him in general. After all, she took great care to maintain her good looks, and this was the perfect time to use them.

One day she managed to convince Theo to let her browse some of the lab’s experimentation. She ‘accidentally’ bumped over a fluid-filled beaker, and while she made apologies, she quickly browsed the inventory of the DNA gene-splicing lab he worked in as he cleaned up the spill. She read through many of the tabs, most of which were completely unreadable to her, until she came upon seemingly the only one not tabbed with random numbers and acronyms. It simply read, below a few bars of designations, ‘Insect Queen splicing’.

“Ha, how perfect,” she said to herself, “I want to crush her like a bug and now I will. Let’s see how Daniel likes cute little Ivy when she’s down sick with scabby mantis rash or something.”

She snatched the large vial away, hiding it in her jacket, and congratulating herself on visiting Theo when the lab and its cameras were shutting off for the day. It went into her pocket just as Theo returned with a mop and cleaned up the spill. She thanked him, gave him a lifeless hug and a passionless peck on the cheek to thank him for letting her see his work, and left him behind, never wanting anything to do with him again unless this particular vial didn’t work.

That night Delia stored the heavy vial of the Insect Queen DNA mix as safely as she could in her dorm’s fridge, making sure to keep it wrapped so no one would drink it. She hadn’t quite worked out exactly how she was going to get Ivy with it yet, but she figured she’d know when the right opportunity would present itself.

Only a little over a week later, it did.

Ivy had come to campus looking a little ill, and it was clear she was suffering a bit of a cold. Delia caught Daniel chatting once again with his soon-to-be-girlfriend, and she was advising him not to stand too close as "I've managed to catch a bad cold from my cousin or something, I shouldn't even be in today."

Daniel simply smiled, and in fact leaned closer. “That’s okay, colds don’t scare me off Ivy. I was thinking . . . maybe we could grab a drink together at the cafe?”

Ivy looked a bit surprised. “Oh, that’d be great Daniel. Are you sure Delia won’t mind?”

Delia paused, waiting to see how this would play out. Daniel smirked.

“Nah, she’ll be fine. I don’t think she even knows about you and me anyway.”

Ivy frowned. “You should tell her sometime. You need to break up with her so we can actually be together.”

“I will. When the time is right. I promise.”

“Then I’d love to. A good cup of iced coffee would do me good.”

Delia felt crestfallen, a feeling that was instantly replaced with rage in her mind. She decided to act. Her first, fairly lame plane was simply to pour the mixture all over Ivy. But now . . . now she was going to make the girl ingest it. After all, that’s what the tab on the original vial said very explicitly and expressly not to do, so maybe that would make it all the worse. She managed to get ahead of the pair and make it to the cafe, where he told her friends Stacy and Maddison who worked there her plan. They were shocked.

“Oh my God Delia you are so bad,” Stacy gasped.

“Yeah, this is crazy, even for you,” Maddie said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Delia smirked. “Absolutely. I want to make that bitch pay for stealing my boyfriend. Turn her into a mantis girl or at least get her really sick or something.”

The other two couldn’t believe it, but when Ivy made her order for an iced fruit drink, they got to work, pouring the mixture into a glass and adding ice cubes and a small umbrella to conceal it. Stacy handed it to Ivy with a smile, who simply thanked her and began slurping at her drink while Daniel and her laughed back and forth and held hands over the table.

The whole time Delia watched with a smile.


She walked forward, pretending to look elsewhere even as she stealthily withdrew the needle of genetically-modified insect DNA. She ‘accidentally’ crashed into her rival, quickly stabbing her with the needle in the butt through her skirt, before careening over with her bag, which she hurtled the needle into. 

It didn’t take too long to take effect. Ivy was walking with Daniel again fifteen minutes later when she began to feel a little woozy. Probably because of the cold, she figured, but she felt a pressing need to sit down as a wave of slight nausea rose.

“Is everything okay Ivy?” asked a concerned Daniel, “you look a little pale.”

“It’s okay Daniel, it’s okay. Sorry, this cold is heightening everything. I need to go . . . sit down. Sorry, I had a great time but I shouldn’t have come while sick today, let’s catch up later this week when I’m better, huh?”

The last sentence came as the nausea increased, and she was already moving out of sight when Daniel called out that he would be more than happy for that. She beelined straight for the bus service, hoping she wouldn’t vomit on the bus on the short ride home.

Delia watched these events play out and smiled, looking to her friends whose shifts had just ended.

“Hopefully that serum puts that bitch down for a few weeks, maybe gives her a nasty rash.”

“What if it’s worse?” Maddison asked, “what if she starts changing or something?”

Delia just smiled. “Then all the better.”

To Be Continued . . .


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