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As the days passed, a subtle change occurred. Brody's limbs, once spindly, started to fill out. His family noticed the increased appetite, and Brody devoured meals, fueled by the desire to pack on muscle. The protein powder, once an unfamiliar supplement, became a staple in his diet. After a few days, they had to order in some more.

One evening, after an especially gruelling workout, Brody glanced at himself in the mirror. He couldn't believe what he saw – a hint of definition in his arms and even a tiny bit of facial hair on his once smooth baby face.

"Mom! Dad! Come look!" he called excitedly, gesturing them into the garage.

His parents, equally surprised, observed the changes with wide smiles. They couldn't deny the visible progress. Brody's height, too, seemed to be impacted by his newfound commitment to fitness.

"Are you sure you've grown, Brody?" his mom asked, measuring him against the wall.

"Yeah, Mom! I swear I've gotten taller!" he replied, a mix of excitement and disbelief in his voice.

Sure enough, the measurement revealed a two-inch increase in height. Brody now stood proudly at 5 feet 2 inches.

His parents exchanged amused glances, realising that their Christmas gift had sparked not only a physical transformation but also a newfound sense of confidence in their son. As Brody continued to thrive in his mini gym, his family cheered him on, celebrating the unexpected growth spurt that mirrored his determination and dedication.

Brody trudged through the school week, finding solace in the familiar routine of classes, workouts, and the escape offered by his favourite video games. Despite his dedication to transforming his physique, the teasing from his peers persisted. They mocked his slender frame and youthful appearance, unaware of the changes happening beneath the surface. In the hallway, Brody's classmates snickered as he walked by. "Hey, Brody, when are you going to start hitting the gym for real?" one of them taunted. "Yeah, you look like a twig," another chimed in. Brody tried to ignore their comments, but they stung nonetheless. During lunch, Brody sat alone at a table, scrolling through Simstagram as he ate his meal. He knew he had a long way to go before he looked like the muscular guys on Simstagram, but he was making progress. He tried to remind himself that their comments didn't matter, but it was hard not to feel self-conscious. They mocked his slender frame and youthful appearance, unaware of the changes happening beneath the surface.

Determined to silence the taunts, Brody spent the entire weekend in his home gym. The repetitive clinking of weights and the whirl of the treadmill echoed through the garage as he pushed himself harder than ever. His determination masked the soreness, and he embraced the burn with a singular focus – to prove his doubters wrong.

Brody's bedroom became a haven for self-reflection. The mirror, once merely a functional necessity, now served as a record of his progress. Each week, he meticulously tracked the changes in his physique, noting every subtle shift in muscle definition, growth, and hair growth.

On Monday, Brody noticed his facial hair was getting out of control. Having been taught by his Dad but never actually having had to shave before, Brody tentatively shaved his face. His baby-faced features were back. Fueled by anticipation, Brody approached his dad with a request.

"Dad, can you measure me again?" he asked, a mix of excitement and nerves in his voice.

His dad raised an eyebrow, wondering if Brody was pulling his leg. To be fair, he measured Brody's younger brother Jaxon first, marking the pencil on the wall. Then, with a sceptical look, he turned his attention to Brody.

Standing up straight, Brody watched as his dad carefully etched a pencil mark into the wall at the top of his head. His heart raced as he anxiously waited for the final measurement.

When his dad stepped back to check, the surprise on his face was unmistakable. He double-checked the mark, pulled a face, and then measured it again. Brody's younger brother watched, wide-eyed, as the realisation sunk in.

"Brody, are you sure this is accurate?" his dad asked, eyes widening in disbelief.

Brody, just as surprised as his dad, nodded vigorously. "I don't know how it happened, but I swear I've grown!"

His dad, still processing the unexpected result, measured again before confirming, "You're 5'6 now. That's... that's four inches in less than a week."

The news spread quickly through the household, and even Brody's younger brother couldn't hide his amazement. Brody, once the target of teasing, now stood tall – both literally and metaphorically. The rapid growth left everyone astonished, and the garage gym, once a modest project, now held a sense of magic that transcended mere physical exercise. Overjoyed with the news, Brody hit some poses to show off his growing body to his family.

As Brody returned to school, the teasing continued, but to a lesser degree, as many people realised Brody was now as tall as them. These guys were also going through puberty but hadn't quite hit their growth spurts yet.



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