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After being transported into the real world during a fight that she was in, Milim meets Iota and ends up stuck living with him.

Tags: Milim Nava, Reincarnated As A Slime, Vaginal, Creampie, Drunk Sex, Original Character

Sitting back and watching one’s favorite show was something that every anime fan did from time to time. And that’s exactly what Iota did after a long day at work. Living on his own, he didn’t need to worry about making sure everyone else in his apartment was okay before tending to himself. So when he threw up the most recent episode of Reincarnated As A Slime, he couldn’t help but enjoy himself.

Watching the show’s story progress and the battle scenes was always his favorite part, but he especially paid attention whenever Milim was on screen. He didn’t know what it was about her that stole his attention away from everything else, but Iota didn’t shy away from his enjoyment of the character whenever she was getting screen time. To the point that he usually would wince or feel a bit of concern for the petite girl whenever she was injured in a fight. And when yet another scene happened of her getting blasted away from a fight and toward the camera, Iota felt that same concern for her that he usually felt.

However, something different happened this time. He expected the camera to change whenever Milim got close enough, the scene to change when she reached the camera. But it didn’t. Everything stayed the same as Milim’s back looked like it was about to slam against his monitor from within. And much to his surprise, that was exactly what happened. For a split second, he could have sworn he saw her back pressing against the glass of his monitor, only for her to then phase through the monitor and blast through his apartment, hitting the wall to his room and collapsing.

In the heat of the moment, Iota didn’t know just what happened or what he should do from here. Of course, this was something that no one could possibly expect to happen. But as she fell from his wall onto his bed, he could see that the injuries from the fight she just went through were still on her skin, blood dripping from her as she tried to stand up on his bed.

Unfortunately for Milim, the world around her went black and she passed out right then and there, unable to keep herself active and moving from the fight. And her collapsing once again prompted Iota to get up from his seat and rush toward where he kept the first aid kit in his apartment. In the back of his mind as he ran for the kit, he didn’t even know if it would work. Would bandaids stop the bleeding on someone as powerful as she was in her world? Were the injuries bad enough that she had internal damage? These questions ran through his mind as he found the kit and sprinted back to his bedroom to hopefully help the powerful girl he held so dear.


When the world around her started to come back to Milim’s mind, the first thing that she noticed was that her body was still incredibly sore from the injuries. Which told her that the fight couldn’t have been too long ago. However, when she finally opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of Iota stitching her up with the little medical knowledge he gathered from watching shows over the years. She noticed a few bandaids against her skin, a towel wrapped around her leg, and his eyes on her thighs with a needle in his hand.

Upon seeing that, Milim immediately jumped to her feet and stared at the man that was tending to her. “Who are you?! Where the hell am I?!” As she jumped up, the pain from her injuries came back in full force. Milim immediately crumpled to her knees, noticing how Iota reached out to catch her. He prevented her from falling off of the bed and injuring herself even worse. “You… Still haven’t answered my questions…”

It hurt his heart to hear one of his favorite characters talking to him in such a weak and tired voice. Of course, Iota still couldn't believe what was happening, but he was able to tell that she was real and that his care was helping her. “I’m Iota. You… Somehow got into my apartment after your fight and I’ve been tending to your wounds. Thankfully… I don’t think anything is deep enough that a simple medkit won’t help.”

Milim nodded her head as she listened to his answer. She was still slumped in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder with her face in his neck. Her instinct told her that she shouldn’t trust him yet. That just because he was tending to her wounds didn’t mean he could be trusted with her life. But as the pain from the injuries started to grow again, she didn’t have a choice but to accept his care. “You’re not going to kill me, are you? I can’t feel… any of my strength, so now…would be your best shot…”

Iota turned his head to look at her, shocked that she would even think of something like that. But as he saw her face, it was clear she was already asleep when she finished asking. Or maybe she was before she finished her statement. Either way, he knew he wouldn’t hurt her if he could help it. So as he carefully adjusted her to be on her back again, Iota shook his head. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I am not here to hurt you. You got into my home and I’m not letting you bleed all over my sheets for longer than I need to. That… And you’re my favorite character. I wouldn’t just let you die in my apartment.”

When he said that out loud, Iota couldn’t help but chuckle at what was happening. His favorite character ended up in a fight in her series, somehow got transported into his room through his monitor, and he was now tending to her wounds as she thought he was going to kill her while she was weak. “If anyone would believe me if I told them this, I would have to think they were crazy.”


After a month, Iota learned a lot about Milim’s situation and how she arrived at his home. She had no idea that a blast could make her pass through dimensions like it had, she was one of the brattiest people that he knew, and the personality that she had in Slime was incredibly accurate to how she actually was. There was no deviation from the personality portrayed in the show and portrayed in the real world. The two of them also learned that most of the abilities and power that Milim had in her world had vanished during the transport, which is why she was as injured as she was when she came through.

However, at this point, the two of them had given up on finding her a proper way back home. If something was going to happen, it would happen without them interfering. Unfortunately, that lead to moments like what Iota was currently in. Sitting in his bathroom and having to listen to Milim shouting at him as she kicked his bathroom door, clearly trying to break it down.

“Come on! What the hell is taking you so long in there?! You said you’d be quick and you’ve been in there for almost an hour! I need to use the bathroom!” As she screamed at Iota, Milim did her best to plant her foot right next to the handle, hoping it would break and she could force her way in. “You’re such a pig, hogging the bathroom like this! You know we need to share it!”

It was at that moment as she screamed about sharing the bathroom that the door finally gave way and allowed her to open it. There was no hesitation as she reached for the knob and yanked the door open, opening her mouth to scream at Iota to get out as she did. However, Milim was quickly halted by the sight of Iota stroking his cock and reaching the peak of his pleasure. As soon as she swung the door open, he came and turned his body to face her, shocked that she had managed to break the door and force her way in. And, as a result, Milim was met with the feeling of rope after rope of spunk splattering against her stomach and her legs.

Immediately, Milim pointed out of the bathroom, not a sound leaving her. But it was clear from the look on her face that she was furious about what just happened. She didn’t even look at Iota as he quickly shuffled to get dressed, stepping past her.

“L-Listen, it’s not what you think. Sometimes when the mood--” He was quickly cut off by Milim slamming the broken door in his face, holding it closed in front of him. “... Yeah…” In the back of his mind, Iota didn’t know what to say or if there was anything he could do. But, there was no way he would survive approaching her when she was as furious as she was with him.


Later that night, the tension was finally broken when Milim had enough of being silent toward Iota. She rose to her feet in front of him and swiftly slapped him. “What is wrong with you?!” The words shakily left her, anger lingering in her tone as she stared into her host’s eyes. Tears began to fill her own. “No one has ever done anything like that to me! No one would dare do something so embarrassing while having a woman like me in their home! I… I can’t believe that you would even think of--”

“This is my house, Milim.” Iota interrupted, rubbing his cheek as annoyance and anger began to fill him. “I wouldn’t have to hide in the bathroom if you… Weren’t here…”

“That’s not an excuse for someone as pathetic as you to do that! You could have aimed for the sink, the toilet, the floor, anything other than me!” Milim’s cheeks flared a bright shade of pink as she thought about the moment, the anger she felt growing even more. She did not hesitate to stomp her foot down against Iota’s crotch, knowing that it was the problem.

“L-Look! I didn’t mean to. I thought I would be done quickly. I Didn’t think it would take as long as it did. And when you… You started beating on the door, it made things take longer because I got scared and worried.” Iota did his best to move out of the way of Milim’s foot every time it came crashing down. He knew that he should just let her get the anger out. It was his fault that this happened, after all.

However, that was before the stomping stopped for a moment, the petite girl just pressing her foot against his crotch and applying her weight. “You’re so fucking stupid… If that’s the reason, go get a prostitute down the street… There’s plenty of whores out there…” Milim kept her eyes down, looking at Iota’s face and gauging his reaction. “At least then, I won’t have to see you in such a pathetic and worthless state.”

There was a sense of disgust and concern in Milim’s voice as she spoke. And, of course, Iota was able to pick up on it. To hear his favorite character talking to him like this, it struck a chord in his heart and he couldn’t find the words to say to her. But he also couldn’t find it in him to get up and leave his apartment. So, instead of arguing with her, he simply pushed her foot out of the way and made his way to the kitchen.

Milim watched him step in, open the fridge, and toss a container of ice cream onto his couch. Only to see him silently make his way to his bedroom and slam the door behind him. Not even an apology left him as he did this. And as she heard the door lock behind him, she wasn’t sure how she should feel about this. It was his fault, after all. Wasn’t it?

In his room with the door closed, Iota felt a flurry of emotions running through him. He loved the girl that just stomped on his crotch. He cherished the cheerful personality she presented in the show and relished how she was in combat. But to hear her talk to him like this? It hurt more than he would have expected. Especially when she didn’t even seem to realize that he was just trying to make her stay comfortable for her.

But as the anger began to overpower the pain inside of him, he made his way to his bed and sat down on the edge of it. Only to let out a heavy breath and face the door once again, half-expected Milim to kick it in and break it just like she had the bathroom. “You can’t just… Talk to me like that when you’re in my house… And one day… I’ll make sure you learn. I don’t know when… But, at some point…”

Another heavy breath left him when he heard the couch adjust underneath Milim’s weight. It was clear that she was getting comfortable in order for her to sleep. That’s when his eyes shifted toward the clock he had in his room. He had work in about ten hours. Fortunately, enough time for him to sleep and make his way out without being late. “Hopefully sooner rather than later…”


The next day after staying at work late because his coworkers demanded he go drinking with them, Iota finally made his way back to home to Milim. It was late enough at night for it to be dark out, but not late enough for Milim to have been asleep when he arrived. Which was a bit unfortunate for Iota since she was standing at the door and waiting for him to open it.

“Where were you?! I haven’t been able to eat because you’ve been away all night!” It was as soon as she opened her mouth that Milim realized just where Iota was. The scent of alcohol was heavy on him as he forced his way inside, pushing her out of his way before closing the door behind him. “Excuse you!  I’m talking to--” Surprising both of them, Milim quickly found herself thrown to the side and onto Iota’s couch. She wanted to get up and smack him, make him pay for throwing her to the side like that, but as Milim looked at Iota, she could only see him starting to stumble toward her.

Before she knew it, Milim was looking at Iota as he stayed with his face planted against her thighs. “Just… What is wrong with you…? How can you think this is okay for you to--” Milim once again fell silent. Only, this time, it was because Iota started to place a few kisses against her skin.

Of course, Iota didn’t really know what he was doing in this moment or how he got here. He understood that he was resting against Milim’s thighs and her hand was on his back, pushing against him, but he didn’t realize it was because he stumbled and tripped into her lap. Nor did he realize she was trying to push him off of her lap and onto the floor. Though, none of that stopped him from pressing more kisses against her skin, appreciating how gentle it felt against his lips.

Before long, the kisses turned into licks and Iota slowly moved his way toward Milim’s crotch. Each kiss and lick that he placed against her thighs caused a small sound to leave her lips, prompting him to do it again. His heart skipped a beat in his chest when he realized that he was at her crotch after only a few licks, his nose feeling the fabric of her panties.

At first, Milim didn’t know what to do to get him off of her. She struggled against him, of course, but she couldn’t bring herself to put in too much force. She didn’t want to hurt him, after all. Though, she did want him to let her go. Unfortunately, there was something pleasant and enjoyable about the way his lips met her skin. There was something wonderful about the way his breath felt against her legs. Something that lit her up inside, sparking a sensation that she only really felt when fighting someone that was stronger than her.

A faint smile came to her lips as she felt Iota’s nose pressing against her pussy through her panties. Milim couldn’t place her finger on just why she was smiling when something like this was happening, but she didn’t struggle against him anymore. She didn’t fight when he started to drag his tongue along the fabric, even when he wasn’t quite reaching her pussy. It was a sensation that she couldn’t quite comprehend at this moment, but it was one that felt like this would be a change in their relationship.

It was at that moment that Iota adjusted the way he was resting against Milim’s thighs. He hoisted his head away from her crotch for just long enough to sit on his knees properly, bringing both of his hands to her legs. A smile came to his lips as he looked at her face, placing another kiss against her skin. “I didn’t think I would, but I like it when you’re quiet…”

Hearing him say that to her, Milim’s immediate instinct was to reach out and smack him onto the floor. But she was stopped just before contact when his head reached low enough to press his lips firmly against her panties now. As soon as he did, she caressed his cheek for a moment before pushing her hand past his face and bringing it to his forehead. Once again, she tried working up a bit of strength in order to push him off of her. But was greeted with a spike of pleasure when he dragged his tongue along her pussy through her panties, causing a quiet moan to leave her lips.

A sharp breath left Milim when she realized just what she had done, bringing her free hand to cover her mouth in the hopes that Iota didn’t hear that in his drunken state. Milim did not hesitate to look down at his face, seeing his attention locked on her pussy still. And it brought her a small sense of relief to learn that he didn’t seem to hear her moaning like that. She didn’t know just why she didn’t want him to hear it when he was already doing this. But something deep down just told her to not let him realize that he was making her feel good.

However, it was only a moment later that things ramped up in a way that Milim didn’t expect. Iota had both of his hands on her thighs and was teasing her through her panties, but he seemed to stop just long enough to shift where his hands were. Before she knew it, four of his fingers were hooked into each side of her panties before pulling them down and underneath his chin, revealing her pussy to him. A sharp breath left her and she tried once again to push him away from her, but immediately stopped when his breath hit her pussy, another moan rumbling in her throat. “Damnit… Just what do you think you’re doing…?”

As one lick led to another, the pleasure that Milim felt began to rise. That tingling sensation she felt earlier began to grow and form into something that she didn’t think she would ever feel with anyone other than Rimiru, let alone someone like Iota. But as his tongue danced along her lower lips, teasing her more and more by the second, Milim found her resistance starting to drop.

It didn’t take long before Milim found herself holding tightly onto Iota’s head, holding him at her pussy so that he could devour her however he felt. In the back of her mind, she thought that it was the best way to get him to go to sleep and get off of her. Let him wear himself out with her body and then he’d go away. But, somewhere deep inside of her soul, she knew that wasn’t the reason she was letting this happen. Especially when his tongue pushed ever so slightly inside of her.

In that instant, the pleasure that she felt skyrocketed as his tongue began to explore her insides. Hot and heavy breaths began to leave Milim as Iota did his best enjoying to drunkenly enjoy the taste of her pussy. “D-Do you even… Know what you’re doing…?” The heavy breaths that left Milim slowly turned into low and quiet moans that she hoped he couldn’t hear.

Fortunately for her, Iota couldn’t process the moans that were leaving her. He was still drunk, of course, but having his way with Milim like this brought him slightly back to reality. He knew that he was doing something with Milim that he shouldn’t, but Iota couldn’t bring himself to stop. He didn’t want to stop. Not with the delicious taste on his tongue and the sounds that were hitting his ears, though he didn’t realize they were sounds of pleasure leaving her.

Before long, Milim found herself leaning back onto Iota’s couch, pressing her hips upward and into his mouth. The way his tongue pressed against her inner walls and danced inside of her started to reach the point where it felt absolutely incredible. Combine that with the way Iota began to press his lips against her cunt, toying with and kissing her pussy, and Milim was starting to lose herself to the pleasure.

The heavy moans that left Milim began to rise in volume and pitch, making it clear to Iota’s neighbors just what was going on and how she was feeling. It was incredible, and the more his tongue moved, the closer she felt to reaching the peak of her orgasm. And the closer she felt, the more she wanted him to continue and the tighter her grip got on his head. In a matter of moments, she knew that he was going to push her over the edge and into an orgasm, with just his tongue. Something that she didn’t think Iota of all people would be able to do.

It was at that moment that Milim was met with something else that she didn’t expect, but something that didn’t surprise her. Hearing her moans growing the way that they were, Iota pulled himself away from her cunt and placed a gentle kiss against her thigh, looking her in the eyes. “W-Why… Why did you stop…?”

“You seem to be really enjoying yourself, Milim. Which… If I remember correctly… You said I could never make you do.” Iota couldn’t stop himself from chuckling at his own comment. How could he stop himself? He was proving a point to her that she couldn’t simply ignore what he did for her, and that she couldn’t stay mad at him forever just because of what she had seen.

However, when Milim kicked him in the shoulder, an embarrassed and spiteful look in her eyes, Iota didn’t push the topic. With her being so close to climax and the look in her eyes, it was clear that pushing things any further and laughing at her would only cause him to end up in more trouble than he started in. But, he wasn’t going to just sit back and let her kick him without doing something to get back to her. Especially not when he felt a bit of anger from the hateful look in her eyes. “I guess… Today’s the day…”

At first, Milim didn’t know what Iota meant when he said that. Her mind was too fogged over with lust and pleasure to worry about what he was saying. It was when he carefully rose to his feet, hovering above her that a thought crossed her mind. Was he looking to take full advantage of her now? Was he hoping to fuck her on his couch and get back at her for her comments? Her heart and mind began to race as Iota reached for Milim’s panties and pulled them down to her ankles, uncaring about getting them fully off of her and just wanting to expose her delicious pussy. Thankfully, in the heat of the moment, Milim was too lost in her pleasure to argue, adjusting her feet so that the panties hit the floor behind him. “I-Iota…? What are you--”

Before she could finish her question, Milim got an answer. Iota did not hesitate in the slightest to unzip his pants and drop them, dropping his boxers right along with them. And the moment when his cock became free of his clothing, it slapped against Milim’s stomach and she didn’t know how to react. At first, the heat and pain that radiated on the spot it landed angered her. But when she realized just how much of her body that pain radiated through, her mind began to stutter.

Her eyes slowly looked down at the hardening cock that rested against her skin. And almost immediately, Milim wanted to scream. She didn’t even know dicks could get as large as Iota’s. She didn’t know that they could reach from her pussy to her belly button. She didn’t know they could be as thick as her wrist, even if her wrist was admittedly a bit slender. Fear began to overtake her as Iota wrapped his hand around the base of his shaft and adjusted his hips, pressing the tip of his member against her pussy. “W-Wait, that’s never going to fit. That’s… Way way too big, Iota!”

However, Iota wasn’t listening to Milim. In his drunken state, he couldn’t bring himself to care about the fact that she thought it was too big. After she had called it small in the past, he wasn’t going to let her go back on her word. There was no remorse as he thrust his hips forward and buried every inch of his member into Milim’s tight pussy, listening to her scream in both pain and pleasure for only a moment.

The moment he heard her screaming, Iota leaned himself forward and stole a kiss from Milim. He happily shut her up by pressing his lips against her own and keeping her from screaming too loudly. Though he was also quick to start thrusting his hips and properly fucking her on his couch now.

In the first moment or so of being fucked like this, Milim didn’t know how to feel. The pleasure that came from Iota filling her like this really threw her off. Pain and pleasure both filled her in equal measure. Combined with the lust that clouded her mind and the anger that came from her not being able to express herself as Iota stole kiss after kiss from her? Milim wasn’t sure what she was feeling right now, all she knew was that it was a positive feeling and she didn’t want him to stop thrusting his hips. She didn’t want him to stop fucking her.

Even when he adjusted her legs and put her in a mating press, stealing control from her, she didn’t want him to stop. Even when he forced his tongue past her lips, she didn’t want him to stop. And when his thrusts started to become hard enough to feel like they were going to break the couch underneath her, Milim didn’t want him to stop. She wanted Iota to do more. She wanted him to help her chase the pleasure that he was bringing her.

However, the moment that he pulled his lips away from her own, breaking the chain of kisses that they were sharing, Milim couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his eyes. She didn’t know what was coming over her, but she wasn’t going to struggle against him when he was making her feel this good. Especially not when it was clear by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t done with her in the slightest.

Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her as she met his gaze, seeing the lust and desire that he felt. And, in the heat of the moment, having a second to properly process just what was happening between the two of them, she realized that he was enjoying this. That he may be drunkenly enjoying getting back at her, but that he was actually enjoying making her feel good. It was clear by the way that he held her, the way he gripped her body, and the way he held her in place, that he was enjoying toying with her body and bringing them both pleasure.

“Don’t… Don’t stop… You’re not allowed to stop.”

The words left Milim’s mouth before she even knew they had gone through her mind. And hearing her say something like that to him just caused her heart to skip a beat in her chest. How could she say something like that after getting mad at him in the past? How could he make her go from being incredibly upset with him to wanting him to fuck her until neither of them had any energy left? It was a stunning thought to realize. But it was one that she didn’t argue against as Iota began to pick up the pace of his thrusts and steal another kiss from her lips. “Please don’t stop… Not until you’re satisfied…”


The two of them were unsure of just how much time had passed since Iota had first started fucking Milim. There was no way for them to know, after all. Between their lust clouding their minds and making them focus on the other person more than anything else, the pleasure they were feeling carrying them to new depths of bliss, and the fact that neither had looked at a clock in what felt like ages. Neither Iota nor Milim knew just how long the two had been together, going from one kiss to another as they fucked from room to room.

At this very moment, the two of them were in Iota’s bedroom as Milim was pressed against the wall. Her small chest squished against the wall she was pushed against as Iota fucked her from behind. At this point, there was no point in trying to hide the pleasure that they felt and no point in attempting to shy away from the bliss that coursed through their bodies. Which is exactly why Milim’s voice rang out through Iota’s room in time with each thrust that filled her.

Loud and shameless moans erupted from her each and every time Iota filled her pussy, stretched her inner walls, and made her mind fade away for a moment from the intense pleasure. Of course, those moans started to get a little bit quieter when Iota carefully wrapped his hand around Milim’s throat. At first, it was out of fear that he was going to hurt her, the lust causing her heart to race at the thought. But when he lightly squeezed, cutting off her airflow, that fear vanished and was replaced by something that she found to be absolutely magical.

In the heat of the moment, Milim didn’t know how she was able to enjoy something like this. How she was able to enjoy being handled like this and fucked against a wall. But she also couldn’t bring herself to truly care. The joy and lust that clouded her mind told her to enjoy the feeling of Iota’s hand tightening around her throat and slowly making her black out. Even when the world around her faded away for a moment, almost blinking out of existence, a smile was on Milim’s face.

On the other hand, the alcohol that was in his system was fading out now and Iota was riding the lust and pleasure that was driving both of them. He did not care about the fact that he might be strong enough to hurt Milim. He did not care about the fact that he was fucking her while he was drunk and she was enjoying it. The only thing that he cared about was the pleasure that her pussy was bringing him. As well as the sounds of pleasure that were leaving Milim when she was conscious.

Of course, just because the alcohol was fading from his system did not mean he was sober while fucking her. With just how much he had to drink tonight, he was still a little bit clumsy. And that became loud and clear when he slipped out of her pussy while pulling his hips back a little bit too far. Only to miss the re-entry by a margin and poke against the entrance to her asshole. Which Milim quickly turned around and glared at him, the pain and fear from that moment clear on her face. “S-Sorry…”

Milim let out a heavy breath as Iota released her neck and grabbed a firm hold of her hips, holding her in place while carefully re-entering her pussy properly. A bit of a spoiled moment, but one that was quickly forgotten as Iota wrapped his hand around Milim’s neck and leaned her head back in order to steal a kiss from her. Their lips met for a heavy kiss that slowly trailed into a second and a third, her tongue quickly meeting his as he forced his way into her mouth.

And just like that, the two of them were too lost in their pleasure to care about what had just happened, or even remember that it was a thing. The only thing that both of them could think about right now was the pleasure that coursed through them. The lust that clouded their minds and even caused Milim’s to turn off as Iota choked her. And the desire to let things continue as the pleasure they felt continued to grow to new heights with each passing moment.


With the sun starting to rise through the window in Iota’s room, Milim knew that the two of them had been at it for ages. That Iota had lasted more than long enough to prove her wrong and make it clear he was worth her time and attention. Though that didn’t mean she was going to give him the kindness he showed he deserved after he took advantage of her like this, even if her mind was shutting off from time to time with every thrust that filled her tight pussy.

With her face down and buried into the sheets, her ass raised high in the air, and Iota’s hands occasionally smacking her ass, Milim found herself too lost in the pleasure to worry about anything else around her. The pleasure that coursed through her, the lust that clouded her thoughts, the fact that her thoughts would simply stop every few thrusts to only come back a short time later. All of it was something that Milim couldn’t believe Iota was capable of. But here in this moment, she couldn’t think of a single complaint about him.

On the other hand, Iota was finally feeling properly like himself around Milim. He had fucked her for hours on end, lasted longer than he ever expected to if he got a chance with her, and was even able to make her lose her mind a couple of times to the pleasure that he brought her. Maybe it was the fact that he was drunk, maybe it was the fact that he didn’t shy away from her body from understanding just how tough she was, maybe it was the fact that he didn’t care about how she felt during the last few hours, only caring about his own pleasure. Whatever the reason was for Iota’s desire and lust pushing him to these limits, he couldn’t help but love the sound Milim made whenever he smacked her ass.

The moan that rumbled from her lips was short-lived as her mind usually shut down mere moments later. And her pussy tightened up whenever her thoughts would resurface, reminding her that it was Iota that caused her to blank out. But, of course, after a few thrusts and a few repeats, Milim turned her head to say something. She forced her face out of the sheets in order to try and see Iota to tell him off.

Unfortunately, the only thing to leave her mouth when she did so were loud and shameless moans. The kind of moans that Iota had only ever heard from a proper slut in the porn he would watch. Hearing her make these sounds, Iota found himself slowing down his thrusts and putting all of his weight into every one. Really doing his best to make sure she felt each and every inch of his shaft and it stretched her inner walls.

Of course, in the heat of the moment, when the thrusts slowed down and became more forceful, the moans that left Milim as a result slowed as well. But instead of being short, unpleasant moans, the sounds that left the petite girl were drawn out, clearly blissful, and filled with pleasure and lust. She wanted more of this as he leaned over her body and pressed her head back into the sheets. She wanted him to treat her this way more and more by the moment. Especially when she felt him throbbing and pulsing inside of her.

With all the pleasure that the two of them had experienced together tonight, Milim was able to tell when Iota was getting close to blowing his load. She knew without even needing to think that he was getting closer and closer to the edge by the moment. And with the position that she was in, she couldn’t wait for him to actually erupt and fill her with cum yet again. She couldn’t wait to feel his seed flooding inside of her as he moaned out her name.

And it was only a few moments later that Iota reached the peak of his pleasure, a low groan leaving him as he brought the hand that was on Milim’s head to her back, pressing on it as he buried every inch of his cock as deep into her as he could. Only to then unload inside of her, letting out a blissful sound as rope after rope of his thick and heated seed flooded Milim’s cunt, pumping her full and painting her inner walls a deep shade of white once again.

On the other hand, with the sheer amount of pleasure that was currently coursing through her, Milim wasn’t able to hold back either. When she felt the heat of Iota’s seed flooding into her, she reached the peak of her orgasm as well. A loud, shameless, and uninhibited scream erupted from her as her inner walls clamped down like a vice around Iota’s still-throbbing shaft. Once again, her mind shut off as he began to pick up the pace and fuck her through his orgasm, wanting to truly wring out every drop of his cum that he was able to inside of her.

At that moment, the pleasure that she felt was too much for her to contain and Milim squirted onto Iota’s sheets, neither of them having a care in the world as she let loose and unloaded her pleasure right then and there. Hot and heavy breaths left her as he still pumped himself back and forth inside of her, slowing down only when he felt the pleasure from his orgasm starting to fade away.

However, Iota didn’t pull out of Milim after the orgasm. Despite the fact that the two of them were tired and more than likely going to be sore when they woke up the next day, Iota didn’t think he was done. He quickly brought a hand to Milim’s supple ass cheek and smiled as he grabbed a firm hold of it. The feeling of it sinking between his fingers was great, causing him to feel more turned on and ready for another round. “Hey, Milim… If you can hear me, I hope you realize that we aren’t done yet.~”

At the sound of Iota’s voice, Milim didn’t know how to respond. She didn’t know what to think or feel right now. She didn’t know what he was saying or thinking. But when he pressed his thumb against her asshole, an entirely new feeling washed over her. Fear, concern, pleasure, pain, lust, and unknown sensations all coursed through her in the same moment. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as his thumb began to push inside of her, all while his cock continued to move against her inner walls.

In the heat of the moment, Milim was at a loss for words. The sudden onslaught of pleasure from an area that she had never touched was an incredibly distracting sensation for her. Especially after the night of pleasure and bliss that she just experienced. However, just like when she came a moment ago, her mind shut off when the pleasure overwhelmed her. Her mind went blank and everything around her disappeared, but the feeling of Iota’s shaft pumping back and forth inside of her remained.

Fortunately for her, he did not push his thumb too deeply into her ass, only teasing it for a moment before pulling it back out and making her question just what was going on. But when he pulled it out, the feeling of bliss that came from him popping it out of her asshole sent Milim over the edge of an unexpected orgasm. Her heart raced in her chest as she squirted against his sheets once again, screaming into the fabric that her face was still turned into.

Of course, seeing how much Milim enjoyed what just happened to her, Iota couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He felt like he was spent. He felt like he couldn’t continue. But he was proud that he was able to make her cum as much as he had tonight, especially knowing he made her squirt twice after the way she had spoken to him. “Damn… Seems like you really like it here… We’ll have to experiment next time.~”

Milim couldn’t see the devious smile that came to Iota’s face as he looked down at her. She couldn’t see the satisfied look that was on his face. Nor could she bring herself to care as thoughts began to rush through her mind. Did she like having it up the ass? Did she just like her asshole to be teased when she was on the verge of a climax? Was she just so lost in the pleasure that she just couldn’t turn down any new sensation that she felt?

All of these thoughts rushed through her mind for a moment. But that moment passed as Iota pulled his cock out of Milim’s pussy, slapping it down against her supple rear end before slumping over next to her. Clearly, he was exhausted. She was as well. And she couldn’t believe that either of them were able to last this long with everything that had happened to them in the past.

However, Milim couldn’t help but see the bright side of things right now. She didn’t know what it was that kept her from being mad at Iota over the fact that he just took advantage of her during the night. But as he rolled onto his back and immediately started snoring like when he was deeply asleep, she did not hesitate to curl up next to him and nuzzle against his chest.

A gentle smile came to her lips as she rested her head against his shoulder, listening to the way he snored and finding herself cherishing it. “Maybe… I didn’t end up in such a bad place, after all.” Knowing he was passed out and wouldn’t remember anything she was saying right now, a gentle blush came to her cheeks as the pleasure that she felt was starting to fade away. “You might not ever hear me say this again, so… Hopefully you hear it in whatever dream you’re having. But… Thank you, Iota… For putting up with me and taking care of me since I got here.”

With that said and exhaustion finally catching up to her, Milim placed another kiss against his cheek before properly nuzzling into his body. She kept an arm on his chest to keep him from being able to pull away from her while she was asleep. And she was happy that he wasn’t going to be going anywhere for a while. “It’s not fair… You shouldn’t be this comfortable and warm…”


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