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The night was cold and dark, your typical Tuesday night in the suburbs of Vale. Roman Torchwick, high end criminal leading faunus and White Fang members alike on different heists for cash, dust, fun, and even money for parties, was headed towards one of the most famous bars in Remnant. Unfortunately, he had forgotten the bar’s real name years ago and has just referred to it as Junior’s Bar ever since. Just thinking about the times he had there over the years was enough to bring a smile to his cheeks.

“The babes, the booze, the parties, the sex!~” His mind was on a frenzy of the nights he spent there. Twirling his cane, his thoughts were cut short by the sound of rustling coming from an alley to his left. The man was targeted for assassination on a daily basis, so it was no surprise that someone would try to sneak up on him. He continued to twirl his can and look down towards the alley. “Dammit. Too dark to see anything clearly.” The man reached into his pocket for his lighter that he took with him everywhere. “Well, if nothing is there, I can just pick it up and keep heading towards the bar.” He flicked his zippo lighter open and watched the flam come to life before tossing it down the passage in front of him. As it flew, he saw dumpsters and a small child. A child?! The fuck! The thought ran through his mind as if he was trying to determine why a child would be out here all alone. The lighter landed a few feet behind her, so he’d have to pass her to get to it. “Fuck it, fine.” He said, making his way towards both the child and his lighter.

As he passed the girl to grab his lighter, he saw a tiny hand reach out for his leg. On instinct to live, he spun his cane in her direction and put it right up against her forehead, the crosshair popping out as it completely swapped over into being a weapon. “Now, it’s rare, but I’m used to seeing goons try and hire children to get the drop on me and kill me. Are you going to be one of them?”

No answer.

“Fine by that way. I’m not going to kill you but stay put.” Keeping his weapon on her forehead he picked up his lighter and held it out to see her better. Brown and pink hair, multicolored eyes and a scar on her throat like something had been ripped out and it was burned closed. But alas, no weapons on her that he could see, and she was practically naked as it was. “You look to be….maybe six or seven. But...why would anyone just leave you out here like this?” Genuine curiosity was getting the better of him as he lowered his weapon and made it a cane again. With a light sigh, he took off his overcoat and tossed it to her. “It’s supposed to be cold tonight. I’ll be back here tomorrow to pick that back up.”

With that, he left the alley and was once more back on his way to Junior’s Bar. Once inside, he made his way to his favorite spot at the bar. Something was off as he set his hat down on the table though. “Yo, Junior. Where are the twins? I don’t see any dancers or anything here. Something up?”

“Nah. The twins are just sick and tonight is usually slow anyway. What about you? That look in your eye says something is bothering you.” Junior said as he poured Roman his favorite drink to have. Double shot of whiskey. “Where’s your coat anyway?”

The ginger man downed his shot in an instant and shrugged. “On my way here, I heard some rustling in one of the nearby alleys. Thought someone was after me again. Turns out it was just an abandoned child.” As he answered, he was poured another shot and left the bottle.

“Is it that child at the door?” Junior asked, pointing towards the door. “She’s got your coat.”

Hearing the question, Roman spit out his whiskey, getting all of it on Junior’s face. “What?!” He turned in his seat to see the same child from the alley right there at the front door. “She followed me here?!”

Junior just gave Roman a blank stare as he grabbed a nearby towel. “Yeah. That girl follows anyone who gives her something.” The bartender answered, wiping his face clean of the mixture of spit and alcohol.

“Wait. You know her?” Ignoring the child once more, Roman turned his head back to Junior.

“Yeah. The twins ran into her about a month ago and have been sneaking her our daily leftovers or any stale food we have. Don’t know why they took a liking to her tho--”

“You still got that spare room upstairs? The one you let me crash in sometimes?”

“Of course. What’s up?”

“I’ll pay you to let her sleep here. It’s supposed to rain tonight and I’d rather not have a ruined coat in the morning.” He answered in a cold tone, heading towards the door.

“You sure that’s the only reason.”

“For now, yeah.” He answered honestly, opening the door and watching the small child run towards Junior with a broken smile on her face. Roman let out a soft chuckle and smiled. “Seems she really likes you, man.”

“Every time she sees me, I’m with the twins. So, she always hugs me when she sees me.” Junior replied, picking the girl up with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Has she...you know, ever talked?” Roman asked, making his way back to his seat.

“Not that I know of. I’m not sure if she can.”

Picking up the bottle now, Roman gave the girl another look. She looked back to him and smiled an even wider smile. “Well, do you mind feeding her? Put it on my tab.”

“Sure thing. Bottle of whiskey added to the tab.”

“What? That’s not what I said, Junior.”

“No, it’s what I said.” Junior smirked and walked off into the kitchen, carrying the small girl as he did so.

“Thanks man…” Shaking his head, Roman pulled out his scroll and found the twins’ numbers.

He sent the two of them a quick text. ‘Your street child is here and Junior is making her food. Told me you’re sick. Feel better. I’m paying him to let the kid live here.’

In less than a minute, he got two responses, one from each girl.

Melanie: “We’ll be right down! Don’t let her leave!”

Militia: “Why did you bring her here? Now she won’t leave!”

“Opposite responses from both of you. Perfect.” He sighed once more, skipping the shot glass and downing half the bottle as Junior and the child came back in.

“Something up, again? Not like you to skip the glass.”

“The twins. I let them know the kid was here.” Rolling his eyes, he tucked his scroll into his pants pocket and stood from the seat. “I’m heading to the hideout to sleep. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

The Next Day

The bar was alive and well, just like usual. Junior had clients getting lap dances as the twins sparred and danced on center stage, strippers roaming the floor and handing out drinks. Roman opened the door a bag in his other hand, listening as the bell rang on his way in. A few of the girls called out to him and waved before getting back to work. The twins outright stopped dancing and made their way over to the criminal.

“Roman, what’s in the bag, huh?” Militia asked with a teasing grin, trying to spy into the bag.

“Yeah, criminal. Whatcha got there?” Melanie prodded, on the other side of him with a smile.

“Nothing for you two. Where’s the girl? I want my coat back.”

“She’s upstairs, sleeping..” Militia answered, anger at him in her voice.

“Asshole.” Melanie added calmly, pointing to the stairs.

Up he went, heading straight for the room he usually slept in. The deal was she gets to sleep in there from now on. Knocking on the door, he heard Junior answer him. “Come on in. She’s just eating her snack.”

Roman walked in and say Junior holding her on his lap with one hand on her waist as the other was holding a container of neopolitan ice cream. The sight was enough to cause Roman to burst out laughing loud enough for the people downstairs to hear him. “Seriously, Junior? Couldn’t put her on the damned bed?!” He wiped the tears from his eyes as he took a seat on the bed. He let his laughter die down before digging into the bag. “I got her a few gifts so I could get my coat back.”

He watched as the girl reached for him and get out of Junior’s lap.

“Something about that smile…” He whispered quietly. Junior clearly heard him but he kept quiet about it. Out of the bag came a small white shirt with pink outlines on it and a pair dark grey, nearing black, jeans. He held them up in front of Neo. “Sorry if they’re a bit large on you, little one.” As he spoke, the twins gathered at the doorway and silently watched. “What do you say we get them on you? The girl at the store said they should fit or let you grow into them since you are still pretty young.”

Roman and Junior undressed the poor thing from her tattered clothes and his jacket before dressing her in the outfit Roman had bought her. “Ah. Just a bit too big.” Junior said with a smile.

“Yeah, but Neo will grow into them.” Roman said, giving her a name like she had been born with it.

“Neo?” All three spectators asked as Roman just happily smiled to the girl who clung to his leg with the biggest grin in the world.

“Neo Politan. Just like the ice cream you were feeding her.” The ginger answered, ruffling the little one’s hair.

“Really? Not even her hair or eyes. The ice cream?” Junior asked, face going deapan.

“Well those too, but it was the ice cream for me. And I don’t hear her complaining.~”

The twins and Junior all fell to the floor, unable to stand with Roman’s carefree stupidity. “Roman, you’re an idiot. You know that?” Junior asked, getting back into his chair.

“Well, you three haven’t come up with anything. Besides…” His eyes narrowed slightly and for once had a hint of pure emotion in them. “...I need something to call her when I take her to my base.”

“You’re doing what?!” The twins both shouted at once. “Are you a fuck--”

“That smile...just reminds me of my mother...what can I say? I want to show her all I’ve accomplished. Even if she won’t remember it for awhile. I’ll bring her back in one piece, don’t worry.~” He looked down to Neo once more with a smile, as she looked up at him, another adorable grin on her face.


Raina Shepherd

Color me interested. I love Neo and Roman stories. I headcannon that he was a father figure to her.