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Yae chooses what she deems a proper way to punish Ei for everything she’s put Inazuma through.

“Yae, why are you making me do this?” Ei couldn’t stop herself from grumbling as she looked at her dear fox friend, watching those five pink tails sway back and forth in front of her. “I know that the Shogun has caused trouble for the people of Inazuma, but do I really have to--”

“It’s the fact that your doll has caused trouble that you have to suffer the consequences. If you would have just listened all those years ago, you wouldn’t be in this situation.” A devious smile came to Yae’s lips as she turned around to face her best friend, Raiden Ei, excited about the get-up that she put her friend in. Ei was on her hands and knees, with fake dog ears on her head, a collar strapped to her neck, a dog tail buttplug inside, and nothing to cover herself with. “This is what you get for almost ruining the land you wanted to protect. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is harsh enough for what you’ve put everyone through. Especially our dear Traveler. But… This was the best solution that could be thought of that wouldn’t throw this country into even further chaos.”

Ei kept herself quiet as she listened to Yae. Of course, she had to suffer the consequences of her actions. But was this really the way to do it? To allow Guuji Yae to parade her around her own country while ‘dressed’ like this? It was beyond humiliating. And far too low for someone of her stature. But as Yae tugged on the leash that was attached to her collar, a small yelp left her lips. “Yae… I swear…”

“Unless the next words out of your mouth are about how you’ll swear to be a better leader for your people, I don’t wanna hear it. We’ll be done in thirty minutes, anyway.” Yae couldn’t stop herself from squatting down in front of Ei so that she could look her leader and friend in the eyes, staring deep into them before dragging her tongue along her lips. “So be sure to savor it. I’d hate to have to do this to you again.~”

“I have a feeling you would just love to do this again…”

A playful gasp left the fox’s lips, a hand coming to her mouth to cover it up. “How dare you think so lowly of me, Raiden. And here I thought you wouldn’t complain about looking like this in front of me.~” Yae’s eyes immediately drifted to the gentle red that was coming to her friend’s cheeks. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll be sure to reward you properly for your efforts, okay? You have to pay for what you did, but that’s no reason for you to come out of this without some sort of reward.”

“.... Fine… Just make it quick. I don’t think I can talk you out of this, anyway….”

“Atta girl. Now, let’s go show everyone Guuji Yae’s new pet.~” With a cheerful tone in her voice, Yae rose to her feet and gave a gentle tug on Raiden’s leash.


The couple’s first stop was the Statue of the Omnipresent God. Right in the heart of Inazuma City, a place where people would gather for various reasons. And a place where most of the city could see without needing to move too far from where they were. It was a perfect first stop for the two. And it was a simple matter to get there with how close it was to Raiden’s temple. A quick few steps and a leap onto the platform and the two were there.

Of course, with every step the two of them took, the realization that she was actually doing something like this sank deeper and deeper into Ei. Only a few guards had spotted her so far, all of them confused about what was happening. But all of them enjoyed the view that she presented them. And since it was Yae that was leading her, none of them seemed to verbally question just what was happening. “You didn’t influence my guards at all, did you…?”

“Now why would I go and cheat like that? I’m hurt, Ei. Do you truly think I would do something like that?~” There was a small skip in her step as Yae started to walk her way from the statue, pulling Ei right along with her. It was such a treat in her mind to be able to do this to a friend that she knew desperately deserved it. Hearing her complain like this put a bit of a damper on her enjoyment of this moment, but Yae was smart enough to expect that Raiden wouldn’t simply be on board with this idea.

Fortunately, as the two of them made their way into the busy section of the city, Ei decided to keep herself quiet. So as Yae approached Katherin at the Adventurer’s stand, she couldn’t stop the smile that was on her face from growing. “Katherin! How are you today? Have we had any good adventurers come in lately? With our nation now…”

At first, Ei kept her head down and her mouth closed, knowing that Yae would drag this out for as long as she possibly could. Though it meant that she couldn’t tell Yae off for doing something like this, staying quiet would likely make the fox grow bored and end this sooner. At least, that’s what she thought until she heard a young man behind her saying something about how demeaning it must be to be in public like this.

As soon as she heard that, Raiden wanted to turn around and tell him off, making it clear that she didn’t want to be a part of this in any way shape, or form. But as she turned her head, she was quickly halted by Yae tugging on her leash while continuing to talk to Katherin. Yae didn’t even turn her head away from the confused worker as she did so as if she just knew how the archon would react. And that caused Ei’s heart to skip a beat in her chest.

Just how did Yae know what she was going to do? How did her friend even hear what the young man said while she was in conversation? Deep down, Ei knew that Yae was a crafty woman and an even more clever yokai. But to either predict or react in time for that? Maybe something was involved and Ei couldn’t put her finger on it. Whatever the reason was, all thought was halted in Raiden’s mind as she looked up and noticed Yae silently holding her palm out. Moving her fingers as if to gesture for Raiden to reach it.

“Did you not hear me, girl?” Yae started, clearing her throat and looking Raiden in the eyes. “Our friend here wants to see if you’re the real Shogun or not. It’d be rude to keep her waiting, wouldn’t it?” Without missing a beat, the fox snapped her fingers and gave a gentle tug on the leash once again.

At first, Raiden was tempted to just sit there in retaliation. To do nothing and prove that Yae couldn’t control her like she wanted. But that’s when she saw an all too familiar look in the fox’s eyes. The same look that Yae shot whenever she was in a sour mood. The same look that made all the yokai she grew up with tremble at the sight of. The same look she would give Ei whenever she took her training with Mikoto too far and ended up hurt as a result.

Not wanting to be reminded of that look any more than she already had to, Raiden sat up straight and positioned her head underneath Yae’s palm, pressing against it as gently as she could. And after only a moment, she adjusted herself to be in a more comfortable position, spreading her legs wide and sitting precariously on her toes. But she didn’t say a word to Katherin, who continued to just stand there with a shocked expression on her face.

“See, Katherin? I told you it was her. But do try and keep this as to yourself as you can, okay?” Yae rested her elbow against the booth’s counter, turning her head away from Ei. “I’m having to punish our dear archon for her actions. But it’s not something that should spread like wildfire. Got it?”

“Understood. I doubt this is something that can stay a secret for long. But… If you say so, Guuji. I won’t say anything to anyone.”

“Thanks! I knew you’d be a dear about it. We still have other places to visit. And I think the Kamisato estate would be a nice second stop.” With a smile on her face and a rush in her heart, Yae ruffled Raiden’s purple hair and guided the archon to look her in the eyes. “It’s a little chilly over there at this time of year. I hope you’ll be okay like this.~”


By the time the two of them had arrived at the Kamisato residence, Raiden was feeling the effects of the cold against her skin. It was easy to see that she was with the gentle red tint at a couple of various places that Yae had touched during their walk. But it was especially obvious when anyone looked down and got a good look at her nipples out in the open. Both were hard and extended, making it difficult for a normal person to tell if she was just cold or if she was excited in this situation.

Fortunately, when they arrived at the entrance to the estate, both of the Kamisato siblings were out for their various businesses. So neither would have to see their archon like this. But upon hearing this news, it seemed that Yae had grown a bit annoyed. In the back of her mind, Raiden didn’t know if Yae wanted to actually see either of them or if she wanted their opinion of their archon to decline a bit. But that thought was quickly flipped on its head when Yae cleared her throat and placed her hand on the top of Raiden’s head just like she had in front of Katherin.

“While that’s disappointing, would you two men like to help keep my puppy warm before we go back home?” Yae’s giggle could barely be heard by the two guards that were protecting the entrance, but it was clear to Ei just how much the fox was enjoying this.

“A-Are you sure…? She’s our archon, after all… Is this even allowed?”

“Trust me. If Ei even thinks about retaliating against the two of you, I’ll be sure to keep her in her place. After all, I’m the one who’s holding the leash.~” Yae playfully licked her lips as she toyed with the leash, giving it a tug to gesture for Ei to get closer to the men. “There’s only one rule. You can only use your hands. She may be my puppy. But she’s still your god.”

The emphasis on ‘my’ threw Ei off a little bit. But it was good to hear her friend still reminding the public that she was their god and not to be disrespected. Even if this act itself was incredibly disrespectful. “Just… Don’t take too long… I don’t exactly--”

“Now now, Ei. Dogs don’t talk, do they?~”

The clear sass and excitement in Yae’s voice were as clear as the sky above them. And hearing it, Ei knew better than to argue against the fox. With a heavy breath, she shook her head and let out a quiet bark, cementing the fact that she was in fact, currently, Yae’s puppy.

“Good girl. Now let these men do their job and warm you up. I’d hate for you to catch a cold before we get home.” Yae turned her attention back to the two guards as they set their weapons aside, holding her hand out as a gesture to stop them. “I forgot one other rule. Aside from only using your hands, if I ever hear a word about this spreading through Inazuma, I’ll have your heads.”

Immediately, both of the men froze, seeing eyes that screamed they were ready to kill. “Y-Yes ma’am! No one will hear a word, Guuji Yae!”

“Good.” With that out of the way, Yae let go of Raiden’s leash and gave the archon a gentle nudge toward the men.

Before she knew it, Ei had two men grabbing onto various parts of her body. Four hands danced back and forth along her skin. At first, the two of them gravitated toward her breasts. It made sense why, she had a supple and perky chest, allowing for both of the men to toy with her breasts and hardened nipples as much as they liked. All the while, she could see Yae taking a few steps away from them to find a seat on a rock within eye distance.

However, things quickly took a turn when both of the men moved on from her breasts and drifted lower down her body. One hand stayed on her breast while another moved over to her hip, a third grabbing onto her shapely ass cheek, and a fourth reaching even lower to her thighs. A sharp gasp left her when the two men began to squeeze her skin. Feeling them grope and toy with her like this lit something inside of her. Something that Ei didn’t expect to feel. And that feeling continued to grow in Ei as their hands continued to move around her body, the two men clearly actually trying to warm her up in their own ways at this point.

The short distance away that she was, it was clear for Yae to see that the men were clearly enjoying themselves but felt a bit limited about where to touch her dear friend. And that just wouldn’t do. Not when she was supposed to be teaching Ei a lesson. The smile that seemed to be consistently on her lips faded away as she cleared her throat, getting the trio’s attention. “Boys, I only said you were supposed to use your hands. I never told you there was anywhere you weren’t supposed to touch.”

When she saw their faces light up, realizing what she was talking about, Yae couldn’t stop herself from giggling under her breath. “Ei dear, I hope you’re ready. The two only have one limit about what they can do to you. So, I hope you’re ready to enjoy whatever they want to do. And I don’t plan to make them stop anytime soon. Not until you’re properly heated.~”

Ei’s heart skipped a beat when she realized just what Yae was talking about. Barely a moment after the realization was made for the men, she felt two hands clamber onto her thighs, spreading her legs and forcing her to squat in the same obedient position she was in earlier.


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