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Veronica takes Liz to her mother’s empty house so the two of them can get away and enjoy themselves.

One of the perks of having a mother that lived on the edge of town was that V was always able to sneak any date she wanted into her mother’s home and no one would bat an eye. And it always helped set the mood of the night when the house that she snuck her date into was as fancy as Angelina’s was. A pool in the back yard, a hot tub next to it, a sauna across the yard, eight bedrooms in the home, and a few glass walls just for sure. It never failed to strike a chord whenever she brought someone here.

Unfortunately, when the person she brought was one of her friends, like Liz or Alex, the cord didn’t get plucked as strongly anymore. Though, they still always enjoyed the contrast between someone that was lavish far beyond her means and the normal town they all grew up in. And in cases like when she brought Liz over, Veronica always made sure that her mother wasn’t home beforehand.

It was never anything against her own mother, but it was more the fact that she knew what Liz and her wanted to do while they were here and she didn’t want any interruptions. That, and every time Liz and Angelina would find themselves alone while V was asleep, Veronica would always wake up to the sound of the two of them fucking across the house. Fortunately, when she pulled Liz into her mother’s backyard, there was no one home this time. No alarms going off from them entering, and no one to stop them from enjoying themselves.

“You sure it’s cool with your mom if we show up unannounced?” Liz kept her eyes locked on her white-haired friend as she sat down on the edge of the pool, letting her calves dangle in the water. “Doesn’t she usually love when you bring guests?”

“I’m sure it is. And I wouldn’t say it’s unannounced when I made sure that she was on a trip while we were here.” Veronica closed the gate to the pool as she followed behind Liz, looking around one more time just to see what all was turned on around the house before they settled in. “She loves when I bring guests. Whether she’s home or not, she always gets a show.”

Liz cocked her head to the side, wondering just what her friend meant. Only to see V gesture to one of the cameras that was on the corner of the home, clearly meant for security but used for whatever those two wanted. “And here you try to call me a whore when you try to sell me off for some stupid--”

“Hey, don’t direct this back at me. Your body always brings in the cash. And I’d much rather bring anyone I’m with here than that old bastard’s place. It’s why Mother left me a key awhile back.” Satisfied that there wasn’t anyone around and after seeing what all around the house was turned on or off, Veronica made her way to the pool and dove right in. “Besides, are you really going to tell me that you get tired of being fucked all the time? I know how much you enjoy it.”

“Well, yeah! When it’s you, Alex, or Rika. But when it’s fucking Todd? TODD?!” There was a clear tone of disgust in Liz’s voice when she mentioned the school’s bully, letting herself slide into the pool after her friend and quickly splashing her. “You know damn well how much I hate him.”


Off on a modeling trip to a few different countries in Europe, Angelina was lucky that the security notice went off while she wasn’t actually in the middle of a shoot. Though, a bit unlucky that she was in bed, ready to fall asleep. The notification for her security camera always came up on her phone before she even bothered to check. But when it was after Veronica texted her, asking if she was home, Angelina always knew that it was going to be something she wanted to watch out for. Though, she never knew if it was because her daughter was bringing home a fuck buddy that she didn’t want anyone to see, or if she was just going to spend some time away from her asshole of a father.

So when she set her phone to the side and pulled up the laptop that her eldest daughter bought her, Angelina was surprised to see Veronica with Liz in the pool. It didn’t surprise her that the two were over, but it surprised her that the two weren’t just fucking in the middle of her yard with how horny she thought they both were. “Veronica, just what are you doing with that girl? You know better than to take your time with her.”

Angelina was lucky that the two-way microphone wasn’t turned on, otherwise it would have alerted the girls that she was watching. And she was also lucky that she checked when she did. Because it was right on time for her to watch the two young women sharing a few kisses in the pool, Veronica being the first to make a move. “That’s my girl. It’s too bad you haven’t brought that Rika over yet. She was a cute one.”

Knowing where this was going to go, Angelina set her laptop on the side of the bed where she could see the screen, making it so that the security feed was fullscreen. Only to adjust herself so she was sitting up straight, a hand on her chest and a hand between her legs. “It’s too bad you’re my little girl, Veronica… If you weren’t, you would certainly be mommy’s little plaything.~”


Liz never knew how Veronica managed it. She never knew how her best friend managed to use that silver tongue to get whatever she wanted, whether it be sex from someone or getting out of whatever trouble she had gotten herself into. But whenever V would start talking, whenever she would take a few certain tones, and whenever she would look you in the eyes, it was almost like she had control over you. And Liz had experienced it enough to know when she was being manipulated by her friend, but the moment they met for a kiss? It was over.

It didn’t matter how much Liz was against the idea or even how much she loved it. Once she was caught in a kiss by Veronica, things seemed to go in ways that she had no control over. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when her dear friend hoisted her out of the water and continued to make out with her while her plump rear end rested against the edge of the pool. Liz’s heart raced in her chest as one kiss lead to another and Veronica’s hands began exploring her body more and more by the moment.

Every move was slow, deliberate, and almost calculated. With how much the two of them had been together, with how often the two of them had fucked, and with just how long the two had known each other, Liz knew without a doubt that Veronica didn’t need to do this. That Veronica could simply grab her in certain spots and she would be putty in her friend’s hands. But maybe it was just V’s way of doing things. Maybe it was just to get her beautiful friend off even harder when the time came. Or maybe it was simply because Veronica enjoyed a bit of foreplay before getting to the actual fun.

Whatever the reason really was, Liz couldn’t stop herself from letting out a blissful and excited gasp whenever Veronica’s fingertips would press against the underside of her breasts, carefully tugging on the bikini that she was wearing. She also couldn’t stop herself from letting V’s tongue explore her mouth whenever their lips met, her friend taking control without a care in the world and without any restraint now that they were working their way to the fun.

On the other hand, Veronica simply couldn’t help herself. Whenever she had her hands on Liz, she couldn’t help but want to touch and feel her all over. She couldn’t stop herself from wanting to feel the heat of her friend’s dark skin against her own. And she especially couldn’t stop herself from moaning in her friend’s ear whenever Liz would wrap her legs around her back. It was such a simple gesture, but it said far more than either of them could right now.

Veronica’s breath hitched in her neck as her cock began to struggle against the bikini bottoms that she was in, almost threatening to rip its way free at any moment. But she didn’t want to take things to that step just yet. She wanted to make sure the two of them could stay like this for just a little bit longer. So, even as her cock continued to harden against her body, even poking out of her bottoms, Veronica didn’t allow Liz to move. No, she instead began to trail kisses from her friend’s soft lips down her jawline and to her neck.

The feeling of Veronica’s lips against her body was something that Liz could always relish in. She was always gentle with the affection that she showed. The way her lips pressed against her skin was always dominant but attentive. As if she knew where she wanted to make you feel something, but didn’t want you to feel like you had no choice in where her attention went. However, as those lips continued to trail along her skin down to her collar bone and then to her breasts, Liz could only let out a blissful breath as she looked down at her friend.

Whether it was the look of excitement and lust that V showed, or the way her lips moved along her body, just barely brushing against the skin, or even if it was the fact that she knew where things would go, Liz couldn’t stop herself. Her lips curled into a blissful smile as she tangled her fingers into her friend’s white locks, gasping as Veronica began to properly undo the bikini to that she was wearing. And once her supple mounds became free, Liz could only smile and give them a quick shake. “You and Alex are obsessed with my tits.”

“You say that like you would want it any different.~” Veronica smirked as she began to kiss along Liz’s breasts, being deliberate and taking her time where she kissed. Her lips would purposefully avoid Liz’s nipples as she moved between her Hispanic friend’s lovely breasts. “Hell, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re obsessed with mine and Alex’s cocks. Or maybe Ms. Olivia does it better for you.~”

Both of the girls burst out laughing for a moment, the banter clearly being too much for either of them to keep a straight face. But as soon as the laughter was over, neither one of them said a word. Both Veronica and Liz simply stared into the other’s eyes, Veronica’s hands continuing to move along Liz’s body while Liz’s stayed tangled in her friend’s hair.

“I guess it doesn’t matter when I’m obsessed with you.”

A deep blush came to both of their cheeks as they seemingly spoke at the same time. Though, neither one of them had the heart to move that sentence any further than it already was. Both of the young women were too lost in their growing lust to care if what just left their lips was romantic or just horny. And it showed as they leaned in and stole a deep kiss from the other one, their tongues dancing together between their lips as Veronica finally grabbed a firm hold of Liz’s hips.


Angelina watched with a smile on her face as her little girl hoisted her friend into the air and out of the pool. It always surprised her to actually see Veronica’s strength in action, though she knew that Liz couldn’t weigh more than a hundred points, making her easy to carry. But no matter how much her daughter’s friend weighed, seeing a display of strength always caught the model in a way she never really wanted to show the public.

Simply watching her daughter pick up a girl her ass by her ass cheeks and carry her to the nearest lounge chair like it was nothing caused the older woman to let out a gasp of sheer bliss. Truly, it was something incredible to see. Especially when Veronica stole yet another kiss from Liz’s lips before turning her dark-skinned friend around so that her stomach was resting on the chair. “Does my little girl prefer asses over tits?”

As she spoke, Angelina realized that her voice was a bit breathless. Was she getting that excited watching her daughter get ready to fuck her friend? It certainly wouldn’t surprise her if she was. Not after all of the beautiful women that Veronica brought to her home. Though, it was something that she knew she should be ashamed of, appreciating her daughter’s beauty in a way that a normal mother would never dare to. However, that was exactly what drove Angelina to look at V the way she did.

Every time her daughter took her cock out to fuck one of her dates, Angelina couldn’t stop herself from appreciating its size. She couldn’t remember just how large Veronica’s father was, so she didn’t care if it was bigger or not. But the confidence that Veronica had when she was with a woman, the lust in her eyes, and the hunger that could be felt by watching her move. All of it caused the model to lust after her own little girl.

It also caused her to masturbate every time she got to see her daughter fucking someone. And deep down, somewhere deep in her soul, Angelina knew that she wanted to be underneath her daughter. Even if it was only once. But as Veronica grabbed tightly onto Liz’s hips, the older woman’s eyes locked onto that cock, watching it sink further and further into the young girl. And as her lust and pleasure began to drive her, Angelina found herself sliding two of her fingers as deep into her pussy as she could manage. Only to then follow Veronica’s pace as she fingered herself.

Every time V would thrust into Liz, Angelina would plunge her two fingers deep into her cunt. And every time that she noticed V pull back, the older woman would do the same. Combined with the feeling of her own hand on her breast, squeezing and teasing the supple mound, Angelina knew that it wouldn’t take long until she reached her peak. It never did when she was watching her little girl, after all.


Knowing that her mother was watching her, or at least going to watch her, Veronica knew that she had to put on some kind of a show. Though her mind and body were both taken by Liz right now, something drove her to be a bit more aggressive than usual. She didn’t know if it was because she wanted to impress her mother or if she just liked showing off. Both options actually meant a lot to her, after all.

However, when she heard Liz moaning underneath her, she immediately stopped worrying about it. Veronica immediately brought one of her hands from Liz’s hip to the back of her head, firmly grabbing onto those dark locks like they belonged to her. And she quickly yanked them as she leaned down, pulling on her friend’s head enough for their lips to be able to meet. But instead of kissing her friend and making out with her while she was buried deep into her cunt, Veronica instead chose to sink her teeth into Liz’s neck. Something that was always enjoyed, but never exactly craved, by her friend.

When she felt Veronica’s teeth sinking into her neck, Liz screamed out in bliss. Loud enough that she knew any neighbor would likely be able to hear her. But she couldn’t bring herself to care about anyone else. The feeling of pain and bliss that filled her mind and body as Veronica fucked her drove her to not give a shit about anyone else. Even the knowledge that Angelina would more than likely see this at some point didn’t matter to her. What did was the feeling of her best friend’s cock driving itself deeper and deeper with each thrust, feeling like it was going to skewer into her womb at any moment.

And of course, when Veronica pulled away from her neck, Liz’s heart skipped a beat in her chest. Even though it was a small feeling, the sensation of Veronica drooling on her neck before she dragged her tongue around the bite marks caused her to tighten up around her friend’s wonderful cock. Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her as V instinctively picked up the pace, knowing what Liz liked in and out at this point in their friendship.

Though, what Liz didn’t expect was for Veronica to suddenly stop and adjust her grip on Liz’s body. The sudden halt of pleasure caused the young woman to gasp and turn to face her friend. Only to gasp when she was easily flipped onto her back and had that incredibly hard cock slapped down against her stomach, Veronica’s balls resting against her pussy. And for a moment, Liz didn’t know what to do.

“Are you going to keep fucking me? Or are you just looking to show off?”

Veronica chuckled under her breath before she leaned in close enough for her lips to brush against Liz’s. “Just reminding you who has the biggest cock you’ve taken. And making sure you don’t forget.~” Before Liz could say anything, V caught her in a deep and passionate kiss as she adjusted her hips so that the tip of her shaft pressed against Liz’s cunt. Only to break the kiss just in time for her to thrust her hips forward and bury every inch of her cock deep into her friend’s pussy.


Seeing her daughter’s friend scream in absolute and utter bliss caused Angelina to do the same. Knowing just how good it felt to have a thick cock fill her up in one swift move lit her up inside in a way that she didn’t expect while imagining her daughter being the one to fuck her. Her breath hitched in her neck as she drove three fingers as deep into her pussy as she was able to. All while squeezing her breast like it was a balloon, diving deeper and deeper into the pleasure that this voyuerism brought her.

She bit down on her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet as she picked up the pace that she moved her fingers. Of course, she couldn’t reach as deeply into her cunt as her daughter’s cock was able to reach into Liz’s pussy, but simply imagining how wonderful it felt was more than enough to bring her to the edge of her orgasm. Or maybe it was the fact that she could see her little girl be as free spirited and uncaring as possible about fucking her partners when they were alone. Or maybe it was the fact that Angelina lusted after Veronica when she saw her daughter get like this with her fuck buddies. Or maybe it was the simple fact that it had been just that long since she had experienced a good fuck.

Whatever the reason for the onslaught of pleasure that washed over her, Angelina didn’t shy away from it. Hot and heavy breaths erupted from her when the pleasure became too great, turning into lurid and and shameless moans that spilled from her with every pump of her fingers. All while she watched her daughter dutifully fuck her best friend like it was her lifelong dream to do so.

Unfortunately, when the pleasure truly started to become too much, Angelina had trouble focusing on the screen in front of her. She was unable to properly keep her eyes open to watch the fun that the two young girls were having, unable to watch as Veronica picked up the pace of her thrusts. Though, when she saw the screen again, she could tell from the erratic way that V moved her hips that she was getting close to blowing her load. Something that Angelina couldn’t wait to see.

And when it finally happened, all the lust that Angelina was feeling hit her like a truck. She screamed out in pure bliss, loud enough for anyone in the hotel rooms around her to be able to hear. While she came around her fingers, gasping and squirming in her bed from the absolute bliss that washed over her. Simply from watching her beautiful daughter fill up another girl’s womb with her seed.


Of course, when she reached her peak, Veronica didn’t shy way from filling Liz’s womb with her cum. It wouldn’t have been the first time and it certainly wasn’t going to be the last. Thankfully, it didn’t matter to either of them if Liz ended up pregnant. So when she pumped rope after rope after thick rope of cum directly into her best friend’s womb, neither of them could care about the consequences. Though, it certainly helped that the two were locked in yet another kiss with the other.

Veronica refused to pull away from Liz’s lips as she sank into her pleasure. She refused to pull out of her friend’s quivering cunt as she continued to erupt inside of her. And she refused to let Liz move from this spot until she finished cumming deep inside of her. Which, fortunately, was something that Liz was going to let happen no matter what.

Liz had taken so many loads ever since she started having sex that one more didn’t matter to her. In fact, that fact that it was V cumming inside of her compared to some asshole from school seemed to make the moment that much better for her. Her lips curled into a smile as the cum finally stopped flowing, the bliss from her own orgasm settling. However, the kiss that they were sharing didn’t break. Instead, Liz wrapped her arms around Veronica’s neck and kept her from being able to pull away. Even if it wasn’t like her usually, she wanted to enjoy this moment. This moment that the two had alone without anyone being able to interrupt them.

And when Veronica realized just what Liz was trying to do, she thought about where to take things from here. The thought only lasted a moment, but it was more than long enough for her to come up with a plan. She pulled away from Liz’s lips and looked her friend in the eyes. “I was going to take you home after a few rounds… But what do you say we skip school tomorrow and just enjoy ourselves? No one should be able to get inside for another few days at the earliest.”

As she spoke, Veronica adjusted herself to be able to slip her cock out of Liz’s cunt, gasping at the small amount of cum that leaked from her friend’s pussy and only her balls. “You’re not the type to quit after just one round. So what do you say we make sure to thoroughly enjoy ourselves?”

“I’ll kick your ass if we mess some test tomorrow. But fine. One day couldn’t hurt.” Liz couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she let go of Veronica’s neck, gasping in excitement when her friend got off of the lounge chair and suddenly dropped the head of it so it was flat. It was when Veronica stood beside her head, cock hovering over her eyes that she felt like dragging things on was the right call.


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