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Ryza goes to check on Samuel during a New Years’ celebration, knowing he’s spending this year alone after Lent left.

After everyone left the island to go about their own tasks, Ryza had developed a special connection with Samuel. He was alone most of the time, but he was still a friend of her family. She would deliver him some food, eat with him, and even humor him by making him a few trinkets with her alchemy. Nothing he could sell for booze, though, knowing that it would only lead him to being more of an alcoholic. But with the New Year being tomorrow, she decided to check on him of her own accord tonight.

Ryza didn’t tell her parents she was going to see him, nor did she drop a hint to Samuel that she would be showing up at his home shortly before midnight. Instead, she just walked over to his home and opened the always unlocked front door. But what she saw was something that she only partially expected. Not only was Samuel drinking the night away, a bottle of his booze in his hand, but he was stark naked without a single strand of clothing covering his body.

With how often Ryza had been to see him and make sure he was doing well, it wasn’t the first time that she had caught him naked. But he always covered himself up when she was around. However, with how much alcohol he had chugged down tonight, she could tell that wasn’t going to happen. Especially when he snatched her wrist with his free hand and pulled her into his lap. “S-Samuel!? W-What are you doing?!”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to hold my wife in my lap like this. Yell at me later, Ryza.” As Samuel spoke, the slur in his voice and the drawl made it clear that he was already drunk enough to not remember anything that was going to happen tonight. Though, it seemed he was still sober enough to be able to recognize Ryza when he pulled her into his lap. Unfortunately not sober enough to realize that he was naked and had planted her directly against the length of his cock. Something that Ryza realized the moment after he had pulled her into his lap.

A deep and heavy blush came to Ryza’s lips as she turned around to face him, wanting to shout and tell him to let her go. But it was clear by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t going to be letting her go any time soon. And the heated length beneath her plump rear end was starting to make her feel like she needed to do something. Whether it was get out of his lap or simply take his alcohol away from him so he wouldn’t be able to drink himself unconscious and keep her in his lap.

Her heart sank in her chest when she felt his hand leave her wrist and grab onto her waist, his strong grip causing a spark to occur in her core. She knew exactly what this feeling was and what was going to happen if she allowed him to hold onto her like he was. However, the only thing that came to her mind that she could do was take his booze away from him, quickly snatching the bottle and almost throwing it before hearing Samuel scoff at her attempt to waste his beer.

“Come on, girl. You know if you break that, you’re just going to feel bad and buy me another bottle tomorrow. Just drink it. Enjoy the night. It’s a call for celebration, after all!”

Ryza let out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes at Samuel’s reasoning. In the back of her mind, she couldn’t believe that she was listening to him. But in the heat of the moment, she couldn’t deny that it made a little bit of sense to relax for a night. He likely wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, after all. With a heavy heart and a heavy and strong hand on her hip, Ryza brought the bottle to her lips and started to down a few swigs of it.

The taste that covered her tongue was a lot heavier than she expected, showing her that Samuel was really trying to rid himself of the night from drinking. Unfortunately, she knew just how much of a heavyweight he was when it came to his drinking, having lost count of the number of times he showed up on her doorstep drunk and wanting to crash on “his” couch while pointing into her home. When she swallowed some of his alcohol down, Ryza immediately started to feel the effects of it.

The world around her started to sway a bit, almost making her sway in response in Samuel’s lap. However, she was lucky that he had his hand on her body, acting as a small symbol of balance that she needed to keep herself steady. But instead of making the smart choice and setting the bottle aside, Ryza found herself bringing it to her lips to down the last little bit that was in the bottle. If she could keep Samuel from drinking the rest, it would be a success in her mind.

Unfortunately, the moment that Samuel watched her throw the bottle across the couch, he caressed her cheek with his free hand. Just long enough for her to wonder what was going on before he pulled her into a kiss. The moment their lips met, Ryza’s entire world froze. He had never once made a move on her while she went to see him, having some respect for her for making his son strong enough to leave home on his own. But tonight? It seemed that respect was out of the window. At least, that’s what she thought as he pushed his tongue past her lips and tried to reclaim the alcohol that she had started drinking.

When Samuel pulled his lips away from her own a moment later, swallowing down what little bit he could get, what he said caused Ryza to realize something.

“It’s not like you to try and steal the last bit of my alcohol, Ryza. Be careful how much you drink. You don’t want to end up like me, do you? Or even worse, you wouldn’t want to end up with me!”

The hearty laugh that left Samuel struck a certain chord in Ryza’s heart. Being like him was one thing. A few drinks here and there and she could be under control still. But being always drunk like he was would end up being a massive problem. However, being with him? That was something that she hadn’t taken into consideration. She may have visited him a few times a week, but other than seeing her, he was usually all alone. Lent was gone, his wife had left him years ago, and he didn’t bother to try and find anyone to be with.

And maybe it was the alcohol that was swimming in her system, or maybe it was just that feeling that ached in her core as he held tightly onto her hips. But something in the back of Ryza’s mind told her that being with him wouldn’t be as bad as he made it sound. “You know, Samuel… You say that like it would be a bad thing… Ending up like you, alone and drunk all the time is a problem. But if you want someone to be with… I know how to keep a secret. Just this once… If you need someone to be with, it can be me.”

After she spoke, a moment of silence fell between the two of them. It was a moment that made Ryza almost regret offering herself to Samuel. But when she felt his cock throb underneath her, clearly reacting to what she had said, that regret all but vanished. And when his hands moved from her hips up to her stomach and toward her supple breasts, it was clear that he was silently debating it. In the back of her mind, Ryza wondered if it was really a smart call to offer herself like this. But when she felt his hands slip underneath the top that she was wearing, latching onto her bare breasts underneath the fabric, she knew it was too late to back out. Especially when Samuel leaned his head forward and caught her lips in yet another kiss.

However, instead of being too stunned to do anything, Ryza returned the affection that was given to her this time. She returned Samuel’s kiss without a moment of hesitation. And as he started to squeeze and knead her soft mounds underneath her top, she started to rock herself back and forth in his lap. Even as his tongue pushed past her lips once again, demanding entrance into her mouth, she returned his affection and eagerly began swirling her tongue with his own. And as she started to rock herself back and forth in his lap, it didn’t take long for Samuel to move one hand from her breasts and down to the red shorts that she was wearing.

Nor did it take him long to finagle those shorts of hers down to her knees, exposing the fact that she didn’t come here wearing any panties. And while their lips danced from one kiss to another, Ryza found herself carefully hoisting herself out of Samuel’s lap and into the air, enough to feel his cock rise right along with her and harden against her body. She arched her back in order to give him more room, throwing her arms behind her head and wrapping them around Samuel’s neck like it was nothing.

In the back of her mind, she knew that she shouldn’t be doing this. Sleeping with her friend’s dad? Someone that had pined after her mother for years until she got married? Ryza knew that this was wrong in multiple ways. But as the alcohol started to swim from her mind and the taste of Samuel’s lips against her own convinced her that it would be okay for a night, she found herself smiling against this older man’s lips. Especially when he grabbed onto her hips once again, carefully lowering her onto his cock and down his length until her plump rear end met his lap once again.

With her back pressed against his chest, his hands on her breasts, and his cock buried inside of her pussy, all worried left Ryza almost immediately. The flood of pleasure and lust that came from being filled with something as thick as her wrist was an incredible feeling. But the fact that it was longer than anything she had used to masturbate in the past was something that made Ryza wish she had done this with Samuel all the sooner. Especially when he started to rock his hips in tune to the music from the town celebration that started to grow loud enough for them to hear with the door open.

A gentle chuckle left Ryza’s lips as she pulled away from Samuel, keeping herself in his lap and starting to sway her hips in a circle. The feeling of his cock grinding against her inner walls was enough to make this worth all the shouting she might get into when she got home. And the feeling of his hands latched onto her breasts made her realize she had missed a big opportunity, not letting Lent’s incredibly strong hands latch onto her like this. But when she felt Samuel’s lips press against her neck, peppering her skin in kisses, Ryza knew that it wasn’t going to be a problem. Not when she had an older and more experienced man still with her to touch her like this.

After a moment or two of simply enjoying the way Samuel’s cock felt buried inside of her, Ryza started to bounce in his lap. She moved at a slow pace, wanting to adjust to the feeling of him grinding and rubbing against her inner walls, reaching her womb if she lowered herself at the right angle. However, it seemed that Samuel had something else in mind for her. With one hand still firmly on her breast, squeezing and kneading the soft mound while pinching and tugging on her nipple, he brought the other to her hip. And he didn’t hesitate to move her at his own pace.

He yanked her back down into his lap, making her scream out in bliss when she felt the tip of his shaft slam against the entrance to her womb. And Ryza felt a deep blush coming to her cheeks as she continued to show off his strength. With only one arm, he lifted her until only the tip of his cock remained inside of her. Right before slamming her back down to the base of his cock. With just pure strength, he guided her to move at a pace that he was happy with, uncaring about the slow and deliberate pace she had set a moment ago.

However, the moment that Samuel let go of her hip and allowed her to start moving on her own once again, Ryza found herself keeping up the pace he had started. The feeling of his shaft plunging into her over and over again was enough to cause hot, heavy, and desperate moans to leave her lips. Luckily, they were drowned out by the sound of the town’s music, allowing her to be as loud as she wanted without anything stopping her.

Ryza’s lips curled into a smile as she started to rock her hips back and forth in time with her bouncing. She would throw her hips back against Samuel’s body when she lowered herself, pushing herself forward as she lifted herself up into the air. All the while, she turned her head and looked deeply into his eyes, the look of lust and desire that swirled within them making it clear that she wasn’t going to be satisfied with only doing this once.

However, in the back of her lust-addled mind, Ryza knew that Samuel was likely not going to remember anything from tonight when the morning came around. It was the reason she offered herself up to him in the first place, not wanting him to remember that they fucked like this in the middle of his living room. But as she approached her orgasm more and more by the second, picking up the pace of her bouncing to the point where her legs felt like they might give out on her, part of Ryza wanted Samuel to remember that this happened.

Unfortunately, as the pleasure that she felt grew more and more inside of her, that seemed to be less and less likely in her mind. Fortunately, the feeling of Samuel’s lips crashing against her own in a deep and passionate kiss wiped that worry from her mind. She knew that it wasn’t going to change anything, but the care that she had for him knowing completely left her mind. Especially when the kiss was followed by him cumming inside of her, gripping tightly onto her hips and slamming her down into his lap.

Sharp, desperate, and eager gasps left Ryza’s lips as she felt each and every rope of Samuel’s cum pump directly into her womb. Her inner walls greedily clung to his shaft as he erupted inside of her, trying to milk him of each and every drop of his cum that she could. All while their lips danced from one kiss to another all over again, their tongues fighting for control of the kiss as they came together.

It didn’t take long before Samuel’s orgasm subsided, leaving Ryza’s lingering for another few moments as they continued to share a few more kisses. Her inner walls still greedily clung to his shaft as he stopped his thrusting, pulling away from her mouth a moment later. When Samuel’s lips broke away from her own, Ryza couldn’t hide or stop the desperate breath that left her as she leaned closer to him to try and get another one.

However, when he leaned his head against the back of the couch, allowing the alcohol and exhaustion to take him, it was clear he was going to pass out. But Ryza couldn’t find it in herself to complain about it. Especially after he just made her feel as good as he did. And even though he still had a hand firmly squeezing onto her hip, she pulled herself away from him and out of his lap. There was only a moment of hesitation as she stood in front of him, feeling his cum starting to dribble down her legs and onto her thighs. “Should I really leave him like this…?”

As Ryza bent down to pick up her shorts, she looked out his front door for the first time since she arrived. She could see the lights from the town’s festival in the distance and still hear the music. For a moment, she thought about going to join everyone celebrating. But instead, Ryza closed the door to Samuel’s home and hooked her thumbs into the hem of her shorts. With a smile on her face, she dropped her shorts onto the ground and pulled her top over her head, tossing it across the room.

She didn’t hesitate to make her way over to the passed out Samuel and rest against him, nuzzling against his torso to keep herself warm. And just when she thought she was about to fall asleep, she felt his arm wrap around her body, just in time to hear the town cheering loudly. “To think, I’d be spending the start of the new year cuddled up to my friend’s dad after he drunkenly fucked me.” Ryza playfully giggled to herself before placing a kiss against Samuel’s chest and nuzzling herself a little bit closer to him. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll spend the rest of this year by his side, too. It’s certainly tempting after what just happened.”


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