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Iris Heart finally catches Purple Heart, allowing her to fuck the other woman however she pleases.

Being on the receiving end of Iris Heart’s teasing was nothing new for Purple Heart, but this was the first time she had found herself actually bound and restrained by the other woman. It brought a distressed noise from her lips as she landed on the floor in the middle of the living room of her home. “P-Plutie?! Let me go! Aren’t you taking this prank just a bit too far?!” Her arms were trapped behind her back and her legs were left free, leaving her free to get up and run if she got the chance.

“Now, who said it was a prank, Neptune?~” Iris Heart slowly dragged her tongue along her lips as she took a step closer to her bound counterpart, an almost elated sigh leaving her lips. She stood there and watched as that perfect rear end swung back and forth in the air, Purple Heart trying to wiggle her way out of the whip she had caught her in. “You know good and well that you’re not going to get out of there. There’s no reason to struggle this much.~” In her HDD form, Plutia was known for her sadism and dominatrix-like appearance, having no problem with it and adapting to the personality change on the fly. But turning to her own friends for this side of her was something that she had only dreamed of doing before. “Now why don’t you just be a good girl and stay still as I have my fun?”

With her friend talking like this, Purple Heart tried even harder to get out of the bind that seemed to squeeze tighter to her body with every move she made. The harder she struggled, the harder the whip clung to her skin. It even began to dig under her breasts, enhancing the perkiness they already had and making them even more prominent when she suddenly found herself on her side. “Sadie, come on! Let me go! We’ve been over this. You can’t just be a sadistic bitch to your friends!”

Iris Heart stayed quiet as she took a step closer to the bound CPU, her lips curling into a lustful smile as a faint blush rose to her cheeks. “Don’t worry, Neppy. When I’m done with you, it won’t be rape anymore.~” Bringing both of her hands to her thighs, she let out a soft and joyful gasp at the feeling of her hard cock straining against her suit. “Besides, no one has ever been able to resist after I’ve gotten started.” Iris Heart slowly made her way onto the floor before she crawled over her friend, capturing Purple Heart’s lips in a passionate and lustful kiss before she could say a single word.

The taste of Iris Heart’s lips against her own was surprisingly addicting to Purple Heart. She had tasted them before, plenty of times when the two were playing truth or dare or spin the bottle or some silly game they came up with when they were born. But the taste had never been this wonderful before. Purple Heart’s eyes quickly fluttered shut as she began to give in to the kiss, her body almost betraying her the very moment their lips met.

The moment Iris Heart pulled away from the kiss, she relished in the whine of disappointment that left Purple Heart. It was far from the first time she had heard it, but being the one to make the sound happen made her heart jump. The blush on her cheeks only darkened as she brought one of her hands to her friend’s shoulder, slowly pushing her until she was on her back. “Don’t worry, Neppy. I’ll make sure this feels incredible for both of us.~” There was a quiet purr in Iris’ voice as she leaned down and stole another kiss from Purple Heart’s lips.

Once again, Neptune was left to stay quiet, left to endure and slowly start to enjoy what was happening to her. It wasn’t until Iris Heart’s teeth sank down into her lower lip that she realized her struggling had stopped, the whip that bound her body having loosened just a bit. Though, she wasn’t sure if that was because Plutia had wished it, or because she didn’t want this moment to end. When she felt the rough thud that landed against her thigh, another whine left her lips, this one much less disappointed than the last. “W-Which hole… Do you want to take…?”

An almost joyous squeal left Iris Heart as she heard the question. She couldn’t believe that Purple Heart had just asked her that. “Don’t be silly, Neptune. I’m going to take both.~” Her voice was almost calm and collected, but still retaining a sense of excitement as she dragged her finger along Purple Heart’s jawline. “I hope that isn’t a problem for you, Sweetheart.~” Iris Heart licked her lips as she brought that same hand down to her crotch before teasing the other woman. Slowly rocking her hips back and forth, she made her cock drag along her friend’s skin-tight suit, forcing her to feel just how thick her cock was. “Do you feel it, Neptune? Can you feel just how badly I want this?~”

There was no denying that it was clear to feel just how much Plutia had wanted this, but the problem in Purple Heart’s mind was how bad she wanted it. As the seconds passed, each stroke of that thick shaft caused her core to heat up just a bit more, her body starting to demand being filled. Her eyes almost screwed shut when she felt the head of that throbbing cock press against her pussy through her suit, another quiet moan leaving her quivering lips. Purple Heart didn’t know what to say or do, torn between wanting to be ruined right here in the living room and wanting to run away from Iris Heart. Though, that choice was quickly made for her.

Iris Heart wasted no time before she placed her hands on her friend’s thighs, forcing her legs apart and teasing the crotch in her suit in the process. “Oh my… I didn’t think our suits could be ripped so easily. I’ll have to keep that in mind for dear Noire.~” Licking her lips as she was able to see just how wet Purple Heart had gotten, Plutia couldn’t stop herself from letting out a soft and almost endearing chuckle. “Did you get this excited from my little teasing, Neppy? I’m flattered!”

Neptune did her best to turn her head and hide the embarrassment that she felt at that fact. A deep blush rose to her cheeks as she felt Iris’ cock press against her bare pussy this time, causing her to let out a quiet and almost expectant moan. “J-Just hurry it up… Hurry up and fuck me, Sad-”

“As you wish!~” There was no hesitation in the first thrust that Iris Heart made into that slick cunt, slamming each and every inch of her hard cock into Purple Heart. Both of the women let out a loud scream of pleasure the moment their hips met, neither of them expecting this level of ecstasy to wash over them from just one thrust. The first thrust was immediately followed with another. And then another. And another. Iris Heart didn’t waste a single second as she began fucking her friend into the floor. Looking into her eyes, Iris was able to see the lust and desire that radiated in Purple Heart’s eyes. Her heart skipped a beat once again as she saw that, something about seeing Neptune of all people lust after her. Being able to see the other CPU’s lower lip quiver in ecstasy. It was an immaculate experience, leaving Iris Heart with little desire for this to end any time soon.

Every thrust forced another moan from Purple Heart’s lips as her head thrashed from one side to the other. There was no pain in the sudden penetration or fucking. Only raw pleasure. It left her mind spinning as she was fucked into the floor, the feeling of Iris Heart’s fingers sinking into her thighs leaving her feeling like she was becoming a toy for the other CPU. With her lip quivering and nothing keeping her quiet, Purple Heart was left to do nothing but thrash and moan as her body shifted with each thrust.

Almost a minute passed before either of the women realized that Purple Heart’s body was shifting with each thrust, her large and perky breasts bouncing with each one. Neither of them said a word when they realized, knowing that the other woman knew. Iris Heart was quick to bring one of her hands to her friend’s soft mounds. Nothing stopped her from squeezing the soft mound and loving the shameless moan that escaped Purple Heart’s lips. “How’s it feel, Neppy? To be bound and played with like this? It feels wonderful, doesn’t it?” She didn’t give Purple Heart a chance to answer her question, leaning down and stealing another kiss from her lips before she had the chance. “When you’re the one on your back, it doesn’t matter.~”

Hearing those words be whispered against her lips left Purple Heart shivering with anticipation and submission. Right at this very moment, she wanted nothing as much as she wanted Iris Heart to prove herself right. The feeling of being full of cock, on her back, bound, and in the middle of a room that people could walk into left her needy and wanting. “P-Plutie…” She didn’t know what to say as another moan was forced from her lips as another thrust sent pleasure pulsing through her body. This was truly something she didn’t expect to happen, but she was loving every second of it.

“Yes, my dear Neppy? You can tell me what you’d like.~” Keeping her lips against Purple Hearts, Iris Heart was able to feel the quivering of the other CPU’s lower lip. She knew that she wanted something and was going to ask for it. She just didn’t know what that something was.


Harder? That was something that she could do easily. “Of course, Neppy.~” That quiet and seductive purr in her voice was back as she gave Neptune just what she wanted. Picking up the pace of her hips, she was able to feel just how tight that Purple Heart was getting. Able to feel her pussy quiver with each thrust that she made. There was nothing in the world better than getting someone to submit to her and then beg for more. And that was exactly what she had gotten from Neptune. “You’re so cute, Neppy.~”

Neptune’s cheeks darkened at the comment. Though, she couldn’t see or feel anything past Iris Heart’s lips, moaning against them and just wishing that she could get one more kiss. Something wonderful was happening to her as she was ravaged against the floor. Purple Heart didn’t know quite what it was, but she knew it was related to the tight and pleasant feeling in her cunt. She didn’t know if she was going to cum first, or if she was going to break first. Iris Heart didn’t give her the chance to think about it, though, as her lips were captured in another heated kiss. This one, she returned with vigor and excitement compared to the others.

The feeling of Neptune returning the affection she saught brought Iris Heart to new heights of bliss as she continued to hammer away into her cunt. The head of her cock pounded against the entrance to Purple Heart’s womb, leaving them both moaning without shame or knowledge of the world around them. All that mattered was that they were together right here and know, relishing in the feeling of the other’s body. Even as Iris Heart played with the other CPU’s large breasts, she didn’t care about the fact that she could be caught doing it. “Your pussy is wrapping so tight around me, Neppy! Do you like me inside you that much?~”

Unsure of just how to answer that question, Purple Heart said the first thing to slip from her lips. “Y-Yes… Yes… It feels so good to have you inside of me, Sadie.” Her eyes slowly started to flutter shut as she allowed the pleasure that washed over her to start taking control. She felt so full with Iris Heart’s cock inside of her, and it was only made better by the fact that she couldn’t fight back. Though, she didn’t exactly want to as she felt herself approaching her climax with each new thrust into her. “It’s going to make me cum…”

“Oh my. I didn’t think you’d be the one to say it first.~” Plutia watched the realization sink into Neptune’s face. Not only was she getting fucked on the floor of her own living room. Being driven to submission by a woman that she knew would dominate her without a care in the world. She was being fucked into the floor so perfectly that she admitted to wanting to cum first. “Didn’t I tell you? It wouldn’t be rape once I got started.” An elated chuckle rumbled in Iris Heart’s throat as she moved her hand from one breast to the other. She quickly started kneading and playing with the soft mound only to prove her point.

The loud and needy moan that forced itself from Purple Heart’s throat left her eyes wide and surprised, unbelieving of the fact that the lustful sound that filled her ears was her own. That disblief didn’t get to stay in her mind for long, the feeling of Iris Heart’s teeth sinking into her neck forcing another one from her and proving that it was hers. She tilted her head to the side, slowly allowing Plutia more room to bite if she actually wanted to. “C-Come on, Plutia… Don’t… Don’t make me be the only one to cum….”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, Neppy. But you’re already so close. Just hold out a little bit longer.” Iris Heart stopped her thrusting for all of a moment to readjust herself. But that moment was all it took for another whine to spill from Neptune’s lips, telling her just how badly the other CPU wanted this. When she started thrusting again, it was far rougher and faster than she had started with. Every slap of her hips against Purple Heart’s thighs left a potential bruise on her skin, the rapid pace of her thrusts causing both of the women to scream out in sheer ecstasy. It was a miracle that no one had heard them on the floor like this.

But that didn’t stop either of them. Neptune was more than willing to arch her back and hold out for as long as she could until Plutia came. She wanted it, after all. Purple Heart wanted her friend’s seed to fill her womb, to paint her inner walls and to potentially knock her up all in the same moment. It didn’t help that she was able to feel every twitch and throb of Iris Heart’s cock inside of her slick cunt. “I can’t hold on, Plutie! Please! Cum inside me!~”

Iris Heart couldn’t help but drag her tongue along her lips as she heard her friend beg for her seed like that, more than happy to hear such a request from her. Leaning her head back and squeezing down tightly on Purple Heart’s thigh and chest, she let out a shameless and almost desperate sound as she came. Plutia kept her hips moving as she pumped rope after rope of her thick and potent spunk into her friend, loving the way Neptune’s inner walls clamped down around her shaft in the same moment.

The moment she felt that first bit of cum flood into her womb, Purple Heart’s orgasm ripped through her body. Her back arched and her inner walls clamped down around the thick shaft that continued to move inside of her. She adored the feeling of being filled with such potent cum, her pussy almost trying to milk each and every drop out of Iris Heart without mercy. She wanted more. She needed all of it! “Plutie!~”

She continued to thrust as she heard her name called out in sheer ecstasy, loving the way it sounded to hear Purple Heart’s voice quiver in such a way. Even as she just kept cumming, Iris Heart was more than happy with the results of what had just transpired right in the living room. A bright and lustful smile spread across her face as she eventually slowed her hips down to a stop, pulling her thick and throbbing shaft out of Purple Heart’s tight and freshly creampied pussy. “How… How’s it feel, Neppy? To have all of my cum sitting inside of your womb like that?~”

Neptune stayed silent as she felt the other CPU’s hand move from her breast down to her stomach over her womb. A quiet groan left her as she started to quickly despise the empty feeling that sat in her core now that her pussy was void of cock. “S-Shut up, Plutie… I just….” Purple Heart turned her head to the side, almost pressing her cheek against the floor as her blush only got worst by the second. “I just want another kiss…”

“Oh, really? Just one kiss?” Iris Heart smirked as she leaned down and teasingly pressed her still-hard cock against Purple Heart’s asshole. “Well, if all you want is just another kiss, I’d be happy to oblige.~” After a moment of chuckling quietly to herself, she finally pressed her lips against the other woman’s, loving just how eagerly Neptune returned the kiss. “Or do you perhaps want more, but just don’t want to say it?~”

“Could… Could you please…” Purple Heart almost froze as she felt a gentle kiss land on her neck, causing her to shiver and moan quietly. “Could you please… Fuck my ass, Plutie…?”

“Of course! I’d be happy to.~”


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